This top star only treats being a star as a job

Chapter 83: This side has concluded, and that side has reached the end of the filming

"Axing, this way."

Feng Gang smiled at Lin Xing and walked towards him and said, "Hurry up and get in the car, I'm afraid it will be full of people soon."

"Director Feng,"

Lin Xing also smiled and explained, "Actually, I wanted to come a few days in advance to give you a surprise, but there happened to be a business that needed to be filmed urgently, so I was a few days late."

"Not late, just right, this is one day earlier than the agreed time."

Feng Gang waved his hand slightly and said, "I plan to still film this last episode into three parts, upper, middle and lower. After all, it is the closing season, and we can definitely shoot more."

Lin Xing said, "Director Feng, I will cooperate with you in any way you say."


Feng Gang breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Lin Xing would definitely cooperate, he was still a little worried.

After all, Lin Xing's popularity and reputation have jumped more than two levels now.

In the car on the way to the "Let's Farm" crew, Feng Gang and Lin Xing talked about the filming of "Sweeping Black Waves", and Lin Xing once again expressed his gratitude to Feng Gang.

Because Lin Xing benefited a lot from the 20 days of filming "Sweeping Black Waves".

"Hey, this is all your own ability, I don't have that much face."

Feng Gang smiled and shook his head and said: "Let's not talk about this, let me tell you about the next filming, we will start recording when we are about to arrive..."

The basic script is that Lin Xing returns, and then tonight he will have a barbecue to comfort everyone.

Among them, grilled lamb chops are a must.

In addition, there are various small skewers, some of which are ready-made in the market.

Lamb skewers.

Pork belly.

Grilled chicken gizzards.

Bone-to-bone meat.

Fish tofu.


And so on.

One hour later, the official filming started. Following the camera, Lin Xing smiled and said to the camera: "We won't buy seafood. The main focus tonight is a barbecue."

Barbecue with beer.

In addition, Lin Xing also bought boiled peanuts, bean curd, cucumbers, etc. He plans to go back and make a cold dish. This dish is called vegetarian mix, which is a must-have cold dish for barbecue.

Next, in addition to purchasing a batch of pre-skewered skewers, Lin Xing also bought some other vegetables.

Then he rode the [Dima Electric Tricycle] to the recording residence of "Let's Farm".

Now Lin Xing is the spokesperson of [Dima], so he has to ride the [Dima Electric Tricycle] in the show.

About 10 minutes later, the residence of "Let's Farm".

"Brother Xing is here!"

"A Xing!"

The two little unknowns shouted with a little surprise when they saw Lin Xing coming.

"Hurry up and move the things."

Lin Xing looked at the two and smiled and said, "I'll barbecue together tonight."

The two listened to Lin Xing's words and hurried over to move the things.

Although the two are still little unknowns, it is already quite good compared to before the recording of "Let's Farm".

At least these two people already have a group of fans on Weibo.

The slightly more handsome one is called Fu Bo, and the slightly darker one is called Song Zhuo.

"Where are the others?"

After moving the things, Lin Xing asked the two people, "Have you all gone to the fields?"


Fu Bo said hurriedly, "Now only Duan Hai can drive the combine harvester, and the others are helping to harvest the corn and send it to the factory."

"Then I'll go to the fields to take a look."

Lin Xing smiled and said, "Please clean up these first, and I'll start when I come back."

After that, Lin Xing turned and rushed to the fields.

The camera behind him also hurriedly followed.

"Teacher Lin, now Duan Hai is the only one driving the combine harvester in the cornfield, but our corn can be harvested in the next two days..."

Assistant director Guo Biao said as he walked with Lin Xing.

Since the first recording of "Let's Plant the Land", Guo Biao accompanied Lin Xing to record, and this time was the same.

This can also be regarded as another level of beginning and end.

In the cornfield, Duan Hai drove the combine harvester alone, and the others were responsible for harvesting corn.

"Ah Xing!"

"Brother Xing, you are here today."

"Brother Xing, long time no see."

"I feel like Brother Xing has only been away from us for a few days."

"Brother Xing is here, Xiao Hai can take a break."


Guan Peng, Wang Dongxing, Hong Fei and others also greeted Lin Xing one by one.

Things are different now.

Guan Peng has just finished filming the TV series "Learn from Dad and Mom", and he has received many invitations for variety shows now. Hong Fei has just finished filming the second male lead in "Ready to Fish".

As for Duan Hai, he is now the one who has gained the most benefits among these small traffic. He has begun to accept some small and medium-sized variety shows one after another.

Others have also gained good benefits.

This time, the last episode of "Let's Farm" ended, and everyone's mood was really different from when they first started recording.

At that time, everyone was either out of date or obscure, and they had no confidence in recording "Let's Farm".

But suddenly Lin Xing came to "Let's Farm", and suddenly there was a topic, and suddenly it became popular.

It was as if everyone suddenly had the aura of the protagonist.

In just over 4 months, everyone's life has changed dramatically.

Although they are still obscure and out of fashion, at least they have got some opportunities in the entertainment industry.

This made everyone very satisfied.

So when recording the finale of "Let's Farm", everyone was excited, but also a little reluctant.

Even when harvesting corn, no one feels tired anymore.

Duan Hai stopped the combine harvester. He looked at Lin Xing and said loudly: "Brother Xing, it's okay. I'll just come. I'm not tired."

"Okay, come down quickly."

Lin Xing smiled and said: "There is only one cornfield left, you have to leave some for me."

In this way, Lin Xing took over Duan Hai and started the combine harvester.

Although Lin Xingxiao has not driven for two months, he is still an experienced driver.

After using it, I can compare the skillful operation.

In this way, the last cornfield was cut by Lin Xing.

From sowing to fertilizing, from breaking the soil to the seedlings gradually growing taller, and then starting to set the joints.

Then the corn silk is pulled out, then male pollen appears on the top, and finally the cob gradually grows and matures.

Then harvest.

At this point, farming has officially come to an end, but it does not mean the end of recording.

For example, tonight's barbecue night talk is necessary to record.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the small courtyard was already decorated.

It feels a bit like having an outdoor dinner party.

Lin Xing mainly cooked skewers for everyone, while Guan Peng, Hong Fei and others helped.

Half an hour later, everyone was eating skewers and drinking beer, enjoying the rare tranquility of the night.

"I think I'll let Director Feng say a few words first."

Guan Peng said with a smile.

"Yes, Director Feng, please say a few words. You have always been the man behind us. Now we are coming to an end. Please say a few words."

"Say a few words."

"Director Feng, please say a few words."

Others also began to coax Feng Gang to say a few words.

This is coming to an end soon. As the director of "Farming", Feng Gang really deserves to say a few words.

Feng Gang's mood actually fluctuated a bit today. He left Tan Provincial TV and came to Banana Video, and then saw the ups and downs of human relationships. How many people ridiculed him while working on "Farming"?

It doesn't matter that Feng Gang is no longer good or that Feng Gang has left the platform.

There are also those who think Feng Gang is outdated.

Everyone thinks that Feng Gang will become a thing of the past.

In particular, "Farming" wanted to allow everyone to watch farming immersively through the mode of filming and broadcasting at the same time, but the results of the first few episodes were dismal.

No one cares about you, so who cares about your farming?

In short, Feng Gang suffered a double blow, especially when he thought about inviting some of the top celebrities, kings, and queens he had promoted before, but the result was that they either declined, ignored, or even blocked him.

The reality of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed.

So Feng Gang could only do the next best thing and invite artists from Lin Xing's level to help.

Although Lin Xing has gone out of style in the past ten years, he still has a certain degree of popularity even after he has gone out of style. What's more, Lin Xing was once one of the popular groups of [Xingyaohai], and his face is still there after all these years.

For Feng Gang, as long as Lin Xing's face is there, then the country is there.

But the key thing is that what Feng Gang thought at that time was that Wu Yao would not be able to come, so maybe Lin Xing could still take advantage of Wu Yao's popularity.

As a result, life is really full of surprises.

Thanks Lin Xing.

Thinking of this, Feng Gang picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "I won't say anything more, but I suggest that we have a glass of wine to toast Teacher Lin together, and then let Teacher Lin say a few words, okay?"

As soon as this was said, everyone agreed.

Guan Peng even said: "You should respect Teacher Lin."

"Come, let's respect Teacher Lin."

"Teacher Jinglin!"

"Teacher Jing Lin!!"

Lin Xing felt that it would be particularly similar if paired with a suona at this time.

"Director Feng, Brother Guan, don't be so serious and suddenly call me Teacher Lin."

Lin Xing picked up the wine glass and joked: "I'm still alive. I feel like you are going to send me away."

One sentence made everyone happy.

Feng Gang also smiled and said: "Axing, this cup is really a thank you to you. Without you, our variety show..."

"Director Feng."

Lin Xing directly interrupted Feng Gang this time and said: "Even without me, our variety show will get better and better. It's just a matter of time. You see, I haven't come in so many episodes, but our variety show is still good, right?" "

Lin Xing meant what he said, but for everyone, they believed that without Lin Xing, today would not be possible.

But let’s not argue.

It's all in the wine.

Finished the first glass of wine.

Then we just chatted casually.

But the focus still revolves around Lin Xing.

After all, Lin Xing is still a topic.

The Duffy bonus of "Just Waiting for You" is still there.

The sales of "Fashionable Man Style" directly let everyone see the purchasing power of Lin Xing's fans.

Not to mention Lin Xing's image before and after the new episode of "Comedy Is Laughing" was aired yesterday.

"Brother Xing, do you think it is better to play the lobby manager in "Anti-Fraud Bank" or Du Fei in "Just Waiting for You"??"

Song Zhuo asked Lin Xing.

Lin Xing took a bite of fish tofu. Apart from mutton skewers, Lin Xing's favorite was fish tofu.

"I think Du Fei is better at acting." Lin Xing said while eating.

"Huh?? I thought you said the lobby manager was easy to play." Song Zhuo said with some surprise.

Lin Xing looked at Song Zhuo and laughed: "Comedy is more difficult to act. If you don't believe it, ask Brother Guan. His performance in "Like Dad, Like Mom" ​​has a slightly comedy feel. Ask him whether this is better or the previous one. Is the role easy to play?”

Guan Peng listened to Lin Xing and said: "It is true that comedy is more difficult to act, because you have to make the audience laugh, but if you try too hard, it may become a farce, and at the same time you have to give the audience a point..."

Hong Fei also nodded gently: "Yes, you are like us martial arts actors. If this action doesn't work, you can do another one. The danger is obvious, but most comedians have to be in their hearts."

There are too few good comedians.

The reason is naturally because it is too difficult to act.

"Just now I mentioned "Anti-Fraud Bank". I want to say it again here. Please remember to download the "Anti-Fraud APP". Be cautious when it comes to property..."

Lin Xing suddenly came up with a serious advertisement.

Then everyone talked about fraud.

It was a little public service advertisement.

At 9:20, everyone had enough food and drink, and today's recording was over.

Wait until the next day to continue the closing, this time recording animals.

That is to say, to close the animals.

Duan Hai, Hong Fei, Guan Peng and others all raised chickens, ducks, pigs and the like.

As for Lin Xing, he chose rabbits.

Lin Xing entrusted his animals to Ding Yi before leaving.

But in Ding Yi's opinion, rabbits are too difficult to raise.

The first is that they can reproduce too much. Just think about it, you can have 12 litters a year.

The second is that they are too easy to get sick. A small illness may kill a bunch of them.

"Brother Xing, this is a batch of rabbits we raise. They reproduce a little fast. Although it is said that they give birth to a litter a month, many rabbits have already given birth this month..."

Ding Yi pointed to a few meat rabbits inside and said, "Those are growing fast."

"Well, they look good."

Lin Xing looked at the meat rabbits inside and thought for a while and said, "Then let's have rabbit meat hot pot today."

Rabbit meat is generally called "health meat". The fat and cholesterol contained in rabbit meat are lower than other types, and eating rabbit meat regularly can also strengthen the body, but it will not make you fat.


These will be added to a scientific book later.

After looking at the rabbits, they went to see the chickens, ducks, pigs, etc. raised by Guan Peng and Hong Fei.

In the evening, Lin Xing made a rabbit meat hot pot.

Then everyone ate hot pot and sang songs, and the show officially ended.

"We've finished!"

Everyone looked at the camera and raised their glasses and shouted loudly.

At this moment, everyone was reluctant to leave.

The next day, Lin Xing was taken to the high-speed railway station by a business car.

The show was recorded before leaving.


Lin Xing shook hands with everyone and said goodbye one by one.

In this way, the first season of "Let's Farm" officially ended.

On the high-speed train, Lin Xing received a call from Bai Yan somewhat unexpectedly.

"Axing, is it convenient to talk?"

Bai Yan asked Lin Xing.

Lin Xing said: "Brother Bai, go ahead."

"It's like this, "Sweeping Black Waves" will be finished at the end of this month, and you have to take time to come back then."

Lin Xing was stunned by what Bai Yan said.



The two chapters have been merged into one, and I would like to ask for your monthly ticket support from readers.

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