As the paparazzi photographed more and more celebrities appearing on Octopus Terrace, all of a sudden, the entire Internet had higher and higher expectations for Octopus Terrace's New Year's Eve party.

Of course, so far, everyone has regarded this year's Octopus TV show as a platter concert.

In other words, it was more like the annual meeting between Luo Mo Studio and Xinyu.

Many people jokingly said that the studio and Xinyu Building have been empty.

In fact, it wasn't just the singers from the company who came.

For example, Wei Ran and Li Ge didn't receive any special invitation from CCTV, and they didn't sign up for CCTV's gala, so they planned to catch fish at home.

The good friends originally discussed finding a place to go skiing.

And after receiving the call from Luo Mo, he immediately came over.

The snow will not melt these days, so there is no rush.

This is undoubtedly a wave of memory killing for the loyal audience of "Creating Idols".

It seems that Aurora Girl also participated in this year's party, so Jiang Jiang and Xiao Shen are also there.

The poor men's group NINE-T, apparently the group that finally formed in the talent show, has long been forgotten.

It is said to be [Limited Boys Group], but I didn't expect it to be so limited.

As for Octopus Channel's webcast rights this year, the video platform was won by Penguin Video.

Time passed, and it was December 31st in a blink of an eye.

The battle horn of the New Year's Eve party has officially sounded!



Tonight, a large number of viewers across the country began to watch the New Year's Eve party.

However, some chose CCTV, some chose Four David TV, and some chose Octopus TV.

On the Octopus Channel, half an hour before the official broadcast of the show, they were closely watching the real-time ratings.

And the form can be described as a piece of good!

Even before the party started tomorrow, the ratings were showing an upward trend.

Ten minutes before the party started, it even started to soar!

Xu Guan looked at the data, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

In addition to being excited, he also began to fall into endless confusion.

Not only him, but the rest of the high-level officials in Octopus Terrace also felt a deep sense of confusion.

The reason is very simple, the ratings have almost caught up to last year's peak before the broadcast even started!

It seems that all our previous efforts were no match for Luo Mo's strong joining.

Of course, this confusion is momentary.

More, it is endless excitement.

When the one-minute countdown to the broadcast began, the ratings had already surpassed last year's peak.

This time, Octopus Terrace raised the budget a lot and spent a lot of money on the party.

After all, it is a great thing that people are willing to come, so it is not easy to let people discount, one thing is one thing.

Because too much money was spent, everyone still cares about the final return.

Fortunately, when Luo Mo and Ning Dan came, they didn't have to worry about the advertising fee at the party.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

When the live broadcast of the party officially started, the person in charge of the data immediately recorded the data.

"Director, the current data is already 11% higher than last year's peak value!"

All of a sudden, there was cheers in the room.

Although Xu Guan's heartbeat had accelerated, he still tried his best to maintain a calm expression on his face.

He knew very well that the fun had just begun!

At the same time, Xu Guan is actually curious, how much is the live webcast data on Penguin Video?

It should arrive in a few minutes.

Next, the data of the two sides will be reported to each other every half hour.

"Our station's ratings base is weak, some places are not even covered, and our station is not on the TV."

"So, it should be that the webcast data is more terrifying than the ratings." Xu caring thought.



Almost at the same time, the first programs of David TV and CCTV appeared one after another.

It stands to reason that the first program is actually a warm-up, stir up the atmosphere, and warm up the scene.

So basically the same.

However, many viewers who watched the live broadcast were shocked by the opening lineup on Octopus Channel.

There were three stars at the opening, and a group of backup dancers stood behind.

Standing on the left is Wei Ran, a first-line singer.

If it was the Octopus Stage in the past, it would not be so extravagant to use a singer of Wei Ran's level as the opening.

Standing on the right is Xu Wei, who became popular with "Rising Fame" and "Charlotte Annoyance".

Xu Wei can sing, and many viewers also know it.

And he can sing pretty well.

And the one standing in the middle is—Wang Rong!

The barrage in the live broadcast instantly began to sweep.

"Damn it, Director Wang?"

"Awesome, the film king is opening!"

"You're well dressed, don't you want to sing and dance?"

"It's not uncommon to sing and dance. Haven't you watched Director Wang's archaeological video? He was the king of breakdancing when he was in college."

"Really, the contrast is a bit big!"

The name of the show quickly emerged, and it really was an opening show of singing and dancing.

—— "The Best Stage".

It can be said that these three stars stand together, and everyone is already looking forward to it.

But the appearance of a few lines of small characters will directly fill up everyone's sense of anticipation!

"Lyricist: Luo Mo."

"Composer: Luo Mo."

"Composer: Luo Mo."

"Choreographer: Luo Mo."

The most shocking thing was the choreography performed by Luo Mo.

Although during the period of "Creating Idols", he was responsible for arranging many stages, but it has been a long time since everyone saw the stages he was in charge of arranging!

And where did they rehearse and where did they learn to dance?

Naturally, it was on the set of "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

This singing and dancing stage, on Earth, is in charge of Chen Weiting, Zhang Yixing, and Huang Bo.

If many people have watched the Spring Festival Gala that year, they may still have a deep impression on it, because it was so exciting and brainwashing!

After a prelude, the singing and dancing began immediately.

"[Our best stage, the curtain rises,

You are welcome.

Crowds of people cheering together,

feel my love. 】”

The three of them stood on the stage, singing and dancing. As soon as they opened their voices, they felt that the song was very lively and very suitable for the opening.

Not to mention the style of music can drive the atmosphere, the lyrics are also very suitable for the occasion.

The most important thing is that this song appeared in the Spring Festival Gala on Earth, so there is nothing wrong with the lyrics.

But it is different in Blue Star.

Looking at the title and lyrics of this song, it reveals a bit of domineering and arrogant!

Everyone knows that today is a group arena with ratings and network data.

As soon as we started, we dared to set the tone.

The title of the song is "The Best Stage"!

At the beginning, it was sung: "[Our best stage, the curtain opens, welcome to come]!"

This makes many people in the industry look dumbfounded.

Provocation, this is Hong Guoguo's provocation!

The tone was high enough, Luo Mo and Ning Dan were as confident as ever!

But I have to say, this way of doing it is indeed more interesting than the first programs of the four big TVs and CCTV!

The first punch is magnificent!

Do you think my first show is just for Pure Hey?


I'm letting you know that tonight I'm going to turn on the invincible mode.

I saw three people standing on the stage, continuing to sing and dance.

"[Our best stage is now,

Keep up with the beat!

The audience swayed to their heart’s content, cheering to the future—]”

From the beginning until now, everything is still nothing.

This song sounds quite simple, and it feels like an excellent atmosphere group.

But after the chorus ended, Wang Rong, who stood in the middle, began to "act as a demon".

He was already fatter than Wei Ran and Xu Wei.

More importantly, he is also shorter than the two of them.

The legs are also shorter than both of them.

People are also older than the two of them.

But it doesn't matter.

He has the special vigor of a middle-aged man, and even a unique... arrogance!

I saw him standing there, and suddenly stopped singing.

At the beginning, with an old face on his face, the whole person turned sideways to the audience, raised his head high, stretched out one arm, pointed upwards, and shouted in a vigorous and angry voice:

"Jump up—!"

This loud shout actually caused some audience members to break their waists and get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them started a somewhat funny, but inexplicably brainwashing, dance with a slightly ghostly feel to the warm music.

"Fuck, Director Wang is my biggest surprise so far!"

"Hahaha, I'm starting to feel very happy!"

"So hot, so fucking hot!"

"Hahaha, give me "The God of Medicine" and "Manslaughter" back!"

"Director Wang has a bit of humor!"

"Absolutely, this atmosphere is absolutely amazing!"

"Luo Mo's choreography is too good!"

The three danced like this, almost repeating the same movement.

After dancing for a while, they still shouted in unison: "The best! The stage!"

Wow, don't they feel ashamed?

Not to mention, Xu Wei is handsome.

On Wei Ran's side, because of his honest face, it gives people a feeling of being forced.

Only Wang Rong really blended into this dance, and he gave people the feeling of - wow, I enjoyed it so much.

After shouting, the three of them began to change their movements again.

One movement is more magical than one movement! One movement is more exciting than one movement!

After repeating the same movement several times, the three raised their arms high, waving and shouting: "Come on! Come on!"

Yes, these parts are not sung, they are shouted.

"Damn, I actually feel very superior!"

"The eyes of the grandma next to me are bright, I suspect that the square dance song list will be +1."

"Hahaha, I really want to take my dad to learn together!"

It's hard to imagine that the atmosphere of an opening program can be pushed to such a point, which is completely unconventional.

But not to mention, it's lively, it's fun, it gives people a feeling like a party, what we want is to let go and play openly!

In the barrage, countless netizens began to send them barrage while listening to the song.

Aren't you jumping and shouting "Come on, come on"?

OK, as you wish!

The ratings and webcast data are soaring!

Many new viewers who came to watch the live broadcast left messages and interacted with them remotely.

"I'm coming!"

(ps: The second update, it’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

Continue to update the preview at the request of the editor: This chapter will be updated at 17:40 on August 28, and the next chapter is expected to be before 8:00 tomorrow night. )

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