This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 81: Just place one

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"Jian Jue's sword is really strong enough, willing to worship the wind." Although Kaiyang Taoist was defeated, he wouldn't feel resentful about it when he had no interests involved, but he sighed in his heart:

He has cultivated the seven-kill spirit technique, and he is already considered one of the most powerful Yuan Ying monks in the sect. In front of Lu Qingshan, he is so incapable of resistance. If it is changed for other Yuan Ying monks in the sect to face Lu Qingshan , What's the situation then?

Thinking about it makes people feel trembling.

When I go back, Haosheng reminds the younger sisters that in the future, when you see this swordsman's sword repair, try to avoid it.

The Taoist Kaiyang sighed in his heart.

At least before the Sixth Realm, Lingxiu was at a disadvantage when facing Jianxiu.

"Acceptance." Lu Qingshan has a good relationship with Tianjiguan, so he is also a little friendly to the polite Kaiyang Taoist.

The Taoist Kaiyang retreated calmly.

The monks who watch from heaven have always been aloof, or looking at the macroscopic view, can they be said to benefit the world?

In short, as to where this snail dojo was built, the concept of Tianji and Xia Zhao are the same:

No matter where it is built, it is within the territory of the human race, and it is the strength of the human race that is promoted. What is the difference?

This is also the reason why only one of the ten cultivators in Zhongtianyu has appeared in this time.


Just when everyone thought it would be another two hours of restlessness, Lu Qingshan, who stood still in front of the mountain and sea column, suddenly spoke:

"Your Excellency Qingmei Wang, let's go next."

The opening is shocking.

"Just the next one?" Qingmei Wang's eyes flickered slightly, but his face remained unchanged, and he confirmed.

"Yes," Lu Qingshan nodded, "There is no need to waste time."

He wasn't playing mystery, but simply telling the truth.

In the previous four hours of rest time, his state has been restored to its peak.

In the previous battle with Kaiyang Taoist, although Kaiyang Taoist's primordial spirit attacking spirits did have some meaning, it must be said that the entire battle was meaningless.

He also developed the most conventional combination of flying sword and killing sword intent, which was an easy victory.

In terms of spiritual energy consumption, compared with the total amount of his vigorous spiritual power, it was a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

If it weren't for being too different, Lu Qingshan would even want the three remaining monks in Zhongtianyu to go directly together and get it done.

It's just that although he is confident, but he thinks he is not arrogant, such an arrogant behavior can only be considered.


Lu Qingshan took the initiative to speak, and King Qingmei certainly had no reason to object.

"In that case, the nineteenth battle is ready to begin."

Lu Qingshan stood proudly in the center of Yangxintai, like a big mountain, and the shadow it brought was enough to cover all the monks present.

His gaze didn't change his original intention, and he fell straight into the team of cultivators in the middle heaven.

"Zhongtian Wu Rui, challenge the Eastern Region." In the next instant, in Lu Qingshan's eyes, one of the three cultivators who had not yet appeared on the scene turned out to be one of them.

Sword Sect is definitely not the only one who has the arrogance of "standing out".

Brother Daxia, also has it.

The Daxia monk named Wu Rui knew in his heart that he was definitely not Lu Qingshan's opponent, but this did not mean that he did not have the courage to take the initiative to challenge Lu Qingshan.

The other two cultivators in Zhongtianyu were also ready to move.

Lu Qingshan just glanced at Wu Rui extremely calmly.



"The 21st battle, the Eastern Region wins."

The voice of Qingmeiwang echoed in Yangxin Taizhong.

A small Taoist stepped down a little lostly

He was the last monk in Zhongtianyu, and his defeat meant that all ten monks in Zhongtianyu were eliminated.

Zhongtianyu became the first place to get out of this dojo competition.

They had expected defeat.

But what I didn't expect was that, apart from Li Feng forcing Lu Qingshan to use a little different means, starting from the Taoist Fang Zhang in the second game, Lu Qingshan seemed to have become a sword repairer specializing in internal swords, just one style of play—— Enter the arena, find someone, then stick to the spot, launch the flying sword that blesses the killing sword, and start to output.

Jian Xiu's stub output can be described as the most plain and monotonous means.

But with such a simple style of play, no one has a way to deal with him:

Taoist Fang Zhang suffered a flying sword and disappeared.

Kaiyang Taoist is short and taller, and when Lu Qingshan's three swords are all out, he still lasts 30 breaths.

As for the remaining three cultivators, although the situation is better than Taoist Zhang, they only laughed at fifty steps, and the one with the best situation lasted for fifteen breaths.

Facing this scene, the monk in front of the wall could not help but ask himself, if he faced Lu Qingshan's flying sword offensive, would there be a way to break the situation?

Although I didn't want to admit it in my heart, most of the cultivators could get an exact answer: Lu Qingshan's flying sword was an insolvable situation for them.

They didn't know how to describe this feeling of sorrow.

Putting this feeling in Lu Qingshan's previous life, there is a very appropriate analogy: When fighting a landlord, the landlord directly revealed his card, and you still can't beat him.

After Zhongtianyu was completely out of the game, all the cultivators who watched the battle in Zhongtianyu were completely depressed, and Nan Minghou was much calmer.

Because after Li Feng was so easily eliminated by Lu Qingshan, he had already foreseen the ending, and as a great monk of the seven realms, he still had the restraint of his emotions and anger.

He sneered from the bottom of his heart. He didn't hate Lu Qingshan, but glanced over the other five domains leading the overhaul.

I'm planted this time, my skills are not as good as others, I admit it.

Now it's your turn, I want to see what you can do with this Lu Qingshan? What right do you have to gloat at me just now?


"Next, are you going to be the next one?" Qingmei Wang looked at Lu Qingshan with a smile.

"Yes," Lu Qingshan said nonchalantly, "it's still the next one."

"Well," Qingmei Wang's appreciation in his eyes became more intense, and he announced loudly: "The 22nd battle is about to If you want to take the initiative to challenge the Eastern Region, get out as soon as possible. "

"Yan Fei of the Western Regions, challenge Lu Qingshan of the Eastern Regions." As soon as the Qingmei King's voice fell, a strong voice sounded.

The monks who watched the battle churned, like boiling water, boiled, gurgling non-stop.

Among the cultivators of the Western Regions, a man walked out slowly, his figure was very burly, he was about thirty years old.

He was wearing an extremely simple gray cloth robe, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his appearance was not handsome, especially when he was standing with Lu Qingshan.

But with that kind of tolerance, who would not praise a "good man" after reading it?

Yan Fei, the second "Eight Armed King Kong" in the Yellow List, faced off against Lu Qingshan, "Jian Jue". This was definitely the heaviest battle that everyone present could think of.

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