This star just wants to learn

Chapter 863 I come, I see, I conquer

The little episode just now did not affect the performance of others. They took turns to go on stage and introduce the excellent cultural works of their hometowns.

But after speaking, they would also glance at the silent young man opposite, trying to see something from his frowning brows.

He was under a lot of pressure...

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that America was going to suppress Pu Tong's arrogance today. After all, this guy is now the number one in the Chinese music scene.

He is the future of the Chinese music scene.

Today, they dug this pit, not only to make Hua suffer in international occasions, but also to take Pu Tong, the speaker, into account.

This is a global live broadcast. No matter what he does now, whether he advances or retreats, he will be affected by public opinion worldwide. If there are too many negative impressions, it will be difficult for him to become an international artist in the future.

Even if he says the wrong thing or does the wrong thing directly because of emotional problems, he will completely bid farewell to the public's view...

Pressing Pu Tong down means limiting the future of the Chinese music scene.

The English representative who was giving a speech on the stage looked down at Pu Tong and silently wished him good luck in his heart...

Although their country also uses English, they did not feel that Pu Tong's song threatened their status. Art knows no borders, and they like Pu Tong's song.

Not everyone is jealous of others!

After the English representative's speech, the red flag replaced the Union Jack on the screen, which also meant that the next person to go on stage was Pu Tong...

But at this time, he should have stood up and went on stage, but he did not move at this time. He seemed to be a little stunned and did not notice this scene.

Is he scared?

The representatives of various countries sighed, and did not think that there was anything wrong with Pu Tong's behavior. If they were in this situation, they would not know what to do, let alone a teenager.

It is too unfair to let a child bear such a heavy burden.

"Pu Tong? Pu Tong?"

Tang Zelong patted his shoulder, worried that Pu Tong would fail at this time.

He was not afraid that Pu Tong would delay things, but if he showed problems in such an occasion, it would be an irreparable mistake for him.

Pu Tong was still young, and he was worried that he would ruin his future... Even if he had to recite the script, this task had to be completed, otherwise he would not be able to save himself.

"Oh, oh, oh."

Pu Tong came back to his senses and realized that it was his turn to go on stage. He quickly got up and left the seat, and walked onto the podium silently.

In the eyes of others, his behavior was obviously a bit flustered, and it seemed that he was frightened by the change just now.

The representative of the United States not far away immediately raised the corners of his mouth without concealing it. At this point, their plan had succeeded. Pu Tong's heart had been broken and he would not pose a threat in the future.

Even Ji Shutong, who knew Pu Tong best in the field, frowned. If this guy made a fool of himself on the stage, the situation would be serious...

Of course, Pu Tong was not scared. He was just reminiscing and too involved, so he did not react in time.

He was indeed nervous, but the more nervous he was, the more he could not make mistakes in this link.

As for what he was recalling, Pu Tong was just thinking about what he should say after he went on stage. Yes, he planned to speak without a script.

The previously arranged speech could not deal with the current gaffe. If he continued to introduce the country's cultural works, it would be counterproductive.

It was difficult to attract foreign netizens who were eating melons. Now the first thing to do was to break the situation, fight back, and show an attitude. The honor of the country should not be violated.

He also thought that if he spoke without a script, it would mean that he would have to bear the consequences alone, but the provocation of other countries was in front of them. They were already in a disadvantageous position in public opinion. His speech was the last chance...

Pu Tong had and could only have one choice, that was to be tough and let everyone know that they were not easy to mess with.

After he went on stage, he bowed politely first, and then stood still. Everyone felt that the young man on the podium was so dazzling, and his spirit was different in an instant.

"There is an old saying in our country, gentlemen are harmonious but different, while villains are the same but not harmonious."

"English is a beautiful language and an excellent art. When used in music, English is more free and more suitable for international integration, so I wrote an English song."

Pu Tong's words resonated with everyone in the audience, because his words were sincere and gave enough face to English-using countries.

"But although I also write songs in English, this song is different from foreign English songs. It has the unique humanistic care and core of our country. Although the same language is used, it does not conflict."

"This is harmony but difference."

The representative of Orlos nodded. In fact, this principle is really simple. Writing English songs is not a big deal. It's just that people with ulterior motives have tied the two things together.

What Pu Tong has to do now is to distinguish these two things again.

"The behavior of Goryeo is different. The paintings, embroidery and abacus they displayed are all traditional Chinese culture. This can be found in historical documents and is also recorded in books."

"But they do not admit this, but directly take other people's culture as their own. I believe everyone has a deep understanding of this."

"It is obvious that they copied other people's culture, but they refused to admit it. This is the same but not harmonious."

Offstage, Tang Zelong and his group listened with their eyes shining. Gentlemen are harmonious but different, while villains are the same but not harmonious. This sentence is so good. It not only distinguishes these two behaviors, but also directly gives them attributes. It is just short of slapping the other party in the face for being a villain.

Pu Tong's statement is very clever, and everyone present can understand it, which soon makes them realize the core of the problem.

And it is a fact that the Koreans like to steal culture. They really understand the point that Pu Tong emphasized.

The Goryeo representative had a dark face and began to mutter all kinds of Western Pakistani words... They cast their eyes on the United States, expecting the big brother to stand up and speak for them.

But the representative of the United States naturally knew to stop the loss in time, and the chess piece should be abandoned!

The cruelest thing for the lackeys is not to defeat them, but to be abandoned, so that they realize their own situation.

Pu Tong's explanation is very accurate, and this ancient Chinese saying is also remembered by everyone. Just when they thought that Pu Tong's speech was about to end, Pu Tong did not mean to stop.

"Language is the product of communication, so works created in different languages ​​should also be the product of friendly communication, not a tool for personal use, let alone a weapon to attack others."

"For example, I sing a line of English song, a line of Japanese song, Korean song and French song here, just for cultural exchange, not to attack people with ulterior motives."

Pu Tong's words without warning shocked everyone. What is this kid going to do?

Just now was just an explanation. Now is the real counterattack. If you want foreign audiences to truly recognize their culture, you have to give them some musical shock.

When entering the venue, Pu Tong was thinking that he didn't understand the languages ​​of various countries, but he happened to have heard a lot of foreign songs, and he didn't need to remember them all. One line from each country was enough.

He put his hands on the podium and stood on the stage looking around at everyone.

"Veni vidi vici."

I come, I see, I conquer. (End of this chapter)

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