This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 65: Lu Qingshan's limit

Lu Qingshan returned in a big victory.

After half-footed into the Ten Flower Realm, opponents of the Elementary Demon General level were no longer a threat to him.

Therefore, in just one day, he could be the thirteen elementary demon generals who successively defeated Jianluo King City, and every one of them was of a reputation.

This has brought him a huge reputation and 60 million experience points.

But he didn't have much complacency.

Because he knows well that the show has just begun.

Waiting for those Mozu Tianjiao of the same generation as Qing Ge to make a move, that will be the real hard time.

He is invincible in the same realm now, in fact, it is nothing at all.

If you can be invincible at this level of the top magic commander, it is indeed commendable, a great book.

Invincible at the same level as the elementary generals?

The real powerhouse of the Demon Race can never be stuck in such a realm as the Elementary Demon General.

Therefore, the demons who can stay in this realm for a long time are actually dull people whose talents can only stop here.

Even if it is famous, it is just a tall one among the short ones.

Defeating these people is not worth mentioning, but it cannot be said how invincible it is.

It's very simple.

Just like the human race, a monk who stops at the Nascent Soul Stage, even though he has practiced for hundreds of years in the Nascent Stage, is often no match for a young Tianjiao who has just entered the Stage.


In the mansion of Honglie Demon Lord.

Yingjun's expression was angry and unreasonable, and Honglie Demon Lord Yinglie's eyes were also very gloomy.

The turmoil this time is huge and the impact is also very big.

It's just that the ending is completely different from what he expected.

He originally wanted to use the knife to kill people, let the various races of the royal city take action, violently trample on Qing Ge's dignity, and humiliate the son-in-law his father was looking for.

Who would have thought that in the end, it would have achieved Qing Ge's reputation.

"Father, according to the current situation, unless it is another Tianjiao of the same generation who takes the shot, no one is Qing Ge's opponent at the realm of the Elementary Demon Commander alone." Ying Jun admitted his fate.

"The contemporaries who can surpass his in the elementary demon general realm have already advanced to a higher realm, and the rest are stinky fish and shrimps." He was also very helpless.

"Let the elementary demon commander take action again, it will be for nothing," Ying Lie said calmly: "This beast is not old, but he is very aggressive."

Of the thirteen challengers, none of them survived and all were beheaded.

Along with Qing Ge's strength, he is also famous for his cruelty and bloodthirsty.

"Tomorrow, there should be a pureblood of his generation to kill him," Ying Jun said: "However, he has at least beaten the reputation of being invincible in the same realm."

In other words, the plan they wanted to target Qing Ge basically ended without a problem.

Ying Lie closed his eyes and Ming Shen, after a while, he opened his eyes and slowly said: "I'm careless, it turned out to be deceived by the illusion he placed on the surface."

According to the "Qing Ge" information displayed in the intelligence, as a mixed blood soldier demon, although he can be regarded as a strong one among the elementary demon generals, he is definitely not as overbearing as he is now.

Moreover, according to the intelligence, the most prominent aspect of "Qing Ge" is that he has mastered the secret technique of Bing Zi Jue in the sixth rank.

As for his powerful source **** and profound swordsmanship he displayed in the royal city, there is no record.

"It's too tolerable. With such a method, you can hide it without saying a word for so many years. It's not easy." Demon Lord Honglie's eyes flashed brilliantly.

"No matter how simple it is, what's the use, the mixed blood is mixed blood after all, and tomorrow he will have to show his true shape." Ying Jun said with disdain.

When the same generation really made a move, Qing Ge's shortcomings of backward cultivation due to mixed blood would be fully revealed.

"Next, let's stop here and see what other families think."

"Huh?" Ying Jun was stunned. He didn't understand why his father was suddenly ready to stop when he was trying to suppress Qing Ge's momentum.

"If he can continue to win, we can even talk to him about cooperation." Honglie Demon Master Zhizhu was holding it.

"Cooperation?" Ying Jun couldn't believe it.

They had trouble with Qing Ge not long ago, and now they are going to him to discuss cooperation?

My father has always been extremely disgusted with Ying Mingyue, so he targeted Qing Ge, who is the future husband of Ying Mingyue, in this way.

Why are you suddenly changing your attitude?

And what to cooperate with?

Ying Jun was puzzled and couldn't understand.

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits."

"He used to hide his powers and bide his time, but now he is showing his strength, nothing more than a fight for the position of the master."

Demon Lord Honglie has a deep gaze, "As the so-called strange goods can live in, if he really has a certain ability, why can't we turn to him?"

"Once your good grandfather is dead, we will kill the Wu line without the devil, and we will be weak for a long time thereafter," Ying Lie said slowly: "And the decisive battle with the human domain is about to start, we Will miss a lot of things.

But Qing Ge's father, Demon Sovereign Blade Blade, is still in his prime. If we can support him to the position of heir to the world lord, it will be of great benefit to us in the future, and it can even help us to re-emerge the Wu lineage. "

Ying Jun was startled, and suddenly realized.

With the current state of Killing Wu Mozun, it is obviously impossible to last too long.

And they killed the Wu line, except for the killing of Wu Demon Lord, the strongest now is Demon Lord Honglie, who is far away from Demon Lord.

Although they will not disappear with their blood and dignity, but decay is inevitable.

Under this circumstance, if Qing Ge can be supported, it is definitely the best of both worlds.

"Father is wise." Ying Jun sighed.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at the situation and see what his potential is," Ying Lie said slowly: "As far as what he has shown so far, it is not worth my money to invest in him."

He didn't ask Qing Ge to be truly invincible of his generation.

That is wishful thinking.

But at least if it is the best of the same generation.

Otherwise, how dare he believe that Qing Ge can win the position of world master from his two pure-blooded brothers?


Maple Palace.

The Feng Mo family is pure-blooded today, Feng Tianming's eyes are cold.

The men were trembling and dared not breathe in.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the huge pressure and explained aloud: "We want to stop His Royal Highness Fenglin, but he has infinite confidence and can't stop it at all."

"Trash, shame, this trash thinks of being popular, and there is no self-knowledge," Feng Tianming said in a cold voice, "It's fine if you lose your life, and the result is such a miserable loss, which has lost all the prestige of our Maple Demon clan. Up."

The Mansion of King Maple was divided into many collateral lines. Fenglin was only born in one of the collateral lines, and was far inferior to him in terms of strength and mentality.

"Now I am forced to do it myself." Feng Tianming stood up and said dissatisfied, his expression was cold and his temperament was absolutely absolute.

The shame has already formed, and only by relying on him to sweep Qing Ge can the face be saved.

"Give me a challenge to Qing Ge, and tomorrow, on the stage where he beheads Fenglin of my clan, I will personally kill his myth." Feng Tianming said sharply.

"Yes, Your Highness." The subordinates quickly took the order and quickly withdrew.

Feng Tianming looked far away, thought of something, and couldn't help laughing.

"The same generation is invincible, you really dare to say it."

As a member of the King City of Jianluo, he knows the Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger in the King City.

As far as his generation is concerned, among them, some of the pure-blooded Tianjiao who are not from the soldiers and demons, although they don't have the blood of the king, their strength is extremely against the sky.

Even he was heart palpitated at the thought, and he was definitely not an opponent.

Not to mention the pure blood of Wang Mai, all of them are top demon generals.

If it weren't for the gods and demons they cultivated were too powerful and needed endless accumulation, I'm afraid they would already be Advanced Seventh Rank.

There are too many strong people, so even those pure-blood royal families dare not say that they are invincible of the same generation!

How dare you, a superfluous son-in-law!


Feng Tianming, the strongest young generation of the Maple Demon clan, has made a move, and he needs the sword to be his son-in-law for a while.

As soon as the news came out, Jianluo King City once again set off an uproar.

Feng Tianming is now a high-level demon general, and his cultivation base is one rank higher than Qing Ge.

He turned out to be trying to suppress the son-in-law.

At this time, even some of the children of the big clan were preparing to be there to watch the battle in person.

Because of this level of battle, there is already a very high viewing value.

Under normal circumstances, where would such Tianjiao easily make a move?

The next day.

Early in the morning, many people had gathered near the performance platform.

There are any races, spirit demon tribe, feather demon tribe, stone demon tribe...

Everyone wants to arrive early and occupy the best viewing position.

Looking at the past, the demon generals are walking all over the floor. It may be a bit too much to say that it is not as good as a dog, but it is indeed a bit exaggerated.

You must know that the ratio of the sixth grade magic repair to the magic general is about ten to one.

In other words, only one demon general will emerge out of ten sixth-grade demon cultivation.

So, don't look at Lu Qingshan killing thirteen magic generals in a row, but magic generals are not very common in normal days.

At least it won't be like now, so many magicians will appear in the audience.

"That's the people from the Feng Palace, they are all seventh-rank demon cultivators." Someone pointed to a few old demon cultivators in the crowd.

"That's a person from Prince Yu's Mansion..." In a corner, a few creatures with wings, flesh-like humans, with a strong aura gathered.

Their wings are shining with dim light, and they seem to be able to spread their wings at any time.

It's a pity that due to the banned air restrictions of the Jianluo King City, it can only be used as a "fowl".

"There are also people from the Spirit Palace, they have also sent people..." People exclaimed, and several more terrifying creatures appeared.

They have extraordinary weather and are born with three eyes.

It was discovered that a small percentage of people from the major palaces in the royal city turned out to be here.

This makes them not shocked.

The momentary "Kuangyan" of a superfluous son-in-law finally caused such a big scene.

At this moment, another tall woman appeared with outstanding appearance.

The woman has an extraordinary demeanor, which makes people's heart shining.

There was a commotion among the crowd.

"That's Ying Mingyue, Qing Ge's unattended wife, she actually came to the scene in person, is it to set the scene for her husband?" Someone who knew the insider said softly.

"It's no wonder that her future husband-in-law is in this battle, how can she calm down?"

"My future husband-in-law is so strong, she must be very happy now..."

Wearing a silver-gray outfit and wrapped in a graceful figure, Ying Mingyue, while entering the venue, also listened to all the gossips of these people.

Although when she heard words such as "future husband-in-law", she couldn't help feeling a bit strange in her heart.

But she remained calm on her face, and finally stood still in an excellent position, waiting for the two protagonists to appear on the stage.

"Come on, that's Feng Tianming!" Suddenly, people found a slender figure suddenly appeared at some point.

He had a terrifying aura, he jumped up, jumped directly over the crowd, and entered the performance platform.

It is Feng Tianming.

"I'm here, Qing Ge, I'm waiting for you here." Feng Tianming said, his voice is not loud, but there is an inexplicable penetrating power that spreads everywhere in an instant.

"Where is Qing Ge?" People looked around, looking for Qing Ge's figure.

Before they knew it, their name for Qing Ge had changed from the disdainful "Zuo Son-in-law" to a big name.

The weak eat the strong, the strong respects the strong.

Although they were deeply dissatisfied with Qing Ge's arrogance and provocation, they at least began to recognize Qing Ge's strength.

At this moment, a clear footstep appeared.

Everyone turned their heads.

Many people saw Qing Ge for the first time.

"Although the looks are ordinary, but the temperament is very extraordinary!" They commented like this.

Compared with Feng Tianming, "Qing Ge" is really not powerful enough, not handsome enough.

However, he walked with a sword, but he had a completely different and unique temperament.

"Here," Lu Qingshan said, kicking his legs, and instantly jumped onto the broad and boundless military platform.


At the moment when Lu Qingshan stepped onto the military stage, Feng Tianming actually shot directly, as if he didn't want to waste any time.

The royal city is forbidden to air, even if it is an exercise platform, so Feng Tianming's figure is shot from the ground towards Lu Qingshan.

He held a gold-colored long knife in his hand, and on the long knife, there were dazzling blades of light.

Everyone was astonished, "Feng Tianming is so solemn, without any courtesy or circuitousness, and directly goes all out.

Could it be that in his heart, this Qing Ge is a strong enemy? I thought he would have infinite confidence. "

In the hearts of many people, although Qing Ge's performance yesterday was extremely amazing, they still firmly believed that Feng Tianming, who was born in Wangcheng, would be stronger.

But seeing Feng Tianming being so serious, they became nervous unconsciously.

"No, this is just the habit of the Tianjiao people. Once they make a move, they will go all out and never underestimate the enemy. Only the weak will be proud and arrogant." Someone also taught.

Here, Lu Qingshan's eyes were solemn, his eyes released divine light, and a sword in his hand.

Facing the divine light shining toward him, Feng Tianming sneered, his mind condensed, and let the divine light shine into his body.

However, his mind did not move at all, and the long knife in his hand was still extremely calm.

——If you don’t know that Lu Qingshan has this method, it would be excusable to be recruited, but if he still knows the bottom line, it would be funny!

He was prepared for Lu Qingshan's primordial attack!

Lu Qingshan had already expected this result.

After all, it's just the crudest condensed mind attack, and it can still be effective under a strange trick. How can it be possible to make merit in the face of an enemy who is also a strong one?

His purpose is only to interfere with Feng Tianming a little, so that he can't concentrate on making moves, scoring and guarding against his soul attack.

Lu Qingshan was distracted and used twice. At this time, the black blood in his hand had already appeared in the form of "Seven Jue".

call! call! call! call! call!

Five-fold acceleration, shining swords, five-fold increase in power, facing the terrifying golden long sword.


The next moment, between heaven and earth, there was an agitated metal clash.

The swords collided, shaking violently, and the sword light and the sword light were intertwined, which was too bright.

Their figures passed by, the demonic energy permeating them was powerful and astonishing, and they landed several tens of feet apart.

"Qing Ge's hand is shaking!" A careful person saw that Qing Ge's hand holding the sword was shaking slightly.

"He can't do it anymore. Although it is good to be able to do this step, the people of the King Realm are incomparable with the Tianjiao of our King City after all." Someone sighed lightly.

It seems to be a pity for Qing Ge, but everyone can hear the superiority of the tone.

"Yes, a mixed blood from the king's realm is pretty good to have this kind of combat power." Many people agreed.

"No, you see, Feng Tianming seems to be bleeding too." Someone noticed that Feng Tianming's situation is not particularly optimistic.

"how is this possible?!"

They looked.

It can be seen that a thin bloodstain appeared on Feng Tianming's wrist, and blood was leaking from it.

A dark golden sword wire was just forced out of his wrist by him.

The sword wire quickly flew back to the body of the black blood sword in Lu Qingshan's hand like a loach.

"This is his sword, such a strong sword!" said the old man of the Feng Palace, his eyes full of envy, "the demon soldiers bred by the demon soldiers are really extremely powerful, really enviable."

Feng Tianming also looked cautiously, looking at Lu Qingshan, who had just had a short move with him.

He was only slightly injured.

In the fight just now, he has already determined that "Qing Ge" is not as powerful as him.

But Qing Ge's demon soldier was extremely strong and extraordinary, so it hurt him.

Feng Tianming didn't dare to be careless.

No one knows the "recruitment" talent of the Bingmo clan, and Lu Qingshan has not yet used it.

He now has to beware of Lu Qingshan's primordial attack and possible recruitment magic at any time, as well as the sword wire on his magic soldier.

His pressure is not small.

Moreover, if the intelligence is good, the explosive means of "Qing Ge" and Bing Zi Jue are useless.

"Really difficult." Feng Tianming whispered, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

the other side.

"His combat power is stronger than mine." Lu Qingshan murmured.

The attack of Feng Tianming's sword is beyond imagination and contains violent explosive power, like a mountain.

Just after a move, his wrist already felt numb.

This is because he was at a disadvantage in the matchup of the cultivation base.

The half-step ten-flower cultivation base is enough to make up for the gap between him and the advanced demons in cultivation base.

"It seems that the high-level demon general is the limit of my strength. After all, there are too many restrictions." Lu Qingshan secretly said in his heart.

Even if the sword repair method can't be used, he can't even use the secret technique of the demon clan-the word tactics.

Because of the limitations of the Bing Zi Jue, the only weapons he can awaken and release are Wang Chuan and Taohua.

The weapon that "Qing Ge" awakens and releases power should be "black blood."

In order not to reveal his identity, he is absolutely unable to use the word war.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingshan couldn't help frowning slightly.

He is paving the way for himself to touch the ‘magic’ sword, so he must burn the fire more vigorously.

You can lose, but you can't lose so quickly.

But according to the current situation, even if he can win this, it will be difficult to continue to win the next battle.

After all, opponents are constantly getting stronger.

He must raise his strength to a higher level in a short period of time.

But his current strength has reached the extreme of Void Refining Realm.

How can he improve when he can't break through the **** of transformation

"Unless you can advance to Ten Flowers..."

This is the only problem-solving method available today.

This requires more blood spirit crystals.

But the blood spirit crystal is really too precious.

He is unfamiliar with the place in his life, it is too difficult to get the blood spirit crystal.

Lu Qingshan was also very helpless.

"Win this first, then consider these."

He raised his eyelids, looked at Feng Tianming who had already killed himself again, and secretly said.

Light pen


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