This star just wants to learn

Chapter 837 I’m not targeting anyone

Pu Tong, why is he here?

The seventeen-year-old No. 1 person in the Chinese music scene, the youngest honorary member of the Poetry Association, a well-known screenwriter, poet and composer, and the absolute boss of Kepu Entertainment Company...

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that so many titles could appear on the same person at the same time.

At this moment, this guy with countless titles actually appeared directly in front of everyone. This sudden visit made them confused.

He wasn't even the only one here.

Yu Wanwan, Lin Yuxi, Iori Yukino, and Xie Mu, these people appeared here at the same time, which shocked them too much.

Any one of them would be top-notch, let alone appear together?

All the media people looked at each other. Weren't they interviewing the top scorer in the college entrance examination at the High School Affiliated to the Normal University? Why did they suddenly show up?

For these low-level media people, where have they seen such a battle? Pu Tong also said just now that Ding Lingling is their friend...

Several people racked their brains and couldn't figure it out. Did Pu Tong have such a wide circle of friends? He was also friends with the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and he was invincible.

How they became friends is not important. What is important is that Pu Tong and the others are obviously unhappy now.

Ding Lingling was being made difficult by reporters just now. They all saw it and couldn't stand it any longer, so they came out to rescue him.

Pu Tong also didn't expect that today's reporters can be so unrestrained, even asking questions about the household affairs of the person concerned, even for the sake of traffic.

The significance of interviewing the top candidates in the college entrance examination is to set an example so that more people can learn from them and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning.

This group of reporters clearly exceeded the rules by asking this question.

The leading female reporter looked at the five people in front of her and swallowed subconsciously. She really couldn't figure out how she could offend these giant Buddhas when she was just interviewing an ordinary person.

Not to mention Pu Tong, any one of these people would be enough for her to eat a pot.

Let's go, or...

This idea was instantly extinguished as soon as it popped up in her mind. For a media person, mediocrity means waiting to die. This opportunity is hard-won. How can you give up just like that?

I originally thought that Ding Lingling was just a top student with a lot of stories, but now it seems that if he can become friends with Pu Tong, this guy must have a bigger secret.

If I can dig out this secret, and with the popularity of Pu Tong and others, I will definitely be able to come up with a hot news. Making headlines and getting rich is not a dream!

"I don't mean to disturb classmate Ling Ling. I just want to represent some students who have reorganized their families and ask about their life and study experiences and how to build their hearts."

The female reporter thought about it for a while and decided to take the risk. She must not return from today's interview empty-handed, otherwise such a good opportunity would be wasted.

You must know that Pu Tong is a real traffic king. As long as something can be related to him, the popularity will never be low.

If I could meet him, wouldn't I have wasted such a good opportunity if I didn't continue?

"In a reorganized family, it is easy for children to become tired of studying and hate the family, leading to skipping classes, rebellion, etc. These are all normal phenomena."

"As a member of a reorganized family, classmate Ling Ling has achieved such excellent results. She must have some experience to share with more children who are stuck in the quagmire, right?"

Pu Tong frowned when he heard this. He was morally kidnapped, right? She had already said all the good things. If she didn't say a few words, wouldn't it mean that Ding Lingling had no idea and was unwilling to share?

But they all know that Ling Ling is indeed not a reorganized family. She really can't say anything, and it's easy to get caught in logical loopholes.

"I have a question."

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, Iori Yukino on the side whispered: "Auntie, why are you representing the reorganization of the family? Have your parents also broken up?"


Iori Yukino's words were astonishing and made the others laugh. This Sakura girl's focus was so strange. How could she catch such details?

"Ahem, my parents are not divorced. They have a happy marriage."

The female reporter looked embarrassed. Her parents were sitting at home and came from the sky.

"There is no divorce, so how can you represent the children of the reorganized family?" Iori Yukino scratched her head in confusion. She looked at Pu Tong and the others, as if she wanted to draw a conclusion from them.

"Are Auntie's parents gone?"

What words, what words is this.

The female reporter was about to faint with anger on the spot. She wanted to get angry, but Iori Yukino looked at a loss, as if she didn't understand anything at all.

When others say this, it is definitely a provocation to find trouble, but Sakura Girl is not good at Chinese. What if she really doesn't understand?

Pu Tong and others suppressed their laughter and secretly gave Iori Yukino a thumbs up.

"My parents are still alive..." The female reporter wiped the sweat from her palms and gritted her teeth and continued: "I really can't represent the children of reorganized families. I just want to help them ask. Isn't this also okay?"

Several people heard it, and the female reporter's tone became much tougher. It seemed that her guard was broken by Iori Yukino's two words.

She was anxious.

"Of course, it's up to you how you want to ask, but as an interviewee, it's your right to refuse to answer."

Pu Tong silently took a step forward and glanced at his mother with a smile on her face from a distance.

"My mother is also a journalist. I asked her before, why do people have a certain dislike for the journalist industry?"

"She told me that rules are very important. The rules are to understand the beauty of adulthood, speak nice words, stay away from negative energy, and don't expose other people's shortcomings. It always offends people and naturally makes people annoying."

"Excuse me, are you following the rules?"

No one expected that Pu Tong would choose to be direct. He usually looks calm and composed, but he would actually have such a side?

The female reporter subconsciously stepped back. Pu Tong's pressure was too strong. She shrank her neck and had no idea how to answer.

"Taking quotes out of context, leading questions, asking divisive questions, asking questions that are longer than the answers, asking and answering one's own questions, amusing oneself, being serious and not daring to ask, flattering people asking endless questions in circles, this kind of Who is not annoyed by journalists?”

Pu Tong raised his head and glanced at all the media people watching beside him, "I'm not targeting anyone, I'm talking about everyone here, one by one, do you abide by the rules?"

His character is indeed indifferent to Buddhism, and he rarely cares about other things, but he has a bottom line, and that is the matter of his friends.

A group of reporters looked embarrassed and were directly pointed at and scolded. This was the first time, but they did not dare to talk back. Although Pu Tong's scolding was unpleasant, it was correct.

It is precisely because they are involved that they know the darkness inside the media industry.

They really will do anything for the sake of popularity.

"Still watching?"

Pu Tong emphasized his tone, and the female reporter shuddered and immediately ran away with her equipment.

When he turned around, all the reporters present had run away.

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