This star just wants to learn

Chapter 641 Takes all the laughs

As soon as I danced, I was startled, as if I were dreaming, and I didn't realize that I was crazy.

By the river, late at night, under the lonely moon, and dancing alone, Lin Yuxi's performance was so beautiful that the audience couldn't get back to their senses for a long time, immersed in the dance and unable to extricate themselves.

The dance is beautiful, and so is the music.

Especially after everyone knows that this piece is also a work by Pu Tong...

This is so surprising. For the opera-style "Ten Years in the World" just now, they can also attribute it to his wide range of interests. After all, the nature of pop songs is very different.

But now this classical piece, which was completely different from just now, was too much for them to believe.

You must know that ancient music follows Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu, rather than the modern popular Doremi Fasuilaxi. If you want to produce real classical music, you must have a very high level of mastery of five-note knowledge. OK.

For today's musicians, this is a completely different knowledge system. Spending time and energy to learn it is somewhat thankless, so there are fewer and fewer high-quality classical repertoires.

But now, Pu Tong, who is only a teenager, has actually done it, and even produced such a beautiful and beautiful song. This is simply shocking.

As the Spring Festival Gala is in full swing, the great masters of the China Folk Art Association have jumped out to give music appreciation.

[I was having New Year’s Eve dinner when I saw this song during the Spring Festival Gala. It was so awesome that I couldn’t help but want to comment on it.

"Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night" is a free variation form, which uses traditional music elements very well and presents the artistic conception of Chinese style music.

Whether as a dance soundtrack or as a stand-alone piece, it's excellent.

The theme melody of riverside and moonlit night is looming in the whole work, which is very consistent with the structure of traditional music. The creation techniques of the work are even forward-looking and creative to a certain extent, exploring a new direction for the creation of ancient music. ]

On a normal day, an authority like this would definitely cause an uproar. After all, the artistic value of an excellent classical piece is much higher than that of a pop song.

However, on New Year's Eve, everyone's focus is destined to be on the Spring Festival Gala, so not many people pay attention to the artistry of this piece.

But this does not mean that this piece of music will be buried. When the Spring Festival Gala is over and people come back to their senses from the celebration of the beginning of the new year, this piece of music will surely return to everyone's eyes...

After dancing, Lin Yuxi did not go backstage, but sat directly in the first row of the auditorium. After all, she was so beautiful tonight that it was eye-catching to be photographed in the front row.

"I'm almost there. I'm almost there."

Iori Yukino rubbed her hands nervously. If this was a matter about herself, she would definitely be indifferent, but with so many audiences looking forward to her performance, she had to show her strength no matter what.

After the host introduced the foreign names of the performers, everyone in front of the screen was confused. When will foreigners be able to attend the Spring Festival Gala? Shouldn't this be a national Chinese gala?

It’s not that they are xenophobic, the main thing is that it’s completely unsuitable for a cat team to invite a rabbit...

Everyone looked at the appearance of the three girls with doubts. Except for Iori Yukino, who looked like an oriental-looking girl, the two blond girls were really a bit of a show off.

The live barrage of people's opinions suddenly stopped, and the list of creators in the lower left corner of the screen successfully attracted their attention.

Pu Tong, and he is Pu Tong.

Counting the ancient song just now, there were already three programs produced by Pu Tong in the one-hour party...

This is only one-sixth of the time, and they can't even imagine what big work and programs are hidden behind it.

Before they could figure it out, Iori Yukino, the leader on the stage, instantly attracted everyone's attention with an extremely standard Chinese rap.

This was not over yet. The three of them suddenly started to make tongue twisters while talking to each other. Although they spoke faster, they could still hear clearly.


Even they couldn't speak this kind of tongue twister so fluently, but the three foreign girls were able to speak it so easily.

When they looked back, they realized that the title of the song, "Chinese Language", seemed to express support and praise for the Chinese language.

The lyrics "The whole world is speaking Chinese" are not groundless. The three foreign artists singing Chinese songs on the stage exactly illustrate this point.

Only then did the audience understand that the reason why three foreigners were chosen for this song was not out of nowhere, but because they had been carefully thought out and allowed to sing, which had the finishing touch.

Pu Tong is not only great at writing songs, but his skill in choosing singers is also outstanding!

"Yukiono has been in China for so long, how do you feel about the Spring Festival?"

The interactive session with Sakura Girl after the program was also planned long ago. Iori Yukino kept talking about eating, and finally wished everyone a good meal and drink in the New Year, focusing on a foodie character throughout.

The host asked her to take a seat in the first row, pointed to the roast chicken on the table, and asked her to take a few bites.

In fact, he was just showing off. After all, the Spring Festival Gala is still being recorded. Who really eats it... Damn it.

You taste so good!

Iori Yukino didn't understand what appearance meant. She only heard the host telling her to eat whatever she wanted. She ate a few dumplings in the evening and sang and danced just now. She was really hungry.

"Want some?" She tore off the big chicken drumstick in her hand and waved it in front of Lin Yuxi's eyes, as if she wanted to share it with her.

Lin Yuxi was stunned. The Spring Festival Gala was on, and she ate as she was told. Where did her idol baggage go?

"Then I'll eat it."

Iori Yukino chuckled, and immediately took a big bite on the chicken leg. Although it was a bit cold, the chicken walked peacefully and tasted quite good.

Little did they know that the brief interaction between her and Lin Yuxi was clearly captured by the photographer. Everyone in front of the TV watched her start eating, and it was really hard to hold back...

The first person to eat and broadcast in the Spring Festival Gala.

Everyone was instantly amused by her true performance. Others wanted to package themselves perfectly when they went to the Spring Festival Gala, but she was lucky and just opened the seal.

"Contracted all the laughter of the Spring Festival Gala till now."

"Isn't this funnier than the skit?"

The skits in the world have been around for a long time. The sketches in recent years have been embarrassing and boring. After a lot of bad jokes, they always like to preach to others. It is really not as funny as Iori Yukino just making fun of them.

At least their smiles come from their hearts, rather than being made laughable by a sketch...

Although the Spring Festival Gala has been ongoing so far, the singing and dancing programs have performed very well, and the program created by Pu Tong is even more remarkable and eye-catching.

But this can't change the fact that tonight's sketch is embarrassing. Other programs cannot make up for the shortcomings of language programs. After all, the shortest board will always determine the capacity of the bucket.

It can only be said that Pu Tong's good programs are out of season. If the sketch programs are better, this year's Spring Festival Gala can become a classic.

"It's about to happen..."

Backstage, Chen Siqing's Tang Luocheng let out a sigh of relief. It was almost time for their skit. Sketch is one of the most error-prone programs, so they had to be nervous.

But the devil has been training for such a long time, and every sentence of this work has been imprinted in their minds.

Pu Tong paused and suddenly smiled: "Siqing, Luo Cheng's parents must be watching in front of the TV; Luo Cheng, Siqing's parents must be watching too..."

As soon as he said these words, the two of them were stunned in sync, and then looked at each other.

Yes, the other parent doesn't know that they are together. Today's Spring Festival Gala may be the first time that uncle and aunt get to know them, so they must leave a good impression!

The two nodded seriously, their eyes suddenly filled with determination.

"It's another sketch, I almost want to quit."

"Looking at the program list, it's two young actors. It looks like they're here to get gold. They're gone."

Originally, they all planned to quit and come back later, but before the skit started, something strange suddenly appeared on the list of creators.

[Screenwriter: Pu Tong]

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