This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 16: eyes kill

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

"Put your hope on me?" Lu Qingshan raised his eyebrows, he already knew it.

So, is this the "clearance condition"?

He fought the demons in the sky and decided to expel the demons from the human realm. Although there is no high and far in the sky, there are also foreign invasions.

Even though he was caught in the reverse flow of time and his mana was banned, Lu Qingshan was still in high spirits at this moment.

"I can't expel the White Walkers by myself," he said.

"You still have a dragon bird." Qin Yitian said.

"The person who holds the dragon bird is the general of the Qin State to protect the country, and he can gain military power."

"General Pingnan is in charge of Qin's military power, even if you have the Dragon Sparrow Sword, it is extremely difficult to gain military power from him.

In this case, I will give you my Dragon Phoenix Guard. "

Qin Yitian thought about it, put his hand into his arms, took out a tiger talisman made of gold and handed it to Lu Qingshan, "Longfengwei is an elite soldier, even compared with General Pingnan's Pingnan Army, except for the lack of rich experience Other than that, it's pretty much the same."

"Longfengwei is your own army, and you gave it to me, so what do you do?" Lu Qingshan frowned as he looked at the tiger talisman in his hand.

"You don't have to worry about this, in Qin City, the safety of this palace can still be guaranteed." Qin Yitian said calmly.

"Although Qin is in power, the military power has always been in the hands of General Pingnan. I can't help you too much. If it's not enough, I'll think of other ways."

Although Qin Yitian is understatement, how can Lu Qingshan not understand, what kind of trust and reliance the princess has given to him, and what kind of trust and reliance he has already attained, and what is behind the so-called thinking of other methods? pay.

Without enough price, how could a general hand over his military power? even if it's only a part...

"Whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can give it to you." Qin Yitian finally said.

"Did Your Highness really not know me before?" Lu Qingshan asked.

If Qin Yitian was still his Sword Spirit girl, it would not be surprising to do so, but at this time Qin Yitian was clearly His Highness the Princess of Qin, but Lu Qingshan couldn't understand it because he treated him like this.

The world is never good for no reason.

"I don't know," Qin Yitian shook his head and looked at Lu Qingshan with a complicated look, "I know what you're thinking. I can't answer your question now, but I can say that you will know the answer in the future."

"Also, if you always called me Yitian before, you can just call me Yitian now."

Lu Qingshan was silent for a while, and finally said slowly: "Thank you, Your Highness."

He cupped his hands and clasped his fists, bowed, and then took the tiger talisman and left with a belly full of complexities and thoughts.

Looking at the back of Lu Qingshan's departure, Qin Yitian's original rosy complexion suddenly became pale.

She stopped for a while, then suddenly walked out of the Golden Palace, looking up at the sky.

Snowflakes are falling.

It's the end of the year again.

This year has not been a good one.

On the Snow Ridge front line, the number of White Walkers is increasing, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

Inside the Qin state, she was originally her most staunch supporter, but also had a gap with her because of the Dragon Sparrow Sword.

The 30-year war has caused most of the silver in the treasury to flow to the front line. In addition, young and middle-aged people are fighting on the front line, and no one is working in the fields.

The crisis is growing silently.

The battle on the front line, the internal affairs of Qin, and the request of General Pingnan for a sword all required her to concentrate on facing.

Qin Yitian reached out and took a snowflake.

"Lu Qingshan...Although I don't know how talented you are...but since you must be the last hope of Daoyuan Realm... ." Qin Yitian whispered, his voice getting lower and lower as he went to the back.


Five days later.

school field.

The generals gathered, and the dragon and phoenix guards lined up neatly.

Qin Yitian stood on the high platform in the center of the field, with the two commanders of Longfengwei to the left and right.

They seem to be waiting for something.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan rushed over and stood in front of Qin Yitian, clasping his fists.

Qin Yitian asked, "Why are you here so late?"

Lu Qingshan explained: "I was reading the sword manual in the storage room just now, but the time was just right, and there was no delay."

Qin Yitian nodded and stopped asking.

Ever since she said anything she could give to Lu Qingshan, the first request Lu Qingshan made was to enter the storage room.

The so-called Shouzang Room is actually the palace of the royal family.

In addition to various classics, there are countless martial arts cheats, including a dazzling array of swordsmanship.

Among the nine great states, the Qin state, as the only state without Taoism, guarantees the strength of its national strength with the ethos of the whole people's martial arts.

In terms of martial arts alone, it is the leader of the Nine Kingdoms.

Therefore, the quantity and quality of swordsmanship are also extremely high.

With Lu Qingshan's understanding of kendo, these mundane-level sword manuals are like playing a family to him.

He only needs to read it, and then he can understand and understand the sword moves in every sword manual.

Although these crude sword moves did not help his kendo too much, they could help Lu Qingshan understand the martial arts of this world.


Here Qin Yitian gently let go, but was watched by the generals and the dragon and phoenix guards.

Everyone has some inexplicable emotions in their hearts.

Their eyes fell on the scabbard slung around the young man's waist.

Dragon Sparrow, Zhen Guojian.

Everyone has heard that five days ago, Her Royal Highness the Princess gave a foreigner the sword of the Qin State in the courtroom.

According to the rules of the Qin State, this foreigner is the general of the Qin State to protect the country.

And they also heard that Her Royal Highness also handed over Longfengwei to this foreigner and asked him to lead the expedition to Xueling.

This time, it is the worship ceremony.

For this reason, Her Royal Highness specially fasted for many days, chose an auspicious day, and built a platform for worshipping generals.

However, this person came later than His Highness, almost late.

Is this putting on airs?

The generals frowned secretly, and the soldiers of Longfengwei felt resentment in their hearts.

"Okay, let's start now." Qin Yitian said.

There is a **** holding a tomahawk.

Qin Yitian took the tomahawk, then took the head of the tomahawk and handed it to Lu Qingshan.

"The order of a word is given to you, and from now on, those who go up to heaven will be ruled by the generals."

This authorizes, explicitly grants the general the power of life and death.

But to everyone's surprise, the authorization ceremony ended there.

Normally, Qin Yitian should take back the tomahawk, hold the handle of the tomahawk in his hand, and hand the blade to Lu Qingshan.

The meaning of Qin Yitian's simplification of the ceremony of standing up generals is also very simple - fully trust Lu Qingshan, grant full authority, and do not interfere with the command of the army.

Afterwards, Qin Yitian praised Lu Qingshan's conduct and morality in front of everyone.

Lu Qingshan murmured when he heard it.

There are some points that Qin Yitian praised, he has never heard of it himself, let alone know that he has it, and he does not know how Qin Yitian compiled it.

He was thinking secretly, but he saw silence around him.

Lu Qingshan came back to his senses.

I found that everyone's eyes were looking at one place in surprise.

He followed along.

It turned out that at some point, General Pingnan, with several generals, appeared outside the gate of the school field on horseback, with his arms folded over his chest, looking inside the school field.

Seeing the crowd, he was very calm, and he drove in with the generals, and finally stopped in front of the generals' platform, turned over and dismounted.

"Is there something wrong with General Pingnan?" Qin Yitian frowned.

"I heard that His Highness is going to hold a general worship ceremony here today. I was worried and came here to see it." General Pingnan said.

"What is General Pingnan worried about?"

General Pingnan looked at Lu Qingshan and said bluntly: "A foreigner, a swordsman who has never shown his skills, will he be in charge of the sword of Qin Guozhen? Will he be in charge of Longfengwei?"

"I'm afraid that Your Highness will look at the wrong person and ruin these talents."

As soon as General Pingnan said this, there was a sudden commotion in Longfengwei. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

They are the princess' personal soldiers, so they don't dare to disobey the princess' will, but it is impossible to say that they have no opinion on the princess' inexplicable move.

Therefore, although I knew that General Pingnan was looking for trouble with Her Royal Highness, and as Her Royal Highness's personal soldiers, I should have turned to the Princess, but I subconsciously agreed with General Pingnan's words.

Lu Qingshan looked at Qin Yitian.

Qin Yitian kept his mouth shut.

This is giving Lu Qingshan a chance to stand out.

Lu Qingshan coughed lightly, stood on the platform of worshipping generals, condescendingly, and said in a calm and slow voice: "This important ceremony of worshipping generals, according to the laws of Qin, you must not collide at will, even if you are a high-ranking general, General Pingnan, Not to be outdone.”

General Pingnan's face remained the same, "The ceremony of worshipping the generals would naturally not dare to collide, but isn't it over now?"

The ceremony of worshiping the generals is now coming to an end, and it is just some finishing processes. It is not over if it is not over.

Since General Pingnan insisted on this statement, it was too petty to argue on such a trivial matter, so Lu Qingshan acquiesced to his statement and asked, "What does the general mean?"

"Longfengwei is His Royal Highness's pro-military, the general should not be meddling, but Longfengwei is a good man of my Qin country, and as a general of the Qin country, I can't bear to see them under the leadership of a mediocre general. To die in vain..."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a burly and sturdy man came out behind him, clasped his fists at Lu Qingshan and said, "Crossing Jianglong Lu Qingshan, I am Li Ze, a general under General Pingnan, and I challenge you today. , you dare..."

Lu Qingshan smiled and glanced at him.

The strong man only felt an unspeakable colic in his mind, and then his eyes darkened, and he fell straight back.

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