This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 132 Unexpected Harvest

【Lingzhu Ranking】

The first senior college in Tianhai City, Fang Ziqing, one.

Fang Ziqing looked at the news and rankings that suddenly appeared on the watch with a headache.

At this time, obviously not only the two of them, but the ability of the three major colleges must have received the news.

It's all right now, everyone knows that Fang Ziqing has a spiritual orb in his hand!

Then his position will become the target of public criticism.

Once discovered by others, he will be frantically besieged. It is foreseeable that if you meet Xing Fei at this time, you will definitely have a big battle.

Jiang Lexin swallowed

"Fang team, are we two dangerous now?"

Fang Ziqing rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly

"This team game always surprises people, no rules are revealed, let us slowly discover."

"Next, the two of us must be careful and low-key. Everyone knows that I have a spiritual orb. When we meet again, we will inevitably compete."

Jiang Lexin nodded, pouting his mouth

"This is too unlucky..."

Fang Ziqing sighed

"The only thing that is gratifying is that the [Spirit Orb Ranking] does not show which academy's bead is."

"Otherwise, the real high will find us at all costs and snatch it."

At this moment, his team immediately felt a sense of crisis.

It was okay before the Lingzhu appeared, and no one knew who had collected them all.

This is all right, someone took the lead in collecting one.

Although I don't know which college it belongs to, what if it happens to be from their own college?

As long as the rest is successfully found, won’t it be victory in sight?

As for if it wasn't from their college, it would be even worse!

In case it belongs to our college, what should we do if we don’t collect all six...

Everyone is pregnant with ghosts and enters a state of intense preparations.

At this time, Xing Fei patted her head angrily.

Since she heard the news, she quickly returned to plan to find Fang Ziqing.

But the time between them was a bit long after all, and this Fang Ziqing even deliberately forged several traces of the journey.

This caused Xing Fei, who had been searching for hours, to be played around.

Time passed bit by bit.

Everyone started to feel uncomfortable, and gradually they were able to ensure their survival.

The survival problem has been solved, then the next step is to start looking for teammates.

Including Fang Ziqing and the others are also on the road they have traveled, constantly carving out their exclusive traces.

Just for the members of a team to see and follow the traces to find them.

Until the night, the two of them did not meet the treasure chest again.

But there is a new movement on the [Lingzhu Ranking]

The First Senior College of Tianhai City, Fang Ziqing, one

The First Senior College in Tianhai City, Gu Wan, one

Tianhai City Experimental Senior College, Fei Xing, 1

Seeing Gu Wan also got one smoothly, the two nodded.

So far, the progress of their No. 1 Middle School is the fastest, but I don't know which academy's spirit orb Gu Wan has obtained.

It was quiet in the middle of the night, and the two of them sat in front of a small fire to sleep lightly.

They did not dare to fall asleep, so as to respond to the appearance of the treasure chest at any time.

However, a group of uninvited guests who did not wait for the treasure chest to arrive.

After getting a treasure chest, the three brothers from the sixth middle school quickly moved away from the scene, and they saw fire from a distance.

The three of them glanced at each other and decided to bury the treasure chest somewhere, and then took a closer look.

After all, the light from the fire had too much impact on the night.

At this time, a capable person with good eyes whispered

"Look at it, it looks like Fang Ziqing from No. 1 China, and there is another person beside..."

The other two were surprised, and one of them was extremely excited. He was the one who was robbed by Fang Ziqing.

Another high-powered person groaned

"Now everyone knows that Fang Ziqing has a spiritual orb on his body, and he robbed us before. Do you want to kill him?"

The capable person who was robbed by Fang Ziqing next to him hesitated slightly

"He is a three-star genius, the three of us are probably not his opponents, right? And there is a capable person next to him..."

Seeing that his teammates are obviously lacking in confidence, the taller capable person patted him on the shoulder and said

"If we normally would not choose to face him head-on, but now he is sleeping, this opportunity is rare in a lifetime..."

The capable person with good eyes also nodded and said

"Although we got another treasure chest, no one knows if it is a trap card or something like last time."

"But what is certain is that Fang Ziqing has a spiritual orb on his body."

"As long as we get close to him and let the watch determine that he is defeated, he can only give us the spirit orb when he wakes up..."

Seeing both teammates make up their minds, the only one who hesitated also gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.

Since being robbed by Fang Ziqing, he dreamed that he would be able to take it back one day. Who knew that his dream would come true so quickly...

The three of them slowly walked towards Fang Ziqing and Jiang Lexin, while Jiang Lexin was holding back a smile.

It turned out that Fang Ziqing, who was lightly sleeping, was awakened as soon as these three guys approached.

In line with the principle that none of them could run away, he secretly woke Jiang Lexin up.

The two quietly gestured, planning to take them all after they approached!

But who knows that these three guys are so inked, they are both impatient to wait.

When the three of them slowly approached and they were about to start, they heard a sound

"Hi brothers, we meet again."

Then Fang Ziqing turned around and smiled at the trio’s shocked eyes.

All three of them were in a mess for a while.

Originally it was a guilty conscience, and it was enough to be caught upright at this time. The key opposite was the Samsung genius Fang Ziqing.

Even if the three of them are the top ones in the entire Sixth, they have no bottom at this time.

I'm afraid that Fang Ziqing can solve them all by himself without Jiang Lexin, who is also in the top ten.

The taller yelled immediately when things were not going well

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly."

The two capable people next to him reacted quickly, but someone was faster than them...

Three minutes later, the three of them squatted on the ground holding their heads.

And Jiang Lexin and Fang Ziqing on the side interrogated the tree branch

"There are really no treasures?"

The tall boy shook his head and said with a smile

"Really not, if you don't want to search it."

Jiang Lexin and Fang Ziqing looked at each other. The other party was obviously confident, Fang Ziqing smiled.

"If this is the case, according to the regulations, you have no treasures to withstand your life, and I have to eliminate you..."

The boy who was robbed on the side obviously wanted to say something, so he was pushed down by the taller man.

Fang Ziqing smiled softly and said to Jiang Lexin

"You said that the sixth middle school loses three high-end combat power at once. Is it necessary for this game to go on?"

Jiang Lexin shook his head

"The worst of the three major colleges is the sixth middle school. If you lose half of your strength at the beginning of the game, you will definitely lose."

Fang Ziqing shook his head, tut tut

"Oh, when the time comes, the remaining three sixth-middle abilities will be completely ignored."

"After all, when everyone gathered together in the final battle, they only had three people..."

Listening to the two singing and making a peace, the three of them indeed looked slightly bitter.

What they said is actually correct. Any loss of more than half of the number in any academy is a devastating blow.

The treasure chest is random, assuming that everyone encounters the same probability.

If they lose ordinary people, it means that the probability of them encountering the treasure chest will be less than half, and it will be extremely difficult to collect six spirit orbs.

If the strength is strong, it's okay, you can do a tyrannical one-on-one snatch, but their sixth middle school has the worst overall strength.

Seeing the eye contact between the three of them, Fang Ziqing was not anxious, but secretly waited for their reply.

The taller thought for a while and decided to use the treasure chest in exchange for the lives of the three of them. After all, no one knew what was in the treasure chest.

Maybe it's a trap card?

"Okay, Fang Ziqing, you won. We are willing to exchange the treasure chest we just obtained."


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