This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 637 I have a thick skin!

They seemed to be embarrassed, and the Yaozu did not please.

Originally thought that he would launch a crazy attack on this side, and deal with the weak human race would definitely be quickly wiped out.

But who knew that there were a few people in this human race with such terrifying fighting power.

Especially Lan Qinghan and Song Wuyou, two 9-conscious people, directly and unreasonably played one-to-many.

Lan Qinghan, who offered the big killer and held the ice cone, was simply outrageous.

Song Wuyou, the man with many hole cards, was stunned.

I didn't see it, this cold woman is so irritable, and her strength is so powerful.

Alas, Song Wuyou thought of Fang Ziqing and Gu Wan, and suddenly got a toothache.

Where is the southern province?

How did you cultivate these three madmen who can "comparable" with yourself.

The narcissistic Song Wuyou immediately caught a glimpse of Guo Tiantian, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

It seems.... This product is also from Tiannan Province?


Co-authored, the top ten in the rankings are contracted by your province, right?

Feng Liu in front said: "Be careful, it seems that the demon clan that was beaten back is touching again, get ready to fight!"

As the forefront of the war, they are also in charge of holding the battle in Zone B, so naturally they have to face the toughest monster attack.

Guo Tiantian exhaled, then bowed his head slightly.

Alas, after fighting for too long, this Demonic Beasts is so hard.

The treasure sword made with a high price in his own hand is about to be chopped.

She suddenly thought that Fang Ziqing could condense all kinds of weapons with a wave of his hand, and they were still extremely powerful.

Humph, your current Cultivation Base is not much different from the original Fang Ziqing, right?

Why can't I succeed after trying so many times?

No, let Fang Ziqing teach me how to go back this time.

Don't talk about teaching one another, you have to teach yourself hand-in-hand, right?

What, Gu Wan is jealous?

Well, it's okay, I have a thick-skinned face!


Fang Ziqing waved his hand to signal everyone to stop. When he reached the front, the shadow clone felt the aura of the demon clan.

There is not necessarily no spies from the monster race in front, you and others must plan well before entering.

The avatar of Sandaoying was released by Fang Ziqing to investigate the news.

At this time, intelligence is the most important.

Relying on the height of his Cultivation Base, he walked in lawlessly.

Then when you are swarmed by hundreds of Demonic Beasts, you will definitely be stunned, even the gods are useless!

Whether it was Su Yu, who was unwilling to speak, or Leimeng, who was usually lively, seemed very quiet at this time.

Ziqing walked along the way and said that they all knew what they were going to face next.

Maybe the own classmates are fighting evenly against the monster race, or they may have been deeply trapped and dying.

The probability of the latter is significantly greater.

The human race that lacked the top combat power was calculated by the monster race again, and it was difficult to achieve evenly matched battles.

Fang Ziqing whispered: "Anyway, we must prepare for the worst, and our task is to deal with the geniuses of the monster race. Everyone must now restore their own combat power to the peak state!"

Listening to Fang Ziqing's serious words, Lei Mang immediately patted his own chest and said: "Don't worry about the team, I will be the first to charge at that time, and I will never let those bastards approach you!"

Looking at the simple and honest Lei Mang, Fang Ziqing shook his head and chuckled: "If it were that simple, I'm afraid we will be separated by then!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Wan also looked at Fang Ziqing in surprise, the five people have been running well from entering the island to now.

During this period, not only five people shot at the same time, but also tried various combinations.

It can be said that everyone is already familiar with each other's existence. What do Fang Ziqing's words mean now?

Fang Ziqing looked at Gu Wan and said to everyone: "This is not necessarily true, then..."

Before Fang Ziqing finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly, looking like he had received the message of the shadow clone.

He smiled bitterly, and then said: "It seems that this is really going to happen!"

Fang Ziqing got news of the three shadow clones, and the situation really coincided with what he had imagined.

He immediately squatted down and fiddled with a few stones.

First, Fang Ziqing pointed to the three stones and said, "I just checked the news initially. The battlefield is divided into three. Look!"

Gu Wan's gaze shifted to the three stones. The three areas seemed to be separated but when they were placed together, they seemed to form an encircling circle.

Because the only gap is the ocean, which is a natural barrier.

One on the far left, one on the far right, and one in the center.

The three battlefields are enough to block the human race inside, but they can't get out, and they can't run out!

Su Yu looked at Fang Ziqing and said, "Team Fang, shall we go to these three regions separately?"

Lei Meng didn't seem to want to be separated either, and said reluctantly: "Even if we rescue one by one, it's not impossible, if we separate..."

Fangzi nodded, knowing what Lei Meng and Su Yu meant.

There are many ways for them, and of course separation is the fastest way to ensure the least casualties.

However, this may cause the fighting power to be too scattered, and for fear of encountering special circumstances.

For example, suppose that there are six geniuses in the Yaozu that can match them, but three of them are in the leftmost area. At this time, if Su Yu goes alone, it will be overwhelming and it will be finished.

And the shadow clone can't go too deep, otherwise it will be discovered, so how to weigh it depends on Fang Ziqing.

Is it a risky gamble, or to go one by one in order to be safe.

If Su Yu and Lei Meng didn't want all the teams to go before, but a team leader can affect everyone the most.

In these short days of getting along, Fang Ziqing's fighting style has been passed on to them, and everything must first protect own safety as the first priority.

Going together with the whole team is the safest way!

Fang Ziqing smiled, then looked at Su Yu and Lei Meng and said, "It's not wrong, if it is really just to save everyone, I will definitely choose the second one too!"

Listening to Fang Ziqing's words, Lei Meng was slightly puzzled.

Since Fang Ziqing also prefers the second kind, how could he say something that everyone might separate before?

I'm afraid that what Fang Ziqing is considering is not too on the same channel as them, right?

Fang Ziqing looked around everyone and said, "Gu night, I will ask you, what are our assessment requirements"

Seeing the upright Fang Ziqing suddenly asking herself a question, Gu Wan was a little nervous.

She straightened her hair and slightly said, "The Demonic Beasts, which are roughly the same as Cultivation Base, fight for half an hour without losing wind. It is judged by the watch!"

Fang Zi counted and nodded, then moved his gaze to Su Yu.

Su Yu's face flushed suddenly, and the serious Fang Ziqing made people a little scared.

These days, even if Gu Wan was scolded by Fang Zi when she made mistakes, they were naturally too.

Although Fang Ziqing coaxed everyone after the incident, no one dared to refute Fang Ziqing when fighting and summing up, and Gu Wan did not dare.

Su Yu felt a little nervous.

She didn't know what kind of questions Fang Ziqing would ask herself, and she didn't know if Fang Ziqing would be satisfied with her answer!


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