This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 579 Everyone, it's been a long time

In the red carpet area, the media became excited when they saw the team of "The God of Medicine" come out.

"Luo Mo! It's Luo Mo!"

"The team of "The God of Medicine" finally came out, I'm tired of carrying the camera!"

"The main event is coming! The main event is here! Take a good shot!"

"Luo Mo! Sister Jing! Can I take a look here?"

All of a sudden, the flash lights were on incomparably frequently, which was extremely dazzling.

Many people may not know that many celebrities will practice specifically how to maintain a decent smile and keep their eyes normal in front of dense and dazzling flashlights.

It feels like there are cars flashing high beams in all directions, and they are turned off and on again all at once.

So, this matter is actually not easy.

Luo Mo had practiced on Earth in his previous life, and he practiced with his teammates in the company. At that time, everyone hadn't made their debut yet, and they would still have such meaningless dreams, doing some exercises that they thought were planning for a rainy day.

The result, of course, is... useless.

In this life, he has never practiced, and his body cannot adapt to these.

Therefore, if he really couldn't hold on any longer, he would simply close his eyes and walk a few steps, like a blind man.

This kind of physical torture is exactly what many people in the circle envy and yearn for...

What surprised the team of "The God of Medicine" was that there were many people around shouting the names of the characters in the movie.

"Brother Yong! Brother Yong!"


"Lu benefited!"

"Yellow hair!"

Well, to be honest, Huang Mao's full name appeared in the movie, and his name was Peng Hao.

However, it is estimated that most people have no impression of this character's name, and only remember that this guy is called Huang Mao.

In Blue Star, the actor who plays Huang Mao is called Hu Wei. This name is quite interesting, and it reminds people of the word "Huang Mao".

This person was introduced to the crew by Wang Rong. He had been playing tricks for several years before, and then when Wang Rong was directing his own movie, he accidentally discovered this lost gem.

This person's eye drama is very good, and his acting skills in other aspects are also above the standard.

Luo Mo had already signed him into the studio.

If Guan Fei did a good job in "Rising Fame", he would give Dagong Fei a new script.

What's interesting is that the name of this movie is in stark contrast to "Rising Fame".

It's called "The Unknown".

At that time, Hu Wei can play the role of [Glasses] Hu Guangsheng.

You know, on Earth, Zhang Yu, who played Huang Mao in "The God of Medicine", became popular again because of this role in "The Unknown".

As soon as Luo Mo thought of this, the voice began to echo in his ears: "I've got the AK, and I'll get you a Raffle, make it bigger and stronger, and create another glories!"



Under a flash of light, the team of "The God of Medicine" walked to the signature wall at a slow speed.

It's not good to walk in a group. If one person stops to take pictures on the red carpet, everyone has to wait.

This made Xu Chujing get closer to Luo Mo the further back he went.

"Cold." She only said this one word to Luo Mo.

In the signature wall area, the host sent a signature pen.

Everyone didn't give in, and directly handed the pen to Luo Mo first.

Luo Mo took the pen and walked to the signature wall. There was no need to find an inconspicuous place to sign, in order to prevent being sprayed by netizens who love to look for things.

He randomly found a place that was pleasing to the eye, and signed his name smartly.

Some of the lukewarm, or very stupid kind of people who are lucky enough to participate in the film festival, if the words written on the signature wall are too big, or the position of the signature is chosen too well, maybe they will be rejected A group of viewers watching the live broadcast chased and cursed.

There is no way, the entertainment industry is a place where seniority is very important.

It's just that the word "capital" here is not only seniority, but also capital!

After Luo Mo signed, it was naturally Xu Chujing's turn, because everyone wanted to see their names next to each other.

Then, there are Fanhua Movie Emperor Wang Rong, Tang Shiyu and others.

After everyone signed their names, the two hosts from the red carpet of the Fanhua Film Festival came over to chat.

It's basically gossip here, and the questions asked are not too sharp or too embarrassing.

The hostess glanced at Luo Mo, and asked with a smile, "Director Luo's films this year have achieved very good box office results and reputation. Do you have any expectations for next year?"

Luo Mo's answer was very official, saying: "Keep working hard and strive to do better."

However, if this kind of words is said by another person, it is called an official answer. But if it's him who is number one on the box office list, if he has to make persistent efforts to do better... Then he wants to continue to break the box office record of Huaxia movies! ?

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast was boiling.

"It's better to watch Luo Mo's interview!"

"A casual question, you answer from God."

"As long as I change someone, I have to leave a message of arrogance!"

"Brothers, shut down the mics, this man can't complain, he does what he says!"

"In fact, everything he dared to say has come true..."

A person who can't do what he says is called talking wildly.

A person who said horrible things, but did it all, so it can only be regarded as... dragging?

——Luo Mo, I heard that you are very attractive! ?



After leaving the signature wall, everyone entered the hall of the Blossom Festival, and then, under the guidance of the staff, they looked for their seats.

The organizer was very considerate, allowing the "God of Medicine" team to sit closer together, and also arranged He Yuanguang and others from "The Return of the Great Sage" to the side area.

What makes Luo Mo most interesting is that the directors in the [Ten Billion Box Office Project] are all arranged in the same place!

Is it true that enemies don't get together?

Directors of the older generation, such as Li Dongliang and Fang Jie, sat in the front row of Luo Mo.

Tian Ou and others sat in the back row of Luo Mo.

In this case, it is natural that whoever is weak will feel uncomfortable, and whoever is weak will be embarrassed.

Luo Mo didn't feel complacent, he was very calm and casual, and there was only one thought in his mind: "Anyway, it's not me who is sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in my back, and like a thorn in my throat."

Director Feng Ji who was sitting in the front was still the first to speak at this moment: "Director Luo, congratulations, you have reached the top of the box office chart!"

This is the first time that everyone has gathered since the meeting of the audit department, and face-to-face congratulations are inevitable.

Feng Ji, one of the four major directors, spoke up. People like Tian Ou and Fang Jie, no matter how reluctant they are, must smile and congratulate in front of the camera and Feng Ji and others.

At this time, Qian Qingyun sat next to Feng Ji under the leadership of the staff.

Qian Qingyun, who is one of the four directors with Feng Ji, is also an old acquaintance with Luo Mo, and has helped Luo Mo a lot in the past.

"Xiao Luo, oh no, I should be called Director Luo now! You kid has grown up too fast, I can't even invite you to act." Qian Qingyun said with a smile.

He really planned to find Luo Mo to act.

But who would have thought that other people are acting and the best are directing, this person plunged headlong into the film industry, directed and acted on his own from the very beginning, and even won the highest box office in movie history!

Who do I ask for reasoning?

Luo Mo still respects seniors like Qian Qingyun and Feng Ji who are both talented and virtuous, talking and laughing on the sidelines, and their attitude is extraordinarily modest.

After everyone entered the venue and sat down, they waited for the awards ceremony to officially begin.

Luo Mo sat beside Xu Chujing with a calm expression on his face.

But in fact, the film festival is still very new to him.

Blue Star Huaxia is the same as the earth, there are three film awards, which are collectively known as [China Film Three Awards].

Among them, the [Flower Award] seems to have a similar name to the [Hundred Flowers Award] on Earth, but its meaning is more similar to the [Golden Rooster Award] on Earth.

On Earth, the [Hundred Flowers Award] is voted by the audience to a certain extent, so it is also called the "Audience Award".

Therefore, many people feel that among the three major awards, this award has the lowest gold content.

With the advent of the big traffic era, this award is more and more linked to the so-called popularity.

The [Golden Rooster Award] is selected by expert judges in the film industry, so it is also called the "Expert Award".

It's just that on Earth, the word-of-mouth of the [Golden Rooster Award], like the [Hundred Flowers Award], has been declining rapidly in recent years.

Many people think that it looks very professional, but in fact it is fucking dividing the cake.

And now it's blatantly splitting the cake!

Blue Star's [Flowers Award], like the [Golden Rooster Award] on Earth, is also selected by expert judges. In previous years, it was also highly professional, focusing on film quality and artistic level.

However, in the past two or three years, [Fanhua Award] has received more and more scolding, and its credibility has gradually declined.

To be honest, in Luo Mo's opinion: "In the era of capital invasion, the Fanhua Award has survived until now before it starts to decline, which is considered pretty good."

"Like the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards on Earth, they were originally integrated. As early as 2004, I lost my original intention once. In that year, the competition system was temporarily changed. The wealthy sister who was shortlisted as a supporting actress in "Mobile Phone" Finally won the [Best Actress]."

"In a few years, a certain fresh meat won the best supporting actor award by virtue of "Old Paoer" and even defeated Duan Yihong in "Scorching Sun" and Zhang Yi in "Dear".

"You know, the acting skills of these two people in these two movies are absolutely at the textbook level, and they are among the top in China."

"And in the same year, Sister Cutout won the Best Supporting Female Supporting Actress award based on a few brief shots and some fleeting scenes in "Looking for the Dragon."

"Sister Cutout is very good. She eliminated all the strong competitors one by one during the nomination stage. In the end, the nominations with her were all made up."

"Not to mention the well-known "Chasing Dream Showbiz" review event."

"A well-known bad movie can be praised like that by a group of big men with scary names. Those words, ordinary people can't make up at all."

"It's a pity that although Blue Star fell late, it's really hard to say whether the flood can be recovered once it starts."

To be honest, those awards in the blue star, music and drama circles have always been quite convincing.

This is why Luo Mo was awarded the title of "King of Songs" in the music scene and "Emperor of Vision" in the TV festival, which caused such a terrible sensation.

On the contrary, these awards in the film circle, who think they are at the top of the chain of contempt, are full of ugly faces.

At this moment, the Fanhua Awards Ceremony, which has been frequently scolded as a "capital game" in the past two or three years, has officially begun.

Capital game?

What a coincidence.

"Hey, I'm sitting at the same poker table with the capital again." Luo Mo thought to himself.

"Everyone, it's been a long time!"

"At the scene of the Flower Awards, are you ready for the hype?"

(ps: the second update.)

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