This star just wants to learn

Chapter 499 Large rollover scene

"Dad, aren't we eating shredded potatoes?"

Ying Xiangyu put her hands on the edge of the table and watched the movements of her father's hands intently. The expression on her little face gradually changed from expectant admiration to confusion and confusion.

If she remembers correctly, those cut into this size should be called potato cubes...

"Ahem, the potatoes here are different from those at home. They are delicious when cut into cubes."

Ying He scratched his head in embarrassment. He was a professional nine-dan chess player. He had defeated many opponents with his right hand, but now he was a little unable to resist this little potato.

How to cut those thin and long shredded potatoes? I obviously had a good plan in my mind, first cut into thin slices and then into shreds, but it was completely different when I started doing it.

Using his sophisticated brain analysis as a professional chess player, he discovered that potatoes are ellipsoid-shaped and inherently very bulky, making it difficult to keep them steady when cutting.

Sword skills cannot be something that can be said to be good at it. Besides practice makes perfect, no matter how smart a person is, he is still an amateur.

"Daddy lied!"

Ying Xiangyu moved away from the table and immediately lost interest in her father's clumsy chopping of vegetables. This was not the case when her mother was cooking at home. Her father was not as good as her mother, and her father was stupid...

"Hey, don't eat it secretly when I'm done." Ying He knew that he was not the material, but as a father, his vanity in front of his daughter did not allow him to admit that he was not good.

I didn’t expect that cooking a meal would be so troublesome.

He sighed and had to turn on his phone and start searching for cooking tips. The program team was going to have a dinner to judge. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the only dish he cooked was unpalatable?

After half an hour, Ying He found that the others were not much different from him. They were burnt, undercooked, had too much salt, and even the scrambled eggs were full of eggshells...

The five fathers of them were originally busy with their careers and did not care about their families. Even if they had free time to stay at home, they would just lie down and rest. How could it be their turn to do things like cooking?

The good news is, no one knows how to cook;

Bad news, what are they eating today?

Originally, they all made an appointment, and when the time came to prepare the meal, they would all have a dinner together to taste each other's delicious food. But now it's a great party.


Several children were still too confident in their fathers. They were so disgusted that they vomited after taking one bite. When they tried other uncles' dishes, they all tasted different in their own way.

"It tastes so bad."

Children would not lie about this kind of thing, so they immediately started complaining regardless of their fathers' face.

Although I usually don’t dare to say that I have good food and good food, I have never had the opportunity to eat such an unpalatable dish, so it is naturally difficult to eat it.

Seeing the resentful and questioning looks on their children's faces, the guests in the dad group felt very heartbroken... For a father, is there anything more harmful than the disgusting looks from his children?

It would be fine if it just shattered their ridiculous self-esteem, but the problem is, both they and the children are actually a little hungry.

After the filming of the show started, the last meal they had was served by the villagers, and today's meal was their first time. Naturally, they were very hungry after working for a long time.

It's okay for the elders like them to go hungry, but they can't watch their children go hungry...

Several celebrity dads looked at each other and had no choice but to cast a look for help at the filming crew.

"Where Are We Going, Dad" is still a reality show after all. Reality shows may not be entirely true, but there must still be some real situations, otherwise what else is there to watch?

The original plan of the show was to let the fathers cook their own meals and have a dinner together. Only the ingredients were provided and no ready-made food was provided. It was also a platform for them to express themselves and an opportunity to draw closer to the parent-child relationship.

But unexpectedly, the five of them knew nothing about cooking, and the program was actually awkward at this point.

The intentions of the fathers were obvious. They hoped that the program team could make an exception and provide some food, otherwise it would be bad for their children to starve.


Several of the show creators following the filming also had a headache, and they all turned their attention to director Xu Lei. It was up to him to decide whether to make an exception or not.

After all, these guests are all well-known figures in various fields. We can't let people really starve on the show, not to mention there are a group of children. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?

But if an exception is made to provide food to the guests, and the eating scene cannot be taken, the authenticity of this program will be lost. Not to mention the first episode is not good, the entire program will be difficult to turn around.

Xu Lei was also in trouble. He stretched out his head and retracted it with a knife. This was really difficult to handle.

He rubbed his brows, but still planned to provide food to the guests. Respecting and treating the guests well was definitely more important than the ratings of a program. This was what Pu Tong told him at the time.

As for how the show will come back, he can only hope for his team's later stage...

"It's so lively."

Just when he was about to entrust the staff to order more lunch boxes, a familiar voice came. Pu Tong and Xie Mu walked from a not far away path one after another and entered everyone's field of vision.

"Brother Pu Tong!"

The cute kids suddenly beamed with joy, as their feelings of hunger and dislike of their father were diluted a lot by his arrival.

"You two are really here..."

Xu Lei had just heard from Lao Yang about Pu Tong and Xie Mu coming to the village to visit relatives, but he didn't expect that such an outrageous thing was true.

"Director Xu, are you eating?" Pu Tong glanced at the celebrity fathers and adorable children sitting around the long table, "Do you mind adding two pairs of chopsticks?"

Yes, they are here to get some rice. They have been in the village for most of the day. Except for a drink of water at Mrs. Xin's house, they have not seen a grain of rice. How can they not be hungry?

With their friendship, a meal is not too much.

"Okay, let's order a lunch box for you two." Xu Lei sighed and was just about to order it, so he just thought it was a coincidence.

"The lunch boxes are too nutritious. This is not readily available..." Pu Tong had just finished speaking, but he suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a little strange.

No, just a meal, even if it is cooked by the guests, there are so many dishes on the table, and he may not be able to finish them all, so there is no need to suddenly stop talking.

"Well, it's a long story."

Xu Lei coughed twice and then gave Pu Tong a brief introduction to the current situation the program team was facing.

In the final analysis, the guests were so good at cooking that even adults and children couldn't eat what they cooked. The program team was either not helping or not, and this led to a deadlock.

As long as one of them can cook, he can handle the situation and get over it. However, none of them can cook, which is really outrageous.

Pu Tong frowned when he heard this. Isn't this a proper large-scale rollover scene?

"The ratings of the show are second to none. If you really provide food to the guests, what is the meaning of this show?"

This program focuses on parent-child interaction, the chemical reaction between children alone and their usually careless father.

This meal in the first issue is also the result of the joint efforts of father and child no matter how simple or even unpalatable the dishes are. There were no delicacies, just the unforgettable meal cooked by my father after the laughter and tears.

He proposed this program, and naturally he didn't want to forget the true core of the program just because of such a trivial matter.

After listening to Pu Tong's remarks, the staff were a little shocked and speechless. They thought that the creator of the show brought Pu Tong's name just because of his sophistication, but now it seems that this guy's understanding of this show is much better than that of Pu Tong. The rest of them are much deeper.

"I didn't think enough about it..."

Xu Lei sighed. He had indeed ignored the meaning of this meal. The children collected the ingredients and the adults cooked the food. It would be inappropriate to deny the meaning of this parent-child collaboration just because it was not delicious.

"Actually, this is not difficult." Pu Tong paused, "Wouldn't it be nice to find someone who can cook to help them complete this meal?"

Although these guests are hungry, they are far from being so hungry that they cannot move. They take it upon themselves to provide enough food and clothing. If a father just compromises when he encounters difficulties, how can he set an example for his children?

"Take them to cook?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Many staff members knew how to do it, but it was inconvenient for them to be in the camera, which would affect the viewing experience.

"How about I find some villagers who know how to cook?"

The staff on the side took the initiative to invite the villagers to have a more rustic atmosphere, which was a good choice.

"It's not necessary to go to such trouble." Pu Tong rolled up his sleeves, "Actually, I also know a little bit about cooking."

To be honest, he was too hungry to wait.

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