This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 55: 3-foot long sword, 0 ancient romance

A sword light moved forward in the northwest direction, and the yellow sand filled the sky below.

In the light of the sword, there is a young sword cultivator, Feng Shen Yulang, if placed in some evil sects that specialize in the art of harvesting, with this skin, if Yuan Yang has not been lost, it must be a good tripod. furnace.

It's a pity that it should be a bad killer.

There are many deserts and plateaus in the Western Regions, and the Daozong Longxiang Temple is located on the vast deserts and plateaus.

But a territory is so vast, even if the western region is not as beautiful as the eastern region, it still has an oasis.

One of the most prosperous is Lingzhou.

In the area of ​​Lingzhou, the most powerful sect is precisely the Sword Washing Pond.

Jianxiu's domineering and fighting power enabled them to own this treasured land of feng shui.


It is not an easy journey to traverse the vast sand sea from the sea of ​​​​burial to Lingzhou.

After leaving the sea and entering the Western Regions, Lu Qingshan's first thing was to find a place to smoke and take a break in order to find out the current time.

- As he thought, because it is a long river of countercurrent, the long 30 years in Daoyuan Realm is just a moment to the sky.

White earned thirty years of time.

After confirming that there was no delay, Lu Qingshan took a short rest, and then went straight to the Sword Washing Pond Sect without stopping.


Recently, the Western Regions have been very lively, especially the land of Lingzhou, which is the most boiling.

There is only one topic that all the monks talked about during this period of time - Xijianchi proposed to be promoted to Taoism, and tried to replace it with Jianzong. Is it possible to succeed?

In the eyes of many cultivators, Jianzong has occupied the position of Taoist sect in the Eastern Region for thousands of years, but since the sword immortal Xie Qingyun died, then the position of the sect master was passed on to the following peak masters with the same extraordinary cultivation level, which is barely regarded as can continue the legacy.

Unexpectedly, Jianzong is like a bull's horn, and he just supports Lu Qingshan, who is obviously unworthy of virtue, to take charge of Jianzong.

It's not that Lu Qingshan is not good - this son's talent is obvious to all.

But the position of Sect Master of Sword Sect is too heavy.

In the eyes of others, letting a seven-level cultivator succeed him is not only a boost to Lu Qingshan's success, but also a waste of the remaining half of the sword sect's cultivator's combat power.

The reason why many monks are so concerned about this matter is that the disputes between such behemoths as Dao Zong must be popular among the people who eat melons.

Just like the war between Lu Qingshan's previous fighting nation and the European granary, it also attracted the attention of countless people and became an enduring topic of conversation.

Not to mention that Xijianchi was promoted to Daozong when Jianzong guarded the Middle Spirit Realm for the human race and suffered heavy losses.

Such a derailment would have easily aroused controversy.

The melon-eating monks are divided into two factions.

The "intellectual" monks who support Xijianchi, and the "perceptual" monks who support Jianzong.

The dispute between the monks of the two factions has never stopped.

There have even been cases of "convincing people with virtue" because the two sides insisted on their own words, and they were always arguing.

The second is that if Xijian Pond is really promoted to Daoist sect, it will inevitably have to move to the Eastern Region, and the fertile Lingzhou land will be vacant.

Many sects in the Western Regions coveted Lingzhou for a long time, but they did not dare to take any action because of the great strength of the Sword Washing Pond.

But now, the turning point appeared in front of them, and these sects suddenly started to move.

In addition to Xijianchi himself, the most willing to be promoted to Taoism in Xijianchi are these sect monks.

This liveliness, Lu Qingshan has clearly felt it since he entered Lingzhou.

Compared with the tragic and solemn sword sect in the ten years of Zhonglingyu, an absurd feeling was born in Lu Qingshan's heart.

There is quite a bit of a deadly battle in the frontier, and the meaning of singing and dancing in the Central Plains is in it.


What is the Sword Washing Pond?

It is not only the meaning of washing the sword, but also the actual meaning.

The Sword Washing Pond Sect is built around a huge Tianchi.

Tianchi is located above a dragon vein, so the water in the pond is full of dragon energy. As long as ordinary instruments are put into it, with the passage of time, spirituality will naturally emerge.

This is the highest feng shui treasure land, so although the spiritual veins are not obvious and the spiritual energy is average, the Sword Washing Pool chose to build the sect here, and put thousands of swords in the Tianchi.

Once the Xijianchi cultivator has reached the cultivation base, he can come to this Tianchi to find his own life sword.

In order to keep the swords in Tianchi, the Sword Washing Pond has been handed down for so many years, and has been devoted to collecting famous swords in the world, hiding them in Tianchi, and nourishing spirituality.

In addition, Xijianchi also established a sect rule. After the cultivator of this sect fell, his life sword must be taken back by the sect and put into Tianchi.

Over time, the number of swords in Tianchi has not only not decreased, but even increased.

Up to now, it is said to have 200,000 famous swords in its possession, and it is called the Sword Washing Pond.

In the turmoil of unspeakable emotions in his heart, Lu Qingshan finally approached the Sword Washing Pond.

A majestic mountain towers in the distance, and the peak is shrouded in clouds and mist, either hidden or visible, like a Penglai fairyland.

That is where the sect of the Sword Washing Pond is located.

Although it is not as good as the Upside-Down Mountain Range of their Sword Sect, it is also a paradise.

The affinity for swords endowed by the natural sword species made Lu Qingshan feel the countless swords hidden in that mountain.

He looked calm and flew to the majestic mountain in silence.

"Master, what are you going to do?" As the person who knew Lu Qingshan best, Qin Yitian could feel Lu Qingshan's calm mood changes.

"At this time of trouble, the evil has not been eliminated. As the Lord of the Sword Sect, it is naturally impossible for me to fight the Sword Washing Pond."

"But Xijianchi's behavior of wanting to fall into the hole, I will not forgive it lightly."

"What Xijianchi wants is the position of the Taoist sect of our Jianzong," Lu Qingshan said with a sneer, showing his snow-white teeth: "Then I will take the most important thing from their Jianshichi as punishment."

A tooth for a tooth is the purpose of sword repair.

Xijianchi wants the position of their sword sect, so Lu Qingshan will not be more polite to Xijianchi.


The sword light gradually slowed down and stopped completely outside the Sword Washing Pond.

Without the sword light, Lu Qingshan appeared.

Wearing a black robe, the robe is embroidered with black and gold dragons, showing his teeth and dancing claws.

As a large sect, Xijianchi was extremely guarded, and Lu Qingshan came openly and without any disguise, so immediately a disciple of Xijianchi found him as an "uninvited guest".

"Who are you here, do you have a letter of worship?" The two disciples of the Sword Washing Pond flew out of the sect's great formation, flew towards Lu Qingshan, and asked loudly.

"Jianzong Lu Qingshan came to visit the Sword Washing Pond today." Lu Qingshan said solemnly.

"Jianzong?" The two Sword Washing Pond disciples didn't react immediately, and their minds were all focused on the word Jianzong.

Everyone knows that Xijianchi and Jianzong have not dealt with recently. At this time, when the monks of Jianzong came to visit, it must be a bad visitor.

They thought to themselves.

Immediately he trembled.

"Wait...Lu Qingshan?"

"Isn't that the youngest new sect master in Jianzong's history?" The pupils of the two Sword Washing Pond disciples dilated, and looked at Lu Qingshan with a calm face.

As expected of the major disciples, even if they were terrified, they still managed to keep their composure, and immediately sent a message to the senior leaders of the sect, and at the same time asked with a trembling voice: "Is Sect Master Lu coming to visit our Sect Master? He has already gone to Zhongtianyu...not in the sect at this moment."

Going to Zhongtianyu? Lu Qingshan sneered in his heart, and also noticed the little movement of the two disciples of Xijianchi to secretly communicate, but it did not stop it.

"I'm not here to see your suzerain," he replied.

"Then why did Sect Master Lu come from afar?" At this moment, a sword light rose from the sword washing pool, and instantly landed in front of Lu Qingshan.

A middle-aged man appeared.

Sword Master Lanting, the deputy sect master of Sword Washing Pond.

"Our Sect Master Baishuang, together with other representatives of Taoist cultivators, is waiting for Sect Master Lu to participate in the meeting of the Taoist sect in Zhongtianyu.

Sect Master Lu didn't go to Zhongtianyu at this time, how could he appear here? "Sword Master Lanting looked at Lu Qingshan and said with a smile, hiding the knife in his words, meaning that Lu Qingshan was timid and deserted.

Lu Qingshan didn't care about Lanting Sword Master's innuendo, smiled, and said calmly: "I will naturally participate in the court meeting, but before that, I have to get something."

"Huh?" Sword Master Lanting frowned slightly.

"Some clowns always think that they can get on the table and jump around and waste my time. If they don't pay a price to set an example, and other sects follow suit, it will not be beautiful." Lu Qingshan laughed.

"Sect Master Lu, what do you mean?" With such an obvious sarcasm, how could Sword Master Lanting not understand, his face suddenly changed and became gloomy.

"What do I mean?" Lu Qingshan said with a faint smile, "You'll know right away."

He looked up at the sect of the Xijian Pond surrounded by clouds and mist, and the Tianchi that symbolized the Xijian Pond.

In his perception, there are countless swords lying in the pool water at this moment, motionless.

I want a sword, any of you who want mine, come.

Lu Qingshan stared at the Tianchi, thinking silently in his heart.

As a result, a wonderful fluctuation between heaven and earth occurred.

This invisible wave quietly merged into his mind, connecting the Tianchi with the countless swords.

Like a silent signal.

The next moment, the originally peaceful Tianchi rippled slightly.

At the bottom of the pool where no one could see, the long sword that had been motionless for many years began to vibrate slightly.

Sword Master Lanting did not have the ability to perceive this slight change.

He just looked at Lu Qingshan who suddenly showed a smile, his face became more and more ugly, "What kind of mystery is Lu Zongzhu pretending to be?"

"Sword..." Lu Qingshan ignored Sword Master Lanting, just took a deep breath, put one hand behind him, and stretched out the other, as if he was giving an order to someone, "Come!"

Sword Master Lanting suddenly widened his eyes.

The two Sword Washing Pond disciples suddenly widened their eyes.

All the monks in the Sword Washing Pond widened their eyes.

They saw a scene that they will never forget in their lifetime.

Outside the Sword Washing Pool, Lu Qingshan's sleeve robe swayed without wind.

The mist that had swirled around the Sword Washing Pond all year round melted away in an instant.

In the great formation of Xijianchi Sect, the Tianchi, which symbolized the inheritance of Xijianchi, began to tremble, making a low buzzing sound, and then the amplitude became bigger and bigger, like an earthquake, and the buzzing sound was like thunder.

First, a swipe of blue water broke out, rose rapidly, and finally stood lightly in the void around Lu Qingshan.

"Chaotianque!" Lan Tingjian advocated a big mouth, recognizing the cyan color.

It was the seventh-ranked sword in their Sword Washing Pond. Because they had never found the sword master of Xinyi, it had been hidden in Tianchi for 5,000 years. At this moment, it was standing in front of Lu Qingshan obediently.

But this is just the beginning, the breaking of the water towards the sky tower seems to be a signal.

A long sword with a handle broke out from the Tianchi one after another, flew over, and stood in front of Lu Qingshan.

Purple smoke, woodpecker, oriole, egret, wind and moon, shepherd's flute, cinnabar...

These are the famous swords in the Sword Washing Pond.

Swords of this level, even if they are in the sword washing pool, it will take decades for one person to be recognized and refined into the sword of life.

But now, they are pouring out innumerably, flying towards Lu Qingshan.

Behind them, there are more swords that are not mortal, although they cannot be named.

The densely packed swords, after approaching Lu Qingshan, formed several rows around him, forming a circle after another, surrounding him.

After a while, there were already two thousand long swords gathered.

These long swords hummed in unison to Lu Qingshan, full of joy, as if they had seen something very fond of.

The number of long swords, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The sound of breaking water came one after another, and the sword light filled the sky.

There are constantly long swords flying out of Tianchi and joining.

The two Sword Washing Pond disciples were already dumbfounded.

The monks in the Sword Washing Pond had already sensed this movement, and some high-level monks rose up into the sky and went straight to Lu Qingshan.

"Senior Li, have you seen it?" Lu Qingshan completely ignored the monks in the Sword Washing Pond and looked up at the sky silently.

The three-foot long sword is romantic throughout the ages.

Back then, at the Beicang Sword Tomb, Li Qiu defeated Xu Su with his supreme sword intent, and used thousands of swords in Beicang City to fight Xu Su.

Today, Lu Qingshan, he was in the Western Regions Sword Washing Pond, and with his supreme kendo talent, he led out 200,000 swords!

The Merry of Swordsman.

never stopped.

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