This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 666 Ancient Times!

Fang Ziqing was slightly puzzled at this time.

At that time, I crossed a big level.

Of course this level refers to.

At that time, Fang Ziqing killed a monster of a higher level as a capable person.

So at that time, I leapfrogged and killed the Scarlet and other enemies, just a leapfrog killing of the same level, so there was no such reward.

At the time of life and death, you can only get a chance to draw a lottery by killing the monster that is stronger than one level of yourself!

At that time, the system was sealed, but now it’s useless to turn it on.

I already have a sword orifice diagram. What kind of Cultivation Technique do I need?

"Ding, the host, please be aware that the host can concurrently cultivate multiple Cultivation Techniques, and "Sword Aperture Diagram" can be used as the main Cultivation Technique!"

Fang Ziqing nodded slightly, and then silently used it for a while.

There was a fierce voice suddenly

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the body cultivator Cultivation Technique "Dragon Elephant Forbidden Code."

Fang Ziqing pursed his mouth, then nodded slightly.

The strength of his body is already terrifying under the blessing of "Sword Aperture Diagram".

If you practice this Cultivation Technique again, it will definitely complement each other and become more perverted.

Fang Ziqing sighed, the message of his awakening this time was really too great.

It's him, there is no reaction for a while now.

Thinking about it carefully, the system will be activated after triggering the condition to obtain the Stone of Inheritance.

"Sword Aperture Diagram" breakthrough to the second orifice.

Whether it is Cultivation Base or physical strength, he is still advancing by leaps and bounds, and he is unstoppable.

Even the hidden injury of his right arm began to slowly rejuvenate at this time, just like a new life.

Later, he triggered the conditions for the Cultivation Base to reach the standard, awakening the exclusive Sword intent-the indomitable Sword intent and the exclusive Sword Qi-the void Sword Qi.

From then on, I no longer need to be afraid of using that powerful Sword Qi.

Even if that abnormal exclusive kendo talent can't be used now, it doesn't matter.

own exclusive magic skills are not weaker than any talent.

Although it is called a magical skill, there shouldn't be any problem with posing as a talent.

Well, I have to ask later, what is the difference between magical skills and talents so similar!

And this is not even the body cultivator Cultivation Technique "Dragon Elephant Forbidden Tome" that I just obtained. After completing it, it is estimated that the body will be strengthened in all aspects. Isn't this a talent that can be disguised?

There is also the art of shadow clone...

Fang Ziqing's mouth curled slightly, but he made a lot of money this time.

After the system was turned on, the fierce and fierce were obviously more humane.

It is no longer as dull as it was before, and in the future, it may be rewarded again for its cultivation of "Sword Aperture Diagram" in breakthrough.

Although the fierceness has not been explained, but if you want to trigger the condition, it is not possible?

For a while, Fang Ziqing couldn't fully understand the changes in his body.

Because the amount of information at this time is too much, even the dim space has undergone earth-shaking changes now, and he does not have time to investigate it now.

Just when Fang Ziqing thought that everything was over and that he could settle down and study the benefits he had gained.

There was a fierce voice suddenly

"Host, the system has come to an end, do you start using the Stone of Inheritance?"

Fang Ziqing: Ah Le? !

I saw a colorful inheritance stone slightly in front of him, its splendor, far more than the sum of Gu Wan.

Fang Ziqing: Wait, what do you mean fierce?

Use the stone of inheritance?

Fang Ziqing suddenly remembered what the fierce said.

Inheriting kendo talents and inheriting kendo magical skills, there is no need to use the energy of any inheritance stone, which is gifted by the system.

In other words, can he still have the talent of the Awakened?

Seeing Fang Ziqing sluggish, he said fiercely, "Master host, do you use the stone of inheritance to inherit your talent?"

Fang Ziqing exhaled, full of spirits.

He immediately waved his hand: "Turn it on!"

"Ding, the stone of inheritance has been used, it is determined: the highest level of inheritance rough stone, there are two awakening talents at most!"

Fang Ziqing was a little nervous, wondering what kind of talent he would gain by opening the stone of inheritance through the system.

"Ding, the host does not occupy Karma, the body does not have any inheritance and the free inheritance cannot be summoned, the inheritance fails!"

Fang Ziqing raised her eyebrows immediately, before he could ask a question, a humanized fierce voice suddenly came out.

"Don't worry about the host, you really can't get any inheritance, that is, it is normal for the awakening talent you said to fail!"

"Specific matters, you will know from now on, now you have two choices!"

"One, give up the inheritance, this inheritance stone ability will not be lost, but because it is already in the open state, it will only be used by you in the future!"

"Second, Xiuxue will help you to evolve the qualified medium from the host into a talent. After the evolution, there may be changes and irreversible behavior."

"After you consider it, choose carefully!"

Fang Ziqing frowned slightly.

If you give up, it is impossible to return this inheritance stone to the upper level, and you have to hide why you haven't consumed it, and you will be troubled.

"What ability in me can evolve into a talent?

After the evolution, it will disappear, right? "

"Yes the host, there are only two media in you that are eligible to evolve.

One is the technique of divine skill shadow clone, and the other is Cultivation Technique "Dragon Elephant Forbidden Code""

After Fang Ziqing heard the fierce words, his brows suddenly stretched out.

It turned out to be so. He was worried about losing something else before.

Although the shadow clone technique is powerful, it is not suitable for oneself to use now.

Needless to say, "Dragon Elephant Forbidden Code", it seems to be dispensable to Fang Ziqing now!

"The second kind, let's start!"

There was a fierce voice suddenly

"The talent awakening begins. During this time, the host can ask the fierce and fierce about inheritance, and ten sword points will be deducted for each question!"

Fang Zi counted and nodded, it's really not expensive to ask for ten such key information.

Of course he didn't know that he was in a state of awakening (inheritance).

Gu Wan and they will learn more or less about the inheritance.

"Cruel, why do you say that awakening is inheritance? I've been very puzzled about this issue a long time ago!"

Yes, the Awakener!

The awakened ones use the stone of inheritance?

The words "Awakening" and "Inheritance" are not only inconsistent, they are even somewhat contradictory!

A fierce voice suddenly came: "Because the host's strength has not met the conditions, the fierce and fierce can only tell what can be known in the host's Cultivation Base, please forgive me!"

Fangzi nodded and expressed his understanding!

In fact, like Gu Wan and the others, he only knows what he should know at this stage.

"It is said that in the ancient times, the great powers of the human race came out in large numbers, but they encountered the disaster of extinction, and they were almost annihilated. In order to preserve the incense, the powers rushed to own the strongest things such as various cultivation techniques, magical skills, and artifacts into inheritance seals for later generations. In order to look forward to the resurrection of the inheritance of the human race, the age of the gods is coming again!"

"Ding, ten sword points deducted!"

Fang Ziqing's heart trembled, and then he suddenly said: "Ferocious, what are you talking about in the ancient times? What else is there to fight for the gods?"

"Uncle, did you make a ghost when I came to this world!"


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