This star just wants to learn

Chapter 925: Not for Winning

The first-rate witch, the second-rate prostitute, the third-rate great master, the fourth-rate banger, the fifth-rate shaver, the sixth-rate player, the seventh-rate actor, the eighth-rate thief, the ninth-rate candy seller...

In ancient times, musicians were classified into the same category as thieves, hooligans, prostitutes, and dancers, and were collectively referred to as the lower class. As a result, there was very little classical music in the country.

Chinese elegant music has been lost for more than a thousand years, and ordinary people have no basis for listening to classical music. In the face of economic interests, most modern domestic symphony orchestras are struggling to support themselves, and there is no environment for classical music at all.

Of course, domestic classical music still had a glorious history. During the Spring and Autumn Period, a large number of music theories appeared, including musical instrument systems, band formations, equal temperament theory, etc. During this period, there were officials in the court who were specifically responsible for music.

But later, classical music slowly declined and even almost died...

These were the exact words Teacher Liu Mu told them. She would definitely help Pu Tong, but she did not have any confidence in it.

The music sector with the biggest gap between China and the world is undoubtedly classical music. Now that Pu Tong actually wants to compete with top classical musicians, this is tantamount to hitting an egg with a stone.

Precisely because she is a professional, she understands this insurmountable gap better. Ten more teams like her will not be able to bridge the gap in the two's views on music history.

Hearing this, Yu Wanwan and the three girls were silent. They knew that the gap was huge, but they did not expect that Pu Tong faced such a difficult dilemma.

No matter how good he is, can he make up for the thousand-year hiatus in Chinese classical music by himself?

"Domestic traditional classical music is completely immature. If you really want to seek a glimmer of hope, I suggest you imitate European classical music. Their music is more mature and has more reference value."

They could feel that when Liu Mu said this, she was a little heartbroken. She had devoted her whole life to Chinese classical music, but she still had to admit this fact, and even had to give Pu Tong another job. suggestions...

There was no other way. She was willing to give everything for classical music, but she couldn't let Pu Tong choose a path where she couldn't see the future.

"With your talent in music, there is still a chance of learning European classical music. If you plan to build up your foundation, it will be really doomed..."

Liu Mu's words lingered in the hearts of several people, leaving them speechless.

Yu Wanwan secretly glanced at Pu Tong. He seemed to be hesitant to speak. He seemed to have something to say, but in the end he couldn't say it out.

Based on her understanding of Pu Tong, this guy must have his own ideas, and he probably won't even take Aunt Liu's words to heart.

She was afraid that Pu Tong would have another idea of ​​"putting himself in danger", so she would have to walk on the edge of a knife...

However, there were too many people present, so Yu Wanwan still couldn't ask. Pu Tong was always like this, with his own plans, and in the end he had to face everything by himself.

After returning home, Yu Wanwan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. It was a fact that everyone knew that traditional music in China was in a very poor state.

As Aunt Liu said, if Pu Tong chooses this immature path, it will be tantamount to self-destruction... She does not want Pu Tong to fall into that situation, because she has vaguely guessed that Pu Tong will definitely choose this way. .

"Pu Tong, Pu Tong, I know you have your own ideas and a plan to turn defeat into victory, but why are you unwilling to tell me? Even to make me feel at ease!"

She doesn't like this because it worries her.

Everyone else was looking forward to how Pu Tong would perform and whether he could win. They were just spectators, but she didn't care about that, she was just worried.

She believed in the boy she had chosen, but she was naturally worried, not because she was petty, but because of love.

While she was holding her pillow and thinking wildly, a familiar call reminder lit up in the dark night, and it was from Pu Tong.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Wanwan rubbed his dry eyes, wondering why Pu Tong called him in the middle of the night.

"I should be the one to ask you, what's wrong with you?"

Pu Tong paused, "I feel like you're not in the right state during the day. What's going on? Are you worried about me?"

Yu Wanwan wanted to say "ask if you know", but after thinking about it carefully, Pu Tong noticed this, which showed that he still cared about him.

"I'm very worried." She sighed and got rid of the arrogance in her heart. It was better to talk about business now, "International classical music is indeed much more mature than domestic music. If you want to win, give up domestic traditional music. The best choice is to study European classical music.”


Pu Tong does not deny this. No matter in this world or in the past, the domestic classical music field is not as good as the international one. This is an insurmountable peak so far.

"But my purpose is not actually to win this challenge."

Pu Tong suddenly smiled. If other people heard his words, they might not be frightened by his "rebellious" words, but facing Yu Wanwan, he would naturally not hesitate.


Yu Wanwan didn't react when he heard this. This was a top international music challenge, and he actually said he didn't want to win?

"It should be said that winning is not my main goal. I don't have such a strong desire to win or lose. Putting aside winning and losing, I have a more important goal."

Pu Tong took a deep breath, as if he wanted to give it a try.

"The gap between Chinese music and international music is not something I can reverse alone, nor is it the work of one person. Even if I can win this duel, the gap still exists."

"Compared to simply winning or losing, what I want to do more is actually to let the world see us."

Yu Wanwan widened her eyes and listened quietly to Pu Tong's shocking remarks. At this moment, she just wanted to be a quiet listener.

"In fact, the Chinese music scene has always lacked an opportunity to go out. I don't want to be the savior. I just want to be a medium, a successor..."

"Imagine that one day, even if I am old and can't sing anymore, there will be young people in the Chinese music scene who stand up one after another and go to the world along the path I have pioneered. What kind of scene would that be?"

"Compared to my personal achievements, isn't that day more important?"

Yu Wan listened quietly, and her thoughts seemed to go back to a day long ago.

At that time, they were not together yet. At that time, Pu Tong was still trying to hide his shortcomings. That night, she called Pu Tong and told him to be bold if he had the ability to change the world.

And now, Pu Tong is walking on this road seriously.

He never wanted to be a god in the field of music, he just wanted to use his ability to change something, it was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be the same in the future.

But this time, he took the initiative to call himself.

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