This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 68: 3000 miles away, take the enemy's first level

Lu Qingshan's eyes were scarlet against the blood spirit crystals, and they shone brilliantly.

   Yingjun has been staring at Lu Qingshan's face, noticing the change in his performance.

   It seems that any of Lu Qingshan's subtlest mental activities can't be hidden from his eyes.

   Now, he clearly saw that after he took the bleeding spirit crystal, Lu Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly, and a trace of desire flashed in his eyes.

   Yingjun suddenly became more confident.

  No one can resist the temptation of the blood spirit crystal.

  , let alone a mixed blood.

   His eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Lu Qingshan, and sighed slightly, "Although it is very unfair to evaluate you by your skills and methods, but also by blood.

   But our demons are like this. As long as you are still miscellaneous, even if you are outstanding, what can you do? "

   Yingjun showed empathy, showing that he was on the same side as him.

   Lu Qingshan did not speak and was unmoved.

   Yingjun continued: "Father is very optimistic about your potential. It just so happens that you will be our Ying family soon.

   As the saying goes, one family doesn’t say two things. We are willing to help you win the position of the world master and provide you with all kinds of support, including but not limited to blood spirit crystal..."

   "There is no free lunch in the world," Lu Qingshan finally said, looking at Ying Jun with a smile, and asked, "Then what do I need to pay?"

   "You don't need to think too much, our requirements will not be too strict.

   After all, what we are talking about is cooperation, so naturally we are talking about equivalent exchange. "

   Yingjun saw that Lu Qingshan had been "hooked", his heart became more and more proud, and he stretched out a finger and said:

  "First of all, we will provide you with various resource support to help you improve your strength.

In addition, we will help you build momentum and make you famous in the royal city, so that after you return to the King Realm of Senluo, you will have more capital to fight for the position of the master of this realm. "Ying Jun seems to see through everything, "Just like you What I'm doing now is average. "

   "Finally, after you return to the King Realm of Senluo, we will still provide you with all kinds of support, so that you have the ability to compete with your two brothers for a long time."

   "And after you get the position of heir to the world lord, you will start to feed back to us." Ying Jun said.

   "No problem, I agree to this cooperation." Lu Qingshan responded, reaching out to get the blood spirit crystal in Yingjun's hand.


   Yingjun's hand moved very fast, and instantly he closed the jade box and retracted it into the mustard seeds.

   Lu Qingshan's eyes were cold, and he sneered, "What's this? Isn't it that after a cooperation is reached, I will be provided with blood crystal support? Is it your regret? Or just casually say it?"

   "Of course it's not repentance, let alone casually. We will provide you with the blood spirit crystal, but it can't be given to you now."

   Regarding Lu Qingshan's sarcasm, Yingjun looked calm and explained: "After all, the blood spirit crystal is so precious, how can it be given to you so easily? What if you don't admit it afterwards?"

   "Then what do you mean?" Lu Qingshan retracted his hand and asked faintly.

   Yingjun said freely: "It's very simple. After returning to the King City of Jianluo, all the people around you must be replaced by our people."

   Seeing Lu Qingshan's gloomy face, Ying Jun smiled and soothed: "They are all good at killing Wu, and they will be called by you in the future, and they can also serve as your advisers.

   At the same time, after you return to the King Realm of Senluo, it also facilitates the mutual contact and cooperation between us and strengthens the trust between us. "

   "Isn't it fun to get multiple benefits in one fell swoop?"

   Staff officer, this was sent to supervise my every move, right?

   Supervised first, and then slowly took control of me and turned me into a puppet for them to manipulate.

   Lu Qingshan sneered in his heart, and he saw through the careful thoughts of Demon Lord Honglie at a glance.

   Honglie Demon Sovereign wanted to support him to the heir of the realm master, but he was clearly in a good position to make him the heir of the puppet realm master of the winner.

   "If you agree, as soon as our hands are in place, we will give you the blood spirit crystal." Yingjun then bewitched, and at the same time, four jade boxes appeared in his hands.

   He shook the jade box in his hand to Lu Qingshan, and said proudly: "By then, it will definitely be more than just a blood crystal."

   Lu Qingshan fixed his eyes on the four jade boxes containing blood spirit crystals in Ying Jun's hand.

   After Ying Jun took all the jade boxes back into the mustard seeds, Lu Qingshan glanced over the mustard seeds on his fingers again, wondering what he was thinking.

   Here, Ying Jun is still continuing.

   "In addition, to show our sincerity, we can first transfer this blood **** placer vein to you." He said with more confidence.

   "But," Lu Qingshan retracted his gaze and asked softly, "Isn't this blood **** sand mine originally my thing?"

   Yingjun looked stiff.

   Say so.

   But the Blood God Placer Vein has been controlled by them for so many years, if they are unwilling to cooperate sincerely, they will stumble in secret.

   Even if there is the Blade Demon Venerable behind Lu Qingshan, it will definitely take a lot of setbacks and extremely difficult to completely control the Blood God Placer Vein.

   When he said that he would transfer the Blood God Placer Vein to Lu Qingshan, he meant that he would not stumble in secret.

   This kind of thing is tacit, and it doesn’t need to be said.

   But Lu Qingshan has put on such a more serious attitude.

   If Lu Qingshan doesn't understand, it is naturally impossible.

   Then there is only one reason.

   That is that Lu Qingshan is unwilling to agree to their terms, and is deliberately playing a fool.

   This made Ying Jun's face sink. "The young man is a little bit strong, and it is understandable that he is arrogant and confident, but if he goes too far, it must be a dead end."

   In his words, there was a subtle threat of faintly revealed.

   If profit fails, it turns into a threat.

   It's a pity that Lu Qingshan doesn't eat this set.

   "I haven't been defeated once, so why do you say that I am a dead end?" He said coldly.

   "In addition, this blood **** placer vein, after getting married with Mingyue, I will come to receive it, so I don't have to bother you, my nephew."

   Lu Qingshan's eyes were full of sneers, and he said with disdain: "As for now, forgive me for not being with me.

   After all, you people in the city are still waiting for me to fight one by one. "

After saying   , Lu Qingshan did not drag his feet, directly released the blood-stained war boat, jumped onto the war boat, and left alone.

   Yingjun squinted, watching the blood-stained war boat turn into a stream of light, gradually disappearing from sight.

   His face gradually became gloomy, and his eyes became cloudy.

   "A miscellaneous blood, dare to be so arrogant, give you a face?" He gritted his teeth to creaking, resentful.

   Apart from anger, he still couldn't believe it—Lu Qingshan actually rejected his offer so decisively?

   Although his conditions seem a bit harsh, for the current "Qing Ge", it should not be unacceptable.

   After all, besides their Ying family, who else would be willing to directly use the blood spirit crystal as a condition?


   on the **** war boat.

   "Lu Qingshan, do you really want those blood crystals?" Gu Yiyi couldn't help asking.

   She couldn't be more aware of Lu Qingshan's desire for blood spirit crystals, and she also knew very well about Lu Qingshan's character.

   He is definitely not someone who gives up his goals easily.

   Because of this, Gu Yiyi couldn't believe that Lu Qingshan would treat the blood spirit crystal as nothing, and shook his head decisively and left.

   "I definitely want the blood spirit crystal." Lu Qingshan replied softly.

   "Then you?" Gu Yiyi became even more puzzled, his little head confused.

"I have so many secrets, how can I be assured that there are people with malicious intent around me?" Lu Qingshan seemed to answer Gu Yiyi's question, as if to himself: "If any flaws are discovered, wouldn't it? End of the catastrophe?

   Even if it's just imaginary and unreasonable, I don't have much time and energy to spend on dealing with these people. "

   "If you want the blood spirit crystal, I don't need him to give it, I can get it myself!" Lu Qingshan sneered, revealing his murderous intentions.

   "How do you get it? He is a demon commander, terrifying!" Gu Yiyi asked curiously.

   She knows that Lu Qingshan has always done what he said, so she must say so after thinking of a method.

   She was very curious about how Lu Qingshan planned.

   Lu Qingshan did not reply directly, but instead opened the panel and looked at [Heart Eye].

   After the cultivation base was raised to half a step and ten flowers, it had already reached the upper limit and turned into a gray [Heart Eye] that could no longer be improved, and finally lit up again.

   He took a deep breath and looked at the panel again:

   "Current experience value:!"

   "Let's start." Lu Qingshan muttered.

   "Consuming 20 million experience points, [Mind Eyes] get improved!"

   Twenty million experience points are fleeting.

   This is still under the two talent bonuses of the natural sword type and the affinity of swordsmanship, the experience consumption has been reduced by nearly 50% of the 20 million experience value.

  Absolutely huge investment.

   Then, a stream of heat gushes out of his body.

   Lu Qingshan feels like being reborn.

   His senses became clear at this moment, as if he could perceive an infinite distance.

   When he opened his eyes, there was a sharp sharp shot in his eyes.

   "Heart and Eye: It is said that the heart is like an eye, and the heart and eyes are free from obstacles, can see the Blessed One from afar, and have insight into all dharma."

   "Current effect: Flying sword attack range increased by three thousand miles."

   Lu Qingshan was satisfied and smiled: "Gu Yiyi, after raising you for so long, it's time for you to play a role."

   "What do you mean?" Gu Yiyi confused.

   Lu Qingshan said mysteriously: "I will give you a task..."


   on a fast-moving war boat.

   Yingjun looked solemn and gloomy.

   After Lu Qingshan shook his head and left, he stood there for a long time.

   Finally, after patrolling a circle of Blood God's sand ore veins, he also chose to return to the King City of Jianluo.

   He wants to report the matter to his father, Demon Lord Honglie, to see how his father plans.

   The thing that thought it would be a matter of course and that it would definitely be won, was rejected by Lu Qingshan.

   This caught him off guard, and gave him a bit of anger.

   "A miscellaneous blood, but with a bit of strength, he treats himself as a person!" When he thought of Lu Qingshan's attitude just now, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth...

   At this moment, Ying Jun's expression suddenly changed and he looked forward.

   A faint blue streamer is approaching his war boat at a speed.

what is that?

   His pupils shrank suddenly.

   The speed of the blue streamer was extremely fast, and after a short while, it was already the war boat approaching him, and then it stopped.

   Yingjun also subconsciously stopped the war boat, and immediately saw the true appearance of the blue streamer.

   That is a long sword, the whole body is the faint blue of ice crystals, the sword body is shining extremely dreamy, like the crystal light of the aurora.

   A sword?

   Before he could react, a blue smoke floated out of the long sword.

   The blue smoke dispersed, and a little girl appeared in front of him inexplicably.

   Yingjun frowned, looked at the little girl who appeared suddenly, and became wary.

   is the human race?

   looks like it.

   But how could a human monk appear here, still so young?

   Moreover, in his perception, this little girl didn't have any spiritual power aura, as if she didn't have any cultivation base.

   But this is obviously impossible, how can you stand in the air without a cultivation base?

   Things are not right!

   The two looked at each other and remained silent. No one moved, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

   The little girl was staring at him indifferently.

   looks like a god, looking down on the vast land, the style is supreme.

   "Who are you? What do you want?" Finally, Ying Jun could no longer bear this weird state, and actively broke the silence and asked vigilantly.

Ok? She seems to be waiting for me to ask this sentence?

   Ying Jun has been paying attention to the slight expression on the other's face, and realized that after asking this sentence, the little girl's complexion did not change, but her expression was bright, and she could feel that she was extremely happy.

   At this time, the little girl's eyes suddenly flared, but she was still extremely cold, which made Yingjun a chill rise from her heart, and she was frightened.

   The next moment, an extremely deep chanting sound came from the opponent's mouth, "I am Gu Yiyi, I will kill all enemies in the world as a town."

   The girl's voice is still a bit immature, but the tone is flat and deep.

   There is a loneliness and coercion from the heights, which makes people feel the vicissitudes of time passing by, and the strength to suppress ten days and nine places.


   Gu Yiyi clenched his fists, barely controlled the expression on his face not to be deformed due to excitement, but he kept shouting in his heart.

   finally said it, finally said it!

   Finally let me Gu Yiyi wait for the chance to say this!

   See you, how envious she looked at Lu Qingshan's arrogant and arrogant posture before she wanted to sweep the entire royal city!

   can't wait to get a replacement!

   She likes this kind of pretense too much.

   It's a pity that she is just a sword's will, or a sword whose power has been lost, and she has no ability to experience this feeling.

   But she was not discouraged.

   There is a cloud in the sword spectrum, and the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared.

  She, Gu Yiyi, has already prepared her lines, and has practiced every expression and detail in her heart countless times!

   Such a thorough preparation is finally in exchange for the peak performance at this moment.

   Gu Yiyi felt extremely satisfied, and the whole person was going to be sublimated.

   is complete!

   On the other side, Ying Jun, who was originally extremely jealous, frowned upon hearing this sentence.

   How does he feel, this product in front of him seems to have a brain problem...?

   Gu Yiyi has always had an extremely keen intuition for the emotions of others.

   So she immediately noticed the disdain in Yingjun's heart.

   Now, her small face is really cold like a frost.

   The kind that will definitely be bad for a while.

   Look down on me, Gu Yiyi?

   She gritted her teeth, bitterly in her heart.

   But she did not speak.

   The real masters are cold.

   If you want to maintain a strong grid, you must avoid talking too much!

   Even if there is a line, it must be a classic, every word, not nonsense.

   This is a summary of the experience that Gu Yiyi has drawn from Lu Qingshan for so many years.

   So, she decided to do it.

   The next moment, a bright yellow talisman appeared in Gu Yiyi's hand.

   The moment I saw the talisman, a sense of crisis emerged from Ying Jun's heart.

   For the first time, he urged the warship to send out a light mask, and at the same time, he used his own gods and monsters.

   His body sprayed black air, and a ray of holy light rushed out of his body.

   This is the supreme **** demon body he cultivated, the Jieguang demon body.

   The holy light is constantly changing, red for a while, golden light for a while, sometimes white as jade, sometimes purple.

   The holy light turns into ripples in the void, illuminating the sky, with a solemn and powerful atmosphere.

   He is a soldier demon, he is the heir of the demon Lord Honglie, how can he be weak?

   Gu Yiyi is already completely motivating the talisman.

   A ray of light blooms from the talisman. After a while, the talisman is turned into ashes and disappears.

   At the same time, a sword gas burst out.

   Sword Qi is not gross, very condensed.

   But as soon as Pu came out, Tianyu, who had just been illuminated by the Yingjun Jieguang Demon Body, lost its bright color, as if there was only this small sword energy left in the sky.

   Sword Qi shoots out, silent and shadowless, but it is supernatural, with infinite power, fierceness, and invincible sharpness, proudly in the world.

   In Ying Jun's eyes, it is no longer a sword aura, but a sickle of the **** of death, a life-destructive Yama, rules, order, and inevitable!

What exactly is this? How could it be so scary?

   Yingjun fought with his legs, gritted his teeth, and sacrificed a spear.

   This is the magic weapon bred by his "furnace" magical powers.

   Sword Qi distorted the void, and first hit the light shield of the war boat controlled by Ying Jun.


   The mask is like glass, it shatters when touched.

   That's not a big deal. Under this sword aura, the huge warship even exploded directly, torn apart and shattered into pieces.

   One after another fragments flew out and hit the ground.

   The huge force directly broke the ground, and black cracks appeared, forming horror scenes.


   Jian Qi then moved forward, intercepting Ying Jun.

   That breath is terrible.

   Yingjun gritted his teeth and handed out the spear in his hand. With all his strength, the spear shone and shone.

   In his unbelievable gaze, it can be said to be invincible. After years of sacrifice, the natal demon soldier, under this sword aura, is quickly being shredded and disintegrated inch by inch.

   Finally, his magic soldier was completely shattered.

   Jian Qi then slashed towards his body, terrifying.

   Even if there is a catastrophe light body, even if the physical body is extremely powerful, it is useless.

   噗, his flesh exploded, and his flesh and blood disappeared every inch.

   Then there was a torn half of the body, revealing the dense white bones, the whole person was like a funnel, spewing countless scarlet blood.

   However, the sword energy finally dissipated at this time.

   Yingjun panting heavily, coughing up blood constantly, bloody, pale and ugly, "carry...come down!"

   If it weren't for the warship and the zombies to weaken part of the power of this sword aura, if it wasn't for his physical body to reach the extreme, it is estimated that he would not be half torn, but a direct physical body collapse and fall.

   "Who are you?" He was horrified in his heart, with endless fear, feeling that he was in danger, and asked in a trembling voice.

   is too scary, too domineering.

   In this sword aura, he felt a domineering to incomparable power, which made his hair chill.

   "I am Gu Yiyi, I will kill all enemies in the world as a town." Gu Yiyi raised his head proudly and said indifferently.

   is still this sentence, rumbling.

   This time, Ying Jun dare not think that Gu Yiyi's brain is not working well.

   In Gu Yiyi's hands, a bright yellow talisman appeared again, exactly the same as the previous one.

   Yingjun's pupils widened and his horrified gaze was revealed. He trembled all over, yelled, and fled directly into the distance, trying to escape.

   But how can his speed compare to the speed of Jian Qi?

   A sword qi swayed out again, slashing forward, extremely violent, and it was almost to break this world.

After   , Ying Jun, whose face was full of fear, stagnated, and his expression was frozen, followed by a scream.


   Under this second sword aura, his body was finally completely cut off, the light was dim, and the indestructible flesh exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

   Everything is calm.

   Seeing that Ying Jun was so dead that he couldn't die anymore, there was no scum left, standing in the air, his eyes were full of cold Gu Yiyi, a small face suddenly collapsed, and he patted his chest with lingering fear.

   "I was scared to death, but one sword charm was not enough. Fortunately, Lu Qingshan gave me two more sword charms..."

   "No, it should be fortunate that I Gu Yiyi is wit and brave!" She reacted quickly and quickly changed her words, taking all the credit for herself.

   An unpretentious ring fell in the blood mist.

   A bright light flashed in Gu Yiyi's eyes, and with a swish, he forgot to swim in the river, and straightly carried the ring up.

   "It's a piece of cake," she said triumphantly, shaking her small fist excitedly.

   Lu Qingshan must be very satisfied with her successful completion of the task this time.

   Then she will definitely have a chance to make another shot in the future.

   This kind of outfit feels really great.

   I want more!

   Gu Yiyi is a bit However, she still remembered Lu Qingshan's orders and didn't dare to get overwhelmed, and her figure quickly merged into Wangchuan.


   "You killed a high marshal."

  "You gain experience points: 5100w!

   "Current experience value:!"

   At the same time, Lu Qingshan, who had arrived and entered the King of Jianluo City for a while, looked away from the panel flashing with small fireflies.

   is also a high-level demon commander. Pu Qu only gave him 40 million experience points, but Ying Jun gave him a full 51 million experience points.

   This also shows that Ying Jun's strength is indeed extremely extraordinary.

   "Everything went well," Lu Qingshan murmured.

   He glanced slightly, letting go of perception.

   In his mind perception, at this time, a light spot was flashing three thousand miles away from Jianluo King City.

   "Come back." Lu Qingshan thought.

   The next moment, the light spot started to move, moving fast in his direction, the speed is unimaginable.

  [Heart Eye] The three thousand-mile flying sword attack range increased, the will of the Forgotten Chuan Divine Sword, Gu Yiyi, and Xia Daoyun gave the sword charms enough to instantly kill the seventh-grade magic repair.

   The three added together to help Lu Qingshan complete this self-collecting "Blood Spirit Crystal".

   Three thousand miles away, one kill at the head of the enemy!

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