This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 149 Killing the Prelude to

In the hall, Ke Ming asked questions one by one, asking if the song prepared by everyone had any connection with the theme of this issue.

The key word Luo Mo gave was [Summer of Love].

And when he asked about Sun Yi, Sun Yi smiled and said, "My song was written and composed by Director Luo, and it's called "Don't Make It."

After finishing speaking, he also joked: "I, Sun Yi, am a singer, what do you know about "Don't Let It Go"?"

"How about letting Director Luo talk about it?"

Hearing this, everyone said in their hearts: "In the first two episodes, they still called him junior, but in this episode, they will call him Director Luo. You might as well call him boss!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Luo Mo said, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just what the title of the song means. This song is about the most special person."

In fact, as the song in "Why Shengxiaomo", "Don't Make It" is a film adapted from a romance novel. The theme of this movie is actually the sentence: "Some people have appeared, and others have become just ones." , and I don't want to settle for it."

In this materialistic society, in this society where green tea is frequently produced, and [Slag] can even become a trend, the theme of this song can actually move some people.

After the chief director Ke Ming has finished interviewing everyone, the competition for this issue will begin.

What's interesting is that Zhao Tianwang didn't want to take advantage of being the last one to appear on stage this time in order to put on the attitude of a senior, so the [Royal Power Points] bet was not high, only 35 points, which made him ranked second after Luo Mo. Five came to the stage, and then Wei Ran.

As for the replacement singer, he will appear at the end.

In Ke Ming's opinion, this sequence is really wonderful.

The conflict between Luo Mo and Zhao Xueqin has always been a highlight of this show.

When these two people came to the stage one after another, the sense of contrast would be extremely strong, and the topic level would explode at that time!

As for whether the final result will hurt the face of the king of heaven.....that's none of my business?

Is the price I offered you to participate in the variety show not high enough?

What our program team offered was a sky-high price in the industry!

As soon as Ke Ming thought of this, he felt that he should let go of his hands and feet and do something special, otherwise the money would be wasted?

Still the same sentence, the director of variety shows is always the one who can do things the most.

Everyone got up at this time and began to send blessings to the first female singer on stage, wishing her a good performance.

Although the second-tier female singer in her early thirties smiled, it was a bit far-fetched.

She didn't have much confidence in this round, and Sun Yi went directly to the enemy again, so she didn't even have a backup.

"Huh, let's take it as the last round and sing well!" she said in her heart.

After Luo Mo returned to his independent lounge, he began to watch the live broadcast on the big screen.

He sees it all with appreciation, like a spectator rather than a contestant.

The singers who can come to "The King of Love Songs" are all capable singers. There is nothing to say about their singing skills, and their live performance is also very stable.

It's just that the songs they bring will have obvious differences.

The second one to play was also a female singer.

She even brought a hot dance this time and started singing and dancing.

He obviously has a pure face, but his clothes are sexy.

The smile and singing voice are pretty sweet, but the dancing posture is extraordinarily attractive.

Obviously, she wants to go the way of pure lust in this issue.

Luo Mo admired it for a while, and said in his heart: "In terms of pure desire, Shen Yinuo is better."

The girl's face is slightly sensual, and her eyes are clear and clean, giving people the feeling of an ignorant deer.

The appearance is also full of juvenile appearance, belonging to the type that looks several years younger than the real age.

However, she has a unique advantage in terms of figure.

From the perspective of others as a whole, it is the fierceness of milk, but for her, it is the evilness of women.

This makes it unnecessary for her to deliberately move closer to the direction of pure desire, and she naturally has this charm.

The natural pure desire style must be stronger than the atmosphere created by this kind of hard performance the day after tomorrow.

Especially this female singer's eyes are not as pure as Shen Yinuo's. Through her eyebrows and eyes, the male audience can draw a conclusion: "She actually understands everything."

But overall, Luo Mo is more optimistic about her. Her stage performance and appeal are slightly stronger than the first female singer.

At the end of the dance, she was already dripping with sweat. When she bowed, the sound of her heavy breathing was transmitted through the microphone near her mouth. The warm-up effect was quite good.

At this moment, Sun Yi was already rubbing his hands in the backstage passage.

He moved his body and took a few deep breaths to let himself relax and get into the best state.

When he came on stage, the spotlight hit him, and the professional jury immediately started talking about it.

"Huh? Why do I feel that Sun Yi's aura has changed?"

"Yes! I also feel that it has changed. I feel that this person is more confident and looks more handsome."

"It seems that with Luo Mo's help, he has a little more confidence."

If you carefully observe the stars in the entertainment industry, especially the male stars, it is not difficult to find that when they are popular and not popular, they are obviously the same person, and they give people completely different feelings.

Aura, demeanor, demeanor... There will be changes in all aspects.

In the center of the stage, there is a microphone stand.

Sun Yi walked to the microphone stand with the microphone in his hand, and put the microphone on the microphone stand.

The prelude sounded, and the title of the song appeared on the big screen: "Don't Make It".

Sun Yi opened his mouth, and that slightly lazy voice spread throughout the audience.

“[At that time, I thought that what I loved was life.

I also know what is suitable and what is not. 】”

As soon as he opened his voice, the professional jury was immediately attracted.

They felt that Sun Yi seemed to magnify the peculiarity of his voice this time.

As for the live audience, it is relatively simple, they just think it sounds good.

The lyricist of this song is Huang Weiwen, who has a large number of Cantonese masterpieces, such as Eason Chan's "Exaggerated", "Bicycle", and "Best Lost Friend" that everyone is familiar with.

Among the female singers, there are Miriam Yeung's "Unfortunately I'm an Aquarius" and Xie Anqi's "Wedding Invitation Street".

The song sung by men and women is "Break Up With Kindness".

His Cantonese songs have always been known for their heart-warming.

When Sun Yi sang the chorus part, the emotions became hot all of a sudden, and the atmosphere of the scene was instantly lifted.

"[Torturing each other to the point of death,

Grief is determined not to let go.

After starting to entangle,

Only then was freedom magnified again. 】”

There is a strong contrast between the previous laziness and the determination and determination of the chorus.

The creation of such an atmosphere is more emotional.

The emotions of the audience were instantly ignited!

The two female singers sitting in the lounge were heartbroken.

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Mo made a move, he knew if there was one.

The popularity of this song is very strong, the audience vote should have a high score, and it has the potential to become a street song.

Many listeners look down on street songs, but they don't know that many singers dream of having a street song.

You will find that in the comment area of ​​many songs, there are always people saying: "This song is my treasure, I don't want it to become popular."

By the way, have you asked the singer for his opinion?

Some street songs are criticized because they are low-level and brainwashed. The reason why some songs can become street songs is simply because they are more popular and disseminated, and they can leave a deep memory on people.

Sun Yi stood in the very center of the stage, full of vigor and vigor, as if he had returned to the past.

This time, he was full of aura and directly controlled the stage.

This rookie king who has started again seems to be really going to start a counterattack!

On the professional judging panel, many people remembered the Weibo that Luo Mo Studio's official account posted for him on the day he joined Luo Mo Studio.

“[Looking at success or failure, life is heroic, but it’s just starting from scratch.]”

Big ups and downs are nothing, the important thing is that people have the courage to start all over again.

After the end of section A of the song, there was warm applause at the scene.

Sun Yi tightly held the microphone on the microphone stand with both hands, with a smile on his face, and interacted with the audience for a while, looking very relaxed.

When the phrase "[Everyone else looks like this when you appear on the stage]" was sung, many female audiences at the scene immediately became a little bit overwhelmed.

Why do many scumbags like to tell women about their emotional wounds first, and pretend that they are scarred and will never love again?

It is to make a woman feel that she is special at the moment of expressing her affection, and she is very different to him.

What women want most of the time is not love, but preference.

What she wants is that you treat her differently than you treat others.

In fact, there are a lot of unconfident and insecure people in this world, regardless of gender. This type of person needs to feel a lot of love to believe that you really like it.

Therefore, as soon as this lyric appeared, many women felt that they had been killed, and it felt too sweet!

"Love love love!"

The devotion in this song immediately fits the theme of this issue.

The so-called "flowers are romantic to anyone, and movies are good to watch with anyone", is this really true?

Sun Yi stood in the center of the stage. When he sang the chorus of section B, after he sang the line "[Who can force me to make it]", a few lines of words appeared on the big screen behind him.

The professional jury and the audience looked at this familiar stage design, wasn't it the method Luo Mo used frequently before?

Sure enough, after joining Luo Mo's studio, he was directly assimilated.

——【Unmistakable ink】!

After the audience at the scene read the words on the big screen clearly, many female audiences even screamed directly, like a groundhog.

What is written on the screen is:

【If all goes well, we will get married.

If it doesn't go well, we'll get married later. 】”

At the end of the song, the title of the song "Don't Make It" reappeared on the screen.

Sun Yi bowed to the audience, and the audience applauded thunderously.

He had not heard such violent applause for many years.

And that she who had been encouraging him during these years of being hidden by the snow was lost by him.

Luo Mo always felt that Sun Yi was full of emotions when he sang this song.

He didn't ask why.

He only knew that if this song could touch Sun Yi, then when he saw the lyrics of "Young and Promising", he would definitely feel more involved!



Sun Yi began to step down, while Luo Mo waited at the passage.

In the waiting room, Zhao Xueqin fell to the bottom of his mood looking at the cheering audience.

Because the host came to the stage at this time and told the audience that "Don't Settle" and the words on the big screen were all written by Luo Mo.

Obviously, Ke Ming, like Ningdan in the past, has become more and more partial to Luo Mo.

Of course, this is also for the variety show effect.

After introducing these, Luo Mo followed closely to the stage, the atmosphere would explode!

Sure enough, when Luo Mo walked out from the aisle of the stage and the spotlight hit him, the standing audience didn't sit down at all, screaming one after another.

Luo Mo bowed slightly to the audience, and immediately someone shouted his name.

"Luo Mo! Luo Mo!"

On the stage of "The King of Love Songs", the youngest singer is wearing a slightly loose white shirt and a pair of slightly loose black pants, giving people a strong sense of youth.

After he sat down on the chair with the guitar in his arms, he smiled and made a "shh" gesture to the scene.

The audience smiled friendly, and then fell silent.

There are too many details in the prelude of this song. Luo Mo hopes that everyone will listen quietly and the scene will not be too noisy.

The song in this episode is different from "Sunny Day". "Sunny Day" plays the guitar as soon as it comes up, but this song is not.

The accompaniment sounded at this moment.

The first thing everyone heard was the wind.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound like wind chimes.

The memory seems to be stretched at this moment, and when the sounds of various instruments are all heard, several composers on the professional jury can't sit still.

"Prelude kill! Prelude kill again!"

""Sunny Day" is about simplifying, this song is different, it is about simplifying!"

"Multiple sounds are mixed together, and the picture is overwhelming!"

Yes, the prelude to this song is also amazing.

This is the first time that Jay Chou named his album after the title song.

Both this song and this album are called "Qilixiang".

This is the song that will cause the whole audience to sing in any concert.

This song was released on August 3, 2004.

A song that has been around for 17 years, but still gives people a sense of fashion and makes people feel that it will never go out of style.

It's hard to imagine that just a prelude to a song will cause random killings.

Whether it is the tune or the arrangement, this song is ridiculously strong.

In the lounge, Zhao Xueqin felt his throat dry.

When composing popular songs, one of the taboos is excessive overlap, which will limit and reduce the musicality, and is a major problem in melody creation.

And this song "Qilixiang" perfectly avoids the inevitable problem of overlapping sounds.

Just avoiding the overlapping sounds is actually extremely difficult. After all, it is not difficult to avoid, but the difficult thing is that it sounds good.

But this song is simply invincible in terms of chords, especially in the remake of chords.

In this wave, it can't be said that they are showing off their skills, it is simply sticking to their faces again.

A voice seemed to echo in his ears.

"Zhao Xueqin, listen carefully to me."

On the stage, what Luo Mo has to do is very simple, and his goal on this stage is also very simple.

At the sound of seven miles, love is recalled.

He wants to take all the audience back to the summer in that memory.

(ps: The second change, 4000 words, ask for a monthly pass!)

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