This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 137 Evolving Five-Star Ghost Stone (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

Chapter 137 Evolution—Five-Star Ghost Stone (seeking subscription, monthly ticket)

Jiang Jing looked at Guisi, who was constantly polishing his skills. Now it is completely in a critical state, and it is just a step away from starting to evolve.

But this state has lasted for three full days, and it still hasn't evolved.

During these three days, Jiang Jing was in class during the day, and Guisi was training his skills in his room.

From training during the day to night, although the demand for elf food and energy cubes is gradually increasing day by day.

But Jiang Jing was also very happy. The more he ate, the faster he improved.

Anyway, it's just that it's a step in the door, and I'm just waiting for it to arrive.

Its intuition told itself that it should be today.

Tonight, the sun is shining brightly, the air is clear, and there is no usual coldness, as if it is heralding something.


Guisi quickly cast the night phantom, and a human figure appeared behind him in an instant, and then rushed out quickly.


The black shadow hit the sandbag and then exploded. If the sandbag hadn't been tied by a rope above the head, it would have been blown out long ago.

Jiang Jing saw that the blow took exactly one second.

In 0.8 seconds, the phantom of the night was condensed and pounced out in 0.2 seconds.

Then deal damage to the target.

The skill release speed is so fast that ordinary elves can't react at all.

Of course, the Dark Night Phantom is still mastered proficiently, mainly because it has speed now, but its power is still almost there.

Just increase the power up.

If the power exerted by proficiency is 35, then the power exerted by the specialization level is 60, and the gap in the middle is still quite large.

The degree of mastery of skills is to allow you to use the same energy to deal more damage at the same level.


After performing the skill, Gui Si suddenly stopped in place. It felt as if some joints in the body had been opened after the skill was performed, and it was all at once.

It seemed that the bloated body suddenly became unobstructed and became very flexible.

Something in the body also shattered, and countless energies quickly moved through the body, colluding with every corner of the body, and then quickly filling up, spreading towards the outside.


Gui Si glanced at Jiang Jing.

The moment Jiang Jing saw its eyes, a very strong idea popped up in his mind, Guisi was about to evolve.

So he quickly took out his phone, put on his sunglasses, and opened his data eye.


Just as he was moving, Guisi suddenly yelled.

Then, a dazzling white light began to bloom all over his body.

Guisi's body is shrouded in white light, which is the light of evolution.

In the light of evolution, Guisi's body outline is constantly expanding and spreading, and his body is growing.

This is the miracle of life, the magic of evolution, and the unique miracle of elves.

The two elves Ke Dora and Prince Bo also stopped.

Although they have been seen more than once, they are still inexplicably shocked.

Fortunately, the private room is relatively large, and the scene inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Jiang Jing touched his chest, and he could feel the colorful air flow in his chest starting to boil.

Just waiting for the evolution of Guisi, it is easy to appear.

In this way, the light of evolution lasted for five seconds before it began to gradually dissipate.

The ghost stone that has evolved inside is exposed.


Ghost Stone looked around, it felt like a dream.

Ghost Stone is a purple elf with a round body, with a pair of hands separated from the body, and three fingers floating in front of the body.

Ghoststone has three spine-like protrusions on either side of its face, it has triangular white eyes with black pupils inside; it has several sharp purple teeth in its mouth.

Jiang Jing looked at the brand new ghost stone, opened the data eye and began to scan.

【Spirit】: Ghost Stone

[attribute]: ghost

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Level】: LV17→LV18

[Characteristics]: Float

[Skills]: Hypnotism (skilled), tongue licking (skilled), resentment (skilled), black eyes (skilled), curse (skilled), Night Shadow (skilled), Shadow Fist (skilled)


Looking at the ghost stone reminded him of the material about the ghost stone.

Ghoststone is afraid of light and likes the night. It is said that there is a danger of extinction in the big city that is lit up like daylight even in the middle of the night.

It can penetrate any object, even brick walls. It is a terrifying evil spirit that appears anywhere, so there are rumors that it is a resident of another dimension.

It will hide in the wall to observe the opponent's situation. If the darkness is empty but you feel that you are being watched by something, then the ghost stone must be there.

Hide and wander in the dark, quietly staring at the prey, trying to take the life of the prey away.

It is said that if it is licked by its gas-like tongue, the soul will be taken away, the body will not be able to stop shaking, and it will eventually lead to death.

Even if you see ghost stones waving to you floating in the darkness, never approach them. On moonless nights, Ghost Stone will look for someone to curse, so it's better not to go out and walk around.

It hides in the dark, likes to pat people's shoulders with its gas-like hands, and becomes timid when touched.

It is dangerous to go out alone at night when you are sad, because you will be attacked and caught by the ghost stone from the shadows, and you will not be able to go home.

Just look at this description of Ghost Stone to see how scary it is.

This is what happens to strangers.

Of course, for those who are familiar with Ghost Stone, or for its owner, it is actually not that scary.

Ghost Stone and Ghost Si are similar, they both like mischievous characters.


Ghost Stone suddenly felt as if he had something more, and looked down.

Then I saw a pair of purple hands with sharp claws.

He actually had a hand, and Ghost Stone became inexplicably excited.

This means that in the future, you can do more pranks that you couldn't do before.

This was the first thought that popped into its mind.

Ke Dora and Prince Bo also ran over, curiously observing the new form of Ghost Stone.



The three elves exchanged for a while, and Jiang Jing suddenly remembered one more important thing.

So he shouted to Ghost Stone: "Ghost Stone, the matter is not over yet, you have to be ready."

"Mouth Jie"

Ghost Stone nodded to indicate that you can come anyway.

So Jiang Jing let go of the restrictions on the colored airflow in his body.

A burst of purple energy surged out of his body.

The purple energy quickly spread across the entire private room, forming a grimace-like energy in the air, and then frantically poured into Ghost Stone's body.


It's that feeling again.

Guisi likes this feeling, come a little more, come a little more.

Countless purple energies poured into its body like a vast ocean, and were quickly absorbed. This time was different from the last time, there was more energy than I knew how much.

But it is no longer the ghost it used to be, suck it for me, I want to suck it all up.

Just looking at the scene at this time, it really feels like a big devil is doing it.

Ghost Stone felt as if his whole body had been washed, and he felt relaxed and comfortable.

It seemed to be floating in the clouds, surrounded by beautiful angels massaging it with their soft hands, it was so comfortable, it had already reached the climax, and then began to feel sleepy, and then slowly fell asleep.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Stone began to slowly land on the ground, and the energy infusion ended.

The whole process lasted more than six minutes, and Ghost Stone has undergone two consecutive transformations.

Jiang Jing put away the colored airflow, took off his sunglasses, turned off the phone's video recording, and then opened the data eye again to scan the past.

【Spirit】: Ghost Stone

[attribute]: ghost

[Talent]: ★★★★★

[Level]: LV18

[Characteristics]: Float

[Skills]: Hypnotism (specialization), tongue licking (specialization), resentment (skilled), black eyes (skilled), curse (proficient), night phantom (specialization), shadow boxing (proficient), surprise attack ( rough)


After Jiang Jing's scan, his eyes widened and he was instantly stunned.

I Zhuo, the three skills of hypnotism, tongue addition, and night shadow immediately raised the level of mastery to the level of specialization.

At the same time, I learned a new skill - raid.

Raid: You can launch an attack before the opponent, and if the opponent uses a skill that is not an attack skill, you can interrupt it.

This skill is also a magical skill when used well.

Of course, there is also a huge achievement that is to learn Shadow Fist, a powerful frontal attack skill.

Jiang Jing sighed a little, could this be the scary part of the five-star talent elf?

That's right, Jiang Jing is now a person with a five-star talent elf.

And it's Ghost Stone, not Cordora.

He lamented that the world is impermanent. If Ke Dora and Prince Bo still want to upgrade to five-star talents, they need to wait until the next evolution.

Although he had never seen an elf with a five-star talent, it had begun to appear just now, and it was extremely terrifying.

If it were Ghost Stone with a four-star talent, he suspected that it would take at least one to two months for these three skills to reach the level of specialization.

But now, as soon as he is promoted to five stars, he is instantly promoted to the specialization level, and the gap in talent is vividly displayed at this moment.

Prince Bo looked at Ghost Stone who had fallen asleep, and an unprecedented pressure came to its head.

Guisi progressed too fast, and now he has a tendency to catch up with himself.

If you don't work hard, you can't do it, the second brother can't lose to the third brother.

So after Jiang Jing took Ghost Stone back into the ball, Prince Bo fell into crazy training.


The next day, Longxiang Elf Training Hall.

The figure of the brand-new Ghost Stone appeared in the air.


Ghost Stone floated in the air unscrupulously, and its speed became faster.

It can float three meters away in an instant, and then float back in the next second. The whole room is like a small cage to it, and it can float to the edge in the blink of an eye.

The speed has been greatly improved, and the power of the skills has also been greatly improved.

"Ghoststone, use Tongtian!"

Ghost Stone used Tongue Tim on a crystal clear metal rod, and a large purple tongue protruded from its mouth.

Then he began to lick the metal rod, and then he could see the color of the metal rod began to change color.

From red to red, then yellow and finally green.

This white metal rod instrument is specially used to test some instruments that are inconvenient to use sandbags to clearly measure the effect.

The change of color represents the change of the power effect, and the colors are arranged in the order of the rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

Red is the lowest and purple is the highest.

When I was still a ghost, I could only reach yellow when using the Tongtian skill, but now it can be green, and there is a tendency to change to cyan.

"Ghoststone, use Night Shadow on the sandbag."


Gui Si quickly appeared in front of the sandbag, and then a purple figure appeared behind him, appearing almost instantly, and then rushed out.

People who reacted slowly felt that a figure rushed out in a split second, and they couldn't see where it came from.

The black phantom exploded on top of the sandbag.


The huge explosion attracted the attention of the other two elves, and the entire sandbag began to shake wildly.

It was as if a vicious dog was frantically trying to break free from the shackles of the dog leash, and to break free, even the stakes on the ground would be pulled up by it.

This sandbag was like this, shaking violently, and at the same time, a huge explosion dent appeared on it, and it was still smoking.

Although Jiang Jing was very satisfied with the power of Ghost Stone's skills, he was even more afraid that the sandbag would explode.

So I quickly pressed the switch on the wall to adjust the weight of the sandbag.

With the button of the remote control, a sandbag whose weight doubled was automatically adjusted.

That's it.

"Ghost Stone, use Shadow Fist!"

Shadow Fist: Attack the opponent with the Fist of Shadow.

This is a new skill that Ghost Stone has learned, and it would never be able to learn it without hands.

It is to gather energy in both hands and hit the opponent.


Ghost Stone moved his fist, and then two streams of purple energy flowed out of its body, quickly wrapping Ghost Stone's fist.

In the next second, Ghost Stone appeared in front of the sandbag, and then hit the sandbag heavily with his fist wrapped in purple energy.

"Bang bang!!"

The sandbag shook slightly, and at the same time, two fist marks appeared on it, continuously emitting purple smoke.

The current Shadow Fist Ghost Stone is not very proficient, and the casting speed will be a bit slow, and I have just had fists, so I am not used to it.

But Jiang Jing believed that Ghost Stone, a five-star talent, would be able to adapt quickly.


On the third day, during get out of class, Jiang Jing put away his textbooks and was thinking about Ghost Stone's training plan.

At this moment, Liu Bin said suddenly: "Brother Jing, the day after tomorrow is going to be against No. 1 Middle School, are you panicking?"

Jiang Jing came back to his senses and said, "Why should I panic?"

"Our No. 8 High School is no match for No. 1 High School. The chance of winning is too low."

Liu Bin said: "I'll go, Brother Jing, you have no confidence in us."

Jiang Jing said seriously: "I am self-aware of myself."

Jiang Jing continued: "I still have confidence in my own strength, but it's useless for me to be strong alone."

"The city preliminaries are about the team. No matter how strong one person is, he can't save a team, so it's enough to relax and play well in your own battle."

Liu Bin said speechlessly, "Brother Jing, what you said is so reasonable, I'm actually speechless."

Cheng Cheng snorted and said, "That makes sense. He's showing off his strength. None of the students in No. 1 Middle School are his opponents."

Jiang Jing was surprised: "Ah, rabbit, when did you become so smart?"

Could it be Cheng Cheng: "You mean I was not smart before!"

Jiang Jing looked at the pouting Cheng Cheng, who was a little angry, and felt a little bit emotional, why did this person look better when he got older.

The face is round, a bit baby fat, the skin is fair, and at the same time it is plump, with natural cuteness, and the nose is straight.

The elves are also big and round, and they look cute.

There is a taste of Zhao Liying.


Jiang Jing looked at Ghost Stone who was training hard in front of him. After two days of hard work, Ghost Stone had fully adapted to the two new fists.

At the same time, the mastery of the two newly learned skills - Shadow Fist and Assault Skill has been raised to the proficiency level.

Let go of Ghost Stone, and look at Prince Bo, he is also training hard, he is full of energy now, and his strength is improving step by step.

Due to the stimulation of Ghost Stone, it is now able to consciously train without Jiang Jing's supervision.

Seeing this, he has already made a decision. Tomorrow's match, no matter who the opponent is, he will use Ghost Stone. It's time to test its training results.

He really likes to have a stronger opponent.

I heard that Uncle Li's youngest son is also on the school team.


December 27th, now it's the end of December.

This is also the last game of No.8 Middle School in 2016.

The next game is on January 2, 2017.

Now the final exam is not far away, and the seniors and sisters in the third year of high school are also very busy, but they have to come to today's match.

Because their opponent today is Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School, Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School, which is the strongest.

Every year, the champions of the city competition are taken by them, and everyone's expression becomes a little serious.

Sitting in the rest area, the atmosphere was a bit depressing. Although Coach Luo still looked calm, he still couldn't relax when facing No. 1 Middle School.

Then he turned around and said to everyone: "Today our opponent is No. 1 Middle School, but everyone should not put too much pressure on them."

"Today there are Xu Ying, Lin Shanshan, Ruan Xiao, Yu Siya, Shi Lei, Zhou Fei, Lin Wenjing, Ye Zijin, Jiang Jing, Peng Yu, ten of you."

This time the list is similar to that of No. 3 High School, but with the addition of Ye Zijin, it is the first time that the top three in the second year of high school appear in a battle at the same time.


Xiao Tian came out from the player tunnel, their opponent today was Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School.

It is said that they are in the top sixteen all year round, but they have never made it to the top eight, and their strength can only be said to be average.

The gap with their No. 1 middle school is too big, so the school doesn't plan to contribute the main force.

Neither the captain nor the vice-captain will be on the team, and then four newcomers will appear.

As the fourth grader, he can finally play together with the top three graders today.

They were both in the top of the grade, but all the brilliance of the grade was taken away by the three of them.

His strength is obviously not weaker than them, but he just doesn't have much popularity, which makes him very upset.

But he didn't say anything, he could only work hard silently, hoping that one day he could surpass the first three.

"Brother Tian, ​​you have to work hard today." The one who spoke next to him was his friend and younger brother, who was ranked twelfth in grade, so it can be said that he is very powerful.

But his appearance really doesn't match his strength.

Xiao Tian calmly said: "Today is my sixth match, and I have to guarantee my unbeaten record."

The little brother stood beside him and said, "Brother Tian, ​​I don't know what the coach thinks, but he only let you play six games."

"Chen Han, Li Mingbo, and Zhang Xiuxian played in almost every game. It's a bit unfair."

Xiao Tian didn't refute after hearing this, he also felt that the coach was a bit unfair.

Everyone in Yizhong calls them the golden generation, which means the strongest combination of the top three in the history of Yizhong.

There is actually no self in it, he asked himself that he was not bad.

Why is there no self in it?

Then his eyes saw a handsome boy with a slender figure and slanted bangs sitting not far away. This person was the third in the grade - Li Mingbo.

His older brother was the captain of the school team in the last senior year.

The strength is also quite good, but he feels that he is no worse than him.

Their actual combat assessment results are almost the same, but they are ranked fourth.

He asked the teacher, and the teacher told him that Li Mingbo took less time for the actual combat assessment than him.

But he didn't think so, because he had a friend who started the assessment at the same time as Li Mingbo.

At the end of the assessment, the time was several seconds longer than him, but his ranking was higher than his own.

This made him a little upset, but he was terrified of thinking about the trickiness, so he didn't bring it up.

But just wait, sooner or later the third place in the grade will be mine.


Li Mingbo sat leisurely in the rest area, and he said with some distaste: "The seats in the No. 8 Middle School are not very good. They are not as comfortable as our No. 1 Middle School."

"By the way, Yao Yuan, this is your old school."

"With your strength, you shouldn't have any problems getting into the school team at the No. 8 Middle School. Why did you suddenly transfer to our No. 1 Middle School?"

"Although you made the right decision, I'm still a little curious."

The person he was talking about was Yao Yuan who was sitting behind him. That's right, the Yao Yuan he was talking about was the one who transferred from No. 8 Middle School.

I don't know what price his family spent to transfer him from No. 8 Middle School, an ordinary school, to No. 1 Middle School, Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Yao Yuan smiled sinisterly: "It's because the No. 8 Middle School is not very good. There is no future in this kind of school."

"Only No.1 Middle School has a good future."

Li Mingbo said indifferently: "It's a pity that your strength is not very good, otherwise you can be allowed to go."

"Facing my previous school is probably very interesting."

When Yao Yuan heard Li Mingbo say that he was not good, his smile froze, but he quickly recovered.

I was a little annoyed in my heart, he was a figure in charge of the No. 8 Middle School in the past.

After arriving at No. 1 Middle School, I couldn't even get into the top 20 of my grade.

At the scene, he joined the school team as a reserve member. A group of people competed for thirty-five places, and only fifteen people remained in the end.

The pressure was so great that he regretted coming to No. 1 Middle School, even the pressure to enter the school team was so great.

Too fucking volume.

He really wants to go back to No. 8 Middle School now, isn't it just a conflict with Jiang Jing?

It's not easy, isn't it over with an apology?

After the time has passed, who still knows about his affairs, why did he suddenly transfer to another school?

Just when Yao Yuan was annoyed, Li Mingbo said: "Is there anyone you hate, let's see if I have a chance to help you out."

"Jiang Jing!" Yao Yuan suddenly said without any hesitation.

"Brother Bo, if you fight against that man named Jiang Jing, you must help me out."

"This guy is the one I hate the most in No. 8 Middle School." Yao Yuan gritted his teeth when he said this.

He will never forget the humiliation Jiang Jing brought him.

Li Mingbo squinted at Yao Yuan and said, "Don't worry, since you call me Brother Bo, I will definitely help you out."

Chen Han sitting next to him was a beautiful girl, and she was the daughter of Chen Feng, the gym owner of Rongcheng Steel Gym.

Today's game is not very interesting to her, she is already thinking about where to play during the New Year's Eve.

Should we go shopping? Or go eat something delicious?

Otherwise, I still have tens of thousands of dollars on me anyway, and I can ask my family for money again when the next month comes.


"Brother Jing, I'm Zhuo, guess who I saw!"

"I actually saw that guy Yao Yuan in the rest area of ​​No. 1 Middle School opposite." Liu Bin said in surprise beside him.

Jiang Jing looked at the group of people on the opposite side, and sure enough, he saw an acquaintance, it was Yao Yuan.

Of course, he also saw Jiang Jing, and showed a sinister smile.

Sure enough, this guy is so annoying wherever he goes.

"That guy Yao Yuan is really annoying, his temperament is really unique."

At this moment, senior Shi Lei who was sitting in front turned his head and said, "Junior Jiang Jing, you have to be careful today."

"Several geniuses have appeared among the newcomers among them, and they are called the golden generation."

"This name sounds very extraordinary. I heard from others that they are the strongest trio in the history of the school."

"Among them are Zhang Xiuxian, Chen Han, and Li Mingbo. All of them have extraordinary family backgrounds. Be careful when you meet any of them."

Jiang Jing nodded. When he was scrolling for Douyin last night, he heard someone tweeting about it.

It is said that with the three of them, this year, No. 1 Middle School will be able to rush out of the provincial competition to participate in the National High School League, and represent Fujian Province to win the brand.

But it's none of his business, just be careful.

It's okay to lose, it's normal to lose.

Soon the coaches of the two sides began to submit the lists of the two sides.

Coach Luo looked at the coach of No. 1 Middle School. He was a middle-aged bald man with a more vicious appearance.

After submitting the list, he said: "Lao Luo, I saw your comparison competition this year, and you have produced a few good seedlings!"

"This year's top eight seems to be able to determine the opponent's affairs." I didn't expect this vicious-looking bald man to speak in an orderly and pleasant manner.

Coach Luo said with a smile: "Old Zhou, your No. 1 Middle School is much better than our No. 8 Middle School. What kind of golden generation has you produced? It's amazing!"

Lao Zhou touched his bald head and said, "Ham, what's so great about it, I don't know what kind of messy things people in the school spread. It's a golden generation. It's embarrassing to hear."

Coach Luo said: "Okay, after the game, let's go drinking together in a few days. I haven't seen you for a long time."

The bald old Zhou said heartily: "Okay, no problem."

It seems that the friendship between the two is not shallow.

Ten minutes later, the battle lists of both sides appeared on the large LED screen.

Jiang Jing frowned when he saw the list of No. 1 Middle School. His opponent this time was Li Mingbo from No. 1 Middle School.

Peng Yu's opponent at No. 10 is Xiao Tian from No. 1 Middle School. Jiang Jing has some impressions of this man. He met him in the Joint Nurturing Park before, and he also tamed a ghost, which should be on his body.

The eighth position is Chen Han. I heard that his father is the owner of Rongcheng Iron and Steel Gymnasium—Chen Feng. I don't know if it is true or not.

After all, I often ask him questions in private messages on Douyin.

If it's true, we can share it.

The seventh position is the well-known Zhang Xiuxian. It is said that his parents are not ordinary people.

No.1 on the personal record list, 30 matches, no defeat, 100% winning rate.

So Jiang Jing looked at a handsome, elegant boy in a school uniform in the rest area of ​​No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Jing also had to admit that the opponent was handsome, very similar to the temperament he met Jia Shipeng in the battle hall before.

A middle-level person on the opposite side also saw the list of players, and their reactions were similar, and they didn't particularly care.

Li Mingbo smiled and said: "Yao Yuan, it seems that I am very lucky. It happens that the opponent is that Jiang Jing, so I will vent your anger for you."

Yao Yuan said, "Thank you, Brother Bo."

At the end of his front row, Zhang Xiuxian sat next to the coach.

The bald coach whispered to Zhang Xiuxian next to him: "Later, you can focus on those named Xu Ying and Jiang Jing."

"Xu Ying is quite strong, but it's a pity that he is in the No. 8 middle school. No matter how strong he is, it doesn't matter."

"Then there is that Jiang Jing. I watched a few of his matches, and it was very unusual."

Zhang Xiuxian was a little curious after hearing this. There are quite a few people who can get unusual comments from the bald coach.

The last ones were Lin Yuzhou from No. 3 Middle School, and Su Jincheng from No. 2 Middle School.

This made him curious, and he decided to pay close attention to it later.

Eight o'clock sharp, the time is up.

The referee picked up the microphone and announced: "Now we invite the contestants from Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School and Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School to enter the arena."

"Peng Yu, let's go!" Coach Luo said.

Peng Yu nodded and stood up, starting to play.

After Jiang Jing and the others cheered him on, they looked forward to the battle between the two.

The two sides glanced at each other, and then began to release the elves under the order of the referee.

The elf released by Peng Yu is still his trump card, Kami Turtle.

Jiang Jing raised his brows when he saw the sprite released on the opposite side, and the others also turned their heads to look at him.

Because Xiao Tian is using ghosts, and Jiang Jing also has a kind of ghosts, isn't it just a coincidence.

Jiang Jing instantly opened his data eyes and scanned the past.

【Spirit】: Ghost

[attribute]: ghost

[Talent]: ★★★

[Level]: LV21

[Characteristics]: Float

[Skills]: Hypnotism (skilled), tongue licking (skilled), resentment (skilled), black eyes (skilled), curse (proficient), night phantom (specialized)


The level is higher than Jiangjing's ghost, which is normal, because this one existed before Jiangjing's ghost was born.

But the talent is actually a three-star, and I don't know if it was promoted, or it was originally a three-star.

He is more inclined to mention it, after all, it is unlikely that two three-star talented ghosts will be born in a small cave.

So several things to improve talent flashed through Jiang Jing's mind.

The most common one should be the talent improved with the Dark Stone, which can not only be used for evolution, but also be used to improve talent.

And Xiao Tian's ghost should have used an extremely high-grade dark stone.

As for why he was so sure, it was because when his data eyes scanned Guisi, he also scanned the remaining high-level dark stone in its body.

However, if this three-star ghost fights with his ghost stone, he can be sure that his ghost stone will win.

It's the same if he is three levels behind, because not only has he evolved, but he is also a five-star talent.

Peng Yu's face changed slightly when he saw Guisi. Ghost-type elves are rare. He remembered that Jiang Jing had one, and he didn't know which one was stronger.

"The battle begins!" the referee announced.

"Guess, use hypnotism!"

"Kami Turtle, don't look into its eyes."

The battle is imminent.

Peng Yu had also thought about how to fight Gui Si, and his imaginary enemy was Jiang Jing.

So facing Xiao Tian's ghost, he didn't panic at all.

I have already thought about the countermeasures, and I have to be patient with the ghost elves and not panic.

Also look for one-hit kills.

The battle between the two sides made everyone in the No. 8 Middle School look a little weird, with an inexplicable sense of sight.

Liu Bin said strangely: "Brother Jing, why does it feel like Peng Yu is fighting against you?"

"Xiao Tian on the opposite side feels that the way of fighting is similar to yours, but the strength may not be as strong as yours, and the attack speed is a bit slow."

Jiang Jing himself actually felt this way too.

Xiao Tian on the opposite side is still capable, and many of his ideas are the same as Jiang Jing's.

Now Peng Yu felt uncomfortable.

Being crushed to death, the current Peng Yu seemed to be fighting a low-profile version of Jiang Jing.

Then he fought so hard, and finally persisted for four minutes and lost the game with difficulty.

The sweat on Peng Yu's forehead fell towards his cheeks, and he thought to himself: Is this the level of No. 1 Middle School?

It's too strong, and I'm convinced that I lost. It seems that I have to practice more after I go back. The feeling of losing is too uncomfortable.

After he came down, Qing asked with some concern: "How is the boss? Are you all right?"

Peng Yu said: "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Instead, he said to Jiang Jing, "Be careful, they are very strong."

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "I know!"

Xiao Tian returned to his seat, and wiped the sweat off his forehead with a tissue.

This round was not easy, and the opponent on the opposite side was also very strong.

It seemed that he underestimated the person, and then he saw Jiang Jing who was on the stage opposite, and he also had a little impression of this person, as if he had seen it in the joint cultivation garden.

I didn't expect that the strength is quite strong, and he actually appeared in the ninth position. Could it be that his strength is stronger than Peng Yu just now.

After Li Mingbo came on stage, he said to Jiang Jing, "Hey, friend, do you know Yao Yuan?"

Jiang Jing: "??"

"I know, what's the matter?"

Li Mingbo smiled and said: "He is my little brother now, and he asked me to teach you a lesson to vent his anger on him."

This person is tall and thin, wearing a school uniform, but it can be seen that it has been modified to make it more slim. At the same time, he looks quite handsome, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is naughty.

Jiang Jing said calmly, "Oh!"

Li Mingbo was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and there was nothing if you just said oh.

So he said: "He is very happy that he can transfer to No. 1 Middle School, because he thinks that your No. 8 Middle School is too weak, and there is no future if you stay here."

Everyone in No. 8 High School off the field also heard his words, and Liu Bin's expression turned ugly in an instant: "This guy MD deserves a beating, I want to go up and fuck him."

Coach Luo also frowned after hearing this, a little upset.

The bald coach said with some dissatisfaction: "What is Li Mingbo doing? Opening the map gun, why is he crazy?"

Zhang Xiuxian smiled and did not speak, but frowned, obviously he was not in a good mood.

Chen Han opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief: "I'll go, Li Mingbo, you are so awesome, you dare to say that."

Only Yao Yuan was in a good mood after hearing this.

After hearing this, Jiang Jing shook his head and said, "This is a competition, I'm not in the mood to listen to you pushing me here."

Li Mingbo's face changed instantly, and he smiled evilly and said, "Hehe, I'll let you know the gap between us later."

Jiang Jing looked at Li Mingbo and thought to himself: You are Uncle Li's son, right? You show off in front of your father every day.

I'm not that old, and I'm pretty crazy.

It was you, Li Myung-bak, that I called today.

The referee directly announced: "Both parties, please release the elves."

Jiang Jing and Li Mingbo took out the magic ball one after another, and the other party used a high-level ball to throw it out in the air.

Two white rays of light shot out from the ball and showed their figure on the ground.

A huge body appeared on the ground.

Jiang Jing looked at the elf on the opposite side, with a fiery red body, like an orangutan, it was a Dharma baboon.

Dharma baboons are orangutan-like spirits with a predominantly red body color and orange face, hands, and tail ends of legs.

It has three small orange dots on its belly, its eyes have eyebrow-like flames that extend upward, and it has two orange seagull-like stripes on its back.

Dharma baboons in the Galar region have the same overall shape as ordinary Dharma baboons, but Galar Dharma baboons live with a big snowball on their heads.

This snowball is also its food warehouse, and it will store the food it finds in it.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned the past in an instant.

【Spirit】: Dharma Baboon

[attribute]: fire

[Talent]: ★★★

[Level]: LV21

[Characteristics]: Forcibly

[Skills]: supernatural power (proficient), impact (specialization), rolling (specialization), burning (specialization), anger (proficiency), flame teeth (skilled), head hammer (skilled), bluff (skilled), Hard Hold (Proficient), Flame Fist (Proficient)


Looking at the data, it is found that the opponent's strength is indeed quite good.


But when Ghost Stone came out, the faces of the group of people changed.

Liu Bin asked puzzledly, "Yeah? When did Brother Jing's Ghost Stone evolve into Ghost Stone?"

"No, why use Ghost Stone?"

Peng Yu frowned, did he evolve into a ghost? How strong will it be now?

Coach Luo frowned, and didn't use the trump card Ke Dora, is this self-confidence or conceit?

Xiao Tian couldn't help himself to open his mouth and lost his voice: "Ghoststone?"

He didn't expect that there would be a ghost stone in Jiangjing. So, he also subdued the ghost stone in the nurturing garden that day? Sure enough, I and others underestimated each other too much.

The bald coach asked puzzledly: "Ghost Stone? Isn't that guy's trump card, Kedora? Why didn't he release it?"

"So confident?"

"Are we No. 1 middle school?"

Thank you book friend for giving me 100 starting coins for embarrassing me, Fat Tiger.

Sorry, I was a little busy today and now the update is over.

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