This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 24: Iron Horse Glacier

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You don't need any amazing reasoning, just by looking at the appearance, you can know that the giant White Walker in front of you is far more powerful than all the White Walkers you've encountered before.

"Who are you?" Lu Qingshan squinted his eyes, looked up at the White Walkers, and asked.

Because, the words that the giant White Walkers spit out just now are the language of their human race.

This is the first time that Lu Qingshan has seen such a burly White Walker, and the first time he has seen a White Walker who can speak.

The otherworldly ghost looked down at the insignificant Lu Qingshan, and the hatred and disdain in his tone were unmistakable, "Who am I? Hehe, lowly person, you don't deserve to know my name...

You only need to know that I am the one who came to take your life on behalf of Heaven. "

"Representing the Dao of Heaven..." Lu Qingshan repeated, and couldn't help but smile.

In the sky where there is such a mighty power as monks, no one dares to say that he represents the way of heaven, a mere ghost, how can he dare to be so outspoken?

"There are too many people who want to take my life," Lu Qingshan said, "But don't you think I'm still alive to this day?"

"Really?" The White Walkers spoke indifferently, looking down at Lu Qingshan, just in time to meet Lu Qingshan's eyes, "They are trash, but that doesn't mean I am too."

Above the vast ice layer, under the bright and bright sky, the two looked at each other. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Lu Qingshan was wearing silver armor, his body was stained with blood, and his hair was flying.

"General!" Gu Tianyan's pores stood up all over his body.

"You stand back, you can't intervene in this battle."

The five-person-high terrifying White Walker is covered in ice armor, and ordinary people can't attack the unarmored parts of its neck, face, etc. These parts of the White Walker are seven or eight meters away from the ground.

Gu Tianyan also understood this point.

So he didn't say anything like "I want to live and die together with the general"? Instead, he wisely obeyed the general's order, and led the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Army back, trying not to interfere with Lu Qingshan.

Here, while Gu Tianyan led the army to retreat, Lu Qingshan threw the dragon bird horizontally.

The red light flashed on the Dragon Sparrow's blade, and it buzzed softly, as if full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, a crystal snowflake suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the neck of the White Walker in front of him.

One has two.

in an instant.

The sky is flying snow, filling the sky and the earth.

In the blizzard, the burly Other Ghost was stubborn, and so did Lu Qingshan.

The long sword shone with a faint blue light and the blazing red dragon bird complemented each other.

The two faced each other for a while.

Iron Horse Glacier, Flying Snow Pan Moon.

"The power of mountains and seas."

The next moment, Lu Qingshan clasped Longque in his palm, and a complex and mysterious Dao pattern appeared.

The supernatural powers from the ancient Dazong Shanhai Pavilion in the sky.

It is also the only monk method that he can use since he came to this world.

At the same time, it was the means that Lu Qingshan had just thought of destroying this Yellow Spring Lake - the side effect of the power of mountains and seas destroying the mountains and seas just fit his requirements.

A strange wave, centered on Lu Qingshan's palm, spread out to the lake in all directions to the west.

That is the power of devastation that the mountains and seas cannot resist.

creak creak creak.

As the wave expanded, spider cracks appeared on the ice surface, extending into the distance.

At the same time, the lake seemed to be deprived of something. Wherever the spider cracks passed, the chill suddenly dissipated, and instead, a powerful aura gradually emerged from Lu Qingshan.

However, this strange fluctuation is limited in scope, and cannot spread to the entire lake.

And this range is extremely narrow.

Only two miles away.

"It seems that even if this lake is weird again, the power of mountains and seas can still be effective." Lu Qingshan could feel the chill of the lake within the effective range of the power of mountains and seas disappearing.

This is the reason why Huang Quan's death qi disappeared.

"Furthermore, although the power of the power of mountains and seas has been reduced to the extreme due to the restrictions of the Daoyuan world, it is still an extremely terrifying force for this world."

Lu Qingshan felt the long-lost power in his body and secretly said in his heart.

You must know that when he used the power of mountains and seas during the foundation building period, the range of the power of mountains and seas could reach ten miles.

The power provided by the power of mountains and seas in the two miles of land is indeed too small.

The land of two miles is even less worth mentioning than this lake.

However, this world, at best, is a high martial world with "Dao Fa".

And the power system of the power of mountains and seas already belongs to the world of self-cultivation.

So, enough.

With the power of mountains and seas and his swordsmanship, Lu Qingshan has the confidence to defeat the terrifying White Walkers in front of him.


The White Walker was very surprised at Lu Qingshan's sudden change at first, but quickly regained his composure.

He could feel the power of Lu Qingshan at this time.

Although powerful, it is definitely not beyond his power, but it is so magical.

However, he didn't want to delay any longer, lest there would be more changes.

The terrifying white ghost in the ice crystal armor roared, and the ice crystal giant sword fell straight down.

The giant sword swept across like a door panel.

Lu Qingshan's heart moved, the power of the mountains and seas mobilized, circulated throughout the body, and then jumped, it turned out to be a few meters into the sky, and the dragon sparrow stabbed straight at the throat of the high-altitude Other Ghosts, playing tricky.

The White Walkers were startled, and subconsciously drew their swords to block.

The broad blade of the Ice Crystal Greatsword collided with the tip of the Dragon Sparrow.

As if hitting an indestructible wall, Lu Qingshan's sword tip drew a series of sparks on the giant sword, and his body continued to move upwards following the movement of the sword tip.

The figures of Long Que and Lu Qingshan continued to expand in the eyes of the White Walkers.

Blades meet, rub.

Sparks, chills, ice chips, snowflakes.

The dragon sparrow slid across the side of the greatsword, the White Walker's mouth, and then the armor on him, before finally being stopped just below his neck.

——The White Walker stretched out Sora’s left hand and slapped it straight at Dragon Sparrow.

Just like a slap slapped at an embroidery needle, Lu Qingshan did not dare to face it directly, so he chose to close when he saw it, and his figure circled in the air before landing on the ground again.

"As expected of someone who stole Daoyuan," the White Walker glanced at the tiny wound oozing blood from his tiger's mouth. "It's not surprising that he has such skills."

He sneered, raised his head to look at Lu Qingshan's indifferent eyes, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

This gaze is too calm, as if everything is under control.

Lu Qingshan pointed the tip of his sword diagonally, and the killing intent was clear at a glance.

"Do you really think that with a method of returning to the ruins, you can break through the limits of the world and beat me?" The Other Ghost was annoyed.

With a ruthless heart, Xueliang's sword light slashed towards Lu Qingshan again.

The speed was so fast that Lu Qingshan, whose mana had been sealed, could only jump to the right in a hurry.

The giant sword landed on the ice surface that was less than a foot away from him, and the ice layer was immediately blown up, and the ice cubes were splashed and shot towards Lu Qingshan like bullets.

Lu Qingshan waved his sword to meet these ice cubes, and the dragon bird collided with the ice cubes, knocking them into powder.

"Come again!" The Other Ghost laughed wildly, and slashed at Lu Qingshan with another sword.


This sword blasted a deep pit with a radius of hundreds of zhang directly on the ice layer of the lake.

The overflow of power caused the air to twist and roll up countless ice cubes.

"What power is this?"

The dragon and phoenix soldiers who stepped back several miles were stunned, terrified by the divine power contained in the attack of the White Walkers.

They could feel the lake under their feet trembling at the moment, and they could imagine how terrifying the offensive in the center was.

In their perception, anyone who takes this blow should die without a doubt.

Can their generals be an exception?

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the figure, which was not burly compared to the White Walkers, but very tall and straight, stepped out of the ice cubes in the sky, and somehow separated the countless ice cubes sputtering. .

"What kind of power is this?" Lu Qingshan asked the same question in his heart with the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Army.

But the difference is that Lu Qingshan does not lament the horror of the power of the White Walker's blow, but the source of power displayed by the strange ghost.

His power comes from the power of mountains and seas. Where does the power of the Other Ghosts, which obviously surpasses the limits of the Daoyuan Realm rules, come from?

In his heart, he was still in Lu Qingshan was still calm on the face, and between the movements, he jumped up again.

The power of the White Walkers has exceeded the upper limit of the power of this world, and it is also far superior to Lu Qingshan at this time.

But he couldn't master this power at all, so he looked huge and clumsy.

Of course, with one force and ten meetings, relying on this terrifying power alone, the burly White Walker in front of him is definitely an invincible existence in this world.

Even if the opponent is thousands of Terran troops, he can sweep.

However, his opponent is Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan, blessed by the power of mountains and seas!

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