This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 696 Ready to go!

Most people, let alone extend their own talent to seek further development.

In fact, at this time, most of the awakened people can't successfully use their own talent abilities, or in other words, can't use their full strength!

After all, Song Wuyou is a top genius, but for others, this is not necessarily something.

Therefore, at this time, if these awakened people are directly exposed to the eyes of the strong monster of the demon clan.

It's okay if you encounter a monster clan who has just been promoted from the same Cultivation Base and has a little knowledge of their own strengths like them.

But if you encounter a monster that has experienced hundreds of battles on the battlefield.

Perhaps it is possible to be killed in one round.

Moreover, how could the Yaozu send a big monster with no experience to the battlefield?

They don't have a war of awakening like the human race, they have a great opportunity once a year.

Therefore, this battle will not be easy.

Fang Ziqing guessed that in fact, most of the students would not encounter the big demon, otherwise the survival rate would be a very big problem.

But these people may not include the seven of them, or they may not include themselves.

Although after using the stone of inheritance, everyone's level of awakening will not be improved, but the quasi-awakened person will be turned into the awakened person.

But before long, Ziqing was still at breakthrough, and it rose by two percentage points.

Now Cultivation Base is 15% awakened.

And so far, except for myself.

Even Gu Wan and others, the highest in Cultivation Base, have not broken through the 10% threshold to be promoted to the town-level Awakener.

And, even the highest college in Qingzhou.

Cultivation Base reaches the town level, that is, an awakening level of 11%, which is enough to meet the requirements for a sophomore promotion.

Therefore, Fang Ziqing's current results.

In theory, if you are in the highest college in Qingzhou, you can actually be a sophomore.

Liang Bo, Jiang Lexin and others all received the notice at this time, and immediately stood up and greeted Fang Ziqing and the others, and rushed to the central area of ​​the town to gather.

As time passed, instructions were issued one after another.

Only Bai Yiyi Xingfei and the seven of them were left here.

It is estimated that the people who will leave in the next stage are probably waiting for others.

Sure enough, The next moment.

Lan Qinghan, Song Wuyou, Bai Yiyi, Guo Tiantian, Xing Fei and the others who were originally Island Group B received the order, and it seemed that they were still assigned to a team!

Everyone said goodbye to each other, but the scene seemed a little funny.

It seems that Bai Yiyi is walking very slowly, looking back three steps, just wanting to take a clear look.

But Song Wuyou next to her was completely opposite to her.

At this time he wished to leave this place quickly, not wanting to see Fang Ziqing again.

Song Wuyou felt a bit of chill when he thought of Fang Ziqing sleeping with him all night last night.

I even feel that I have become a little abnormal.


After Lan Qinghan left, there were only five Fang Ziqing left.

Don't think about it, the five of them are definitely together this time.

Among them, the Lei brothers and sisters all took a long breath, they didn't want to leave the team at all.

For the lonely Su Yu, the sense of belonging of the team is the most anticipated thing.

Even if Su Yu has changed a lot after awakening now, regardless of strength, his appearance is dazzling enough.

The white and smooth skin that killed everyone in a second made many people want to team up together.

But Su Yu only wanted to stay here and didn't want to know other people.

She can open her heart to Fang Ziqing and others, but that doesn't mean she can do the same to others.

Sometimes, there are not many friends.

Maybe at a certain time, I will meet one or two friends who will last a lifetime, and one or two will not be lost.

Soon after Lan Qinghan left, Fang Ziqing and others were notified.

Immediately go to the center of the town to gather, where there is a helicopter waiting here.

Things are more urgent than they thought.

Basically, the previous group had just left, and the other group of helicopters landed immediately and then picked up the next group of people.

Fang Ziqing glanced at each other, then nodded directly and stepped onto the military plane.

I just don’t know what the predicament is that they are facing ahead!

For cities in war, some key and important locations are where awakened people sit.

For example, the area near Quancheng is relatively comfortable and is divided into third-level cities far away from war.

In terms of subdivision, at best, it is the third-level city in the third line.

So there is not even a single awakened in the city.

But if it is a second-tier third-level city, the highest combat power is not only in the LV5 Dzogchen realm, basically there will be some quasi-awakened guards.

What is the quasi-awakened?

In fact, it was like those people who failed to awaken in Fang Ziqing's awakening battle.

It's a pity that I didn't become an awakened person, but it was much stronger than the general LV5 Dzogchen realm.

Generally speaking, second-line third-level cities must have such quasi-awakened people.

But once the first-line third-level city is reached, the situation is different.

Because if it can be called the first-tier, the pressure that will inevitably face is far beyond what other second-tier and third-tier cities can imagine.

In such a fully equipped third-level city, there will be guarded Awakeners, and the level is quite high.

Regardless of the thousands of awakened people like Fang Ziqing and others, it seems that there are many awakened people at this level.

But for a considerable part of the time, they only appeared on campus.

Why did the Federation leave such a powerful force to use it, and let them continue to go to school?

One is because of the price/performance ratio,

For example, Fang Ziqing is currently the most powerful among them, but if you only talk about Cultivation Base, it is only the lowest town level.

But what about Fang Ziqing for two to three years?

Becoming a provincial-level awakener is nothing to say!

The role he could play at that time was simply not comparable to that now.

But if people like them are not allowed to practice and go directly to the battlefield, how many will die?

Therefore, the Federation generally gives them a graduation requirement, and they can go out only after reaching a certain level, otherwise it is a waste.

As mentioned earlier, the Yaozu actually has no standard division at this stage, but its strength is outrageous.

A town-level awakened person died without knowing how to die.

This is because the monsters do not go to the battlefield as soon as they become the big monsters, but wait for their Monster cores to be fully condensed and their strengths are mature. It is the same as the federal requirements after graduation.

All in all, for these geniuses.

If it is directly sent to the battlefield, it is a fool's job, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

So almost all the awakened will not be sent to the first-line third-level cities this time.

Without him, it can't be dealt with.

It seems that the Awakened are very powerful, but for the rookies who have not yet practiced their talents, it is possible to be killed by the mature monsters on the battlefield in one move.

Even Fang Ziqing and others, this task is to guard a more dangerous second-level third-level city.

This is actually very risky.

Because this second-tier third-level city is quite special, it is very close to the first-tier battlefield next to it, and there is even a danger of facing the big monster directly.

The awakened are equated with the big demon, but it does not mean that these "awakened" can be equated.

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