This star just wants to learn

Chapter 942 Tiankeng Specialty

The little old man in front of me looks chubby and kind-hearted. If it weren't for the two round reading glasses, he would give people the feeling of living like Maitreya...

However, Pu Tong did not dare to underestimate this man. Mr. Pei was a visiting professor at Beijing University, a well-known cultural scholar, and a famous classical cultural scholar in China.

His works such as "The Storm of the Yan Empire" and "The End of the Imperial Court" have been translated into seven languages ​​and distributed in more than ten countries, with cumulative sales of hundreds of millions of copies.

When it comes to history and classical culture, he is a great figure. He can fill up the seats when giving a lecture to tens of thousands of people.

Although it was the first time they met, he had heard of this teacher's name. At that time, the teacher's appreciation of "Chi Ling" was very brilliant, and the phrase "the actor is ruthless" made the song extremely popular.

Literary people have always been sharp in their comments on things, and Pu Tong still recognized this teacher's influence in the field of classical art.

"Why do you have time to come to the capital this time?"

Pei Qingfeng stood up with a smile, ignored Chen Tai, the master, and sat next to Pu Tong. Those who didn't know it thought he was Pu Tong's teacher.

The teacher-student meeting hadn't even begun to reminisce about old times, but he got the better of him?

Chen Tai's face darkened, and he knew that this guy was not holding his shit in. Ever since Fatty Pei saw Pu Tong's performance in the opera club in April this year, he found excuses to call him several times. You should mention Pu Tong intentionally or unintentionally.

In August, this guy came to visit directly and expressed that he wanted to make friends with Pu Tong. The fox tail could not be hidden at all.

However, Pu Tong was abroad at the time, and he failed to do so.

Pu Tong will be a Peking University student next year. Everyone knows this. As a professor at Peking University, Pei Qingfeng wants to get to know Pu Tong again and again. What is his purpose?

Even though Chen Tai was getting old and confused, he was like a mirror in his heart. This fat man must have come here to steal his disciple. He is really not ashamed.

After such a long time, Chen Tai thought that this guy had given up, but he didn't expect that he would come to visit him again today. As luck would have it, Pu Tong happened to come to visit him, and he finally bumped into him.

He was very happy that this boy came to visit him, but why did it have to be today? After all, after sending the God of Plague away...

"I noticed you when you wrote that essay on promoting traditional culture. Your vision and knowledge are quite extraordinary at a young age. I didn't expect that you would become a top figure in the blink of an eye!"

"Where there."

Pu Tong was almost overcome with embarrassment when he heard this. This can't be called business bragging. It's a proper compliment. The old man who smiles on the surface definitely has ulterior motives.

Chen Tai's face was livid on the side. He was coming. Ever since they met, Fatty Pei had been very eloquent and had a clever mouth. When he made such witty remarks and made rainbow farts, the dog would nod his head twice.

Fortunately, my apprentice is very energetic and can listen to what he says without changing his expression and remain unmoved.

Pei Qingfeng also secretly marveled that, given his status, Pu Tong still acted like a normal person after all the praise, and his character was indeed much better than that of his peers.

He is really not bragging about Pu Tong. In his eyes, this kid can afford these praises. If not, he would not come here again and again.

On this trip, I am thirsty for talents!

"You are so interested in traditional culture, have you ever considered studying it in depth?"

After chatting for a while, Pei Qingfeng finally extended an olive branch and used special "recruitment" skills on Pu Tong.

Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan looked at each other. In fact, they had guessed it, but they had always understood each other tacitly. It seemed that this person was finally planning to take action.

Ding Lingling had previously chatted with them and said that all the teachers at Peking University were fighting over Pu Tong. Now it seems that it is probably true?

"Cough, cough!"

Pu Tong was still thinking about how to fool him, but Chen Tai interrupted their conversation with a few fake coughs, and his attitude was self-evident.

This is the apprentice who has been living and eating with me for more than a month. How can I not let others snatch him away?

It is not so much the relationship between master and disciple as it is the meaning of companionship. He has lived in the alleys for a long time and has no interest in worldly affairs. He has no son and a half daughters around him. Although he will not be lonely if he has a companion of calligraphy and painting, it will always become boring after a long time.

It was Pu Tong's time in the courtyard that brought him laughter and laughter, made him realize the lifestyle of young people, and began to accept the outside world again.

The boy's crooked words at first were hung at the top of the calligraphy room. Maybe it wasn't an original work by a famous artist, but it was his priceless treasure.

"Old Chen has a good apprentice!"

Pei Qingfeng could see Chen Tai's displeasure, and wisely chose to stop here. He was a guest, so he still had to look at the host's face.

Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Mr. Chen came forward, otherwise it would have really created a problem for him.

"Old Chen, Old Chen, are you here?"

A slightly smoky shout came from outside the house like a voice-over. Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan didn't know what it meant, but when they heard the voice, Chen Tai and Pei Qingfeng's expressions changed, and they were obviously a little uneasy.

Why is there an old guy again?

The old man who came was none other than Jiang Sixie, a professor at the Department of Literature at Peking University. It could be said that he had been plotting against Pu Tong for a long time.

Was his sudden visit a coincidence? That's definitely not the case. It's no secret that Jiang Sixie actually followed Pei Qingfeng.

On the Pu Tong issue, the two of them were considered "competitors." Jiang Sixie said that he knew Pu Tong and had a great advantage in this regard. However, he was really panicked when he heard that this guy was trying to find Chen Tai again and again. .

Pu Tong might be better with him, but he is not as good as Mr. Chen. What if Pei uses his connections to get the old man to say a few soft words and deceive Pu Tong away?

Is the other party coveting Pu Tong? He covets the future of the School of Arts!

As a result, as soon as he showed his head, he saw Pu Tong sitting upright in the room, and Pei Qingfeng, who was smiling at the side, could not sit still. It must be this guy who said nice things to Pu Tong again.

When he thought that the future of their School of Arts was about to be abducted by the old thief Pei Qingfeng, Jiang Sixie was furious and went into the room to persuade him without thinking.

"Pu Tong, you can't believe his lies. Don't listen to traditional culture and ancient art. After all, it's just an archaeology. You will suffer if you enter their department!"

Pei Qingfeng didn't expect the attack from his competitors to be so fierce. He said he was an archaeologist right away. How could it be the same? Wouldn't Pu Tong be scared to death by such a pit major as archaeology?

For most people, studying archaeology is just like walking into a trap.

"Jiang Gou, you are slandering me. Isn't your Chinese Language and Literature also a cesspool? How good is it?"

The reputation of Chinese Language and Literature in the profession is well-known. It is really like Sinology is as deep as the sea. From now on, employment is a passerby. Do you understand the value of preparing for the civil service exam in the first year of college?

"You study archaeology!"

"You study Chinese language!"

The two old men started arguing directly after a disagreement, which made Pu Tong stunned.

Aren't you two cesspools? Whose cesspool is bigger?

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