This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 628 Xing Fei: Suddenly I want to deal with Fang Zi!

The strength of their prey is far beyond their imagination, and at this time they are also regarded as prey.

It's just different from the casual attitude of the classmates.

After all, a person who is a little hungry and who has been hungry for a long time, sees the food in a very different way.

The battle in area A has begun, and area B is not to be outdone.

The hunting island is very large, area A is in the north of the island, and area B is in the south of the island.

In the middle, there is an artificial moat created by the Federation, just to separate these Demonic Beasts from the geniuses.

After all, thousands of people are a battlefield, just in case the upper level considers the test for them in the end.

If the Demonic Beasts outbreak was too large, and the human geniuses failed to unite effectively.

The loss of Terran genius is bound to be very great,

Now it is divided into two battlefields, each with about a thousand geniuses.

Demonic Beasts are not bad if there are more, so that even if you lose control in the end, you can regain control.

This so-called battle cultivation is said to test their various data, in fact, there is another plan, which is to give them a chance to fight.

These geniuses were able to easily defeat the Demonic Beasts in the four and five realms in the city where they were located, and they had a little arrogance in their hearts.

At that time, I didn't know that the Demonic Beasts in those places, in the words of the human race, belonged to the ravines, but they were the frogs at the bottom of the wells.

And when people come to the city from the mountain ditch, they are bound to feel a different experience.

They will be horrified to find that Demonic Beasts of the same level that they could have easily defeated can now be evenly matched with them, even crushing themselves in most cases.

Every year, there will be geniuses who lose their lives in a hurry and make mistakes because of the great gap in their hearts.

The demon caves guarded by the city and the Demonic Beasts, who can be called geniuses by these demon races, cannot be compared at all.

At the same level, these monster geniuses can even slap to death the so-called same level. This is the gap.

And this is also the first lesson for them.

There are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. Don't think that you are very powerful.

If the Yaozu is so easy to deal with, why is it that the Human Race technology and the Awakener have resisted for so many years?

This is still the result of the joint resistance of the Federation Human Race and the Imperial Human Race, and the power of the Monster Race far exceeds everyone's imagination.


At this time, Xing Fei was leaning on her chest, looking at Bai Yiyi sitting in Lotus Position.

Although own talent is stronger than Bai Yiyi, now Bai Yiyi has entered Ju 7 ahead of schedule!

As long as everything goes well for her this time, Bai Yiyi wakes up to be a powerhouse.

At that time, he was qualified to be assessed as an A-level genius and obtained a 100% inheritance stone.

Xing Fei exhaled slightly, her talent was stronger.

But I don’t care about myself everywhere, thinking of own powerful Big Brother....

Everything is on your own.

In today's ten-man team, Fang Ziqing and Gu Wan don't need to say much, they are no longer on the same level.

The A-level they are struggling to pursue is a level that they don't want.

In the ten-man team, Bai Yiyi and himself are in the second echelon. They are expected to feel 7 Realm, and then rated A.

After that, Liang Bo can only be in the top 100 list, and the best is only in the 70s or 80s.

Last year, there were only about ten geniuses who were qualified to be rated as A-levels. This year, although it seems that there are very few A-levels currently rated.

But this is because a few people who were supposed to be A jumped forward and unexpectedly broke through the 9th threshold, leaving the A-level vacant.

However, the Federation has never given them places, but depends on the specific situation.

So this year is extremely likely to happen, A-level genius is not as much as S-level.

After all, even if there are no A-level people, those who do not meet the standard will not be mentioned.

Because although the War of Awakening is the largest and most widespread way for the Federation to select talents, it does not mean that there are no geniuses elsewhere.

For example, some of the children cultivated by the military from a young age, and some of the children of the strong have very powerful talents, which is a precious thing like a 100% stone of inheritance, which force does not want?

So what Liang Bo and the others can hit is Jue 5, the 75% inheritance stone corresponding to the B level.

It is unrealistic for them to hit A-level.

But work harder, it's not difficult to hit the B-class.

After all, most of the top 100 people are B-level. As long as you perform well this time, you will have a B-level title.

On the other hand, oneself, high is not good, but low is not good.

Xing Fei sighed slightly, although own talent is good.

Now I also have a hunch that my Cultivation Base has reached a critical point, and I have the opportunity to make a breakthrough in the last period of time before this rating!

But thinking of the ups and downs along the way compared with Bai Yiyi, it was a bit miserable.

Not only now, but also in the secret realm.

At the beginning, the weird secret realm greatly ascensioned their Cultivation Base, but in the end it brought them a great threat.

They have even been hit hard many times...

And Fei Xing is that kind of stubborn.

The road that hits A Grade is very dangerous, and there are many people who have a better chance than them.

So Xing Fei and Bai Yiyi started a desperate impact in order not to fall too far behind Ziqing.

The greater the gain, the greater the risk.

Xing Fei still remembers that Bai Yiyi quietly put the jelly beans in her mouth if it weren't for her serious injury.

I'm afraid I can't live out of the secret realm now.

After all, when they were in the secret realm, they were really desperate for the strength of Ascension. They dared to kill monsters that they did not dare to kill, just to eat the corpses to preserve their combat effectiveness and ensure the peak speed of cultivation.

Therefore, the injuries suffered were more and more serious than others.

Xing Fei didn't even have to think about it, that magical jelly bean must be Fang Ziqing's life-saving elixir for Bai Yiyi.

When the last two came out, the ranking jumped from the 20th to the 30th to a dozen, becoming the closest to the top 10.

Cultivation Base starts from entering the extreme realm, madly from the 1st breakthrough to the 6th peak.

To achieve such a result, in addition to the desperate efforts of the two.

The reason is that the jelly beans in Bai Yiyi's hand can support them to continue their crazy behavior.

However, Bai Yiyi, who was a little behind himself, is now the first to make a breakthrough, not to mention that Fang Ziqing has made another move.

However, Xing Fei only has blessings and has no other thoughts about this, otherwise he would not be engrossed here to protect Bai Yiyi.

It's just a little sigh, it's nice to have a strong man thinking about himself.

Why didn't I have any ideas at the beginning, so I wanted to find out who was going to be with Fangzi?

Otherwise, even after being rejected, now I have an own copy!

Xing Fei curled her lips slightly, then turned around to continue her vigilance.

Bai Yiyi sitting in the Lotus Position, the aura in his body is constantly rising at this time, and he feels that 7 is a threshold.

At that time, I was cultivating in the water room, and I didn't expect Gu Wan to come to me.

Bai Yiyi was still very curious at the time, thinking she was a Fang Ziqing who had quarreled.

I thought of something uncomfortable and came to reason with myself.

However, since Gu Wan came to the island, his attitude towards own has been different from others.

Abnormal.. good!


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