This star just wants to learn

Chapter 916 Open Showdown

The task assigned to Charlie by the top leaders was not a challenge, but a sniper...

If the challenge was an open exchange of skills, sniping was a sneak attack in the dark. The difference between the two lies in the open and the secret.

According to the instructions of the top leaders, their targeting of Pu Tong did not need to be known to anyone, and they only needed to wait and see.

When Pu Tong released a song, they would jointly release a similar song to boycott. Gather the five people to suppress Pu Tong...

This approach was very dark and mean, but it was indeed the working style of the top leaders of their country. Pu Tong made them suffer at the cultural festival, so the top leaders targeted him at all costs.

The secret suppression and targeting made Pu Tong unknowingly devoured. This was the original revenge and the fangs of the poisonous tongue.

However, Charlie and his friends did not pay attention to the dirty thoughts of these politicians. They were all musicians with honors, not those who played tricks!

They would not go along with these people, as this was an insult to them and a blasphemy to art...

But sometimes, under someone's roof, one has to bow down, and a series of pressures from above cannot be refused, so they chose to issue a challenge.

Since this contest is inevitable, they would rather choose a fair form to formally compete with this young man.

Therefore, this seemingly completely unfair challenge is their greatest respect for Pu Tong. After listening to "Because of you" and "Runaway", they are also convinced that Pu Tong is qualified to challenge them.

This bold move actually received a lot of pressure from the top, after all, it was inconsistent with the original plan.

Not only is it inconsistent with their status to openly challenge, there is also a lot of uncertainty. If Pu Tong really wins the battle, won't this plan be in vain?

Originally, they were still considering how to deal with the pressure from above, but Pu Tong actually talked about this matter at the Juno Awards!

Now everyone in the world knows about it, and even if the top leaders are not happy, they have to accept this situation, after all, the face of a big country is still to be saved.

Pu Tong's move actually helped them a lot and solved their urgent needs.

For the sake of the overall situation, the higher-ups would not blame them, but would fully support them to win the challenge. After all, the challenge was laid out in the open, and it would be ugly for anyone to lose.

Pu Tong's move successfully transformed the five of them from dark "spies" into artists fighting for the country. Not only did it meet their wishes and they had an open duel, but it also changed their status.

To be honest, they were a little in love with this little guy. His unpredictable actions really helped many people quietly...

Therefore, when Pu Tong laid out the challenge, they admitted it on the spot. After all, this was what they wanted to do, and Pu Tong just did what they wanted but didn't dare to do.

"Yes, I, Feili, Gaya, Erangel and Hedi, together issued a challenge to Pu Tong. This duel will come faster than expected!"

Charlie's low voice stunned everyone. The originally orderly Juno Awards scene suddenly became a mess. The photographer didn't know where to shoot, and could only give one shot to Pu Tong on the stage and Charlie off the stage.

This is destined to be a battle of the century. It is not only a contest between Pu Tong and the five-member group, but also a collision between two music circles.

It can be said that the situation of this challenge is directly linked to the pattern of the international music field.

This also explains why Hedi treated Pu Tong differently just now. After all, in a sense, he was Hedi's first opponent...

What puzzled everyone was that to compete with Pu Tong, did they really have to gather the strength of the five of them?

Which of the five of them is not a ceiling-level figure in the current music scene? As a result, they united just to challenge Pu Tong, a rookie. Is this reasonable?

After all, in a sense, Pu Tong has not yet entered the world-class music hall. There is an unwritten threshold for this true god-level field, that is, to win at least one world-class singer award.

At present, Pu Tong has only won the Newcomer Award, Producer Award and Pop Music Channel Award, and is still a few steps behind Charlie in terms of status.

In the eyes of many netizens, Pu Tong's strength is definitely qualified, but in terms of qualifications, it is still a little insufficient.

The reason is not difficult to guess. There are also many smart people among netizens. It is not a tacit understanding that the five of them came out in full force. I am afraid that the top management is resentful because of the slap in the face of the cultural festival, so they arranged this competition to suppress Pu Tong's arrogance.

It can only be said that they are more or less vindictive. In order to retaliate against Pu Tong, they actually invited so many big Buddhas.

The gap between Pu Tong and the five of them is not only in the number of people, but also in the realm. Without the test of the award, he is still a human, not a god. In the eyes of many people, it is more or less a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

Because of Hedy's misunderstanding, this battle of the century was officially brought to the stage and completely detonated in the eyes of everyone.

Pu Tong is going to fight against five true gods in the field of music by himself. Isn't this explosive enough?

Although many people are not optimistic about him, they still start to cheer for Pu Tong. After all, in their opinion, Pu Tong's courage to take on this battle is commendable.

If it is a one-on-one, they believe that Pu Tong will definitely win, but if it is a one-on-five, then this chance of winning will be infinitely diluted.

If he could really defeat these five people by himself, he would be too terrifying. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in history.

Pu Tong did not think too much. As long as the misunderstanding was explained, everything else was nothing. As for this challenge, he would take it seriously, but he was not afraid of losing.

Before he went on stage, he was still facing the envy and jealousy of the crowd, but when he stepped down, they looked at Pu Tong with only respect.

This is a young man who is about to compete with five god-level musicians. Regardless of winning or losing, he deserves a compliment.

Just as Pu Tong expected, he did not win the Best Single Award and the Most Popular Singer Award. Of course, it was not because his works were not good, but that "Runaway" appeared too late...

Just as he yawned and thought about whether he could catch up with the exam when he went back, the Juno Awards also came to the stage of revealing the final grand prize.

Best Singer, this is the biggest award that all musicians compete for. Bailey even won the award four times.

Pu Tong couldn't help but wonder, if he won this award, would it mean that he was officially on the same level as Charlie and others?

The Juno Awards are not over yet.

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