The fourteen people who were eliminated in the first pass stood there dejectedly

A smile flashed in the eyes of Lord Black

"Of course I will also give you a chance. You can now form a special team of fourteen people. Later, if you perform well, you can't replace them, are you willing?"

With hope in the eyes of the fourteen people, they nodded quickly.

In addition to special teams, there are teams numbered one to six.

Everyone will issue five points cards, and each team will fight separately when the battle begins.

You can choose to separate or group together to find the score cards hidden around.

Teams can be robbed, and only one score card can be taken every time a member is defeated.

After three hours, the team with the most points can be successfully promoted to the home team, and the second team becomes the vice team.

In order to prevent some people from not playing a role, the members will be adjusted after the team is formed. The basis of the adjustment is the score card in hand.

In a word, if you patronize yourself, your own team may lose, but you may be kicked out of the team if you ignore yourself.

And the special brigade that formed can only rely on robbery to win the score card.

Because they have as many as fourteen people, a team that unites is sometimes not an opponent.

This in turn involves the cooperation and competition between the team and the team.

The location of this assessment is to rush to an artificial forest.

The six members of Team One gathered together to discuss tactics.

Zhao Peng took the lead to speak: "I just observed all the teams. Our team's overall strength should be the strongest. Five of the six are in the top ten. Then the only weakness is Liang Bo."

Liang Bo nodded and said: "Each of us has five points cards in hand. If other teams find us to start, I will be the weakest link."

"This is just one aspect to consider, and what is more important is whether we can separate them when we look for the score cards next. The chances of finding them separately are high, but they are also easy to be robbed." Bai Yiyi thought.

Jiang Lexin fiddled with the stones on the ground and said solemnly: "I'm afraid that other teams will unite. We are not afraid to fight alone, but if two or even three teams add up, the odds of winning will be much smaller."

"And everyone, don't forget that the number of that special brigade is twice ours. They can only use robbery, which is bound to be even crazier."

Gu Wan looked at Fang Ziqing and said, "What do you think?"

Fang Ziqing has a dog's tail grass in his mouth, looking around graciously.

"Huh? If it's my idea, we can just grab another team. We are the strongest and there is no need to separate."

Zhao Peng frowned and said, "But then I'm afraid they will unite to attack us, when the time comes...and we won't find the hidden point card?"

Fang Ziqing smiled slightly: "Look, why don't you find it, just let them find it for us."

"You can only get one scoring card once you defeat, so a team must play at least five times, and this time is enough for them to find some scoring cards. There is no rule that only one scoring card can be found."

"As for uniting? It's simple, it's just as long as they dare not unite."

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, and it's really better to take the initiative to attack instead of aimless defense.

Jiang Lexin asked: "Then how to distribute the points card?"

Gu Wan stood up: "The one that you defeated belongs to you, and the hidden scorecards won by the team are equally divided."

Everyone nodded, it's fair.

So that everyone can contribute, there is a certain degree of care for the unlucky members.

Jiang Lexin said excitedly: "Then we start arresting people?"


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