This star just wants to learn

Chapter 516 What does it mean to have both arts and sciences?

"Damn, this math test is too difficult. I won't be able to do the seventh multiple-choice question..."

As soon as the math test ended, the whole class fell into a miserable state. Everyone complained and complained about the difficulty of the questions, like a group of hysterical brats in an endless hell.

It's not that they are not good enough, this test paper is really difficult, and it is not at the same level as the questions they usually do.

"I'm going to fail math this time... I'm just going to give in. Is it necessary for him to use such difficult questions in his monthly exam?"

"Rumors, I heard that a student seemed to have stolen the test paper, and the school temporarily replaced it with a spare paper for the sake of fairness in the exam."

"Damn it, you actually stole the test paper, you beast!"

Listening to the endless whining around them, Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan looked at each other, funny but also a little guilty.

After they discovered the plagiarist, they told the teacher about it, which caused a series of subsequent butterfly effects. The exam was replaced with such a difficult backup paper, which was partly their responsibility.

But despite this, they did not regret doing so. They still wanted a more difficult exam than an unfair exam.

Difficulties are difficult for everyone, so everyone can rely on their abilities.

"What do you two look like? Are you so scared by the difficult problem?" Lin Yuxi patted Yu Wanwan's shoulder. She knew that Pu Tong was good at studying, but Wanwan shouldn't be so calm.

"How did you answer?"

"Not very good." Yu Wanwan shook his head. Her academic performance was above average, and she was not good at mathematics. The entire mathematics test paper was full of damage.

If you think about it carefully, you and Pu Tong caused the change in the test questions. As a result, Pu Tong's study was not affected, but he suffered a big loss. Isn't this a kind of shooting himself in the foot?

She smiled lightly but didn't take it to heart and didn't regret her choice.

"I feel like I'm going to fail this time. The big questions are only a graph question and a sequence..."

Lin Yuxi sighed. She was studying well, but this was the first time she failed in the exam.

Yu Wanwan smiled bitterly, not knowing how to explain it to her. If she told them that all this happened because of her, would she snap and break her own neck?

"No, no one really thinks the question is difficult!"

A discordant sarcastic sound came from the side, and it was Iori Yukino who was sitting on her seat spinning the triangle ruler in her hand, leisurely and awkwardly.

"I believe what others say, so just forget it..."

Lin Yuxi rolled her eyes at her, the little girl Sakura was talking about so shamelessly!

Although she is not at the bottom in math, she is definitely not good either. Why should she be sweating when she encounters this kind of paper?

Iori Yukino was unmoved when she heard this. She still had a confident and arrogant smile on her lips, as if she was sure of the exam.

If they hadn't known that Sakura Girl was not that kind of person, Lin Yuxi and Yu Wanwan would have really suspected that she had plagiarized her.

"I understand." Pu Tong paused and explained: "There is not much difference in the difficulty of the questions for her..."

For poor students, both difficulty and simplicity are the same. Anyway, they can’t do it. Just compile it and their grades will be about the same as usual.

Most students mainly rely on basic questions and intermediate questions to get points. If the test questions are too difficult, the advantages of these students will be wiped out immediately.

If the questions are too difficult, many people's scores will drop. This is actually a good thing for those who don't study well, because the gap between them is greatly narrowed.

"Yeah, yeah, I feel like it's no different than usual!" Iori Yukino chuckled, what does the difficulty of the question have to do with her, not to mention that she would do the same if the question was simple.

Now it's okay. The question is too difficult and everyone is on the same level as her. Doesn't she have a chance to turn around?

"Don't open the champagne in advance. If you are unlucky and don't get it right, you will end up at the bottom."

Lin Yuxi shook her head helplessly. The difficult questions could shorten the gap, but it could not erase it. Not surprisingly, the final result was still "highly graded"!

"Impossible, I will definitely not be at the bottom this time..." Iori Yukino crossed her arms and raised her head with a arrogant expression.

Just when several people thought she was going to say something impassioned and confident, Sakura Girl pointed to Xie Mu's empty seat.

"There is someone who dropped out of the exam, how could I be at the bottom?"

Okay, okay, self-positioning is so accurate, right?

They couldn't complain, she called Iori Yukino, what's wrong with letting her order?

"By the way, Pu Xueba, what do you think?"

The words of the scumbag were of little reference value. A few people immediately changed the focus and asked about Pu Tong's answer. When other students heard this, they also gathered around, wanting to hear what the real boss had to say.

"It's really difficult."

Pu Tong nodded. Generally speaking, the spare papers for exams are not used. Teachers will let themselves go and come up with some abstract ones. This time the exam is obviously more difficult than before. Even he found it a bit difficult.

Everyone was relieved when they heard this. Since Pu Tong said so, it seems that the difficulty of the test paper is an objective fact, so there is nothing to worry about.

Then, after the results were announced, they looked at Pu Tong’s 150 points in mathematics and fell into deep thought...

"Didn't you say it was difficult?"

"I said it was difficult, but I didn't say I couldn't do it." Pu Tong scratched his head. This test paper was indeed difficult, but compared to the questions Ding Lingling gave him, it was completely childish.

Everyone was immediately choked by his answer. It was true, but they would never believe Pu Tong in the future. The boat of friendship capsized at every turn, and there was no love at all.

This math test was surprisingly difficult. There were only four students with perfect scores in their entire grade, and Pu Tong was one of them.

After finishing the test paper in class, the mathematics teacher called him to the office. After asking for a photo with Pu Tong, she informed Pu Tong that he went to the laboratory building to report on extracurricular activities.

This mathematics test was obviously a simple assessment. After Pu Tong received the full score, he officially became a member of the mathematics competition team of Huailin No. 1 Middle School.

"Teacher Liu who is in charge of the math competition is a bit strict. Please be careful not to offend him." Teacher Xiao Yang sighed, "I want to come back with good results..."

"Thank you, teacher."

Pu Tong nodded seriously. Those who can enter this circle are all talented bosses. He is just a new kid, so naturally he doesn't dare to be too crazy.

He is also very clear about his position. He is an ordinary student in school, no different from other students.

From now on, he no longer has to study alone with his classmates in the morning and afternoon. For extracurricular activities, he can go directly to the laboratory building.

Pu Tong had actually heard of this team in the school laboratory building before, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. This time he wanted to join it.

When he entered the designated laboratory, several students who were busy working on the problem raised their heads and glanced at him. Although they were a little surprised, the duration of the distraction was very short, and they quickly returned to the problem.

"There's something."

These fierce men obviously knew him, but they didn't show any surprise. Is this the boss?

It seems that if you want to gain their recognition, your false reputation outside is obviously not enough, you have to show your true strength.

"Here he comes."

Just as Pu Tong was stunned, a dull male voice came from behind, and a bald man walked into the laboratory with the smell of cigarette smoke.

Just by looking at his hair, you can tell that this person must have great wisdom.

"Let's do a question when you come."

Teacher Liu glanced at Pu Tong, and immediately walked up to the podium and asked a question. It was a newbie who was new to the class, and it was considered as a way to find out the details.

As this question appeared on the blackboard, other students who were busy working on the problem raised their heads and became somewhat interested.

A perfect score in mathematics. Who here has not received a perfect score in mathematics? They are still a little doubtful about Pu Tong. After all, this guy is so good at writing songs and articles, so he still has the time to spend on mathematics?

Pu Tong glanced at it and saw that he still knew how to answer this question. After being tortured by Ding Lingling for so long, he could now look at ordinary questions with a clear face.

He was also unambiguous and immediately went on stage to write furiously, conquering the others with his extremely pleasing chalk writing and solution process.

There are many mathematical geniuses who call their writing abstract. Compared with them, the word Pu Tong is really deceiving.

Everyone looked at each other. Is there really someone who is proficient in literature and mathematics at the same time, and is so handsome?

What does it mean to have both liberal arts and sciences? This is called liberal arts and sciences.

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