This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 45: more than people?

Tiecheng, a border city once jointly guarded by the Northern Alliance, has now become a city in one country of Qin.

The night was dark and snowflakes continued.

But the lights in the iron city are continuous, like a star river in the sky, illuminating this snowy night.

Lu Qingshan stood at the head of Tiecheng City, looking into the dark depths of the snow field in the distance, and then looked back at the Qingshan Army in the city.

With such an army, what are the White Walkers?

Since it is a dead person, then stay under the yellow spring and not be a demon.


Lu Qingshan stood at the head of the city all night.

At dawn the next day, the thunder of drums and horns in the city was heard.

The iron city in the snow is like a sleeping lion, waking up with the rising sun.

The Qingshan Army gathered outside the city, spreading all over the mountains and plains, with no end in sight. The military appearance and strength were unprecedented in history.

They stared at Lu Qingshan on the city wall together.

Those beams of eyes were extremely frenetic.

On the city wall, the mountain flag stands high and dances constantly.

Lu Qingshan was surrounded by strong winds, and the cloak he was wearing was also swaying with the wind and snow, like a big flag.

He didn't say anything extra, just waved the mountain flag and plunged into the snow.

Afterwards, the Qingshan Army was surging like a tidal wave and officially launched.


The way we went, has already been traveled, and it was with the Dragon and Phoenix Army at the beginning, and now it is an army of one million Qingshan, so there will be no problems.

Tens of thousands of White Walkers roamed aimlessly on the familiar beehive-like plain.

On the south side of the plain, there is a high slope.

At this moment, the old snow on the high **** began to shake, as if some terrifying beast was constantly approaching here.

After a while, as the shaking became more and more intense, the snow began to crack piece by piece and rustled down the slope.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of many White Walkers nearby.

They cast their eyes.

The next moment, in the sight of these White Walkers, a cold sword light flashed.

Accompanied by the fiercely moving flags, countless Qingshan troops poured out from the back of the slope, and rushed towards the White Walkers on the plain without fear of death.

The last time he came, Lu Qingshan rushed to the siege with three hundred dragon and phoenix guards.

When he came this time, he brought a million Qingshan army to clear this plain.

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, nothing more.

Gu Tianyan charged ahead with the Pioneer Battalion, and leaped out from the hillside with thunderous hoofs.

The long sword is like snow.

Under the command of Gu Tianyan, the Pioneer Battalion had a group of seven soldiers and a group of forty-nine soldiers, swarming forward on horseback. The position was constantly changing, but they maintained a certain peculiar pattern, which made people dazzled.

Sword formation, a sword formation evolved according to the characteristics of Qingshan swordsmanship.

But this sword formation was not created by Lu Qingshan, but by Gu Tianyan.

He integrated the Qingshan swordsmanship, and then integrated the strategy of the military formation, thus creating this sword formation.

In the Daoyuan world, Gu Tianyan's talents and talents are definitely the top. Even in Lu Qingshan's opinion, if Gu Tianyan is placed in the sky, he will definitely achieve no small achievements.

After the Pioneer Camp is the Shenji Camp.

This is a newly established battalion in recent years, which is very special.

——More than ten thousand Qingshan troops did not draw their swords, but took out an iron cylinder-like object from their waists and aimed them at the White Walkers, and sulfuric saltpeter was sprayed out of it.

In the sound of the bang bang bang, I saw the fire overflowing and the smoke rising into the sky.

In the 20 years of reform and opening up, Lu Qingshan has acted unfettered and unrestrained, and he has used various means of military, ink, agricultural, and Confucianism, and even the weapons and equipment have been updated for a round.

And firearms are the most important breakthroughs in Qin's weapons and equipment.

The White Walkers' ice crystal armor can ignore the soldiers' longswords, but they can't ignore the firearms.

For a time, the White Walkers were in chaos, and the ice crystal armor on their bodies exploded with ice chips under the spray of firearms, flying all over the sky.

Bad luck, the White Walker who was sprayed directly to the face by the musket, his face was suddenly blurred, and he just fell down, covered his face and rolled over in agony.

The thunderous sound of gunpowder explosions, like a thunderbolt, shocked the White Walkers.


It has always been the White Ghosts who have launched an offensive against the Terran. This is the first counterattack of the Terran, but it has the potential of thunder and lightning.

Gu Tianyan was silent, and on the back of the galloping horse, he took the lead, the sword pointed straight ahead of the White Ghost.

Behind him is the torrent of the Qingshan Army Iron Cavalry.

But in an instant, on the endless hive plain, the two armies confronted each other and collided.

Counter bombing in the age of cold weapons.

Two iron streams, one horizontal and one vertical, intertwined with black and dead white horse streams.

Daqin Qingshan Iron Cavalry and White Walker White Torrent are entangled together.

As the martial artist who has the deepest understanding of Qingshan swordsmanship in the entire Daoyuan world, Gu Tianyan's martial power at this time is also under Lu Qingshan.

As the vanguard of the army, he was the first to face the White Walkers.

A sword that was so calm and cold came out.

A stream of blood slid past his eyes, and the droplets of blood were distinct.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment at this moment, and then it passed again.

Gu Tianyan's fiercely dancing long sword flipped blood flowers among the other ghosts.

The White Walkers have ice crystal armor to protect their bodies, but his cunning long sword is always aimed at the weak points of the White Walkers, which is quite a bit of Lu Qingshan's style back then.


On the plain, the clanging sound of weapons collided into a line.

The steel swords of the Qingshan Army were mixed with the ice crystal swords of the White Walkers.

The White Walkers were startled and angry.

Twenty years ago, the human race sergeants were almost powerless to resist under their hands, and could only be crushed with dozens of times their hands.

But then I don't know what happened, the soldiers on the Terran side turned out to be getting stronger and stronger.

The White Walkers' military advantage is getting weaker and weaker.

The comparison of combat power between the two has gradually developed from the original twenty people who can barely fight against a White Walker, to a situation where five people can join forces to fight a White Walker.

You must know that in the past, such a forceful human race was at least a very long start.

Now it is worthless walking all over the place.

In other words, this is equivalent to quadrupling the number of sergeants of the Terran race out of thin air.

The human race gradually has the background to fight against the White Walkers.

Today, the number of White Walkers on the Hive Plain is only more than 20,000, but the number of Qingshan Army is more than one million.

Such a huge comparison of numbers made this north-south confrontation a one-sided massacre.


Gu Tianyan led the vanguard battalion to start the charge, and did not stop from beginning to end, so it turned out to be abruptly cut through the Other Ghosts, crossed across the hive plain, and came to the Yellow Springs Lake.


The galloping horse slowly slowed down, and Gu Tianyan carefully looked around.

When he saw Huangquan Lake "for the first time", he was immediately deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

Under the ice layer are full of hideous faces, as if there is a ghost in the world hidden, and the mournful and resentful voice seems to reverberate in the ears, which is a nightmare.

The warrior was so daring, not to mention that a warrior of Gu Tianyan's level was even more daring, but when he saw this scene suddenly, no matter how courageous he was, his back was chilled at the moment.

A hazy fog was born ahead.


Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind came from the fog and attacked the Qingshan Army.

A series of painful shouts sounded, and the broken weapon fragments flew out.

Under the horrified gazes of the generals and soldiers, the fog quickly dissipated.

A terrifying White Walker as huge as a small mountain appeared in their sight, holding an equally huge sword in his hand.

The gust of wind that just hit was the sword wind brought out by the sweep of the giant sword.

Where the Ice Crystal Giant Sword in the White Walkers swept across, the Qingshan Army soldiers flew out like toys, rolling over and over, constantly spreading to both sides, and being thrown to the ground, their brains shattered and their brains splashed. There is no resistance.

In the face of such power, the superb swordsmanship becomes insignificant.

King of the Ghosts.

finally appeared.

"Where's Lu Qingshan? How come you are here?!" The voice of the King of the Other Ghosts was extremely angry, as if he had been holding grudges for a long time.

Gu Tianyan clamped the horse's belly with both feet and watched the giant White Walker that just appeared.

And the terrifying giant sword that caused huge losses to the Qingshan Army.

Even if he has an almost faith-like trust in Lu Qingshan, he can't help but feel a drum in his heart at this moment.

Can the general really cope with such a terrifying existence?


The enraged King of the White Walkers raised the great sword in his hand again.

Suddenly, a clear whistling and gust of wind came, and in an instant it seemed to cover up the roar of the King of the White Walkers.

There was a cautious look in the eyes of the King of the Other Ghosts, and he immediately turned his head to look at the sound of Qing Xiao.

A figure, like an arrow breaking through the wind, shot straight.

But seeing the man's cloak flying, his armor flashed with clear light, and the long sword in his hand flickered and danced with a red light.

It was Lu Qingshan.

He leaped forward, quickly approaching the White Walkers.

Twenty years later, the eyes of the two met once again on this snowy field.

As soon as he approached, Lu Qingshan followed the sword and swooped down in mid-air, the sword light was piercing.

What I should say has already been said last time.

So this time, Lu Qingshan didn't talk to the King of White Walkers directly.

Facing Lu Qingshan's surprise attack, the King of Other Ghosts quickly raised his giant sword to block.

With a bang, the dragon bird collided with the ice crystal giant sword, and the two giant forces intersected.

The two of them swayed at the same time, and both felt their arms were slightly numb.

"You stand back!" Lu Qingshan shouted at the same time as he shot.

Seeing that the situation was in critical condition, Gu Tianyan knew that these Other Ghosts were definitely not something they could deal with, so they didn't dare to delay, and immediately led the army to rush out to leave the battle circle between Lu Qingshan and the King of Other Ghosts.


Here, Lu Qingshan has already made dozens of battles with the King of the White Walkers.

The paths of the two are completely different, but they are both forces that transcend the limits of this world.

It's just that the king of the white ghosts is more and more frightened the more he fights.

He and Lu Qingshan have their own strengths, they should be considered equal and evenly matched, but Lu Qingshan somehow knows his tricks and knows them all.

Therefore, he was able to completely suppress him, making him more and more frustrated.

The King of White Walkers couldn't figure out the reason - it's actually very simple. For any "player", there is only the first and countless times to defeat the boss.

Once a boss has been attacked once, he will be reduced to a plaything that is constantly being ravaged.

"Bang!" With a relaxed smile, Lu Qingshan put his left index finger and **** together, aiming at the heart of the King of the White Walkers. He made a move that no one could understand last time, but this time it made many soldiers in the Qingshan Army. Familiar gestures.

That's the hand gesture for a musket to fire.

A brilliant red light erupted from the White Walkers' chest.

Exaggerate! Exaggerate!

The sound of glass breaking sounded.

The ice crystal armor turned into ice shards and scattered in all directions.

The blue blood flowed down like a waterfall from the body of the White Walker, which was no longer covered in armor.


The King of Other Ghosts let out a mournful wailing sound and looked at Lu Qingshan with monstrous malicious eyes.

"Damn, **** you!" The blood-drenched King of the White Walkers leaned on his sword in both hands, thrust it down, and plunged the tip of the sword into the ice.

This sword directly penetrated the ice layer and directly under the lake.

Crunch and crunch.

The vast ice layer on the lake surface made a violent cracking sound at this time.

Centered on the Ice-Crystal Greatsword of the White Walkers, spider cracks spread across the boundless ice of Yellow Springs Lake.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The explosion was centered on the point where the great sword in the hands of the White Walker fell, making a central axis, spreading to the north and south sides.

Every time the ice layer explodes, hundreds of human faces will break free from under the lake!

But in an instant, the originally empty Yellow Spring Lake was already covered in darkness.

The boundless dead scrambled to climb out of the lake and come to the surface of the lake.

Most of the dead are scattered due to lack of strength, and only a small number can condense ice armor and ice swords and become white ghosts.

But a small part of such a huge number is also a terrifying number, nearly 100,000.

One after another, the White Walkers stood up amid the flying ice debris.

Resurrection of the dead.

It was a catastrophe enough to terrify anyone.


It was supposed to be like this.

Therefore, the "King of the Others", who caused countless other ghosts to revive, looked down at the terrifying scene he created, and his eyes gradually changed from the tyranny of the injury to the extreme cold.

He stared at Lu Qingshan, and of course he believed in victory: "Lowly human, you have to understand that this is a war..."

"And war, it's not just about one person's bravery that can decide the outcome, right?" Faced with a situation that would make anyone feel terrified, Lu Qingshan was still calm and confident.

"You are..." The White Walker King was stunned for a moment, stunned in place, with a big head full of puzzlement.

How did he know what I was going to say?

Also, why isn't he afraid?

Stunned blue?

"I agree with what you said very much," Lu Qingshan nodded and said solemnly: "In this world is indeed the case, after all, one person's combat power cannot defeat thousands of troops. ."

"I know that you like more people than people, play more people and bully people less."

"So, this time, I brought more people." He laughed.

"Huh?" The White Walker King raised his head, his already huge eyes widening.

Behind Lu Qingshan, there was a continuous black spot that could not be seen, forming a black line, rushing towards here like a tide.

Just now, the army of one million Green Mountains has already swept away the White Ghosts gathered on the Hive Plain with absolute crushing potential.

At that time, the night was already three, the bright moon was in the sky, the stars were twinkling, and the light was coming down to the earth.

The sky was clear and calm.

The wind is raging, and the sea is stormy!


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