This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 699 Luocheng Ren Tianya!

In the beginning, the body of the clay giant was not so large.

But as the battle took place, more and more human races died, and more and more Blood Essence it could absorb.

Of course, these forces will continue to use their own abilities, refining the surrounding earth elements to strengthen themselves, in order to support the war.

That’s why at this moment, such a huge body appears,

As for why it has to absorb the Human Race's Blood Essence nutrients to perform refining instead of using its own ability.

Can't it, of course not!

This principle is like your chief telling you to conquer a city.

You now have two choices.

One is that it consumes own troops to attack the city at all costs, and the speed is very fast!

The second is that although the time is slower, you can mobilize some troops that are not your direct line to work together, and you can take down the city within the time specified by the chief.

Which one do you choose?

For the clay giant, it must be the second one.

Exerting own power?

Blood Essence is so precious, his fake pill will shrink if he consumes too much.

In the end, the city couldn't be taken down, and he was losing money instead.

This is what a fool can do.

There were nearly a thousand pure-blood demon races nearby. Although some died when they captured the outer city, the soldiers and soldiers in the mountain city paid more.

Otherwise, it won't fall to the end of the inner city according to the guardian.

Naturally, most of the monster races under the command of the clay giants are the warriors of their own tribe.

The monster clan with soil attributes like the clay clan is extremely suitable for siege.

Although slow movement is not suitable for long-distance battles, once a raid comes over, there will be big trouble in front of the city.

If it weren't for the mountain city as a graded city, the city would be very strong and guarded by a two-meter protective cover.

Clay giants can even mobilize the land directly, making a city that is just piled up of materials completely unrecognizable.

However, this is the case, the clay giant's soil attribute ability also caused the soldiers of the mountain city to suffer.

Every time you charge, you will be caught off guard by the directly rioting ground, making everyone unprepared!

If you look at it this way, the huge body of the six or seven-meter-high clay giant doesn't even have eyes.

But everyone who has seen the true face of the clay giant knows that, in fact, most of this huge body is protected by the surrounding soil and rocks.

The clay giant's body is a tall and thin monster race, and the eyes are also surrounded by layers of clay.

The clay giant is able to conquer the mountain city so quickly, it is naturally not the entrenched monster race in this mountain city area.

In fact, the mountain city was attacked because it was affected by the powerful first-tier city Qingfeng City.

And this thousand-person pure-blooded and luxurious demon clan troop was also dispatched by the demon clan base camp that is currently fighting against Qingfeng City.

The purpose is to make Qingfeng City be embarrassed on all sides, surrounded by Tuan Tuan, and the only rear area that has not yet attacked.

There was a low roar from the clay giant's mouth, and the clay clan behind it immediately stirred up a cloud of dust, all of which were more or less fighting with the help of the power of the land.

In this way, the artillery attacks of the human race can be reduced to the greatest extent, and the casualties will be smaller.

The family was happy and the family was sad, watching the clay troops coming from the raid so powerful.

The city lord of the mountain city, the brawny Hu who was nicknamed Dashan, looked a little sad at this time.

As the lord of the city, he naturally knows what others don't.

This troop was not advertised as a mountain city at all, or was meant to deal with a mountain city.

Their real purpose is to break through the mountain city, and then bring tremendous pressure to the first-line Qingfeng City.

No matter what faction the Mountain City and Qingfeng City belong to, whether there are any grievances, you can't stab a knife in this place.

One is because in private, no one knows what the military headquarters and the academy are fighting against.

The academy generally doesn't care about this kind of things, but once some important wars are involved, who dares to say this is not so easy to say.

Second, a god-like man suddenly appeared in Dashan's heart.

The tycoon of the human race on the border of Qingzhou who has resisted the monster race for more than ten years, Ren Tianya!

Ren Tianya is different from other bigwigs.

Like those Yu Xiuming in Qingzhou City, they are actually big bosses in a peaceful area.

In layman's terms, if both parties are regular garrison generals, they will generally care about some people's sophistication and speak some truth.

But for field generals like Ren Tianya.

The temper is very hot, and...sometimes, the so-called worldliness is ignored at all.

At the beginning of a powerful first-level city, the subordinates delayed the delivery of grain and grass because they were academies.

To know what is the concept of a first-level city.

There are hundreds of millions of residents in Qingzhou, but if the first-level cities are not newly added in recent years, I am afraid they will be less than two hands.

Like Yu Xiuming, they are not yet city owners. As the first-level city leaders in Qingzhou, they are all figures with hands and eyes open to the sky.

If ordinary people face a difficult city that is one level higher than their commander, how can they dare to say anything.

But Ren Tianya, because of this delay for a few days, almost caused the first-level city to suffer.

The status of the lord of the first-level city is much higher than that of the second-level city, but we also need to see who is the lord of the second-level city?

Nothing else, but as far as Ren Tianya is concerned, it doesn't matter what you are, the first-level city.

If it weren't for the first-level city's deputy city lord to apologize in person and express that he didn't know the truth, it was what his subordinates said.

And he severely cut a piece of "meat" to compensate Los Angeles.

Ren Tianya really dared to mobilize troops from the front line to attack that city, it was simply lawless.

But when this incident broke out, the big guys from all sides all persuaded everyone, even the big guys from the college department would not dare to say anything to Ren Tianya's behavior.

Instead, they scolded the subordinates who used to be the first-level city to carry the pot, and then appeased Ren Tianya.

Just kidding, in terms of a city whose symbolic status is greater than its strategic position and a battle city that has been guarding the border for more than ten years, the right to speak will be much weaker.

Moreover, Ren Tianya is so arrogant, not only because of the special status of Los Angeles, but also because of the powerful combat power that makes people feel trembling.

Do you think it's over?

A first-level city lord, a figure with hands and eyes open to the sky, so willingly recognizes a second-level city lord.

This is simply impossible!

Although the deputy city lord apologized in the end, he was still hit in the face!

The real reason is that although the city of Los Angeles is a second-level city, its combat effectiveness is not lost to the first-level city.

Even if it hadn't been for the loss of too many masters against the monsters in these years, plus some special reasons, Los Angeles would have long been a first-level city.

But under this circumstance, the power of Los Angeles is extremely amazing.

The strategic position of Los Angeles is too important. It was said before that Qingzhou, as the rear of the four continents within the Federation, does not involve many combat areas.

But the main force in the battle area at the border was defended by the Luocheng town of Ren Tianya.

Once Los Angeles falls, the monster race can drive straight in from the eastern border, and Qingzhou will definitely be in chaos!

The Lord of the Mountain City pursed his lips slightly, in fact, there is another most important reason.


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