This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 130: I have a sword, blast your dog's head

Lu Qingshan's sword has been accumulated for a long time, and it has already reached the maximum bonus of [Zhan] Word Secret.

Coupled with the blessing of the magical power of the Suppressor itself, both the speed and the power are far beyond the imagination of the three-cast demon master in front of him.

The blade of the gleaming cold light penetrated the void at this time, pouring all the sword energy and sword intent onto the body of the Three Cast Demon Lord.

Under the 100% damage bonus of the Suppressor, all the defenses of the three-cast demon master were destroyed at that moment.

His powerful gods and demons were also torn apart.

Immediately, cracks spread across his body.

Blood sprinkled wildly.


Accompanied by a harsh scream, the powerful body of the three-cast demon master shattered like a mirror, with broken limbs and debris flying around.

In the void, the remaining Three Cast Demon Lords looked at this scene tremblingly.

They had just witnessed the fall of a companion.

What's more frightening is that the whole process does not even exceed a breath.

That's the real Three Cast Demon Lord!

Although it wasn't a big deal in the demon army that had gathered many powerful men, but in the realm of no room, the Three Casting Realm Demon Cultivation could be regarded as a giant.

However, now that he has almost no resistance at all, he is easily obliterated by a fit monk?

This made them, even if they were extremely cruel in nature, born with boundless fear in their hearts.

Boom boom boom!

On the other side, the situation of the Three Cast Demon Lord, who was facing Lu Qingshan's Chi Tian Fa, was not going well.

The power that comes from the emperor heaven law has been constantly increasing.

This made him even after he cast the body of the gods and demons, his size skyrocketed and his strength increased, but he still couldn't bear the weight of the green snake.

The sky was full of blood sputtering from the pores of his body, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Lu Qingshan turned a blind eye to this scene.

His gaze penetrated the law domain, and swept toward the other five three-cast demon masters extremely coldly.

"This person has a big problem!" A three-cast demon master took a deep breath of the **** air, and said grimly.

But his exclamation was not answered by his companions.

It's not that I don't agree, but I don't think about it. Isn't this nonsense? Until now, no one can tell that Lu Qingshan is different from an ordinary monk, should you say it?

"Joining hands, can't let him break all of them."

"No matter how weird this child is, he is a fit monk after all. With such a mighty power, it is only a short time to gain strong power by using secret methods. We join hands, and he will definitely have nothing to do with us for a while."

"I don't believe how long his state can last!"

The demons quickly discussed and quickly decided on a strategy.


At this time, Lu Qingshan's figure had once again burst out, sending a violent shock wave.

"Don't worry, take your time one by one." His calm words sounded in the law domain.

Just like the vast ocean, the sea is calm and the waves are calm, but the undercurrent is sweeping across the bottom of the sea, and suddenly turbulent waves are set off in the hearts of the magic cultivators.


As Lu Qingshan's figure flickered, the green snake's magical vitality rose again.

Between the swings of the snake's tail, it seemed to stir up a huge wave.

The void shattered at this moment.

The snake's tail was wrapped in a monstrous shadow, and once again slapped on the body of the three-cast demon master.


The Three Cast Demon Lord, who had been struggling for a long time, finally couldn't hold it, and was blasted down into the sky.

The huge figure fell down from a height of ten thousand feet, and suddenly smashed the cracked ground below into a huge bottomless pit.


In the huge pit, the Demon Clan's three-cast realm demon repair blood spurted wildly, and the injuries were extremely serious.

But still not waiting for the next move, there was a sudden explosion of sword energy in the sword domain.


The sky was full of sword qi like rain, whizzing down, and pointed straight at the body of the demon master.

Whoosh whoosh!

The world is shaking and howling.

The three-cast demon master never even uttered a scream, and the sky full of sword aura completely wiped out him from the inside to the outside, even the physical body with the Origin God, and there was no scum left!

But at this time, the remaining five three-cast demon masters had no time to take care of the misery of their companions.

Because Lu Qingshan had already swept forward, the Sword Demon was wrapped in the sword light in his hand.

The sword light sharp enough to pierce the sky!

[See] The word secret!

Passive skill, in the sword domain, after the domain master kills the enemy, he will draw the power of the soul to bless the domain master's sword weapon, and burst out with the subsequent first sword.

This is a sword cut out after absorbing the power of the primordial spirits of the two three-cast demon masters.

And above this sword, Lu Qingshan also displayed the [Secret Sword·Rijian] sword light differentiation.

This superposition has created this mighty sword of light.

The power of the primordial spirit contained in the sword light was so strong that it had exceeded the limit of the monks of the Three Tribulations Realm, causing the remaining five Three Casting Demon Lords to feel their souls trembled and felt a great sense of crisis.


At this time, suddenly there was the sound of loud sword chants resounding.

In this ten thousand zhang sword light, there was a green and a blue sword light passing through at extremely fast speed, which was even faster than the demon in Lu Qingshan's hand.

It turned out that Lu Qingshan had one mind and two purposes, and at the same time he urged Wangchuan and Taohua to shoot out with a flying sword.

"Lu Qingshan, the two of us are really strong!" Gu Yiyi shouted in excitement in Wangchuan.

This is the Three Cast Demon Lord!

From the time when Lu Qingshan was first recognized as the Sword Master, the Sword Slash Fourth-Rank Origin Demon, to the current Sword Slash Third Cast Demon Master, have it only been a few years?

Gu Yiyi feels more face-saving, and he is very proud of Lu Qingshan's cultivation base.

"In a few years, should I Gu Yiyi's Sword Slayer Demon Sovereign?" Gu Yiyi thought happily, looking forward to it.

"No one can escape the agreed interest..." Here, Lu Qingshan's words are low, but there is a fierce spirit that can't be concealed, and it resounds in the void, like a declaration.

"If you don't want to give it, I will take it myself!"

The five three-cast demon masters heard this, their eyes were splitting, and they suffered humiliation. You want our lives as interest, why should we give it?

Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

Compared to the demonic cultivator whose eyes were about to split, Gu Yiyi, who was extremely excited, heard Lu Qingshan's "lines", but his eyes widened and he was immediately dull.

She suddenly realized that she hadn't prepared a corresponding line unexpectedly, and she couldn't compare with Lu Qingshan in terms of momentum.

How can there be no words?

I, Gu Yiyi, can lose other things, but I can't lose at this point!

As a result, her little head, which was not very bright, turned quickly.

After hesitating for a moment, Gu Yiyi suddenly discovered that the point of Wang Chuan's sword was the head of Mo Xiu.

She was immediately blessed to the soul, and she schemed her heart, yelling like thunder: "I have a sword to blow your dog's head!!!"

It's full of momentum... It's just that others can't hear it.

At the moment when the last word fell, Wangchuan and Taohua suddenly broke out.

The incomparably overbearing sword intent burst into full bloom with an attitude of destroying the sky, causing the sky to tremble.

However, it was Lu Qingshan's sword that arrived first.

The speed of his sword was originally not as good as the flying sword.

After all, the inner sword is better than the outer sword in terms of speed and long range. This is the advantage of the inner sword.

But Lu Qingshan "cheated" and he targeted a three-cast demon master who was trying to evade his sword and performed the spring breeze.

The distance of one hundred meters was spanned.

The Suppression Demon slashed down, and the violent Primordial Spirit's power shook, and in that instant, it was tearing and shattering the spirit of the Three Cast Demon Lord.

The Mo Xiu who was targeted by Lu Qingshan stiffened instantly.

There was still horror and anger in his eyes, as well as the unwillingness that had just risen.

He hasn't used any means yet, but now, everything is useless, how can he be reconciled?

There was a sharp pain in his mind, and the darkness eroded, and finally he completely lost his consciousness!

At this point, another strong man in the Three Casting Realm of the Demon Race fell into the hands of Lu Qingshan, adding another piece to his outstanding record.

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen.

Wang Chuan and Taohua only slowed Lu Qingshan a step, turning into two streams of light to penetrate the bodies of the other two three-cast demon masters at the same time, leaving two holes in their gods and demon bodies that were difficult to heal for a while.

Of course, it's impossible for a powerful magic repair expert in the Three Casting Realm to be unable to withstand Lu Qingshan's flying sword.

They were just injured, not dead.

But the problem is that the two flying swords have their own strengths.

Wangchuan has its which can annihilate all things; Peach Blossom has immortal magical powers, which is dedicated to the body.

This made the damage caused by the two flying swords to the demon cultivator much more serious than imagined.


The two Demon Cultivators of the Three Casting Realm immediately let out a scream of pain when they were wounded.

The last two three-cast realm demon repairmen who had not faced Lu Qingshan's offensive face-to-face, the expressions on their faces completely solidified.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

If the death of the previous two companions is said to be due to Lu Qingshan's sudden uprising, they were caught off guard.

But now they are already going all out.

But even so, but in an instant, another three-cast demon master fell, and two three-cast demon masters were injured.

Is this something that can be done in the Harmony Realm?

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