This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 18: 0 Onigiri

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

It was just dawn.

Above the snowy ridge, the sky was gloomy and pale, as if shrouded in a heavy cloud of lead.

The sky is blowing with snow.

In the gate of Tiecheng, the Terran army rushed out and galloped past.

Puji Gate, Xuanqing Gate, Qixing Gate, Xieyang Gate......

At each gate, there is an army of one country or even several countries pressing on it.

The war horse neighed violently, the mountains of knives and spears stood tall, and the huge iron lance was full of visual oppression.

The flag fluttered in the wind.

Since there is no unified command and dispatch, from a macro perspective, Tiecheng at this time seems a bit chaotic.

But in the chaos, there is a certain order.


Outside the Iron City.

The sound of hoofs.

But not from the warhorse of the Terran, but from the White Walkers.

Those White Walkers were covered in ice crystal armor, and the ice crystal swords in their hands shone brightly.

Their eyes are deep and blue, like mysterious burning cold ice, and like a little bit of phosphorous fire, floating in all directions on the vast snowy ridge plain.

They rode the same pale dead horses.

As soon as they rushed forward, they covered the Iron City like a tide, and the number exceeded 10,000.

But the strange thing is that, with such a large-scale attack and such a large number of people, these White Walkers remain absolutely silent and deadly.

Really like a block of ice.



A spear pierced the sky, tore through the air, and shot straight at a big flag fluttering in the wind.

In the thunderous sound of hoofs, the Terran army and the White Walkers finally collided.

As soon as they collided, the contrast in individual strength was highlighted.

The White Walkers have wide knuckles and unusually tall stature, but they are uncharacteristically fast like tigers and leopards. The weapons on their bodies, whether they are armor or long swords, are better than those of the human race.

So, just as wolves enter the flock, the White Walkers plunge into the Terran army with ferocity and indifference.

Clang clang!

The weapons of the Terran sergeants fell on these White Walkers' ice crystal armor, sparking sparks, hardly causing any injuries to the White Walkers, and the Terran armor, facing the White Walkers' long swords, was not so hard.

The Terran soldiers were cut down by the White Walkers like they were harvesting wheat.

The White Walkers aren't immortal, though.

After all, the ice crystal armor could not cover their whole bodies.

In such a chaotic battlefield, they are not invincible.

As long as they are stabbed in the neck and face and other vital points that are not covered by armor, they will also die.

The strange thing is that the death of these white ghosts does not fall silently like the human race, but the body will gradually shrink, and finally turn into a pool of liquid, and then disappear completely, leaving only the ice crystal armor and ice crystal long sword on the body. and a heart of opalescent glass.


Lu Qingshan took the lead and rushed out of the Dragon Ring Gate with Longfengwei to join the chaotic battlefield.

Outside the Iron City, there is a vast snow field, a horse and a flat river.

But at this moment, on the snowy plains of Pingchuan, the White Walkers, which were as thick as iron walls, had already collided with the Terran army.

Lu Qingshan turned his face sideways.

In fact, it has only been a month since he entered Daoyuan Realm, and his subordinates have a huge army.

"Which step you can do, you have to rely on this team..."

"General, be careful."

Gu Tianyan, who was behind him, shouted loudly at this moment.

Cold light flashed.

A White Walker attacked from Lu Qingshan's side, and the ice crystal sword had already fallen.

The armor on the White Walkers was moving, suddenly white as fresh snow, and suddenly black as night.

When the sword came to him, Lu Qingshan didn't panic, his eyes were as clear as gods, and he looked at the Other Ghosts.

The sword force has spread out from the void in his eyes.

But to his surprise, the White Walkers were not affected at all, and the ice crystal longsword still maintained a downward trend.

Is it because these ghosts are dead, they have no primordial spirit, so they are not affected, or...they are actually the same as themselves, primordial spirits are powerful and immune to swordsmanship, but they are sealed by the rules of the Taoyuan realm and cannot be. Appearance?

Lu Qingshan couldn't be sure for a while.

The ice crystal long sword was already facing at this moment.

It's just that Lu Qingshan has experienced hundreds of battles and is extremely experienced, so how could he have made a mistake of underestimating the enemy?

The fiery dragonfinch swam like a horse, and the tip of the sword darted around the ice-crystal armor-covered area and slid down the White Walkers' throats.

It was obvious that his long sword could pierce Lu Qingshan's chest as long as he sent it forward, and it was clearly his first strike, but it was still too late to react.

The attacking White Walker finally clutched his throat and fell down with a twisted expression, but in an instant, it turned into a liquid and then vaporized, and disappeared.

Lu Qingshan didn't say anything inspiring, because the act of killing the enemy with one sword was more powerful than any words.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan's eyes slammed, his legs clenched, and he rode his horse forward, and his figure did not enter the enemy's line.

A ride is a thousand.

He is like no one, and the dragon bird does not know how many times faster. The tip of the sword is beating like a spark, and the red sword peak is frantically licking the flesh and blood of the White Walker.

The dragon sparrow is like a spark, the speed is like a ghost, and Lu Qingshan is at the forefront, almost attracting the attention of 80% of the White Walkers in this part of the area.

Horseshoe like thunder.

Hundreds of White Walkers assembled, riding horses like a long snake, and rushing towards Lu Qingshan.

Under the gloomy sky, war horses with loose manes collided with dead pale horses.

The sound of the swords connecting was short and intense, and the blue blood flew out, smashed and scattered together with the cold snowflakes.

Sword and sword into the flesh three points.

The rich smell of blood in the nose and the cold smell like the breath of a dead person from the Other Ghosts are mixed, and the Other Ghost's dead eyes...

Lu Qingshan's blood was rolling in his body, boiling like hot water.

As if a heat current was hitting his skull.

Blood is surging.

Blood spurts.

This can only be regarded as a battle at the mundane level, far less than any battle between monks he has experienced in the sky.

But the cultivator's battle is too high-strung and fantastical, just like the battle in the age of hot weapons. Although the intensity is a hundred and a thousand times that of cold weapons, it is impossible to experience the **** feeling of fighting in the age of cold weapons.

Now that Lu Qingshan's whole body of mana is banned by the rules, facing this fierce and cruel battle with a mortal body, the intensity that he can feel is naturally unprecedented.

This is a tragic confrontation that the monks cannot understand.

This is the age of cold weapons.

Lu Qingshan let out a long roar, the battlefield seemed to have infected him, and the gloomy qi that had accumulated in his heart was also vented.

The dragon bird slammed like a spring on a stone, slashing in all directions.

Although the ice crystal armor is hard, his dragon sparrow seems to have eyes, and goes straight to the weak point on the White Walker that is not covered by armor.

If this is just an extraordinary swordsmanship, what is truly terrifying is that even if the Dragon Sparrow really collides with the ice crystal armor on the White Walkers, the dragon sparrow sword will flash with sparkling flames.

The ice crystals that were previously indestructible, under this flame, would melt like snow in an oven.

The only difference is that head-to-head consumption will consume more stamina.

Lu Qingshan, who was walking through the boiling battlefield, was like a dragon, and the incomparably sharp Dragon Sparrow Sword rolled into the Other Ghosts with a random stroke, and several heads were thrown high.

The swordsmanship that surpasses this world is called the Dragon Sparrow, the strongest weapon in the Daoyuan world. The two are combined to make Lu Qingshan, a mortal body, face these other ghosts like chopping melons and vegetables.

The blood-soaked Dragon Sparrow Sword had blue blood flowing back towards Lu Qingshan's palm.

It was so smooth to start that he had to use a little more force to grab the hilt when he took out the sword to prevent him from letting go.

"No wonder they have to tie a strip of cloth to the handle of the knife." Lu Qingshan muttered.

He was born as a monk and had never experienced the battle of mortals.

When did the cultivator think about killing too many enemies, and the blood stained the hilt of the sword, which made it difficult to exert force?

So even though Lu Qingshan's swordsmanship is extraordinary, as a cultivator who has not experienced this, he is indeed confused.

He was thinking like this, Long Que seemed to know his thoughts, a gentle flame flashed from the hilt of the sword, causing no damage to Lu Qingshan, but vaporizing the blood from the White Walkers.

Before he had time to sigh about the miraculousness of the dragon bird, at this moment, a deadly white light fell towards him.

Lu Qingshan, who had no time to dodge, quickly turned over and dismounted.

White light fell on the horse's back.

The horse immediately neighed hysterically, and then was cut in half by the waist.

A burly White Ghost appeared, staring at Lu Qingshan coldly, his knees slammed on the ground at a 90-degree angle, sprinting rapidly, and the ice crystal long sword slashed at Lu Qingshan's forehead again.

Lu Qingshan raised the Dragon Sparrow Sword from bottom to top, and the two swords clashed, making a harsh sound.


Lu Qingshan's feet trapped in the snow and slid backwards.

The power of the White Walkers is far superior to him!

Here, the White Walker stepped back half a step, then stepped forward, slashing down again.

Lu Qingshan twisted his legs and stepped back again. Seeing this, a White Walker next to him felt malicious and took the opportunity to hand out his long sword, wanting to complete a cooperation with this burly White Ghost and kill Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan's eyes turned cold, and the Dragon Sparrow Sword took advantage of the situation to cling to the White Walker's long sword, and then twisted it with force, and the long sword was picked up and flew out.

Then the tip of the Dragon Sparrow swept upwards and across, tapping lightly on the White Walker's throat.

The White Walkers fell to their knees, clutching their throats.

The burly Other Ghost's eyes were still cold, and he didn't even look at his fallen companion, and then charged towards Lu Qingshan.

The battlefield is so chaotic, and there is not much room for manoeuvre.

Lu Qingshan had no way to retreat—he didn't even want to retreat.

The ice sword in the hands of the White Walkers slashed again, and Lu Qingshan slammed it.


Under the sudden force, the two fought evenly.

Only Lu Qingshan could clearly feel the numbness in his wrist.

The power of the White Walkers in front of him is indeed terrifying, almost reaching the limit within the limits of the Daoyuan Realm rules.

"Just reaching the limit is not enough..." Lu Qingshan said softly.

The physical strength of the White Walkers did not exceed the limit, but his swordsmanship surpassed the limit of the Daoyuan Realm.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan let out a low voice, and the dragon bird that was in contact with the ice sword shook, dexterously like a python, biting at the brow of the burly Other Ghost.

The burly White Walkers stepped back.

Lu Qingshan's sword edge is following as if he is demanding Yama.

The former roared angrily, and the ice sword greeted him again.

The confrontation between the two was as dizzying as the wind and rain. UU reading

A White Walker who was trying to get close was stabbed by Lu Qingshan's Dragon Sparrow, pierced his throat directly, and fell to the ground and turned into a pool of liquid.

The burly white ghost is like a mad dog, and the ice sword is like a hammer in his hand, constantly smashing at Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan seemed to be struggling to cope.

But after dozens of breaths, the burly White Ghost suddenly found a faint smile on the corner of Lu Qingshan's mouth.

Immediately, he seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking.

What was shattered was his armor.

The armor made of ice crystals showed spider-like cracks.

With a loud slap, the ice crystal exploded directly like a blooming snow lotus.

At the same time as the explosion, the ice crystal shards also slashed through the body of the burly White Walker.

At least a dozen **** arrows gushed out of him and sprinkled on the snow, blue like lake water.

Then, the burly White Walker thumped and fell to the ground feebly.


Lu Qingshan showed no mercy, and cut off the head of the burly White Ghost with one sword.

"Fixing the knife" is a good habit he has long cultivated.

Not to mention this kind of "elite monster" that is not easy at first sight, who knows what else will be possible?


The fighting on the snowfield is in full swing.

The blue blood of the White Walkers and the scarlet blood of the human race bloomed poignant flowers on the white snow.

Looking down from the sky, it was like two groups of flowers that were originally distinct, merging and devouring each other.

The flags were stirred, the sound of killing boiled, and blood and snowflakes splashed.

The chaos continued throughout the day.

It was dark and dark, and a horn sounded again.

This is the horn of the charge, which means that there is no suspense in this battle, and the final finish is to be carried out.

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