This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 8: Daoyuan only moves for Daoism

Remember [New] for a second,! The wind in the mountains and forests under the night is howling, like weeping and complaining, like sadness and anger.

Lu Qingshan's figure quickly shuttled through the forest, and he couldn't help shivering.

Although Jian Xiu’s body is weak, it is only compared with other cultivators. At least he can do it without the intrusion of cold and heat, and without being disturbed by a hundred poisons, so Lu Qingshan will not feel cold at all.

The fundamental reason is that the rules of this world are too restrictive. Not only has all the mana been banned, but even the powerful physique brought by the mana washing has become extremely weakened.

In this world, the first enemy Lu Qingshan encountered was not the so-called "indigenous", but the rules of heaven.

"It's really endless." Lu Qingshan said softly.

"However, luck seems to be coming." He listened carefully, and faintly heard the sound of rushing footsteps, very heavy.

I don't know who it is, but it should be a human.

He just happened to be confused about this world, he just knew a "Qincheng", he could get some information from the people who came, at least he could know where to go.

After a while, a group of soldiers wearing helmets and armor, holding swords in their hands, saw that the soldiers who had been strictly trained appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

They surrounded them in a joint attack.

"Can anyone understand what I'm saying?" Lu Qingshan asked.

When you come to an unfamiliar world, the most fearful thing is the language barrier.

"Who are you?" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

The encircling soldiers immediately gave up a passage respectfully.

The sound is coming from the end of the channel

Lu Qingshan followed the sound and looked along the passage.

A strong man wearing bright silver armor with a long sword on his waist, like an iron tower, came into view.

"Who are you!" The strong man said coldly.

"My name is Lu Qingshan." Lu Qingshan was in a good mood, because these natives spoke the same language as him, so he planned to have a good conversation and learn about this world.

The strong man frowned and looked at Lu Qingshan. He always felt that Lu Qingshan looked a little different from others, but he couldn't tell what was different.

"Lu Qingshan, did you see a meteor falling from the sky just now?" The strong man's expression softened slightly.

They are the army, not bandits and bandits, there is no reason to do anything to the defenseless civilians, just ask.

A meteor fell from the sky and landed in the mountains and forests outside the capital of their Yuan Kingdom. The King of Yuan immediately shook and sent soldiers to look for the meteor outside the sky.

It's not a superstition, but the meteors that can generally fall from the sky contain extremely precious and high-quality meteorite iron, which can be used to create magical weapons.

It's a godsend.

The strong man and his soldiers quickly came to look for "Godsend".

However, although he had heard about the meteorite outside the sky, he never thought that the meteorite outside the sky would be a living person this time, and he just stood in front of him like that.

"Meteor?" Lu Qingshan suddenly understood that the scene when he came to this world really looked like a falling meteor.

But he didn't want to easily reveal his identity as a foreigner, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, so he just shook his head calmly, "I didn't see it."

"It's fine if you don't see it..." The strong man replied, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Extremely abrupt, a sword light rose from his waist, broke through the air, and shot at Lu Qingshan.

"Oh, Feijian?!" Lu Qingshan was not surprised by the sudden attack of the strong man, but he couldn't help but let out a sigh,

Because I didn't expect that in this world where mana is sealed, I can still see flying swords, which is a bit cordial.

But immediately, he shook his head, a little disappointed: "No, it's not a flying sword, it's just a royal object."

There is a difference between Yujian and Yuwu, and the difference is very large.

Yujian needs Jianxiu to penetrate into it together. In that case, the sword is not a thing, but an extension of the body, which is a part of Jianxiu.

And the things that are in the imperial world are just dead things.

Obviously, the "flying sword" in front of him has no soul and belongs to the imperial object, but that object just happens to be a "sword".

I thought that Lu Qingshan, who was still in this world, was disappointed.

However, it is clearly a world where mana is banned, but you can see the law of imperial objects. Although the power is not strong, it undoubtedly means that this world still hides all kinds of mysteries, and it needs to be studied slowly.

That sword light was still whistling.

Lu Qingshan's eyes narrowed slightly, and when the "Flying Sword" was about to approach and the cold air was blowing towards his face, he turned slightly to the side to avoid Feijian's attack just right.

At the same time as turning sideways, Lu Qingshan also stretched out his hand, trying to grab the sword that swept past him like a grain of fire.

The next moment, in two light sighs, the "flying sword" fell into his hands.

Lu Qingshan's hesitation was because he found that although this "flying sword" was ferocious, after approaching him, its power was suddenly reduced to almost nothing.

Obviously, this sword did not come to kill him, but just to test.

As for the other huh, it was from that strong man.

It is not surprising that Lu Qingshan was surprised when he saw that Lu Qingshan was able to dodge his own attacks with ease and grab a bare blade with his bare hands.

"What a quick way." The strong man couldn't help but praised.

The next moment, the strong man looked at Lu Qingshan, his face became condensed, and he asked, "Who are you, and what is this method?"

"Dao Fa?" Lu Qingshan muttered in his heart. It seems that the so-called cultivation system in this world is this "Dao Fa"?

"I'm Lu Qingshan, I've said it before, but it's you who never told me your name." Lu Qingshan didn't care about the strong man's previous temptation, just looked at the sword in his hand from the corner of his eye, said.

The cold air was blowing on his face, but upon closer inspection, it was only made of cold iron, let alone compared with his life sword, it was simply out of reach compared with ordinary magic weapons, and there was no spirituality at all.

Lu Qingshan couldn't help but pouted.

"Yuan Kingdom, General Zhenning." The strong man said word by word.

"You shouldn't be from my Yuan country, right?" General Zhenning continued.

Lu Qingshan nodded, "Indeed, I am not from the Yuan Kingdom."

"Then why did you appear above the boundaries of my Yuan Kingdom? The war is raging ahead, and you have a good martial arts, why don't you serve the battlefield?" General Zhenning's brows furrowed even deeper.

"My origin has nothing to do with the general." Lu Qingshan smiled and threw back the sword in his hand.

He needs a sword now, but he really doesn't like this sword.

"The general should come from this direction." Lu Qingshan pointed to the rear of General Zhenning.

General Zhenning took the sword thrown by Lu Qingshan, and after hearing Lu Qingshan's question, he hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

"Thank you." Lu Qingshan didn't talk too much, knowing that these soldiers were very vigilant and were not good targets for inquiring about news.

"General, just let him go like this?" When Lu Qingshan was far away, the cronies of the soldiers beside General Zhenning finally couldn't help but ask: "This person obviously doesn't look right."

"I can naturally see his abnormality, how could an ordinary person appear here, and how could he have such a graceful appearance?

The means he just used are more dangerous than any opponent I have ever seen in my life, but he doesn't have much hostility, so I should be more careful instead of causing unnecessary trouble. "General Zhenning said softly, as if talking to himself.

After walking for about an hour in the direction where the soldiers came, a bright fire appeared in Lu Qingshan's field of vision, like a guiding star.

It is a brightly lit city.

Two big characters are engraved on the city wall—Yuandu.

" should be the capital of Yuanguo." Lu Qingshan said, walking lightly towards the city gate of Yuandu.

The city gate is naturally guarded by soldiers, but there is no strict inspection Lu Qingshan was able to enter Yuandu very smoothly.


After half an hour, Lu Qingshan finally knew the general situation of this world and the name of this world.

————Daoyuan Realm!

The reason why it is Daoyuan Realm is because the foundation of the practice system in this realm is something similar to monk mana, but completely different from mana, which is called "Daoyuan" by the creatures in this realm.

The so-called Daoyuan is invisible and intangible, but it exists everywhere, just like aura.

The existence of Daoyuan allows the beings in the Daoyuan world to display a magical power called "Dao Fa".

Just like monks can cast spells through mana.

The difference is that in addition to casting spells, mana can also make monks live longer and stronger, which has many magical effects.

But the source is different.

Daoyuan has one and only one function, and that is to perform Dao Fa.

Daoyuan only moves for Dao Fa!

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