This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 4: Women only understand the truth

The so-called invincible at the same level, there is naturally only one person in an era.

The Jianzong cultivators wanted to know whether Lu Qingshan was better than the blue, and the Yumenguan cultivators wondered whether the Fairy Luoshen could continue the myth.

Everyone is interested, everyone is curious.

Not to mention, these two talented sword cultivators fighting each other in the form of sparring is very worth watching and learning.

Of course, although Lu Qingshan and Xia Daoyun's cultivation are both in the tribulation realm, there is still a gap.

Lu Qingshan is in the realm of four tribulations, but Xia Daoyun is in the realm of six tribulations.

But no one cared about this.

Neither Xia Daoyun nor Lu Qingshan took it seriously.

Because for sword cultivators like them, what's the matter with the enemy?

Not to mention that it is only a small rank in the same realm, it is even less worth mentioning.

In addition, the practice is that the higher the level, the closer to the limit, the greater the gap.

Therefore, although the Sixth Tribulation Realm is very different from the Seventh Tribulation Realm and the Eighth Tribulation Realm, the gap between it and the Fourth Tribulation Realm is really not big.

For example, the Sixth Tribulation Realm is 85 points, the Fourth Tribulation Realm is 75 points, and the Seventh Tribulation Realm is 90 points.

It seems that the difference between the Sixth Tribulation Realm and the Seventh Tribulation Realm is only 5 points, but in fact it is the gap between good and excellent. Although the Sixth Tribulation Realm and the Fourth Tribulation Realm differ by 10 points, they are actually at the good level.


The battlefield between Lu Qingshan and Xia Daoyun did not go too far, and was chosen on a sea area not far from the Tianshan Mountains.

Because Yumen Pass is still the top priority, if so many high-level cultivators are too far away, they are afraid that there will be an accident and they will not be able to rush back in time.

The endless sea, originally a place inaccessible to people, is extraordinarily lively today.

Lu Qingshan and Xia Daoyun arrived first.

In the rear, a large number of strong spectators also followed.

The figure of the master and the apprentice was suspended above the sea, and they didn't make a move for the first time, and they didn't know what they were thinking when their eyes met.

A pair of masters and apprentices who trust each other so suddenly have to fight each other, even if it's just a sparring nature, it's always a little uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence, Xia Daoyun spit out an endless golden mist, and said softly to Lu Qingshan, "Have you not seen enough?"

Lu Qingshan looked at the woman in Tsing Yi in front of him, smiled lightly, and replied, "Master is very good-looking today, so I took a few more glances."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he felt regret again - he wanted to say something witty to lighten the atmosphere, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be a little more frivolous.

Xia Daoyun raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. I wonder if it was because he was surprised that his apprentice was "daring" today?

"Meaning I wasn't good-looking before?" She looked at Lu Qingshan with a half-smile.

Of course that's impossible... Lu Qingshan thought subconsciously.

To describe the beauty of women, there have been too many words and descriptions since ancient times, from sinking fish and geese to closing the moon and embarrassing flowers, from alluring the city and the country to the moon shooting the cold river, but no matter what, the four characters of "peerless elegance" are the most advanced. Evaluation.

Because of peerless, but also because "fenghua" is not just appearance.

In Lu Qingshan's heart, even though he has seen so many outstanding women, only the woman in front of her with a mountain and a mountain in her heart can be these four characters.

"Master's good-looking, always a little more than yesterday, a little less than tomorrow." Lu Qingshan looked serious and said, but he was not stage fright at all.

He was not good at dealing with women, but Xia Daoyun was his master, so he was very comfortable dealing with leaving.


Seeing the exchange between the two, Li Shiyi and Wu Mo Sword Master looked at each other.

Although the scene was very harmonious and harmonious, they always felt that something was wrong.

Yu Canghai and Xue Wusiao also exchanged glances at the same time, "Let's not say anything else, this courage alone is truly unmatched in the sect."

Although Xia Daoyun is young, her cold and indifferent temperament has always been the most difficult peak master in the eyes of Jianzong disciples. Even their peak masters think so, and she is always very polite to this beautiful junior sister. .

Who would dare to be as "frivolous" as Lu Qingshan?

Moreover, Xia Daoyun is still his master......

"He hasn't been beaten, right?" Yu Canghai pouted.

"Probably never..." Xue Wushao thought for a while and said seriously: "Since his debut, it seems that our sect master has always beaten others."

The two were speechless for a while.

"In less than twenty years, he will be able to fight against Peak Master Xia, and the progress is too fast." Yu Canghai couldn't help sighing.

Although their strength and vision are higher than others, they have never seen the progress of Lu Qingshan's cultivation.

They were equally shocked and found it difficult to understand, but their emotions were better hidden.

While the two were talking, a thunderous roar sounded in front of them.

The waves are surging.

"The kung fu in the hands must be as good as the words on the lips." Xia Daoyun said in a "poor anger", and he had already taken the lead to start the battle between master and apprentice.

There was a sword energy, which flew out of Xia Daoyun's hand, changed in the air, turned into a dragon, and then took Lu Qingshan's body as the center, the title tail, and the ground as a prison, as if to trap him.

Then there are flying swords swept in, the long rainbow pierces the sun, wrapped in a tornado of sword energy, and the sword intent is even more abundant, and it belongs to Lu Qingshan.

The air machine is like a flood, aggressive.

This is Xia Daoyun, the most domineering woman. What the sword recruits is the style of everyone who goes straight to each other, without the slightest skill, but with countless sharp edges.

To be "the heavy sword has no front, and the skill does not work".

The waves followed the momentum of the sword, and the tide reached its peak, both in terms of momentum and weather.

As soon as you make a move, you have such a momentum, how many people in the world have ears?

Lu Qingshan was full of admiration in his heart, but he was not at all embarrassed.

Today, he has enough confidence to meet Xia Daoyun.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Longque, Peach Blossom, Wangchuan and Fuyao flew out of the void together to construct a Thunder Pond to defend against Xia Daoyun's offensive.

Feijian struck the sword energy, and the sound of ding ding dong dong was clear and incessant.

Xia Daoyun's sword qi was so solid that Lu Qingshan met for the first time, so he could only choose to cut off his sword qi little by little until it was completely eliminated.

"Come again." This Fang's sword qi disappeared just now, Xia Daoyun chuckled, and the sword qi lingered and wandered, and was born again in an instant.

Another round of violent collisions.

Not long after, the two of them used their swords to slash their swords, and there were more than a hundred moves between you and me, all at once.

The deadlock was still broken by Xia Daoyun.

She took the initiative to change her moves, and a fierce sword energy suddenly emerged from the void, turned into a dragon, and shot directly at Lu Qingshan's face.

Between the electric light and flint, it was already inevitable, Lu Qingshan did not hesitate, with the dragon bird in his hand, he slashed out with a sword.

A sword green snake.

If there is an immortal who is really high above the nine heavens, and looking down at the world at this moment, you can see that above the East China Sea, two sword qi burst out from the sky, a green snake and a wandering dragon.

The clouds in the sky fell like rain, and in the process of falling, they turned into powder and dissipated, invisible.

Compared with Lu Qingshan's moving and moving, Xia Daoyun has been standing in the same place since he drew his sword.

But all her natal swords are already unsheathed.

Youlong, Jinghong, Qingyun, Liufeng and...... Niu Er!

A sword is more than a sword, and it is getting closer and closer to Lu Qingshan.

When the strongest cow's ear flew by, it was already less than two feet away from Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan blocked it with a swing, but his body also retreated a zhang.

But this is just a prelude.

Lu Qingshan's eyes swept around with fiery eyes.

When Xia Daoyun flicked his fingers lightly, the sea water under the sky rose up and exploded continuously.

Every time it exploded, a dragon would fly into the air on the sea, and then hover behind Xia Daoyun.

These swimming dragons are all composed of sea water, but each of the swimming dragons out of the water contains the abundant sword intent of Xia Daoyun, which is condensed because of the sword energy.

In a blink of an eye, behind Xia Daoyun, there were eighteen Youlong Dragons, showing their teeth and dancing claws, like eighteen Arhats.

Xia Daoyun waved his sleeve, and the Dragon Sword flew out.

Just like an immortal guiding the way, the Eighteen You Long Jiejie is a sword, and it swept out along with the You Long Sword.

Overturned rivers and seas.

"Are you attracting the power of heaven and earth, I will also do this trick." Facing this amazing scene that can be called the grand view of the world, Lu Qingshan raised his head and smiled.

"Get up!" He spit out a word softly, and the Wangchuan in his hand flashed a gleaming light.

After a short while, there was a series of endless rumbling sounds.

I saw Lu Qingshan's foot on the sea, if there was a blue dragon swimming, causing thousands of waves.

Just starting, the spirit has swallowed mountains and rivers.

A sea of ​​water as thick as a mountain rose into the sky, like a huge water sword that has never been seen before.

Lu Qingshan drank lightly, stepped forward, and Wang Chuan handed it out.

The pillar of sea water rolled out, transformed in the air, and finally turned into a full-bodied green snake.

While swimming the dragon eighteen, the green snake collided.

Peak duel.

The two did not evade anything and went straight to confront each other.

The green snake and the dragon collided to create a water curtain that reached the sky, like a foam phantom, with no end.

The green snakes were quickly worn out at a speed that the onlookers could see with the naked eye, while the eighteen dragons smashed at the green snakes one by one.

Countless slender and condensed sword qi hidden in the dragons and green snakes shot out in all directions, which was spectacular, just like the thousand trees that bloomed in the east wind at night.

The dragon keeps advancing, and the huge stature of the green snake keeps shortening.

But even Xia Daoyun, it is extremely difficult to break the "sword" of Lu Qingshan.

This is not like a confrontation between two swords, but more like a battle between heaven and earth.

In a blink of an eye, this wave of confrontation is coming to an end.

Lu Qingshan put both hands on the hilt of Wangchuan's sword, the long sword was in the air, and slowly pushed forward.

The green snake followed, smashing the dry and pulling the rotten, smashing three wandering dragons in a row, and hitting Xia Daoyun.

Xia Daoyun held the bull's ear, facing the green snake with a broken body, and freely drew his sword.

She once used a sword, and the sword qi was 30,000 miles away.

Xia Daoyun's sword qi has reached its peak.

Since it is enough for 30,000 miles, why waste some today?

When the sword came out, Xia Daoyun whispered softly: "The sword is rolling green thunder!"

The three-inch sword light suddenly erupted, and the thunder light formed by the condensation of hundreds of sword qi instantly burst out, rolling forward in a mighty manner, like a thunder pool.

Qing Lei and Qing Snake are both magnificent.

The next moment, the green snake exploded, turning into water droplets in the sky, splashing everywhere.

Big beads and small beads fell on the jade plate, and they were chopped and miscellaneous.

Xia Daoyun smiled lightly.

At this time in the void, countless slender and almost invisible sword qi appeared.

It was all the sword energy that spilled out from her move just now.

It should have spilled, but there was no spilled sword energy.

A sword frost!

The slender sword qi, like embroidery needles, strung up the splashing water droplets.

Thousands and thousands of sword energy beads were born, and then turned into flying swords.

Grains are swords.

Paving, paving, paving, changing, changing, changing.

As soon as he made a sword, he had already imagined the thousands of changes that would follow.

This is Xia Daoyun's sword.

Xia Daoyun was surrounded by thousands of flying swords with awe-inspiring sword intent. He glanced at Lu Qingshan and said calmly, "I'm not the three-legged cat kung fu of Sword Master Baishuang. You should take good care of this sword."

Look it up.... Knowing Xia Daoyun's temperament, Lu Qingshan immediately held his breath and got ready.

In the next instant, thousands of bead swords could be seen vaguely, wrapped in ice **** and water mist, and they were truly united and merged into one sword.

An incomparably huge sword made of sword energy beads was held in Xia Daoyun's hand like this.

Xia Daoyun held the sword in his right hand and slowly pressed it down.

The sword energy beads seemed to be about to fall, drowning Lu Qingshan.

Seeing this situation, Lu Qingshan finally looked solemn.

He spread out his hands, grasped the hilt of Wang Chuan's sword, and suddenly folded.

"Master, then you are also optimistic about this sword."

Forget the river.

Heaven and Earth anomalies.

The bottomless sea water that was ten thousand feet deep was smashed by an invisible giant sword at this time, and slowly separated to both sides.

In the sea area bounded by Lu Qingshan, it seems that a part of the sea water has been taken away, and a strange vacuum abyss appears.

Like a dragon drawing water.

A blue sword composed of sea water slowly lifted upwards.

Xia Daoyun's sword is slowly falling.

The majestic sword qi covered everyone's sight at this moment.

If the previous pair of swords only made them stunned, this pair of swords was so ingenious that they were incredible.

The sky exploded with an unprecedented loud noise, like a bell hitting a bell, shattering the eardrums.

Vaguely, it could be seen that countless clouds were all torn apart in this impact and fell down.

Artificial clear sky.

One after another sword qi fell down, each with its own merits.

When the rain passed, the majestic sword energy finally dissipated, and the scene in the center fell into everyone's eyes.

Xia Daoyun's bull ear touched Lu Qingshan's brow.

But Lu Qingshan's Wangchuan was also pointing at Xia Daoyun's heart.


"Who's winning?"

Outside, everyone can't understand.

"Is it a tie?" Sword Master Wu Mo thought about it and said.

Just looking at this scene really looks like a draw.


"I lost." Xia Daoyun retracted his bull's ear.

Lu Qingshan slowly retracted Wangchuan, a little puzzled and a little overwhelmed.

The two swords collided at the most intense moment, and gradually moved towards a place beyond the control of the two of them.

At that moment, Lu Qingshan chose to withdraw his sword.

Because he was not sure whether it would hurt Xia Daoyun.

Although unlikely.

Although he chose to withdraw his sword, it meant that he was doomed to lose in this battle of willpower.

But Lu Qingshan still chose to withdraw his sword.

But what he didn't expect was that without any communication, Xia Daoyun also made the same choice as him.

That's why in the end, there will be a scene where the two of them face Maimang, but they are both unscathed.

However, what Xia Daoyun pointed to was between the eyebrows, and the tip of his sword pointed to the mouth of the heart.

Between the eyebrows is the Primordial Spirit, once the Primordial Spirit is destroyed, there is no doubt that he will die.

The heart is penetrated, but not necessarily death.

Therefore, according to this reasoning, Xia Daoyun should be slightly better in the end.

Then why......

"Qingshan, you are a teacher." Xia Daoyun blinked, looking at Lu Qingshan who was still confused, and couldn't help but smile.

It was good for her to admit defeat, but in fact, she had already won.

Xia Daoyun is a woman of peerless elegance.

Therefore, she understood a truth that Lu Qingshan didn't know, but all women knew.

Woman, when you want her to win, she already wins.


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