This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 687 Thousands of Awakened Phalanx!

As for the Qingzhou City seniors, why are they left for a day or two?

Naturally it is not humane, let them rest so kindly.

But at this time, in the data room of Qingzhou City, calculations are being carried out frantically.

Although everyone is hiding their own talents.

But with so many years of experience, they have long been able to pass the data of the watch.

For example, the body has increased too much and Mental Energy's refreshing is too high, plus the comparative data of previous years.

After the deduction of big data, we can more accurately determine the type and direction of everyone.

And the time of these two days is the time for everyone to allocate small teams and battlefields.

The data will assign each awakened person with suitable complementary abilities together.

It's like a small team of five people, all of whom are good at melee attacks, which is very troublesome!

Of course, the data will also be very humane as a reference to your relationship.

For example, if you have a good relationship with someone, if the ability is still consistent, there will be a high probability that they will be assigned together. After all, it is easier to run in with such familiarity!

The place where they are going to be sent this time is not a trial place that Qingzhou City has prepared in advance.

In fact, it was an important battlefield, a counter-offensive action against the Yaozu that was about to be carried out.

Ask them to go to the real battlefield.

One is because it tests everyone's abilities and prepares for the allocation of colleges.

The second is that even if these Thousand Awakeners are the best rookie, they are also a force that can greatly promote an important battle.

This decision was not made by the leaders of Qingzhou City suddenly, but after the annual War of Awakening, Qingzhou City will not waste this month.

Good deed, a thousand people awakened!

Although the battle front allocated at the end is very long, it is also a rare force every year.

Since it can only be used for one month, it is bound to plan carefully.

Therefore, every year, Qingzhou City is planning and deploying half a year in advance at one time, fully allowing this powerful force to deal a severe blow to the Yaozu troops.

Of course, the details here are changing all the time, and they are also very complicated, which no one can predict.

For example, one year after making a long-term plan, I planned to place the battlefield at a garrison point near a certain first-level city to cleanse the monster race.

But who knew that the Yaozu was aware of the intention in advance, and the line of defense suddenly collapsed.

Fortunately, seeing the situation above is not good, this combat mission was cancelled, otherwise many Awakeners will surely be lost!

However, since then, Qingzhou City has planned more carefully, and will not easily send most of its people to a battlefield.

Through the scientific and technological deduction that the human race is proud of, each small team will be sent to the most suitable battle point for them.

Because the data has figured out their approximate strength, and then the enemy can play an experience for them without causing too many casualties.

If the whole is broken into small parts, there will be no such big goal, and the monster race will not be able to know their intentions in these years.

And even if you know it, different small groups will appear in this densely packed battle point.

The sudden power of the Human Race, and the talent of the front line makes it difficult for the Monster Race to defend for a while,

When the big monsters are gathered together, it is simple to mobilize heavy troops to conquer a bit, but how do the hundreds of battlefields distribute their combat power?

All of the hundreds of battle points have Human Race Reinforcement Awakened, and the Monster Race does not have so many manpower for them to mobilize for a while!

At this time of the year, as long as you make good use of it, you can definitely bring a great advantage to a certain battlefield in Qingzhou.

Let Yaozu's fierce counterattack not be so unstoppable!


On the motorcade, everyone surrounded Lei Meng, seeing that she didn't know what to summon this time!

Lei Meng's talented fantasy world contract can open the door of the fantasy world and summon some weird things.

But in addition to the little guys who have been summoned and have a gentle personality, others who have a bad temper or have not been summoned have to look at their faces!

Although very random, everyone present still felt that Lei Meng's talent was very good as always.

Without him, it's so interesting!

And the things that were summoned, although weird, each had its own characteristics and abilities, which made me very envious.

After the awakening talent of Leimeng, everyone can feel the strength of Mental Energy in her!

On the contrary, Song Wuyou, who behaved more and more enchanting, made everyone wonder, what exactly is this guy's talent?

Well, no matter what it is, it is probably not a good thing.

Seeing everyone's gaze shifted to own, Song Wuyou hummed slightly.

How do these people know how powerful their talents are?

The faint flower summoned by herself descends, which can be attacked and received, controllable and escaped, and can even play an increasing role.

How can they imagine such a versatile talent?

The higher the quality of the stone of inheritance and the higher the talent of the person using it, the more information you can obtain when passing on it.

Song Wuyou was in the inheritance at the beginning, and he dimly felt that the talent he inherited seemed to be a...female?

Well, whether she is a male or a female, anyway, the talent is strong enough!

As for the side effects that everyone is talking about, that is, change.

Didn't you find that you have it?

Is it because they look better, that's why they look at own?

Thinking of this, Song Wuyou smiled slightly, but there was a bit of chill in everyone's eyes.

Among other things, although Song Wuyou is arrogant and not Tsundere, it seems to be pretty good in women's clothing.

This is even more so after the change now.

Well, let him give him anything that needs to be seduced in the future!

Do not suffer anyway!

This time when everyone was in the team, it was a bit strange to be honest.

For example, Song Wuyou often watched Su Yu secretly, then scratched his head.

Although Su Yu has changed a lot now, Song Wuyou has always been unfriendly to girls.

With such a move now, his talent always feels that Su Yu has a strange feeling, close?

Su Yu inherited the power of nature and Song Wuyou inherited Youhua, so she felt helpless even if she was close.

As for Lei Mang's bulk at this time, it makes people worry that sitting there will touch the roof of the car above.

He looks like a hill-like body, but in fact it is the least suspicion.

Innate ability must be related to strength defense or physical strengthening!

Song Wuyou curled his lips. Originally, this guy had a thick skin and thick skin. Now if he strengthens it, he is really a natural shield and warrior!

But everyone's eyes finally moved to Fang Ziqing's body.

Especially when he was deliberately far away from Fang Ziqing, but he always frowned and didn't know what was distracted, or sometimes stared at Fang Ziqing's Lan Qinghan blankly.


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