This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 30: sky-shattering plan

"Another way of playing?" Qin Yitian's heartstrings trembled slightly.


She was not only surprised that Lu Qingshan came up with a method so quickly, but also admired Lu Qingshan's attitude of taking such a difficult task as "playing".


The man in front of him is always so confident and calm.


"What is the general going to do?" Qin Yitian asked softly.


"A lesson from the past, a teacher for the future, the last time I failed, I came to a conclusion." Lu Qingshan said.


"What's the point?" Qin Yitian was very cooperative.


"That's what the King of the White Ghosts said is right," Lu Qingshan repeated the last words of the King of the White Ghosts. "War is definitely not determined by a single valour."


"So, even if I defeat the King of the White Ghosts, I can't solve the problem of the White Ghosts in the end."


"Because there are many others, many, many."


"Last time, I solved the problem according to my habitual thinking.


That kind of thinking is very suitable in my world, and in this world, it is also applicable in most situations.


It's just the appearance of the King of the White Walkers, obviously not in most cases. "


"This world is fundamentally different from my world." Lu Qingshan said solemnly.


If it was in the sky, even if all the revived White Walkers added up at that time, they wouldn't be able to hurt Lu Qingshan a single hair.


But this is in Daoyuan Realm, and his strength is limited by the rules of Daoyuan Realm.


This is a world where the power of an individual can never prevail over a group.


"In this case, my way of solving problems should no longer stick to my previous thinking, but should play according to the rules of this world."


"The last time I came back, it was because there were a lot of White Ghosts," Lu Qingshan said with a smile, "But, are there more White Ghosts than our human race?"


"What does the general mean?" Qin Yitian vaguely guessed what Lu Qingshan meant, but he couldn't believe it.


"The number of White Walkers is actually far less than our human race. There are three reasons why we are so passive in the offensive and defensive battle with the White Walkers.


First, the armies of the various countries are self-respecting, and it is impossible to make concerted efforts, and it is even more impossible to screw them all together.


The second is that the White Walkers are physically better than our soldiers.


Third, their equipment, whether it's armor or a long sword, is sharper than our soldiers' equipment.


This led to a White Walker being able to fight one against twenty, with the advantage of individual combat power, to wipe out our numerical advantage. "


"Look, there aren't too many problems, right? There are only three," Lu Qingshan said in high spirits, "Just solve them one by one."


"This time, I have a full thirty years."


"In thirty years, is there anything that can't be done?"


Lu Qingshan said it lightly, but in fact, who is not aware of these three questions?


What is the key?


The key is that some problems cannot be solved even if you know them.


Three problems, as long as one can be solved, it is an epoch-making breakthrough for the world, let alone solving all three.


Thirty years, is that a lot?


You must know that this is a problem that existed during the last time the White Walkers were revived. After so many years, the White Walkers have been revived again, but none of these problems have been solved.


"If the general is confident, just do it, and I will cooperate with the general." Although Lu Qingshan's self-confidence had no reason or basis, Qin Yitian chose to believe it and said seriously.


"Then I will tell His Highness in detail how to do it..."


Speaking of which, it was another few hours.


Lu Qingshan said a lot, although a large part of the content is very strange even to Qin Yitian, who is good at governing the country.


For example, "the economy determines the superstructure", "liberating the productive forces", "nine-year compulsory education", "the first five-year plan"... and so on, are all uncommon terms she has never heard of.




However, she quickly grasped the core concept of Lu Qingshan's plan.


"General, you are going to turn the world upside down..." Qin Yitian couldn't hide his shock, "This is crazy."


"If everything goes well, maybe it will really make the human race produce amazing changes as the general thinks... But if it doesn't go well, it may also cause our human race to fall directly into civil strife and destruction..."


"To turn the world upside down? It sounds quite imposing... Then our plan this time, let's call it a plan to turn the world upside down." Lu Qingshan clapped his hands and praised.


"General..." Qin Yitian said angrily.


"Failed, can't we start all over again?" Lu Qingshan stopped making Qin Yitian happy, spread his hands, and said very easily.


And there is a high probability that it will succeed - because this has been confirmed on the blue planet in the previous life, and it is not a castle in the air that he imagined.


Seriously, this should belong to the culture of Lu Qingshan's world, a means of combining military and Mohism, and some ideas of the Ma surname.


"Yes," Lu Qingshan's remarks dispelled Qin Yitian's last concerns, she clenched her fists, "Since this is the case, then..."


Before he could finish speaking, a hurried announcement from the palace maid came from the door, "Princess, General Pingnan asks to see you."


At this point in time, what else could it be for besides asking for a sword?


Lu Qingshan realized instantly.


Qin Yitian frowned consciously, a little annoyed, "Here again."


——In addition to the previous retrospective, General Pingnan may have come to ask for the sword dozens of times.


It's just that Qin Yitian was about to open his mouth to refuse to see General Pingnan, but Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered and he said first, "Someone will send a pillow when you are dozing off. Isn't this General Pingnan just right?"


"Huh?" Qin Yitian was puzzled and tilted his head to look at Lu Qingshan.


"Forgot what I told you? The first step of our plan to turn the sky is to win the trust of the people, and to win the trust of the people, a very important point is to control public opinion." Lu Qingshan smiled mysteriously.


However, Qin Yitian understood Lu Qingshan's thoughts like a consonant, "Does the general want to use the reputation of General Pingnan to build momentum among the people of Qin?"


"That's right," Lu Qingshan said with great satisfaction, as if complimenting a child: "Smart."


Qin Yitian gave Lu Qingshan a sidelong glance, but didn't say much, just said solemnly, "Let him come in."





The door of the imperial study was pushed open.


The burly General Pingnan walked out in a swift manner. He first glanced at Qin Yitian who was sitting at the desk. He was about to salute, but his pupils shrank suddenly. UU reading


Because, out of the corner of his eyes, he swept to Lu Qingshan beside him.


Lu Qingshan, who was playing with his coveted Dragon Sparrow Sword.


Even with his bearing, seeing this scene, he would inevitably lose his temper.


He didn't bow to Qin Yitian first, but asked Lu Qingshan sharply, "Who are you, why did you appear in the imperial study, and you dare to touch the national sword of your own country?"


"General Pingnan, I gave him the Zhenguo Sword," Qin Yitian stood up, pointed to Lu Qingshan and said to General Pingnan, "Introduction, this is General Huguo, Lu Qingshan."


Then she pointed at General Pingnan and said to Lu Qingshan, "This is General Pingnan, Jiang Ran."




Eerily quiet.


"Jiang has practiced martial arts and is familiar with military books in order to build a career and make a name for himself in the history. How can any young person be able to rank with Jiang." Jiang Luan said proudly.


Even if he looks at the Daoyuan realm countries, Jiang Luan is the top general, enough to leave a mark in history after a hundred years.


With such a character, what kind of green onion is Lu Qingshan?


"The sword of the Qin country should not be wielded by just one person."


"Then let's make a gesture." Lu Qingshan stopped playing with the dragon bird and said.

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