This star just wants to learn

Chapter 854: Good picture, Korean

"That's it?"

Pu Tong took the speech from Han Lin. He really didn't expect that on such an important international occasion, the speech given to him only had a few hundred words...

These days, writing a composition requires a thousand words. How many minutes can I read on this small piece of paper?

"How much longer do you want?"

Han Lin looked at him with a smile on her face. Because this was an international occasion, the speech could only be less but not more. There were so many countries at the event. If everyone talked about it for a long time, it would be a waste of time.

"That's enough, that's good."

Pu Tong scratched his head. The short text would be just right so that he could memorize it easily.

In international situations, many people will take the speech and read it directly. This is actually okay and everyone is used to it.

It's just that the sentence-lowering style of reading really affects the perception and makes the listener psychologically feel that the speaker lacks sincerity.

He is young and has a good memory, so he will definitely appear more sincere if he can memorize it. This thing is quite easy to memorize, and none of the texts are long...

Pu Tong read the speech for a long time, but found that Han Lin had no intention of leaving. She just watched with a smile and did not take the initiative to speak.

"What other instructions does Director Han have?"

"There are indeed one or two sentences..." Han Lin paused, "But I feel there is no need to tell you. If I talk too much, it will be difficult for you to handle."


Let's just go fishing, right?

"You tell me, it's enough for me to make my own judgment."

Pu Tong put the speech aside. He had a feeling that what Han Lin was going to say next should be related to his speech.

This matter was of great importance, and even if Han Lin felt there was no need to talk about it, he would take the initiative to ask.

"Under normal circumstances, you only need to read according to the script and briefly introduce the country's excellent traditional culture and literary and artistic works."

"What about special circumstances?"

Pu Tong narrowed his eyes. Since she said "general situation", it means that this special situation actually exists.

"After all, this is an international event, and you may encounter provocations from other countries..." Han Lin paused, seemingly observing Pu Tong's expression. After seeing that his expression was normal, she continued to add.

"Culture is a country's soft power. Although there will not be tit-for-tat confrontation, there may also be secret competition between countries, where countries test each other and ridicule each other."

Pu Tong frowned, what he said was true. He had often seen this kind of thing while watching videos in the past. Representatives from the two countries started fighting at the international conference.

"This expo will be broadcast live online. If a similar situation does occur, the global audience will see it. If you suffer a hidden loss, it will be easy to criticize others in public opinion."

This is why they also bring Chen Ying, a big journalist, with them when they go on missions. In international activities, public opinion is also an aspect that cannot be ignored.

"If our country is slandered by other countries during a speech, do you know what to do?"

Han Lin looked at Pu Tong seriously. She wanted to know what kind of answer the speaker they promoted, a young man who represented the image of the country, would give.

The slander during the speech session will definitely not be by name. Most of the slander will be shady and mean-spirited.

The probability of this happening is not high, but it is still possible... If there are speakers from other countries mirroring them, what should I do?

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"


This sentence shocked Han Lin. She wanted to see if Pu Tong had a patriotic heart, but she didn't expect that his heart was so pure.

It wouldn’t be a big deal to do it directly at the meeting site...

"A good one will be killed no matter how far away he is!"

A slightly excited middle-aged male voice sounded from outside the door. Director Tang of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pushed open the ajar door and patted Pu Tong on the shoulder.

What a good boy, he just wanted to see how the work of the Cultural Affairs Bureau was going, but he didn't expect to hear this sonorous and powerful answer as soon as he arrived at the door.

"It doesn't matter who they are or what country they are, as long as they slander us, we will just go back!"

Han Lin on the side was dumbfounded. She originally wanted to teach Pu Tong how to resolve difficulties with high emotional intelligence, but who knew that Director Tang suddenly barged in and directly taught Pu Tong head-on.

Most diplomats have bad tempers. You can insult me, but if you insult my country, I will fight you tooth and nail!

What's even more frightening is that they are not only reckless men, but also very smart men. They are all-inclusive in their quarrels, and it's nothing more than a master's game.

"Director Tang, this..."

Han Lin was still a little worried about the negative impact on public opinion caused by a head-on confrontation. After all, they were a huge country. If they fought back directly, they would easily fall into the disadvantage of public opinion.

Many spokespersons may have realized this and wanted to make them angry, thereby seizing the loopholes in public opinion.

"What's this?"

Tang Zelong frowned, "There is no need to tolerate this kind of thing. National honor is above all else. Pu Tong, you don't have to worry. If you encounter this kind of situation, just go back and fight!"

Pu Tong nodded as if he understood.

He suddenly understood the reason why Han Lin was hesitant to speak. After all, he was specially invited here. This kind of thing was an extra task and the risk was very high. She was too embarrassed to speak.

But Tang Zelong's words undoubtedly gave Pu Tong a certain amount of confidence. He could just fight back if he had anything to say. What happened to public opinion? How could he endure being angry?

While the three of them were talking, another person came outside the room, looking obviously in a hurry.

"Director Tang, Director Han, something happened!"

The three of them looked at each other in bewilderment. The event hadn't even started yet, so how could something go wrong?

"When we were setting up the exhibition at the event, we saw the exhibition of Goryeo next door, and saw... Feng Shui, embroidery, abacus and rice paper."


Pu Tong couldn't help but swear. How come the Koreans in the parallel world also love to steal, and stole the traditional culture again?

Tang Zelong and Han Lin on the side also frowned. If the display content of the cultural festival conflicts, it will be difficult to deal with...

It's okay to steal, but it's also openly displayed at the cultural festival, which is a bit shameless.

If you have a little ability, would you steal? Just rob it!

You can't make Chinese characters by yourself, and you can't completely get rid of Chinese characters. I invented Chinese characters.

You can't make Hanfu by yourself, but you like the beauty of Hanfu. I invented Hanfu.

You don't have much culture, but you want the face of a cultural power, and the great men in history are from Goryeo.

Goryeo not only steals things from China, but also dares to steal anything from China. They can't make sushi by themselves, but they like the taste of sushi, and then I invented sushi.

In summary, people are greedy, timid, and face-saving. This is a super combination of inferiority and arrogance.

Pu Tong couldn't help but think of the popular Internet meme, "Good picture, Korean!"

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