This star just wants to learn

Chapter 894 Countdown

"It's so hot, why is it so hot?"

On the first day of school, Pu Tong and his friends were dizzy from the heat. In fact, the weather was not too hot, but because starting from this semester, they lived on the fifth floor...

The higher the floor, the hotter it is, this is common sense.

Now they are on the highest floor of Huailin No. 1 Middle School, which is definitely hotter than other corners of the school.

"No prize guessing, why is it hotter on the higher floor?"

Pu Tong lifted his bangs and fanned himself with the notebook in his hand. This kind of small problem in life has a certain relationship with physics, so he doesn't mind testing them.

Starting from this semester, everyone is a senior high school student, it's impossible that they don't even know about this kind of thing, right?

"It should be related to air pressure. As the height of the floor increases, the air pressure decreases and the temperature rises."

Lin Yuxi has a good foundation and quickly thought of the knowledge she learned in the physics book. As for why the change in air pressure causes the change in temperature, she doesn't know, as long as she knows it...

Pu Tong nodded and then looked at Yu Wanwan. The relationship between the floor and the temperature is more than that. His girlfriend has worked hard for so long, she can always say something different.

"More sun exposure... The higher floors receive more sunlight than the lower floors. In the morning and evening, the sun shines on the wall more, and the wall is heated and dissipates the heat into the house."

To be honest, the reason she said is more like a math problem. The higher parts of the building are more likely to be exposed to the sun, so it is reasonable that it is hotter.

There is something!

In fact, he also knows that his group of friends are not stupid. How can they be stupid if they can make a good living in the entertainment industry?

But the reason why their academic performance is not ideal is just because they have not mastered the key to learning.

They have not developed a systematic thinking mode, and they only want to use their cleverness to solve problems, which is obviously not enough.

"Teacher Pu Tong, can I ask a question?"

Iori Yukino, who was standing next to him, suddenly spoke up, as if she was going to ask a very valuable question. Pu Tong couldn't believe his ears. This guy could actually ask him questions while studying?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Why don't you install air conditioners in the classroom?"

Iori Yukino collapsed on the table, like a pool of mud melted by the sun, completely lifeless.

How can she live in such a hot day?

Although it was hot in the first and second year of high school in the past two years, the floor was low, and it was cool to open the window and occasionally have a few breezes. How could it be as painful as it is now?

This really stumped Pu Tong. He had only heard that many university dormitories had air conditioners, but he didn't seem to have heard of many high school classrooms with air conditioners.

Perhaps the high cost can be used as an excuse, but many famous schools, including popular high schools, do not have air conditioners, so it should not be because of insufficient money.

Pu Tong paused, "Maybe they are worried about the big temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. High school students play crazy after school. If they play outside and sweat and go back to the classroom to use the air conditioner, they will easily catch a cold."

He could only think of this possibility. It can't be that the school is simply stingy...

"This is intolerable, what is intolerable? You, Pu Tong, have made so many contributions to the school. Not only has it expanded the influence of our school, but it has also increased the school's enrollment rate. They are unwilling to install an air conditioner in your classroom?"

Iori Yukino grumbled for a long time. Of course, she was not speaking up for Pu Tong, but she really wanted to use the air conditioner herself... But the two are not contradictory.

"Forget it then."

Pu Tong didn't want any special treatment. Even if there was, it had to be earned through his own efforts, baby, not because of his identity or because of his contributions in other fields.

No matter what his identity was in other occasions, in school, he was just an ordinary student, no different from anyone else in the school.

Only installing air conditioners in their classrooms, wouldn't that be bias written directly on their faces?

Let it be hot, at least the mind is calm.

"Look at Xie Mu, he can study seriously even in such hot weather, instead of nagging like you guys."

The three girls looked back and noticed Xie Mu who was concentrating on doing the test paper. His test paper was full of writing, not just the answers, but also how to do each question, what method he used, and where the key parts were. It looked quite neat and clear.

"Ling Ling told me that learning should know the reason, not just to do the questions. If you don't understand it fundamentally, you still won't be able to do it in the future."

Yu Wanwan was stunned when she heard this, as if she was touched by this sentence. Many times she learned a question. It was just that question. The next time she encountered a question with some minor adjustments, she would still be stuck for a long time.

In the final analysis, he still didn't understand the principle of the question fundamentally. He just knew how to do it, but didn't really understand it.

"Thank Sister Lingling for me!"

She nodded seriously and immediately found a set of questions. This time, she would do it in this way with her own annotations and would not stop until she understood every question thoroughly.

In Pu Tong's eyes, this was actually a stupid method. In fact, she already knew many relatively simple questions. Writing them again was nothing more than a waste of time and had little effect.

Although this method has disadvantages, its advantages are also obvious. It will give you a deeper understanding of each question and make it easier to fully understand these things.

Perhaps Yu Wanwan is more suitable for this method. If she doesn't make much progress by then, it won't be too late for me to help select questions.

In the corner of the back blackboard, the more than 200-day countdown to the college entrance examination is extremely conspicuous. Perhaps in order to make everyone pay attention, the head teacher deliberately used red chalk...

If you calculate carefully, they are less than a year away from the college entrance examination, and things like early results cannot be done overnight.

There are really not many opportunities left for them!

Especially for Yu Wanwan and others who still need to prepare for the art exam, every day they have less learning opportunities, if they don't work harder, they will really be illiterate in the future.

"What do you think?"

Pu Tong looked at Iori Yukino, "You don't say anything when you see the countdown to the college entrance examination?"

He still wants to launch a special attack on the Sakura girl to "persuade her to study". Even if she is really a salted fish, she has to turn over!

"I can't wait."

Iori Yukino drooped her body, "When will this day end?"

Pu Tong coughed a few times, somewhat speechless. If this guy could go to college, he would eat it on the spot...

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