"Into the city."

Lu Qingshan clasped his fingers with both hands, and cast out several strange spiritual seals, sunk into the vast and majestic city wall in front of him.

These spiritual seals are pieced together to form a message that only Tianhe City can receive and analyze, which not only contains a request to enter the city, but also shows his identity and origin.


A fairy light bloomed on the city wall of Tianhe City, and then a circle of light appeared on the city wall, from which an old cultivator who could not tell his specific age walked out.

"I've been waiting for friends for a long time. Is this the new generation of Sect Master of Sword Sect? It really is a dragon and a phoenix among people." The old cultivator greeted him and learned Lu Qingshan's identity from the spiritual seal that Lu Qingshan just cast, so he spoke very politely. .

He is also a great cultivator, with the cultivation of the Three Tribulations Realm, and there is a sense of vicissitudes that can only be accumulated in the long-term.

"Tianhe City doesn't have a city gate, only this one," the old cultivator introduced, pointing to the light circle on the city wall: "Sect Master Lu and I enter the city, you probably haven't been to Tianhe City yet."

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly.

The old cultivator turned around and disappeared into the aperture, Lu Qingshan did not hesitate, and immediately followed.

After the figures of the two disappeared, the aperture also disappeared, and the city wall stood up and complete.

The scene in front of Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, and he was brought into Tianhe City by the old monk.

When you see it, you can see a swathe of houses and markets, where people come and go, but most of these people are actually low-level monks, and even mortals exist.

"They are all descendants of the guardian monks in Tianhe City. They were born in Tianhe City and live in Tianhe City at the same time. Those who have the talent for cultivation, just like their ancestors, became the guardian monks of Tianhe City.

However, there are not a lot of people who do not have the talent for cultivation, as Sect Master Lu sees now. "

The old cultivator was a qualified guide. Seeing Lu Qingshan's doubts, he immediately explained to him.

The old monk and Lu Qingshan introduced the appearance of Tianhe City, and led Lu Qingshan to the depths of Tianhe City.

It is said that Tianhe City is huge, but how huge it is, it is really unimaginable without visiting it in person.

—There are rivers in the city, Lu Qingshan can understand, but there are even continuous mountains in Tianhe City, and even waterfalls flow down from them.

"It was a meteor from outside the sky. When the city was built, it was taken down by Xia Daozu and placed in Tianhe City as a mountain," the old cultivator said.

Lu Qingshan was speechless, feeling that it was too unbelievable.

If it weren't for the outer city walls, it wouldn't be like a city, but a small world.

With the continuous deepening of Tianhe City, the monks encountered on the road have the lowest cultivation level and are already in the state of integration.

The guardian monks of Tianhe City are sent by some elites from the seven sects of the human race to guard the city, and the loose cultivators who have been cultivated spontaneously go there.

Later, due to the unique environment of Tianhe City and the unrelenting resource support of Daxia, Tianhe City gradually became a "holy land"-like existence, with an extremely powerful ability to absorb and cultivate monks.

Therefore, in the later stage, although Tianhe City no longer needs the support of the personnel of the major sects, the number of high-level monks in the city is still increasing.

Gradually, Lu Qingshan and the old monk approached the center of Tianhe City.

This journey took half a day.

Although it was because he was visiting Tianhe City, he did not use the escape technique, but he could see what a huge city Tianhe City was.

The center of Tianhe City is a forbidden area, so the old monk did not take Lu Qingshan there.

Looking from afar, Lu Qingshan saw an incomparably thick dry tree standing there.

The dead wood has no life, and it has been dead for many years, but for some reason, it has not been weathered, and it just exists.

Moreover, between the cracks of the dead wood, Lu Qingshan could occasionally see a power like thunder flowing through.

"That's...?" Lu Qingshan asked actively.

Because this piece of dead wood made him feel a heart palpitation, which is definitely not ordinary.

"This is a sacred relic left by Xia Daozu back then. It has the power of Daozu, enough to suppress a domain." The old monk replied.

"It's just that after Xia Daozu disappeared, the sacred object began to dry up until it became what it is today."

Lu Qingshan was absent-minded and stared at the dead tree.

Does this mean that Xia Daozu is in the same state as this sacred object?

He couldn't help but think of the dialogue with some primordial spirits of Xia Daozu in Daoyuan Realm.

Is it really gone?

Maybe not...

In any case, although the sacred object is dry, it has not been completely weathered, and even the power of Taoist ancestors overflowed.

The same is true for Xia Daozu. He is the first person in the ancestral realm after so many years in the sky. Will he really die so easily?

"There are many legends about Xia Daozu, the most widely circulated in our Tianhe City, and the one that has been recognized by the most people," the old cultivator was very thoughtful, knowing what Lu Qingshan was thinking, and added: "Xia Daozu broke the ancestral realm back then and met When an accident happened, in order to solve this accident, he chose to kill himself and sit on the dead end."

"That's why the sacred objects he left behind will start to dry up, but the sacred objects have not yet completely died, and there will be a day when the dead trees will rejuvenate.

Just like Xia Daozu will sooner or later break the dead end, the day when Nirvana is reborn. "Even an old cultivator who has lived countless years can't hold back his excitement when he mentions Xia Daozu.

But it is also understandable.

For a new generation of monks like Lu Qingshan, Xia Daozu was just a legend.

But for the old monks, Xia Daozu was the savior who rescued them from dire straits and a living legend.

After all, the meanings are different.


Terrible realm.

This is a peculiar area. Because of the magnetic elemental veins in the ground, there is no magic in this region, and it can even suppress the magic in the cultivator.

Lu Qingshan had briefly visited this Absolute Spirit Realm once because of the Edict of Heaven.

The center of the Absolute Spirit Realm is a small city called Yuanci City, which is quite lively.

In the dead of night, all sounds are silent.

at this time.

A burly figure appeared.

Appeared in the sky above Yuanci City.

It is a peculiar creature, born with four arms, and can vaguely see a human shape, just suspended above the Yuanci City.

This was an impossible thing.

In the realm of absolute spirit, how can you fly?

But it happened to do it.

"Is it here?" The creature murmured softly, looking down at the city below.

It slowly raised its head, revealing a hideous face, also born with four eyes, dark skin, extremely ugly, but familiar.

...... Rahu!

"Let's clear the field first."

He stretched out his hand, and a thick cloud of blood was born from his palm, rapidly expanding and spreading out.

In just a moment, the blood cloud completely shrouded the Yuan Magnetic City below, the **** smell overflowed, and many blood lights shot out.

All sounds are silent, truly all sounds are silent.

There is no sound at all, because there is no longer any living creature in Yuanci City below, even a bug!

Luo Hu sneered, his palms closed slightly, and the blood cloud turned into a big sword, slashing down.


Blood shone around, and the blood knife went all the way down, slashing straight to the ground.

The buildings in Yuanci City collapsed, stone chips flew, and finally a huge crack was split in the ground.


Everything seems to be nothing special.

But the next moment, UU reading www. The crack on uukanshu.com was twisted and transformed, as if there was life, and the broken place quickly recovered.

Rahu's eyes lit up.

Without hesitation, he rushed in quickly before the crack recovered.

This is a huge and dark underground space. There is no life fluctuation, and the breath of absolute spirit is permeating, but it does not affect Rahu at all, and his four eyes can completely penetrate the darkness.

In front of Rahu, there is a cave, with sapphire as the stairs and white jade as the door.

He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the portal, as if he had sensed something, and his whole body trembled.

After that, the smile at the corner of Luo Hu's mouth slowly expanded, and finally turned into a big laugh, echoing in the underground space.

"Finally found you, where Xia Zu sits!"


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