This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 675: The Weird Lan Qinghan

Lan Qinghan approached the house on the far right.

The habits accumulated throughout the year made her check the own room first.

When she found that there were no problems, she relaxed and relaxed her tight face.

The girl in the blooming season shouldn't be so serious how to think.

It's just that she usually pretends not to be touched.

As time passed, Lan Qinghan thought that he was a serious and cold person from the bottom of his heart.

If anyone could see it at this time, Fang Ziqing and Lan Qinghan were in the room.

You will see that almost at the same time, the hands of both of them are untying their own clothes.

However, compared to Fang Ziqing's simplicity, Lan Qinghan's series of actions seem to make people excited.

Especially that after Snow White awakened, it was a mess, and now the naked body can make any man crazy in an instant.

It's a pity that no one can see it in this room.

Fang Ziqing went to bed directly after taking off his clothes, but Lan Qinghan went into the bathroom to wash.

About half an hour later.

At this time, Fang Ziqing had entered a sweet "deep" sleep dream in his comfortable posture.

And this time, the beauty is out of the bath!

Lan Qinghan walked out slowly, wrapped in a bath towel that couldn't be on his knees.

At this time, her expression was slightly relaxed.

These days, whether it is in the secret realm or entering that island and fighting against the monster geniuses.

People like them can keep their bodies clean to a certain extent with some small means.

But that woman, don't want to take a good bath?

It seemed that his expression hesitated, Lan Qinghan, like Fang Ziqing, had no intention of entering a nervous cultivation state again.

It's normal. On the night when the powerful student finished the college entrance examination, he wouldn't say he had to review the university study materials overnight, right?

If there are such people, it would be terrible.

Sometimes it’s not very good to collapse oneself too tightly, for fear that something suddenly happens and it will be completely ruined.

For example, the capable person is obsessed with making breakthroughs in a certain period of time, but seeing the passage of time, he still has no signs of making breakthroughs.

At this time, even if I obviously felt that the own state was wrong, I still didn't take a break or even intensified cultivation.

In this case, it may not only fail to make breakthroughs, but instead make mistakes in cultivation Cultivation Technique, which will damage Meridians, and Cultivation Base will fall!

The correct approach at this time is to take a good rest and calm your mind.

It's like two people who have not discussed at all, but coincidentally.

Lan Qinghan lay slightly on the dark blue bed, and she also removed all guards, keeping own spirit in a relaxed state.

When time came here, everything was normal until...


In the middle of the night, a soft sound came.

Lan Qinghan, who was supposed to sleep in his own room, walked out of his own room without warning.

Lan Qinghan's face was blushing, and there was still a hint of nervousness when she took a closer look, and the direction she looked at was Fang Ziqing's room.

The rooms in the lounge are not automatic doors, and you don’t need your own room card to open them.

Lan Qinghan, who was wrapped in a bath towel that couldn't reach his knees, set off his hot body vividly.

Even looking closely, there are two slight blushes on her two fragrant shoulders, which make people feel swaying!

Lan Qinghan's steps at this time were not as vigorous and resolute as before, but rather like the beautiful steps of everyone with the hind feet closely following the front feet in ancient times, step by step.

Following the strange Lan Qinghan, he slowly opened Fang Ziqing's door.

At this time, he was in a state of complete relaxation, and Fang Ziqing, who had now fallen asleep, didn't notice anything at all.

It's just that the fierceness was detected the moment Lan Qinghan came in, but after checking Lan Qinghan's whole body in an instant.

The fierce and savage muttered to himself with interest: "It turns out that it is her...Fang Ziqing, your wife is looking for you..."

However, Xiaoxie seemed to see through Lan Qinghan, so he did not show any behavior to stop her, nor did he wake up Fang Ziqing.

After all, she won't hurt Fang Ziqing, never...

When Lan Qinghan saw Fang Ziqing on the bed, his body suddenly shook, and then his body trembled slightly.

At this time, she was even a few minutes faster for the small steps along the way, and then walked towards the bed.

At this moment, Fang Ziqing was still sleeping in an indecent posture, looking extremely comfortable.

Lan Qinghan or "Lan Qinghan" stretched out his hand slightly, and then slightly lifted the quilt covered by Fang Ziqing.

At this time, Fang Ziqing's perfect upper body suddenly revealed something.

There seemed to be a trace of confusion in Lan Qinghan's eyes, she changed her normal, slowly lying sideways next to Fang Ziqing, and then gently placed a hand on Fang Ziqing's body.

Myself.... Is this leaning in his arms?

Lan Qinghan, who was wrapped in a bath towel, didn't notice that because of his own posture, the shorter bathrobe slipped off slightly at this moment.

Her long hair touched the tip of Fang Ziqing's nose, Fang Ziqing's nose twitched, and then moved slightly away.

And Lan Qinghan seemed to enjoy this state very much, and his own body leaned a little inward and then approached Fang Ziqing.

But when Lan Qinghan wanted to go a step further and got into the bed without Fang Ziqing, it seemed that there was a slight problem with her body.

At this moment, Lan Qinghan looked struggling and confused, as if he was fighting.

After a while, her head sank and she lost consciousness.

One is not hanging at all, the other is just in a bathrobe.

If it were not for Lan Qinghan not to get into Fang Ziqing's bed in the end, at this moment the two would not say they met naked, I'm afraid it would be a big difference.

The two who fell asleep didn't even know the danger they faced next.

Because the few people who had fallen into awakening cultivation before, have slowly awakened at this moment, and when Gu Wan was the first to wake up.

After learning that Fang Ziqing had left the customs ahead of schedule, she went to the lounge without saying a word, and then wanted to look for Fang Ziqing.

When Gu night saw that there was no one in the outside area, he walked towards the room inside.

Now that the weather is slightly brighter, it is estimated that Fang Ziqing is still sleeping, right?

Gu Wan looked at a door ajar, and strode forward, but when he walked in, he smelled a hint of the fragrance of a woman.

Is it Lan Qinghan's room?

Gu Wan hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward slightly.

Seeing that there was no one inside, but the remaining Lan Qinghan's breath remained, he nodded suddenly. It was really Lan Qinghan's room.

She walked the door slightly, and then walked away slowly.

Since it wasn't Fang Ziqing's room, he wouldn't go in easily.

As for where Lan Qinghan went, she didn't care about it.

As long as you don’t stay with Fangzi, haha.


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