This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 29: Hades and little ghosts

Falling in love with, this sword repair is a bit stable

At this moment, in the sea to the north of Lingye Island, a group of black shadows are roaring in the direction of Lingye Island.

This momentum directly triggered the Tianhe tsunami below.

Among the figures at the forefront, if Lu Qingshan was here, he would definitely feel very familiar.

——It was Dao Yuanzi of the Dao tribe who took the initiative to provoke him in Tianhe City and finally caused the Dao tribe to break away from the human camp.

Dao Motoko followed the figures around him and was nervous.

Because these companions are all from the Demon Race, and each of them is a ninth-rank Demon Cultivator.

He knew very well that he was just a little scoundrel on this trip, a puppet representing the Dao clan.

Although the leading Demon Venerable was polite to him on the bright side, it was only in the face of the Dao clan behind him. In fact, he didn't take him seriously at all.

From the corner of Dao Yuanzi's eyes, he glanced at the two leading Demon Venerables in front of him, feeling the powerful pressure coming from them, and his scalp could not help but feel numb and fearful.

The younger of the two Demon Venerables, with a majestic figure, a rough face, and a golden imperial robe, naturally exudes an evil spirit and domineering.

This breath is like the supreme being in the world, even if Dao Yuanzi is already a cultivator of the Dao Realm, he is still a miniature of his eyes.

Dao Yuanzi couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

There are eight holy demon races in the abyss, of which the seven holy demon races, namely Soldier Demon, Heart Demon, Void, Thunder Beast, Giant Spirit, Shura, and Dream Demon, each correspond to the seven domains of the human race, while the demons corresponding to Tianhe City are the remaining ones. The last holy demon.

Northern Mang.

The strength of Tianhe City is created by the power of the human race.

And the reason why the Beimang clan can confront Tianhe City like this naturally has its special and powerful features.

The Beimang clan is the oldest demon clan in the abyss.

In ancient times, the Beimang clan was already very powerful, and in a certain generation, there were eight semi-sacred powerhouses.

With the help of the half-sage of the Mang Cang Demon Venerable, the Bing Mo clan can expand their territory and establish a foundation for all ages. It is conceivable what the eight and a half saints of the Beimang clan mean.

With the powerful strength of the eight semi-sages, the Beimang clan united the abyss world, becoming the first and only demon clan to rule the world in the abyss.

After unifying the abyss, the eight semi-sages each divided a fertile area and established a dynasty.

It's just that Hua Wu Hundred Days is Red. Later, the eight semi-sages of the Beimang clan passed away one after another, but none of the descendants were promoted to semi-sages.

Coupled with the gradual rise of other demons and rising stars emerging one after another, the Beimang clan gradually declined, and ruling the abyss became history, a thing of the past.

It's just that the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how the Beimang clan has fallen, it has only dropped a notch from the supreme demon clan of the abyss, and it is tied with the other seven great descendants of the eight holy demon clan, and has firmly occupied the abyss. The Liyang Region, the largest and most fertile region in the world, has the most resources and population.

Because of this historical origin, to a certain extent, the Beimang clan can even command the other seven holy demon clan, and they are the leader of the abyss demon clan.

During the first Dao Demon War, the leader of the Demon Clan was the Demon Venerable of the Beimang Clan.

Even now, in addition to the demon cultivators from the Beimang clan, there are also many demon cultivators from the other seven holy demon clans in the Liyang Domain, who together form a living force against the Tianhe cultivators, which is quite a bit of the power of the whole family. in it.

The Demon Venerable in front of him is the most upright bloodline of the Beimang clan. He is the Demon Venerable of the Beimang Family.

Although he is not particularly outstanding among the top Demon Venerables, it is said that he also has twenty-five times the combat power of the ninth-rank Demon Cultivator.

The older Demon Lord beside Gan Zun is also not amazing in appearance, but his status is more noble and stronger. He is one of the rulers of the Beimang Demon Clan today, even among the top Demon Lords. They are all powerful, with thirty-five times the combat power of the ninth-grade magic repair.

Evil Lord!

"If Chu Mushen knew that your Dao clan had only left Tianhe City for a few days, he would have already joined our demon clan. I don't know what to think?" Gan Zun suddenly paused, and said softly to Dao Yuanzi, who was catching up.

Dao Yuanzi's mind changed sharply, and he carefully responded in awkward and unpleasant demon language: "Good birds choose wood to live in. Compared with the demons, they also know who is Wutongmu when they want to come."

Gan Zun smiled and said slowly: "The second Dao Demon War is about to break out. Before the war, our Beimang clan must first remove the stumbling blocks and kill the chickens as an example.

It is a wise choice for you Dao clan to turn against each other in time.

As for the remaining three clans, Li, Feng, and Tibetan, the Li are now in the human camp. Needless to say, their own clan must be eliminated soon afterward. It is impossible for the Tibetans and the Feng clan to remain neutral. "

"Once the war breaks out, as long as they are not in our camp, they are all enemies." Gan Zun said coldly.

"Especially the Tibetan people, they had many conflicts with their own people in the past few years, and I am more dissatisfied with them than the Li people." "Furthermore, according to Baoding Demon Venerable, there must be treasures born of the natural birth of heaven and earth in Lingye Island..."

Baoding Demon Venerable was the Demon Race Demon Venerable who forced his way into Lingye Island back then.

"This time, this deity and Xie Zun shot together to completely destroy the Tibetan people, let others know that my Beimang family is not easy to mess with, and at the same time, take the opportunity to capture the exotic treasure of Lingye Island.

The reason why you specially sent monks from your Taoist tribe is because your Taoist tribe has been in alliance with the human tribe for many years, and during this period, you have also killed many demon cultivators from our tribe. Saying you Dao clan may be false surrender. "

"This time, it's to give you Dao clan the opportunity to make a vote to eliminate doubts."

"According to this clan's report, the new sword sect master of the human race who made your Dao clan humiliated, entered the Wind Clan Qingcang Island alone a few days ago, and then left Qingcang Island... According to the departure The direction and trajectory of action, the next destination is likely to be Tibetan Lingye Island."

"And just now, the spy leader of this clan received news that he saw that the young sword sect sect master was welcomed into Lingye Island by Tibetans."

"It is naturally the top priority for you people of Taoism to assist us in destroying the Tibetans, but if you can kill the Sword Sect Sect Master with your own hands, the deity will definitely publicize your credit after returning. Voice."

With Lu Qingshan's status, once he dies in the hands of their Dao clan, whether it is a false betrayal or a real betrayal of the Dao clan, it is no longer possible for the Dao clan to be accepted by the human race again.


After listening to what Gan Zun said, Dao Wuya's first thought was, "Sword Sect is going to change to a new Sect Master."

Because in his opinion, Lu Qingshan is already dead.

The Beimang clan's lineup is so powerful that even the Tibetans are powerless to resist, let alone Lu Qingshan?

The young suzerain left the city alone, and went to Qingcang Island first, and then to Lingye Island. The purpose was too obvious. Obviously, he was trying to show enough sincerity to recruit the Tibetans to fill the hole after the Taoists broke the covenant.

The idea is a good one, but it is not without the possibility of success.

But for now, what if it succeeds or not?

Lu Qingshan has only one ending.

Destroyed together with the Tibetans.

Thinking of this, Dao Yuanzi felt a twisted pleasure in his heart, thinking that the person you humans would rather protect after breaking the covenant, the dignified sword sect master, will fall on the sky, river and sea like this, and die in my hands.

Thinking of the expressions on the faces of those Tianhe cultivators when they learned that their Dao clan had turned to the demon clan and turned against them, together with the demon clan to kill Lu Qingshan, Dao Wuya's mood brightened, and he felt more and more that the patriarch was Made a wise decision.

Dao Yuanzi, who was still nervous and cramped at first, had only one thought in his mind at the moment, and his mood became excited, "I must kill Lu Qingshan with my own hands and avenge the humiliation of Tianhe City!"

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