This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 662 The Girl's Confession

Beijing, Audit Department.

Team leader Zhong Lin asked Xiao Wei to leave after signing the document.

After seeing Xiao Wei leave, she raised her index finger and wiped the corners of her eyes that were still slightly moist.

She has only watched "Charlotte's Annoyance" for more than 30 minutes now, and the story has gradually improved, and the background of the story of Rebirth Stream Entertainment has been explained very clearly.

Mrs. Zhong Lin's only feeling at the moment is: "I feel like I'm going to laugh my head off."

She was laughing all the time and never stopped!

In Blue Star's movies, this kind of rebirth entertainment is quite novel.

Obviously the content broadcasted earlier was some school dramas. Watching a group of young and obviously not young actors play children in school, not only did not feel that it was against harmony, but it was even more funny.

This is the brilliance in acting skills!

Zhong Lin is very fortunate now that her office has good sound insulation.

If not, let the subordinates hear her goose call every once in a while, and maybe feel: "Has the incident of "Manslaughter" already put so much pressure on Team Leader Zhong!?"

At this moment, the more Zhong Lin looked back, the more surprised she became.

What surprised her first was that the little-known hero Liu Gongming exuded a natural sense of joy all over his body.

It's so funny, it's so funny to watch this guy act.

Then, she gradually realized: "Although the hero of this movie seems to be a newcomer, the lineup is still very luxurious."

Too many celebrities came to guest star!

To be precise, it feels like Luo Mo's friends and relatives gathered in the crew of this movie.

Xu Chujing, Wei Ran, Li Ge, Ning Dan, Chen Luo... Of course, there is also Luo Mo himself.

The guest appearances of these people are very natural.

Their appearance not only brought surprises to Zhong Lin, but the content and plot were also very interesting.

After watching the whole movie, Zhong Lin felt a little out of breath from laughing.

"This is the funniest comedy I've seen in years!" She concluded in her mind.

Since there is indeed no sensitive content in "Charlotte's Annoyance", Zhong Lin passed it directly.

Well, it is still the speed of light.

On the way home from get off work, Zhong Lin's car played her downloaded songs from Penguin Music.

In shuffle mode, the intro to a familiar song suddenly plays.

A well-endowed person with an intellectual temperament and a good-looking appearance, a powerful figure in the audit department, let out a snort, and smiled so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

If she was not driving, Mrs. Zhong Lin would probably be so happy that she could not close her legs in consideration of safe driving.

At this moment, the prelude sounded in the car - "One Cut Plum"!

"I can't listen to this song normally!" Zhong Lin thought.

The mood of the song has completely changed!

She didn't know that there was a problem on the earth: if you don't describe the snow directly, it will make people feel that it is snowing heavily.

Writing, that's the way it is. If you want to write the month, you can't just write the month. To write flashing and extinguishing, to write circles and eclipses. Write about the vicissitudes and treachery that poets cannot see. Write about the frightened magpie, and write about the difficulty of passing the Guanshan Mountain.

If you want to write about wind, you can't just write about wind. You want to write about the ripples on the surface of the lake, and you want to write about the clouds and clouds. Write about the bells hanging from the eaves, and about the disobedient clothes and hair ends on people.

As for writing about snow, you should write about the bitterness and the brightness of the moonlight. Write about the original Chi wax figure, and write about the mountain dance silver snake. Write about the disappearance of birds in thousands of mountains, and the disappearance of people in thousands of paths.

This is the way and essence of writing.

And under this question about writing about snow, there are indeed a lot of brilliant answers.

But the line with the highest number of likes is actually the line in "Charlotte Annoyance":

"Yuan Hua, don't call me again, I'm afraid Charlotte might misunderstand."

In just one sentence, is it possible that the goose feather and heavy snow have already flown in front of you?

Could it be that Yuan Hua knelt beside the telephone booth and shouted "No" in his ears?

Have you heard the verse in "A Plum Blossom": "[Snowflakes fluttering, the north wind rustling.]"?

It is very difficult to connect a song, a character, and a plot together closely.

Undoubtedly, "Charlotte Annoyance" is super amazing in this respect!



On the other hand, "The Wandering Earth" has been completed.

Luo Mo and Ding Xiaoyu are recording some promotional videos and taking some promotional photos today.

When others finished their work, everyone was elated because they could rest.

Ding Xiaoyu was different. Today he was wearing a peaked cap again, and the brim of the cap was pulled down low.

When Luo Mo first met her, she loved wearing hats very much.

He knew very well that when Ding Xiaoyu was in a low mood, he would lower the brim of his hat to cover half of his face.

She is a girl who likes to digest her emotions by herself.

"Aren't you happy that you can rest?" Luo Mo squatted down and raised the brim of her hat a little.

"No, I just feel that the next day will be a bit boring." Ding Xiaoyu said.

"What? Have you become a workaholic?" Luo Mo felt that her head must be broken.

For him, lying idle in bed all day is a joy.

Of course, if Xu Chujing lay on the side and bought a new set of pajamas, she would be happier.

Seeing that he was still not in a good mood, Luo Mo remembered that the first time he established a master-student relationship with this girl was to teach her to play pranks and teach her how to play pranks on others.

"Tsk, I'll do a magic trick for you as a teacher." Luo Mo dragged a chair over and sat down in front of her.

"Really?" Ding Xiaoyu was really interested.

"Look, keep an eye on my two fingers." Luo Mo raised his right hand.

"Yeah!" Ding Xiaoyu, who was wearing a hat, nodded vigorously, and even raised the brim of the hat a bit.

"Look closer, I am super powerful close-up magic, if you don't take a closer look, you won't be able to show my ability." Luo Mo said.

Ding Xiaoyu dragged his chair resolutely, and brought his face closer, only a few tens of centimeters away from Luo Mo's fingers.

Luo Mo's hands were sharp, and he wanted to flick her forehead when he raised his hand.

How could he change his mode, he just wanted to poke the head of the young girl in front of him.

"You're still bored without work, see if I don't call...uh."

The words in Luo Mo's mouth stopped.

Because Ding Xiaoyu escaped unexpectedly.

Obviously, from the very beginning when Luo Mo told her to sit closer, she guessed Luo Mo's routine.

"Master, you used this trick last year." Ding Xiaoyu said.

"That's right, haha, hahaha." Luo Mo withdrew his right hand and stroked the back of his head.

Ding Xiaoyu looked at Luo Mo and remembered their previous agreement.

As long as she can surprise Luo Mo in any prank or spoof, she will be regarded as a teacher.

But she has hardly tried to do this until now.

——She didn't want to be a teacher.

It's just that, looking at Luo Mo now, she doesn't know where her mind is cramping.

She lowered the brim of her hat again, covering half of her face, and said suddenly: "Master, I actually like you a little bit."

Suddenly, very suddenly, completely out of the blue.

Luo Mo felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he stood there stupidly.

"Hey, this, uh..." He was also a little incoherent for a while.

Ding Xiaoyu got up suddenly, walked out, and said in a proud voice: "Hey, I lied to you!"

After finishing speaking, she just ran away like a child who did something bad and was afraid of being punished.

Looking at her back as she ran away without a trace, Luo Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

Immediately afterwards, he was slightly distracted.

Ding Xiaoyu ran all the way to the bathroom, took off his hat, and brushed his somewhat crushed hair.

In the mirror, the girl's face was still full of collagen, but she was definitely less childish than when she first met Luo Mo.

With long hair and shawl, it is also a bit bright.

This national sister, she is already an adult.

Master, I actually like you a little bit?

"I just lied to you." She put her hat back on and muttered to herself.



"Charlotte Annoyance" has passed the review.

Luo Mo's studio has already communicated with many parties about its setting in August.

Once the schedule is officially confirmed, some publicity work can be followed up.

It's already July, it's getting late.

During the negotiation process, all major theaters were happy.

For movie theaters, the best news right now is: "Luo Mo has a new movie coming out!"

The cinema business actually has a lot to do with the overall movie environment.

If bad movies are rampant this year, then theaters will naturally not make much money.

But if there are so many phenomenal blockbusters this year, theaters will naturally make a lot of money.

How should I put it, since Luo Mo entered the film industry, it has really been——every year has passed!

Once his new movie is released, let's not mention anything else, just Coke, snacks, and popcorn can sell a lot of money in a day.

"Who, it's so temporarily scheduled for August? No way!"

"What? It's Luo Mo!?"

"That's all right."

The current attitude of the major cinema chains can be said to be better than one.

They couldn't wait to stand in front of Luo Mo with a smile on their calendars and let him choose a date at will.

Even if he throws darts blindfolded and decides the number when he throws it, that's okay.

As for whether the throwing is not allowed to pierce the flesh, then throw it again. It doesn't hurt, hey, it doesn't hurt at all!

Luo Mo's studio "negotiates" with many parties, and it is always so smooth.

After "accepting" various suggestions, Luo Mo finally called the studio and said to choose August 2nd.

It was Friday, and it was a fine day.

As for publicity work...

"This movie is quite special, why not start with the song!" Luo Mo thought.

At nightfall, the well-known music critic [Aunt Leshen] was driving home.

A few days ago, she traveled abroad. She just came back and went to the theater to watch "Manslaughter" with her girlfriends.

She personally likes this movie very much.

She almost shed tears when it was touching, and her legs were tightly closed together when it was exciting, so they fit perfectly.

Throughout the movie, the cool part is really cool.

She is also very satisfied with the finale.

Today, the total box office of "Manslaughter" has reached 1.54 billion.

The market for suspense films is estimated to be directly expanded by this film!

Its momentum is very fierce, and it has a chance to break 3 billion!

After watching the movie, Leshen, who was satisfied, chatted with his girlfriends, thinking that the people on the Internet are really interesting.

"Look, this kind of suspense movie at the box office is the only one in China."

"If you put it on any director and screenwriter, everyone will boast that this movie is a big success."

"But just because the director and screenwriter is Luo Mo, some people say that he is going downhill, and that his box office myth is about to be shattered."

"How can there be such a thing!" Le Shen thought it was too ridiculous.

It's as if Luo Mo had released a divine comedy, and the next song was a bit inferior, but it was also very popular, but someone jumped out and said that he was exhausted.

The girlfriend smiled and said, "It's better to listen to this kind of words the other way around. I think it's an honor instead."

"Is there any director in China who has such a high box office and is still said to be a bad seller?"

"That's right." Le Shen smiled and continued driving.

At the moment, the music in the car is playing in random mode.

The girlfriend sitting in the co-pilot suddenly said: "Hey, stop speeding!"

It was only then that Le Shen realized that he was pressing the accelerator harder and harder.

The reason is simple, the song "Once Upon a Time You" sounded in the car.

Leshen's favorite thing about this song is the prelude and the first line of lyrics.

The song is nice, but it's a waste of oil.

This song is suitable as a promotional song for trams.

The oil price is so expensive now, who would have thought that it would affect listening to songs!

"Hey! Look at this!" The girlfriend sitting in the co-pilot pointed to the screen on the car and said.

Just at a crossroad at this moment, Le Shen stopped and waited for the red light.

She glanced at the big screen on the car, and saw that the song title displayed on the screen actually had a few more suffixes.

"'Once upon a time', an episode of the movie 'Charlotte Annoyance'?" Le Shen was slightly taken aback.

"There were no such words before." She said.

She's a music critic, and she wrote the review for this song, so it's impossible not to notice that.

So, definitely a new addition!

She had heard of the movie "Charlotte's Annoyance" and it had already started filming. She heard that it was a comedy.

The script was written by Luo Mo, and the director was Wang Rong. Xu Wei, who became popular in "Being Famous", seems to be the lead actor.

From these points of view, this movie is definitely very interesting.

It's just that this movie has always been very mysterious, and the news related to it has been exposed very little, which is very strange.

Now is the era of big information, and others are trying their best to show their presence in front of everyone. This movie is good, it seems to want to hide.

After arriving home, Leshen took out his mobile phone and directly entered the words "Charlotte's Annoyance" into Penguin Music.

Soon, several songs jumped out.

""Once Upon a Time with You", an episode of "Charlotte Annoyance"."

""One Cut Plum" is also a movie episode."

"Huh? How did "Xing Qing" become a movie episode?"

"And "Those Flowers"."

"There is also "The Heart Is Too Soft" in "The King of Love Songs."


With so many songs, there is an extra suffix - "Charlotte Annoyance" movie episode!

You know, these songs are quite popular.

So not only Leshen, many people noticed this when listening to the song.

The related popularity began to slowly ferment from this, and it even climbed to the third most searched on Weibo.

Le Shen sat on the chair, a little confused.

"Why didn't Luo Mo directly create a few new songs for it?"

"With his ability and talent, this should be an easy task."

"From the effect point of view, using the new song as an episode, promotional song, theme song... the effect will be better."

"Could it be that he didn't pay much attention to this movie?" Le Shen guessed.

But that doesn't make sense either.

Luo Mo's current movies, whether it's box office or word-of-mouth, don't hit the street.

The more this is the case, the more he will cherish his feathers logically, and he will definitely not mess around.

"Although they are not new songs, these songs are also good songs." Le Shen said in his heart.

So, here comes the biggest problem!

"The songs in the movie must be more or less related to the content of the movie."

"Some songs are even created entirely for the plot of the movie."

"But these songs are all put together, not to mention the different styles, it looks a bit complicated."

"What is this movie about, can it be related to so many songs?"

This point is also what thousands of netizens are most curious about.

——It's like a hodgepodge.

Putting all these songs together, I always feel that there is an unusual atmosphere everywhere.

But because of this, many people began to look forward to this mysterious movie!

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