This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 22: wait for my sword fairy

Facing the sudden uprising of Tianhehai's will, Lu Qingshan suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the nearby twisted Tianhehai metamorphosis.

In front of him, a red long sword appeared.

Then, that day, Hehai froze, as if he had encountered something terrifying and was shocked.

It felt an indescribably powerful force from the long sword in front of it.

It was so powerful that it could even be compared to the suppression brought to it by Wang Chuan.

Its perception is not wrong.

Dragon Sparrow.

"Break the law."

The sword light traversed the sky and swept across the ferocious Tianhe sea transformation.

It was an unstoppable force of rules.

The Tianhe Haihuaxing roared in anger, causing a tsunami wave, and the momentum was astonishing.

Lu Qingshan looked at all this indifferently, the black robe was hunting in the high-altitude wind, and the black gold Canglong picture on it was swinging its tail.

Under the sword light, the twisted body in the shape of the Tianhe Sea began to disperse, and countless water droplets fell.

Like countless bubbles, slowly floating over the sea, falling toward the sea, reflecting the only light in the night.

Every drop of water falls into the sea, and the sound of the tsunami will be fainter.

After a while, the cloud disappeared and the rain fell, and the formation of the Tianhe Sea had completely dissipated.

As the will of Tianhehai dissipated, finally no one could stop Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan held Wang Chuan tightly with both hands.

He is mobilizing the power of this sea area.

At this moment, in the sea area at the foot of Lu Qingshan, the Tianhe waters on both sides of the boundary line of the deep ditch were suddenly pulled up.

They are as thick as mountain peaks, rise into the sky, twist and change, and finally form a great sword that has never been seen before or since.

This is the metamorphosis of Tianhe Hai's might.

The transformation formed by Tianhehai's will to invoke the pressure of Tianhehai is distorted, and the specific appearance cannot be seen.

This is because the will of Tianhehai itself is chaotic.

As a sword cultivator, Lu Qingshan mobilized the shape of Tianhe Hai's coercion at this moment, and it was no surprise that it was a sword.

Only a sword.

Lu Qingshan's face was ruthless and ignorant, and this full of shape and spirit, a water sword with a width of hundreds of feet and a length of tens of miles, slashed at the erupting seabed magma like a dragon.

Falling sword.

Card wipe card wipe.

A very small sound rang out.

Hundreds of thousands of cracks appeared on the body of "Jiaolong", and those cracks spread all over its body.

The next moment, the body of the Jiaolong made of magma suddenly collapsed, and the speed of the collapse was like an avalanche.

The dragon body, which was winding for an unknown number of miles, collapsed like a golden sand river.

Groups of flames, like the scales on the dragon, scattered towards the bottom of the sea.

Those flames fell with the tail of the fire, and the flames still contained a terrifying power that was enough to destroy the world, but they could no longer be integrated into one, causing destruction to the world.

The flames plunged into darkness and turned into nothingness.


The magma dissipated.

Lu Qingshan threw the huge water sword at will, returned it to the sea, and then put away Wangchuan.

In an instant, the sea that was separated by Wangchuan slowly closed and returned to normal.

The sea water covered the once-boiling magma, and drowned the Kraken corpse that had been floating before, revealing the endless sea surface, the water was sparkling, reflecting the moonlight in the sky.

The scorching temperature has cooled down in an instant.

The trembling terrifying pressure disappeared, the fiery world-destroying magma disappeared, and the Qingcang cultivator and the remaining sea-monsters gradually returned to their senses.

They looked at the tall figure slowly retracting the sword.

They witnessed what just happened with their own eyes, but now they still feel unbelievable emotions in their hearts.

What even the three cultivators of the honored realm could not do together, was actually done by a cultivator of the four tribulation realm in such a domineering and straightforward way?

Such a shock made them not know what to say for a while.

Until a faint blue light and shadow flickered like an ice fog, a little girl appeared inexplicably in everyone's sight.

She stood with her hands behind her back and turned her back to the crowd, unable to see her specific appearance.

She said indifferently, and her voice spread throughout Qingcang City,

"Today, I can't cover my eyes, and this sea can't bury my heart."

"The top of the fairy, proud of the world, if there is me, Gu Yiyi, there will be heaven."

Her tone had an air of contempt for the world and invincible.

It is like an ancient immortal king in the world of pride.

If it weren't for the head raised up because of being too excited, everything would be perfect.

With such a perfect performance, Gu Yiyi's reaction from the corner of his eye was completely different from what she imagined.

Needless to say, Lu Qingshan twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, with a look of "Where did he learn this?"

Those "passers-by A, B, C, Ding" who should have applauded and were shocked by her holy appearance, also looked confused:

—The little girl who jumped out of which stone crevice?

Could it be the animal pet transformation of the Four Tribulations Realm cultivator? It seems that the brain is not very useful... If it is a spirit beast, it seems to be understandable.

The long-awaited plan to appear before people failed again.

Gu Yiyi's small mouth pouted.

It's me, it's me, without me, how could Lu Qingshan mobilize the power of Tianhe Hai?

I am the biggest hero!

She screamed in her heart, aggrieved.

Seeing this, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but smile.

As a sword master, he naturally knows Gu Yiyi's careful thoughts.

Lu Qingshan's figure was suspended above the Tianhe Sea, and he glanced at the sea that had returned to calm.

He could feel that the Spirit of Tianhe, hidden somewhere in Tianhehai, was also watching him at the moment.

Lu Qingshan's expression was calm, and he could not see any anger or sadness.

Is it really the truth?

No, in fact, when he said threatening words, it meant that there was room for alleviation.

But when things have become incompatible, it is meaningless to say anything.

Jianxiu has always had a unique temper.

He said that if Tianhehai dared to stop him today, he would make Tianhe inactive in the future.

He Lu Qingshan did what he said!

"Gu Yiyi, I said back then that I would take you to other worlds and find Wang Yang, who is bigger than Wang Chuan..."

"What do you think about Tianhehai?" Lu Qingshan asked softly to Gu Yiyi, who was wronged by Baba.

Gu Yiyi, who was originally puffed up because of his great deeds but no one applauded, heard the words, his small body trembled, and his breathing became rapid.

Her biggest dream in her life, apart from being a saint in front of others, is to recover the lost divine power for Wang Chuan.

But there is only one Great River of Forgotten River, and his own will has already been born, that is, the Prison Master of Yellow Spring.

If Gu Yiyi wants to restore the divine power of Wangchuan, UU reading has to find another way.

For this illusory wish, on the top of Dai Mountain, she made an agreement with Lu Qingshan and left Huangquan, the birthplace of Wangchuan.

At that time, Lu Qingshan was still too weak, but she chose to trust Lu Qingshan and formed a bond with Lu Qingshan, who had just entered the Nascent Soul, as the divine artifact of Wangchuan Huangquan.

Gu Yiyi was already prepared to wait for thousands of years, so he never put any pressure on Lu Qingshan.

The little girl seems willful and naughty, but she is actually much more sensible than she imagined.

But I didn't think that Lu Qingshan's cultivation base was so fast that Gu Yiyi couldn't understand it at all. Until now, he asked her this question.

How is Tianhehai?

Does that even need to be said?

Gu Yiyi has never seen such a vast ocean in his life, which can give birth to so many creatures, which is far more "beautiful" than Wangchuan, who carried the past.

"Very good, I like it very much!" Gu Yiyi was excited, took a deep breath, and nodded his head at Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan smiled, raised his right hand, put it on Gu Yiyi's head and rubbed it lightly, and said in a voice that only Gu Yiyi could hear: "Well, the ocean that Wangchuan will set in the future will be this Tianhe River. sea."

"When I am Sword Immortal, forget the river and fix the sea sun."


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