This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 37: God's Sword

"Land of Heaven's Punishment?" Zang Xiaojian spit out a place name that didn't sound simple, causing Lu Qingshan's heart to move slightly.

Ming Yu nodded slightly, looked up at the top of the mountain, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

"You two come with me."

Ming Yu led the way ahead. This time, it was not the road away from the city, but it was even the opposite direction, heading in the direction of going deeper and deeper into Jingjian City.

Mrs. Ming was naturally familiar with her own city. After circling around, she took Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian to a lime cliff.

The moment he saw the cliff, Lu Qingshan's heart was moved.

Because, among the cliffs, there is an upward steep path.

This is the hiking trail!

Jingjian City is built on a mountain and is built on a protruding platform in Dayue.

At this time, the road from the city was blocked, but the way to climb the mountain was unobstructed - anyone could see that the thunder on the mountain top was terrifying, and they should not be easily approached, let alone block the top of the mountain.

Unless the Thunder is put out first.

At this moment, the road that Ming Yu took with Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian was exactly this hidden mountaineering road.

On the trail, thunder fell from the top of the mountain from time to time, causing a roar.

Ming Yu did not explain any further, and directly stepped into this mountain road full of thunder.

Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian quickly followed.

The thunder that filled the sky instantly completely covered up the three of them.

One after another thunder light appeared, and the sound of thunder exploded in their ears.


A thunder snake flew over, it was transformed by electric light, it swung its teeth and danced its claws, and circled towards the three of them.

There is no doubt that it is powerful, but it does not contain the power of robbery.

So Ming Yu didn't take it seriously, and when his mind moved, the jurisdiction expanded, and it just happened to wrap the three of them.

The Razer splashed arcs outside the jurisdiction and could not enter.

Thunder, which does not contain the power of divine punishment, is not worth mentioning to the monks of the Nine Realms.

Ming Yu protected the three of them with the jurisdiction, and went straight to the top of the mountain at a very fast speed.

"It's coming, it's going to be much more dangerous up there, so pay attention to yourself." Ming Yu reminded in a low voice.

In fact, there is no need to remind Ming Yu, Lu Qingshan is already horrified.

After taking a few more steps, at this moment, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they were already on the top of the mountain.

The space on the top of the mountain is unusually wide, but it is also surrounded by thunder, and the number is uncountable.

These thunderbolts were majestic and peerless, bursting with unparalleled power, and the violent vibrations made the three of them feel like they were about to be crushed into pieces.

Lu Qingshan was stunned and looked at this real Jedi in shock.

This place seems to be the end of the world, and it is like a bottomless abyss, chaotic and primitive.

In addition, there is thunder light, constantly bombarding from high places.

These thunder lights are unusual, and they contain the power of robbery.

Although most of the robbery power contained in it is very weak, it is not worth mentioning, but the "mother is precious by the child", under the blessing of robbery, it has been upgraded from Fan Lei to robbery thunder, which has become not simple and is worthy of praise.

The terror and power of tribulation thunder should be deeply felt by every high-ranking cultivator.

However, there are so many tribulation thunders lingering here, which also causes the space here to be very unstable.

It can be clearly seen that this void is full of twisted and broken cracks.

Most of these cracks are filled with lightning, so even with the inherent stability of Heaven, they cannot be healed.

The whole area is like a piece of porcelain shattered and forcibly spliced ​​together with clumsy techniques.

At this moment, one after another huge thunder flew out from the distance in front, and then exploded in the void, bringing destruction.

"That's it" Lu Qingshan looked subconsciously in the direction of the thunder light, and then the hole became bigger, he couldn't believe his eyes.

As far as he could see, there were streaks of streamers, which were so fiery that they almost made people dare not look directly at them.

These streamers are all transformed by thunder, just like raindrops, pouring down from the invisible sky, crackling, falling non-stop, it is too dense.

And at the center of these streams of light, there is a sword suspended in mid-air that is even brighter than the stream of light!

Yes, it's a sword!

A purple sword.

Not a purple that is close to black, but a purple like the stars of the universe.

Deep, unknown and captivating.

The material of its blade is extremely simple, but the most dazzling light shines out of it, triggering the terrifying tribulation thunder in the world.

Most of the tribulation thunder lingered around the purple long sword, and a few spilled out and flowed around.

"Sword?" Lu Qingshan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Since you've seen it all, there's nothing to hide," Ming Yu sighed and explained hastily, "That sword is what my collector has guarded for generations."

No wonder the ancestors of the collectors used the sword as the island device, and even named the Tibetan ancestral city Jingjian City, besides the attacking characteristics of the sword, the more important reason should be the purple sword.

"We don't know its name, and we are used to calling it Jiejian."

"The sword of robbery will continue to draw and gather the power of robbery thunder, and it will continue for years and months. The accumulated power is too strong, and it spills out, so that Lingye Island is surrounded by thunder all year round, and it makes the space around it distorted and shattered. A space crack appears, forming this land of punishment."

"In addition to the thunder on the periphery of Lingye Island, the power of thunder that the monks on the island drew from casting swords was also derived from this sword."

"This is an absolutely forbidden place for our collectors. The reason why our ancestors built Jingjian City on this Jedi is because only in this way can we ensure that the Jiejian is under our nose and that no one else will take advantage of them. Into the land of punishment."

"These space cracks generated by the power of the sword are random and unknown, and no one knows where the other end is.

So even us collectors don't try these spatial cracks."

Speaking of this, Ming Yu glanced at Zang Xiaojian with complicated eyes, and then said: "Back then, Xiaojian was naughty and curious about the land of punishment, so he insisted on pestering her father and asked her to bring her to this forbidden land to see. .

Then she really got here, but because of her low cultivation base, she had an accident and was not involved in one of the newly created space cracks. This is how she landed from Lingye Island to your human race territory by accident. on you. "

Another unsolved mystery has been solved.

A daughter of a longevity family far away on the Tianhe Sea would appear alone in the South China Sea in the sky when her cultivation base was low. It seems that only such a reason can be said in the past.


At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly hit Lu Qingshan, which was extremely abrupt.

Lu Qingshan changed color slightly, because he could feel the power in this thunder is too strong.

With a thought in his mind, sword energy and golden light appeared all over his body at the same time.

The sword, the world and the room are clean!

His two major protection methods came out together.


Even if this thunder is powerful, if it is an ordinary creature, I am afraid that it will become coke in one blow, even Lu Qingshan also felt a little threat, but that's all.

The sword energy around him was sharp, and the thunder light flew over him, bombarding him, and a fierce collision occurred. In the end, it disappeared under the sword energy. The overflowing thunder was also blocked by the dust-free dorm room, which could not cause any injury to Lu Qingshan. .

But Lu Qingshan's expression did not become relaxed because of this.

Because he can clearly perceive that this thunder is not an ordinary thunder, and it actually contains a lot of calamity power compared to other tribulation thunders around it.

This is a robbery!

Moreover, in the void, there is a truly terrifying thunder calamity that is brewing.

"Five or nine tribulations against the monks of the Four Tribulations!" Ming Yu's perception was extremely sharp, and he noticed the anomaly at the first time. Tong Kong widened, looked at Lu Qingshan, and said quickly: "This location should be a safe location, and will not be robbed. Lightning strike is right, you can see that neither I nor Xiaojian were attacked.

The reason why you were attacked by the tribulation thunder is not because of bad luck, but because your cultivation base has reached the peak of the four tribulations, and you can attract five or nine tribulations at any time, but you have been forcibly suppressed by you. "

"You have a profound background that is unmatched by other people, so it is not difficult for you to suppress your cultivation, but in this place, it is an exception!"

It's like a person who is in a hurry. He could have forcibly endured for a while with his own willpower, but if there are toilets all around, it will be difficult to endure.

Lu Qingshan felt bitter in his heart and couldn't tell.

In fact, after the communication between Tianhe City and Chu Mushen, he has already completed the advanced task, and he can prepare to cross the five or nine calamities and be officially promoted to the five tribulation realm.

However, after all, Tianhe City is no better than Yumen Pass, and it is not his territory. Lu Qingshan feels that it is not easy for him to do absurd things in Tianhe City.

He was going to break through the border immediately after returning to Yumen Pass, but because of the dispute between the Taoists, he voluntarily chose to go to Tianhehai to attract foreign aid.

After leaving Tianhe City, he also considered that the tide of calamity was huge, and Tianhehai was a place of chaos. For the sake of stability, he did not rashly cross the calamity in the Tianhehai, for fear of causing trouble.

Lu Qingshan could never have imagined that the consideration of that day would be the cause of disaster for the present.

As Ming Yu had judged, this place was too strange, and the tribulation thunder was brewing.

If it continues like this, the calamity suppressed by Lu Qingshan will break out completely, and then there will be a violent thunderstorm, allowing Lu Qingshan to overcome the calamity.

"You must leave here quickly!" Ming Yu gritted his teeth and said, "These space cracks appeared because the force it gathered and pulled was too strong, and the space could not maintain stability."

"Similarly, space cracks are also unstable and change at any time. Maybe the same space crack leads to the Heavenly Paradise for a moment, and the next moment the opposite exit becomes a dead and lifeless Jedi."

"So, these space cracks are not good or bad. The two of you can just choose one space crack and go. Whether you live or die depends on your luck." Ming Yu's heart sighed, don't look too far and stop looking at Zang Xiao. The sword explained at the same time.

Entrusting life and death on luck is the last resort for monks.

But now they really have no better way.

However, Lu Qingshan didn't worry too much about this.

For him and Zang Xiaojian today, most places in the world will be like walking on the ground.

Even if he is really unlucky and falls to another realm, he can still return to the sky through the Huangquan realm through the transcendental divine power of Jiuyoukan map.

Although the supernatural power of crossing the world is like a teleportation circle, it cannot be used in a special place such as the seven mountains and one sea, but as long as it is in the normal realm, it is OK to use it.

So if you think about it carefully, it is almost impossible for him and Zang Xiaojian to be in danger.

Unless he is really unlucky enough to fall directly into the Demon King City.

But at this moment, Lu Qingshan's mind was not on this at all.

Lu Qingshan, who has been silent but by arrangement, no longer obeys Ming Yu's arrangement.

"Mrs. Ming, the Thunder Dragon that the Clan Master brought to contain Xie Zun just now has the same power as the Jiejian, right?" His eyes flickered, and he suddenly asked.

The preparation was that after sending Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian away, Ming Yu, who was fighting with her husband, was stunned, hesitated, and nodded slowly, "Exactly."

"Since the power of the Jiejian can be used to contain Xie Zun, why doesn't the owner of the Tibetan family fight with this sword?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

Just borrowing its power is already so powerful. If you can control its power, plus Zangxiu's own combat power, Xie Zun will not be a threat, right?

"Are there any restrictions on holding this sword?" He felt that this was the greatest possibility.

Just like a demon, the sword spirit chooses the master.

Ming Yu shook his head subconsciously, and then quickly added, "No, I don't know."

"Huh?" Even Lu Qingshan didn't expect Ming Yu to give such an answer.

"We can't get close to it." Ming Yu explained.

"There are terrifying rules around the robbery sword. The Tibetan ancestors called it the power of ancient robbery, and it can also be called the power of destruction."

"Ancient robbery is the transformation of the ancients. Any creature that approaches it will be subjected to the power of ancient calamity that cannot be avoided."

"The power of ancient catastrophe has the property of destroying all power, and its nature is always changing.

However, according to the many attempts of the Tibetan ancestors, it is concluded that the power of this ancient calamity will only be destroyed by choosing one of the three, the physical body, the cultivation base, and the primordial spirit, and it will always be the strongest against you. "

This sounds more like an ordeal.

Lu Qingshan secretly said in his heart.

The physical body, the primordial spirit, and the cultivation base are exactly the three sources of power for the living beings in the world.

No matter how the practice system changes, it cannot go beyond the scope of these three.

The power of ancient robbery can only be one of three choices, UU reading always chooses the strongest, must be intentional.

Ming Yu continued: "The closer you get to the robbery sword, the more powerful the ancient robbery will be."

"There have also been Tibetan ancestors who tried their own limits and wanted to get close to the Jiejian, but they didn't dare to move forward before halfway through the journey. When they reached the limit, if they forcibly moved forward, they would fall on the spot."

"And that ancestor's cultivation base was already a respected realm cultivation base at that time, and his physical strength was even more unparalleled."

"It's pretty clear what that means."

"So, the ancestors left a conclusion on this:

Primordial spirit, physical body, or cultivation, one of the three must reach the extreme realm of the world and truly be immortal in order to touch this sword. "

"Over time, stones can turn into sand."

"So, how can there be true immortality in the world?"

Ming Yu sighed and affirmed:

"Jiejian is the sword of the gods, and it can never be mastered by an extraordinary human body."

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