This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 660 The Rating Has Been Out!

Afterwards, no one in the convoy spoke.

Everyone is closing their eyes and resting, waiting for the final result to come.

As the road increases, you can feel a touch of bumps in the future.

Gu Wan opened his eyes and saw that Fangzi on the side had already woke up early in the morning, and was watching the outside with the curtain of the car.

Seeing Guo Tiantian still falling asleep stupidly, Gu Wan slightly lowered his voice and said, "How is it, what have you found?"

Fang Ziqing saw Gu Wan wake up and shook his head slightly, "Now that the night has not passed, I can't tell where this is because I can see the surrounding landscape constantly changing with the lights of the car!"

Gu Wan suddenly became vigilant and said, "Will there be problems with this group of people?"

Hearing Gu Wan's words, Fang Ziqing immediately stroked her head.

Gu Wan didn't think about it this way before.

After following himself for a long time, he was very happy to be able to think about problems in a different way of thinking.

After all, if you leave this girl one day, you can't let her be sold and still count the money for others, right?

"Don't worry, I have observed these soldiers a long time ago. They are very similar in style to those who surround the island, and there is nothing wrong with their breath!"

Gu Wan nodded, and then leaned slightly in Fang Ziqing's arms.

This has been tossing for a long time. I slept for less than two hours just now, and was awakened by the turbulence.

I don't know when this war of awakening will end.

Maybe this idea is quite wrong.

But at this time, Gu Wan sometimes thinks.

It would be nice if the two of them didn't become capable people at the beginning.

In that case, the two of them might be the same as ordinary people, studying cultural knowledge safely and then taking the university entrance examination.

Although he may never leave Tianhai City in his entire life and Life is plain and ordinary, there will not be so many accidents.

There is no need for another person to worry about each other every time he fights.

If you look at it like taking care of it late.

The two will find a job in the city in a few years, and then the family is not short of money.

Maybe afterwards, the two will still be together naturally.

Get married naturally, and then you will give birth to one or two babies..

This kind of life was incredible in the eyes of Gu Wan before.

In other words, this is simply the life she hates most, and there is no one.

But our cold girl will grow up and understand the warmth of home.

Although she is only eighteen years old, she is in her youth, logically she shouldn't think about it like this.

But what Gu Wan has experienced this year is something that no one else can experience in his entire life, and everyone's age is far more than eighteen.

However, Gu Wan would not mention such things to Fang Ziqing.

Because it is impossible!

The Federation will not allow two peerless geniuses to retreat and spend such a large price to cultivate geniuses, isn't it just to make them strong against the monster race one day?

And Fang Ziqing himself would not allow it.

Gu Wan clearly felt that during this period of time, Fang Ziqing, who didn't fight for anything on the surface, just didn't want others to pay attention to him.

In fact, his heart is desperate for power.

Although until now, Gu Wan hadn't figured out why Fang Ziqing wanted to become stronger.

wealth? status? Or a woman?

It doesn't seem to be, so what is he for?

Gu Wan raised his head slightly and looked at Fang Ziqing's deep eyes looking out the window.

Maybe, this answer, only he knows it!


There was a sound of "呲", and everyone was shocked.

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter.

They first took a boat and then made a car. Is it finally here?

Can you finally see the legendary stone of inheritance?

Fang Ziqing looked through the window, and saw that the outside scene was definitely a barren mountain.

As they originally imagined.

Everyone came to a city full of science and technology, and then, under the witness of many bigwigs, was awarded the stone of inheritance, and then embarked on the pinnacle of life.

But what is this place?

In other words, such a precious thing is given in this place where the bird does not shit.

Does it fit?

And some thoughtful classmates, at this time, all began to doubt slightly.

Are these troops the official troops of Qingzhou, or are they hostile forces?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to drag them here, shouldn't it be to execute them?

Of course, this is just to think about it, but it's actually impossible.

Because if you want to kill them, wouldn't it be easy to put some poisonous gas in the car when everyone is sleeping in the car at night? Why wait until they wake up during the day?

There are thousands of quasi-awakened people here, and they are basically geniuses of Awakening 3 and above.

How much power does it take to destroy them head-on?

Moreover, in the boundary of Qingzhou City, which force can take them away so blatantly?

Although they knew it was impossible, everyone started to get off the car with suspicion.

But this car, not everyone can get off.

Fang Ziqing and their convoy first opened up, and then a group of troops that clearly felt powerful and also had a lot of armed forces on them, suddenly appeared and led ten people toward the front.

Then came the second and third...

Until the quasi-awakened people in all vehicles were led down by the soldiers, everyone lined up at the foot of the mountain.

Then, without waiting for these quasi-awakened people to discuss something, everyone's watch immediately began to announce the results.

"Ding, the 3018th Battle of Awakening, there are seven S-level appraisers, and A-level appraisers..."

"All those who are awakened, please check their own rating, and then the inheritance stone will be issued according to the rating."

"S grade is awarded to inherited rough stone, A grade is awarded to 100% purity of inheritance stone, B grade is awarded to 75% purity of inheritance stone, and C grade is awarded to 50% purity of inheritance stone!"

Everyone was blown up by this sudden news.

They suddenly felt a pounding heart, and then their fingers trembled slightly, and they clicked on the self-inquiry option on the watch.

After seeing the own rating, some people were relieved, of course, some people suddenly turned black.

For example, Du Xuan.

Although I knew that it was not good to get in the last car, but at the end of seeing myself, it was really just a 50% rubbish inheritance stone, and I still felt very desperate and unacceptable.

I would cry like that.

She has been spoiled all the way since she was a child, even if she couldn't get things, she would be given to her.

But since I came to Qingzhou, no matter what I was doing, I hit a wall one after another.

Fang Ziqing ignored him, and the soldiers attacked her.

She doesn't understand whether she has become ugly, or that these people are not men!

After seeing the own rating, everyone was slightly curious about other people's ratings.

In fact, in previous years, everyone’s ratings were announced, similar to the previous rankings.

But not this year.

I just told you how many S-levels, how many A-levels, how many B-levels, etc.,

As for the reason...

Fang Ziqing saw three large S-classes appearing on his watch, which was unusually conspicuous.

And Gu Wan was waiting for six people, there was only one S-class time.

Fang Ziqing knew that he was noticed by the boss.

The S-level can be described as the top genius in a state, what are the three S-levels?


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