This star just wants to learn

Chapter 846 You Are the One

Pu Tong spent ten minutes to understand the cause and effect of this matter...

"Let the world know each other, let cultures be compatible" is the theme of this international art exchange expo. In the final analysis, it is still a cultural exchange activity between countries.

Therefore, this expo, also called the International Cultural Exchange Festival, invited people who have made outstanding contributions in the cultural field of various countries to participate.

For example, Lin Lan, who has been on the Golden Stage and ranked among the top ten dancers in the world, is on the invitation list.

It is worth mentioning that the theme of the conference uses "容" instead of "融". The cultures of countries and nations are different. The so-called integration is inevitably a bit difficult. Only by mutual tolerance can we work together.

In fact, if it is a domestic cultural exchange festival, if Lin Lan and others are invited, they will most likely refuse because of physical inconvenience, but if it is a foreign cultural exchange, they must go.

Is this their worship of foreign things? Of course not. Representing their own culture in international exchange activities is the real way to bring excellent culture out.

Only by participating in them can the excellent cultural and literary works of China be displayed. This is a responsibility and their long-cherished wish.

This year's cultural exchange festival was held in Sakura. Both the atmosphere and the pomp were the largest in recent years. It is undoubtedly a good opportunity to bring Chinese culture to the world stage.

Cultural export, this matter can be big or small, which is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cultural Bureau were alarmed at the same time.

"This matter is indeed important."

To be honest, Pu Tong was a little excited when he heard it. Exporting our culture to every corner of the world, when the Chinese culture is mentioned, the words "Heavenly Kingdom" will pop up in the minds of international friends. This is really exciting.

At this time, from a macro perspective, cultural export, such soft power, cannot be eaten, cannot block bullets, and cannot make money. Why should it be developed?

Successful cultural export can enhance the image of the country and strengthen the world's recognition of it. Cultural export at the personal level is actually reputation...

These days, playing a game also requires a reputation system. If the reputation is not enough, no matter how high the combat power is, it is the same. Our technology, economy, and military strength are already quite top-notch. The only weakness is cultural soft power.

Cultural output is imminent, which is why the authorities attach so much importance to cultural exchange activities...

If you perform well at the Expo, it is easy to display excellent culture and get widespread attention.

"I understand the reason, but why me?"

Pu Tong paused. Every nation and country has its own brilliant civilization, but the Expo only lasts a few days, and it is obviously impossible to show them all.

At this time, a speaker is needed. In a few minutes of short speech, he can successfully introduce the excellent culture and literary works of his country to attract more interest from the audience.

This job is not difficult. After all, if Pu Tong remembers correctly, Ding Zhen has been the proclamation person of the United Nations. It is not difficult to read from the manuscript, but how to do it well.

It can be said that the speaker is the most important part of the entire cultural exchange festival. Only if he performs well can the excellent culture of the country be better discovered.

Is this important task going to fall on me?

"Why you?" Wei Mingfeng seemed to have heard something funny when he heard this. "Is there a possibility that this person can only be you!"

Since it is an international exchange festival, if you want to show the best cultural and artistic works of your country, then you naturally have to choose the best one.

In today's country, who else can be called "the best" except him?

Whether it is a song that goes viral all over the world, or taking over as the new No. 1 in the Chinese music scene, all of these mean that only he is the most suitable and only he can do it!

"This matter must be you!"

Pu Tong pursed his lips. If you say so, it seems that no one is more suitable than him...

When being a speaker, you still need to have a certain mental outlook. As a speaker who introduces national culture, your appearance should not be ignored.

Pu Tong is young, sunny and handsome, with a very good mental outlook. He is pleasing to the eye wherever he stands. Even if he doesn't speak, he is a great country. Who else should I choose if not him?

When giving a speech at an international event, there is a high probability of certain emergencies, and the speaker must be prepared to respond to them. Therefore, the speaker must be smart and quick-witted.

Pu Tong is such a clever person. Even many senior figures with rich experience are impressed by his way of handling many things.

A speech is to introduce the culture of excellent literary and artistic works of one's own country, which requires a huge reserve of knowledge and a certain amount of talent.

And Pu Tong, who can write poetry and articles, is a real academic master, and has a lot of knowledge about traditional culture. Who else can we choose if not him?

The International Cultural Exchange Festival will naturally be a grand event that attracts worldwide attention, and the speaker will be seen by everyone. If this speaker has a very popular international status, will his country's attention be higher?

Coincidentally, it is still Pu Tong. Only his works have appeared on the world stage in China, and only he has influence on the international stage.

No matter which point or point, Pu Tong is undoubtedly the best choice, and only he can attend as the face of the country!

"The Expo is counting down, don't think too long." Wei Mingfeng reminded.

Based on his understanding of Pu Tong, he would not rush to make a decision on such a matter, and would consider it carefully before making a plan.

"No need to think about it." Pu Tong paused, "I'll go."

Wei Mingfeng on the opposite side was shocked. He didn't expect Pu Tong to refuse to make a good decision this time. He hesitated. Has this kid changed his personality?

In fact, Pu Tong still considered it seriously, but there is really no need to hesitate about this kind of thing.

Winning glory for the country is definitely the highest honor engraved in everyone's heart. Even if they are playing games or typing on the keyboard, they will definitely not refuse such an opportunity.

Now this opportunity is right in front of him. If he hesitates for a second, it will be disrespectful to himself.

Not to mention, Yu Wanwan, Lin Yuxi, and Iori Yukino will all go. Although it is a coincidence, the friends have already gone, so why not go?

"I've been waiting for you to say this!"

Wei Mingfeng clapped his hands. When he hung up the phone, he almost jumped up. With Pu Tong joining, this cherry blossom trip will definitely be promising.

Pu Tong held the phone in front of his chest and felt his heart beating violently. He was passionate about his youth without hesitation, but he was cautious because of his experience of living a new life.

It is these two personalities that make up what he is now, and neither of them can be missing.

Now that the meeting is just around the corner, he must consider whether this will be his only chance in this life. It is our duty to restore the glory of China!

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