"This guy is messing around again..."

Although school has not officially started yet, Pu Tong, as a student representative, delivered a speech at the military training event for freshmen, and Yu Wanwan and others naturally came to watch the show.

Not only because of Pu Tong, they also want to witness Ran Ran officially become a member of their high school.

However, the place where they were hiding was very hidden. Other freshmen might not be able to see them, otherwise they would be in big trouble if they disrupted the military training performance.

"I knew your husband would do some fancy things."

Iori Yukino yawned, and she could only say that she was indeed Pu Tong. Being a student representative requires a little improvisation when giving a speech...

"Why is it just my husband?"

Yu Wanwan was stunned when she heard this. Although she didn't dislike the statement, she was still young, how could she have sex with her husband directly?

"If you don't want it, forget it."

Iori Yukino originally wanted to add, "You don't want to give it to me," but in the end she made it a point to say that it was better not to say this.

Yu Wanwan pursed his lips, feeling awkward if he didn't admit it, but embarrassed to admit it, so he was embarrassed on the spot.

"Don't make any noise."

Lin Yuxi, who had been silent for a long time, interrupted the discussion between the two and said seriously: "I'm quite curious about Pu Tong's past stories."

Pu Tong only came to prominence after meeting them. In fact, they had no idea about the Pu Tong in the past.

Even though they have a close relationship with Pu Tong now, they still have no knowledge of his past. They can only judge from Pu Tong's words that he used to be an independent and upward person, but not a happy person.

Sometimes they would also think about how Pu Tong could have experienced so much at such a young age, but after thinking about it, they still unanimously did not think deeply about it.

Actually, it's not important.

If Pu Tong takes the initiative to tell them one day, they will be very happy. If he doesn't take the initiative to mention it, they won't think there is anything wrong. Everyone has their own secrets, right?

"There were always a lot of exams in high school. For me who had poor grades at the time, it was a nightmare."

Pu Tong on the stage began to tell. Because the audience were all freshmen, he used learning as a breakthrough in the story.

The school was actually very happy about Pu Tong's temporary change of position. If they read according to the script, they could only use this video as a promotion, but the effect would be limited.

But if Pu Tong could say something new in his speech, it would definitely cause an uproar. When Pu Tong started telling stories about his former poor students, all the teachers pricked up their ears unconsciously.

How did this guy do it, and start to transform in just one semester?

"After taking the test, hand in the test paper, go back to your classroom, or go to the toilet first. No matter where you go, you can always hear people discussing the test paper. They say which question is easy, which question is difficult, and what is the answer to which question? . Then you will find that you did something wrong here and you did something wrong there.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, never expecting that Pu Tong had once worried about the gains and losses of an exam just like all of them.

"One night last winter, I woke up in the middle of the night. There were still many lights on in the residential building opposite. There was a lot of wind outside the window. The street lights downstairs reflected the shadows of the leaves, flickering in and out, which was a bit scary."

"I know there must be a student there who is struggling like me."

Such a situation suddenly appeared in everyone's mind. The frustrated young man looked at the lights outside the window and became sublime for a moment.

"They, perhaps like me at the time, were looking out the window and dreaming about the future countless times."

"The light opposite looked warm, but my hands and feet were cold, and the questions on the paper were deserted and seemed impersonal. At that time, I really wanted to run outside. I wanted to go out in the dark. I shouted, I want to run on the road."

"I feel bad, I'm pessimistic, and I'm powerless. I have a lot of things I want to do, and I have a lot of novel ideas, but I can't figure out... why it's so difficult, why my grades can't improve, why some people are born so smart ?”

Pu Tong's series of monologues shocked everyone. Yes, they have also thought about these questions, and they have helplessly shouted about their ordinaryness and ordinaryness.

But after shouting, their lives did not change much.

"You said: When you were a child, you wanted to be a top-notch person, just like those successful people in the textbooks. When you were a teenager, you thought it would be good to be rich. When you were a young man, it felt great to be a high-paying person. When you are middle-aged, , can’t afford to eat, but find that if you can actually feed yourself and support yourself, you can be satisfied.”

"I won't let my dreams shrink with age."

"The world is too big, and we are all small people... But I will work hard! I will keep working hard!"

In fact, these are not stories about Pu Tong before he became famous, but stories about him in the previous world.

At that time, he could only stare at the night sky in a daze and lament at the lights. He accepted his own ordinaryness but never gave up.

He knew that he had lost the chance to become a star, and he knew that he had spent his most precious youth, but he still never gave up.

He would wake up early in the morning to practice his voice and guitar, and never stopped practicing his basic skills. He would listen to a lot of songs and imagine that one day he would sing on stage.

If he had given up at that time, without any struggle or effort, even if he came here, he would not have remembered so many songs, nor would he have the ability to sing them.

Pu Tong now has the singing skills and strength of a king. Only he knows that these are not gifts from fate, but he has never thought of giving up in the countless days and nights in the past.

Everyone was stunned by Pu Tong's words. They never thought that this guy with unlimited glory would also have a bleak past.

Who else in this world can succeed easily?

Yu Wanwan in the audience had unconsciously clenched her fists. They didn't know what Pu Tong had experienced in the past, but they could feel that this guy had never given up.

It was just a coincidence that he plucked Yu Wanwan's strings, but he didn't know how many sleepless nights he had spent waiting for this coincidence.

Fortunately, Pu Tong waited for this opportunity and also waited for these people who loved him.

"Finally, I want to say something to everyone..."

"When you are memorizing words, Alaskan cod are jumping out of the water. When you are doing math, seagulls in the Pacific are leaping over the city. The gorgeous aurora in the night sky of Northern Europe is colorful. When you are working hard silently, the things you thought you would never see in your life and the people you would never meet are coming towards you."

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