This Sword Repair Is A Bit Fierce

Chapter 803 Reconciliation?

Fang Ziqing looked at Luan Ping who was a little stunned, and waved the red folder in his hand and said, "This idea is only a small part. I want to see the rest!"

Luanping hadn’t spoken yet, and some of the generals underneath spoke: “City Lord, you don’t need to read this plan. It is simply a lunatic plan. If it is implemented, it will drag Qingfeng City forever. Now the Yaozu has been interrupted by us. The forehead will not invade in a short time. I don't think we need to be so aggressive!"

This general's words were approved by most people, and they all looked towards Fang Ziqing.

There are even some local generals winking with Fang Ziqing, which probably means that this thing is made by Luanping, and you can just step on it as the opposite of her, don't care.

However, Fang Ziqing only ignored these people. He said that he didn't care about factions or the like.

Supporting the own does not mean that what is done is right. The same hostility to the own does not necessarily mean that what is done to the future of Qingfeng City is not necessarily wrong.

Fang Ziqing's previous sense of Luanping was not very good, after all, he was born tired of fighting for power.

However, after spending several hours, Fang Ziqing, who probably understood the affairs of Qingfeng City, had a lot of favor with Luanping.

Even compared to the senses of some local generals, he does not think that Luanping is a person who is fighting for his own power.

After the general had finished speaking, he underestimated it again in a low voice: "Since the Lord of the City is back, the acting City Lord will be cancelled!"

Luanping's face was calm, but the red-clad troops beside her looked embarrassed.

She spent a lot of effort to win this opportunity, even ignoring her own safety and family obstruction to come to this ultra-first-line battlefield to achieve her own ambitions.

But it is really helpless to be kicked out now.

If it comes to a weaker city lord, Luan Ping has a way to lift him up, but it is a pity that Fang Ziqing is not.

Although he was very young, Luanping couldn't fault it in either aspect. If he insisted on fighting, perhaps Fang Ziqing really couldn't control Qingfeng City completely, and he didn't see much of it.

But then again, the two quarreled, and it was the Yaozu who had benefited, and she didn't do such a stupid thing in Luanping!

Fang Ziqing nodded after hearing the man's whisper, "The position of acting city lord will naturally be cancelled!"

The local generals heard Fang Ziqing's straightforward words and exhaled. As long as Fang Ziqing was willing, Luanping would not have the upper hand.

The general in Red Armor knew how hard he had done, and even came here after a fight with his family, just to help the Eastern Front of Qingzhou, but the treatment like this is really infuriating now.

Luanping pressed the hand of the general in red armor and shook his head slightly, unwilling to fight again.

But then Fang Ziqing said solemnly: "From today I will be in charge of Qingfeng City, and Luanping will assist the deputy city lord!"


Everyone's eyes shifted to Fang Ziqing's body, all of them looked like I hadn't heard it wrong?

Didn’t you want to kick Luanping out just now? Why does Fang Ziqing still want Luanping to be the deputy city lord under one person and above 10,000?

If at the beginning everyone is arguing with each other and making constant compromises, then everyone will step back.

However, Fang Ziqing was directly crushed by force, and he was so overbearing, and there was no need to compromise at all. Why did Luanping serve as the deputy city lord such an important responsibility?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you arrange your own people to take on such responsibilities and hold Qingfeng City firmly in your hands?

Including Luanping himself, he didn't expect Fang Ziqing to do this. What exactly did he want to do?

Fang Ziqing looked around, then glanced at all the upper floors of Qingfeng City in the room, holding up the red folder, and said seriously

"I will not abolish this plan. It will be included in the first sequence to prepare for deduction, everyone knows!"

If we say that we continue to leave Luanping as the deputy city lord, everyone is a little surprised, but Fang Ziqing did not abolish Luanping's lunatic plan and directly caused everyone in the room to blow up the pot!

"Don't be the city lord!"

"Think twice about the city lord!"

Many generals who had been silent at this time spoke to persuade him, thinking that Fang Ziqing had just arrived and was not familiar with the specific situation.

However, Fang Ziqing's face was calm, and his faction had nothing to do with him.

Sometimes, like Luanping, he did not regard Qingfeng City as his own property, so he didn't care about own's gains or losses.

The decisions they made at a certain time were all for the future of Qingfeng City, and even for the entire Los Angeles battlefield!

Luanping suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Fang Ziqing's support from the crowd, as if he had seen a ghost.

This seems a bit different from what I thought?

When Fang Ziqing first came today, she thought she could make this so-called second-generation go away as long as she played at will.

But Fang Ziqing didn't, and even outside the city simply ignored own and got off the ground.

When discussing matters, she thought how could a young man in her own hands seize power.

However, Fang Ziqing directly used the force that no one had expected to deter, saving the process of wrangling.

After the shock, when he originally thought that Fang Ziqing would continue to seize all the rights.

But he just sat here and looked at the intelligence quietly, without the arrogance and domineering he imagined.

Just now when Fang Ziqing's reign was already set, he should have withdrawn from the stage of the regretful Qingfeng City.

This person, this man who can't see through himself, has been subverting his own imagination, and incredible support for himself as the enemy!

Luanping's mood is a bit complicated, but the people present are not much better.

Including the two local awakened people also had a headache. Looking at Fang Ziqing, what on earth did Master Fang want to do!

How to destroy one's own prestige and encourage her family's power?

Isn't Mr. Fang not afraid that in the future Luan will fight for power secretly and take him above it?

Fang Ziqing ignored everyone's admonitions, but turned to look at Luanping and said seriously: "I want to see the second half of this!"

Luanping looked at Fang Ziqing for a while and said, "You are interested in my plan?"

At this moment, Luanping didn't make any superficial politeness, nor did he call any city lord, and even his tone was somewhat suspicious.

For the first time, she felt that among her peers, not all men were idiots.

Fang Ziqing nodded silently, in fact, even if Luanping did not put forward this crazy detailed plan, Fang Ziqing would move in this direction soon.

There is no right path, only the most suitable path.

These generals are not wrong, save the power of Qingfeng City, save their own power, and seek stability.

But for the future development of Qingfeng City and the comprehensive evaluation of the Los Angeles area, seeking stability is waiting for death!

"Very interesting, did you think about it yourself?"

Fang Ziqing's tone was a little calmer, and he seemed to be talking to Luanping as a person of the same age.

Luanping suddenly seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the overbearing Fang Ziqing's gentle tone, this plain-looking face seemed to have some blushes

But she was immediately erased by her forcibly!

Luanping took the other emotions in his heart and nodded lightly: "Yes!"

Fang Ziqing held the red folder and did not speak. After a while, he looked at the generals who had been in this room for most of the day.

"Let’s go back today, and hold a meeting tomorrow!"


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