This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 142 The Fire in Licheng and the Traces of Dreams

Although the one-horned rhinoceros has poor brains but great strength, its body is covered with hard skin, and its bones are a thousand times harder than humans.

Therefore, it can smash high-rise buildings to pieces with only impact.

The four legs of the one-horned rhino are very short and difficult to turn, so they can only dash forward continuously.

Looking at this armored rhinoceros, Jiang Jing felt like Ke Dora.

They are all four-legged beast-shaped elves, and they still have the same characteristic-hard head.

One of the properties above is steel and rock properties, and the other is ground and rock properties.

I don't know who is more powerful when colliding with Kodora.

The key point is that the Iron Rhino is a bit restrained by the Dragon King Scorpion, and the poison-type skills are not very effective on it.

But looking at the statistics of senior Shi Lei's Dragon King Scorpion is also very fierce.

【Elf】: Dragon King Scorpion

[attribute]: poisonous, evil

[Talent]: ★★★

【Level】: LV26

[Characteristics]: Combat Armor

[Skills]: Poison Tail (specialized), Lightning Fang (skilled), Flame Fangs (skilled), Frozen Fangs (skilled), Bite (skilled), Poison Needle (skilled), Stare (skilled), Slapping Down (skilled) ), Missile Needle (proficient), acupuncture (proficient), chasing and hitting (proficient), insect bite (proficient), poisonous teeth (specialized)


Just looking at the data on paper, the Dragon King Scorpion completely crushed Su Jincheng's armored rhinoceros.

Now it depends on Su Jincheng's strength. If Jiang Jing can win, I don't know if Su Jincheng can win.

Su Jincheng looked at the opposite Dragon King Xie with admiration.

He personally believes in strength, and the principle that size is powerful, so he especially likes elves with huge bodies.

All the elves he subdues in the future will look like this.

The referee announced: "The battle begins!"

The two sides immediately began to issue attack orders.

"Dragon King Scorpion, use Flame Fang!"

"Iron armored rhino, use the horn bump!"

The two elves carried great power and began to attack.

Liu Bin said beside him: "Brother Jing, this armored rhinoceros of Su Jincheng looks like your Cordora!"

"This scene really resembles the previous battle between you and Shi Lei senior."

Cheng Cheng also said beside him: "That's right, I don't know if Su Jincheng on the opposite side has the strength of Jiang Jing."

"If he loses, it means he is not as strong as Jiang Jingyou!"

"If he wins, it means he is qualified to fight with you."

Jiang Jing complained: "Senior Shi Lei is really miserable, he is almost becoming a combat unit."

Liu Bin suddenly realized: "It seems so, tsk tsk."


The battle between senior Shi Lei and Su Jincheng was still very fierce, the two sides fought head-to-head, punching to the flesh.

The boys can be regarded as excited.

However, the Armored Rhino still suffers from a level loss, and it is still a bit difficult to fight.

However, Su Jincheng is smart and calm enough, while Shi Lei's senior is easy to get ahead of others, focusing on head-to-head confrontation, not calm enough.

So he suffered a loss later, jumped off the trap set by Su Jincheng, and was directly hit by a blow.

But the Dragon King Scorpion is not a vegetarian either, so it counterattacked temporarily.

Using Frozen Fang's own skills, he hit the Iron Armored Rhino.

After being double-returned by the Iron Armored Rhino, the two sides ended up with a tie, and both lost their fighting ability at the same time.

The referee immediately announced: "Dragon King Scorpion and Iron Armored Rhino lost their fighting ability at the same time, and the two sides are tied."

On the large LED screen, a word "Ping" appeared behind the names of both of them.

Both Shi Lei and Su Jincheng were not very satisfied with the result.

Shi Lei thought he could win, and Su Jincheng thought so too, both thought he would not lose.

So the two went down depressed.

Jiang Jing looked at Shi Lei, he felt that Shi Lei was a big mountain for the potential rookies of Rongcheng Middle School.

The top strength is about the same as that of senior Shi Lei, and if he wins against senior Shi Lei, it belongs to another level.

He felt that he was at another level. Su Wei and Jia Shipeng from Hualun Middle School were a bit reluctant and felt that they could not win.

Zhang Xiuxian seems to be the most likely to win, especially the wind speed dog with four-star talent, I feel that it is really possible to leapfrog and overthrow Dragon King Scorpion.

Senior Shi Lei was not in a good mood, he sat down on the chair as soon as he came back, without slapping him.

Jiang Jing comforted: "Senior Shi Lei, you have done a good job."

"Now our eighth middle school has three wins and one tie. As long as we win one more game, we will win."

It can be said that the No. 8 Middle School is getting more and more excited now, and they are getting closer and closer to victory.

At the same time, the number of people in the live broadcast room about this game is also increasing.

Soon the number of people broke through to 20,000.

Countless barrages spewed out.

"I'll go, I've gained experience, the Second High School is going to lose!"

"But it's really cool. Wang Zixu and Mao Qian from No. 2 Middle School were really too arrogant."

"Although I used Tian Ji's horse racing strategy, it's still fun to watch, what's the matter?"

"M.D., I'm usually annoyed when I watch No. 2 Middle School. She looks superior, especially that Wang Zixu is the most hateful."

"Last time, he was the most arrogant. If he won, he won. He even taunted us. If someone hadn't stopped him, I would have gone up and beat him up."

It seems that this old man is indeed very resentful, and the second middle school is not very popular!


The next battle continued, No. 8 High School is now eager to defeat No. 2 High School.

But the next Senior Sister Yu Siya lost.

It was very difficult to fight, and finally lost.

Then Senior Sister Lin Shanshan came to the rescue and won another game.

Now we have played six games, with four wins and one tie in the eighth middle school.

One more win wins.

The No. 2 Middle School is already in an atmosphere of death, which is terribly depressing.

Su Jincheng has already begun to act badly, and now it's none of his business, just sitting there playing with his mobile phone.

Eighth Middle School has almost begun to celebrate now.

Although they lost in the next three games, it did not affect the mood of No. 8 Middle School.

Because it is almost impossible to lose.

Sure enough, under the eyes of everyone, Xu Ying started a battle with the last person from No. 2 Middle School.

The strength of the No. 2 Middle School is indeed not covered, even with Xu Ying's strength, it is impossible to crush the opponent.

In the end, it was won after a fierce battle.

Looking at the three-in-one magnet monster that had been lying on the ground and lost its fighting ability.

The referee announced: "The three-in-one magnet monster loses its fighting ability, and the circle bear wins."

"So the tenth match against Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School won."

"Because Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School won five games, Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School won this game."


When the referee announced that Rongcheng No. 8 Middle School had won the victory, there was thunderous applause and tsunami-like shouts from the audience.

The people in No. 8 Middle School, who had already been impatient, jumped up and cheered in an instant.


"Damn, I really won." Liu Bin shouted excitedly.

Jiang Jing swung his fist vigorously. He was also very excited. He actually defeated No. 2 Middle School. The old MD was very excited.

Yu Qing hugged Peng Yu and laughed loudly: "Haha, brother Yu, we won, we won."

"It's unbelievable that we actually won."

Peng Yu also grinned and said, "That's right, we won."

The number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 25,000.

The barrage below is full of congratulatory voices.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that I would watch a city preliminaries so seriously one day."

"Yes, the eighth middle school won, and the second middle school lost."

"The No. 8 Middle School is about to rise, and there are actually three potential newcomers."

"Especially that Jiang Jing, I think he is so strong, he is not weaker than Su Jincheng at all."

"Haha, today's game was so exciting, I haven't seen such a passionate game for a long time."

Xu Ying was sitting in the seat, and it was something that had never happened before in the No. 2 Middle School. He was also extremely excited.

It really creates a sense of pride in my heart.

It's a pity that soon he doesn't belong here, and his future shouldn't be here.

He wants to go to a higher stage to take a look.

It can only be said that this is his countdown to No. 8 Middle School.


Compared with No. 8 Middle School, which is a sea of ​​joy, No. 2 Middle School is completely opposite, lifeless and depressing.

Today is really a great shame and shame, they actually lost.

In the live broadcast, I lost in full view.

Some people looked at Wang Zixu and Mao Qian with hatred because of their family, otherwise there would not be the current result.

They could have played a game comfortably, but it was all because of Wang Zixu.

Naturally, they were very upset, and left in despair as soon as the game was over.

Coach Chen was also full of despair, and he had already imagined the bloody scene of being scolded by a group of leaders after returning home.


After the match, everyone in the school team was called to have supper to celebrate together, including Coach Luo and the two assistant coaches.

This supper was invited by Peng Yu, and it cost more than 20,000 yuan in the end.

This little money is nothing to Peng Yu, he is happy.

His family is also quite rich, and 20,000 yuan is about the same as 200 yuan to him.

After supper, on the way back to the dormitory, Peng Yu walked beside Jiang Jing and suddenly said, "Jiang Jing really thanked you today."

Jiang Jing waved his hand and said, "You don't have to thank me, it's all thanks to everyone."

Peng Yu said seriously: "If you hadn't stood up first, everyone would not have fought against No. 2 High School together. I know this very well."

"If no one takes the lead, many people will not think about it."

"So I wanted to thank you."

Jiang Jingdao: "Haha, from what you said, my contribution is indeed quite great."

At this time, Peng Yu suddenly said: "Jiang Jing, I want to give you something as a token of gratitude."

Jiang Jing waved his hand and said, "Thank you, I'll accept it, so I don't need anything."

Peng Yu said: "Okay, don't be hypocritical, I will give you this thing in a while, and you don't have to refuse."

Yu Qing said beside him: "Brother Jing, don't refuse."

After hearing this, Jiang Jing was no longer hypocritical and said: "All right, then I'll wait for your things."


The impact of the loss of the No. 2 Middle School to the No. 8 Middle School was even greater than expected.

Anyway, this matter has been discussed in the school for several days, and there are a lot of people discussing it in the post bar.

Someone on Douyin also posted a video about this.

It was very lively, and the students of No. 2 Middle School complained on the Internet that they won by cheating in No. 8 Middle School because they were shameless.

Others think that winning is winning, no matter how he wins.

And it's not the sin of your No. 2 Middle School. They have already laid down and insisted on spreading hatred and ridiculing.

Well, the result is good, and it caused public outrage to say that it will defeat your No. 2 Middle School.

The two sides fought together, anyway, Jiang Jing and his No. 8 High School were quite famous this time.

It's not that no school has done this before, but none of them have been so topical as the No. 8 Middle School this time.

On the other hand, Jiang Jing was very calm, pretending that he didn't know anything, and concentrated on preparing for the final exam.

In this final assessment, there will be three subjects in the examination, which are divided into politics, history and geography. For some good schools, he will look at the results of the examination. Not to mention passing, at least 80 points are required.

So the second graders in the whole school have been extremely busy recently.

In addition to their sophomores, the seniors and sisters of their seniors are also very busy. They will take the college entrance examination next semester, which is the most important exam in their lives.

There is not much time left, except for necessary games, they usually go to review.

The last game was over soon, and the record of No. 8 Middle School also rose to 10th because of defeating No. 2 Middle School.

Jiang Jing's personal record also rose to 40th, and then he felt that he couldn't rise up.

The above 39 players are all higher than him, and if they want to overtake them, they can only wait for them to lose.

The time soon came to January 9th, and there was only one week left before the final exam.

"Jingle Bell!"

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Lao Lin put down the test paper in his hand and said, "That's all for today's topic, let's talk about the rest in the next class."

"Let's get out of class!"

After saying this, he has already turned off the rich media, took his things and left directly.

Jiang Jing and the others cleaned up the table and went to have lunch together.

On the road, you can see a lot of things while walking and reading with textbooks, and at the same time, some people are walking like flying to the cafeteria to grab food.

Liu Bin, who was looking at his phone, said in surprise, "I'll go, a shopping mall in Licheng is on fire."

As soon as he said that, everyone's curiosity was instantly aroused.

Cheng Cheng asked curiously, "Why did it catch fire?"

"Is it because the elves are out of control? Or is it caused by human factors?"

Liu Bin shook his head and said, "I don't know. I'm still fighting the fire. I just hope there will be no casualties."

"By the way, you can also look online."

Jiang Jing also took out his mobile phone, and suddenly this news popped up on the page: "Shocked, a major fire broke out in Yulin Shopping Center in Licheng, and the cause turned out to be..." From this look, it was obvious that it was from the UC Shock Department.

Click to open it, and it is indeed talking about a fire in a shopping mall in Licheng.

Billowing red and black smoke continuously emerged from the shopping mall and rushed into the sky, rendering the surrounding blue sky gray, bringing a great sense of shock.

The firefighters have come and are organizing firefighting for Squirtle, Cammy, and Blaster to put out the fire.

At the same time, the surrounding trainers and water-type elves are also contributing.

Some trainers rushed in directly to rescue those trapped inside.

After Jiang Jing saw it, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. With the elves, the efficiency has improved.

In the previous life, it would have been so easy to destroy me.

The exact cause of the fire is still unclear and may not be known until evening and tomorrow.

Jiang Jing felt that this incident was an ordinary fire.

On the other side, Teacher Lin Kai also saw the news about the fire.

He frowned after seeing it, and his intuition told him that this was not an ordinary fire incident.

So in the following time, Lao Lin will always pay attention to the follow-up development of the matter.


At nine o'clock in the evening, in the private room of Longxiang Spirit Training Hall.

The iron dumbbell wandered aimlessly in the private room, watching the training of the three elves from time to time.

But Dora is training the newly learned skills. This is the annoyance of having too many skills. The previous skills have not been refined, and they have learned new skills, and they cannot be practiced at all.

It would be stupid to let the elves learn more skills at this stage.

So now most people will not choose to buy learning machines in the early stage to let elves learn new skills.

I plan to wait until after level 30 that I have almost learned all the skills that should be learned, and I will buy a learning machine to learn new skills after I have free time.


Ke Dora roared, and then his head was quickly covered with black energy to form a set of armor.

Jiang Jing looked at the time, and it took 1.7 seconds from the start to the condensation.

When I first learned it, it took 2.5 seconds to complete the condensation. It took only a few days to increase to 1.7 seconds, an increase of 0.7 seconds.

In addition to the iron head, the mastery of rock avalanche skills is also improving rapidly.

There are three steps in the rock avalanche skill, mobilizing energy-condensing rocks-throwing out.

Among them, condensing rocks is the most time consuming time. It actually takes ten seconds to condense from the beginning to the end.

In this little time, if the opponent is fast, he can complete dozens of attacks.

After this period of training, the time has been shortened by two seconds, and now it only takes eight seconds.

His idea is that there is no need to condense too large rocks, and it is enough for the combined size of the three boulders to be blocked directly by the rocks.

Sure enough, after reducing the size, the time of the skill's forward swing has been shortened a lot.

Moreover, Ke Dora's physical fitness has also improved extremely fast, and now she can move freely under three times the gravity.

Although it is in a state of no training, it will not last long during intense exercise.


Looking at Prince Bo's training again, he was panting and training his water gun skills while wearing a weight-bearing vest.


The bubble light has broken through to the specialization level, and the next step is the water gun skill.

It also feels fast, and it feels that its talent is really too powerful.

But it glanced at Ghost Stone who was training crazily beside him, and the pride in his heart disappeared instantly.

No, it still has to work hard.

Then cast the water gun skill again, and now this skill condenses it into a pen holder to ensure its release speed.

No matter how thick it is, the launch will be reduced, and the water gun at the professional level should be able to solve this problem.

Jiang Jing let it rest for a while, and at the same time fed it an energy cube.

Feeling that his physical strength has recovered a lot, Prince Bo consciously started the next round of training.


This time Bo Huangzi often uses the water gun skill, and the water column is quickly released from its mouth.

A jet of water as thick as a pen holder is still sprayed out.

Then Prince Bo increased the output, and this time the pen container suddenly expanded and sprayed out like a kettle.

The speed didn't slow down. Seeing this, Prince Bo continued to output, and found that the power had indeed increased, and then he became excited.

Jiang Jing naturally also noticed this scene, and opened the data eye to scan.

【Elf】: Prince Bo

[attribute]: water

[Talent]: ★★★★

[Level]: LV19

[Characteristics]: Torrent

[Skills]: Slapping (professional), Calling (proficient), Bubble light (professional), Playing with water (proficient), Pecking (specialized), Water gun (specialized), Endurance (proficient), Random hit ( skilled)


Jiang Jing walked over and touched Prince Bo's head as a sign of encouragement.


Seeing this, Ghost Stone, who was training next to him, became stressed and trained even harder.

It is now mainly training shadow boxing and raids, and I feel that I am making rapid progress.

It felt that it would take less than two months to train these two skills to the professional level.

Then you can start training the next skill.


After the evening training, Jiang Jing returned to the dormitory, took a shower and washed his clothes.

After everything was done, I started today's entertainment time by leaning on the Snorkel pillow.

Scan Douyin, the first video is about the fire that broke out in Licheng today.

Now that the fire has been completely extinguished, the search results are out.

A total of five people were killed, and eight elves were also killed.

The identities of the five people have not yet been found out.

Jiang Jing sighed and said, "Oh, there are unpredictable things in the sky, life is impermanent, and the large intestine wraps the small intestine."

If this kind of thing is on the scene, I don't know if I have the ability to save them, or I don't even have the ability to save people.

In class the next day, everyone was really discussing this matter. After all, it happened in the same province, and the distance is relatively close. It feels as if it happened here.

"Have you read the news? Those five people are really a pity. There are still several elves." Liu Bin said regretfully.

Cheng Cheng wondered: "I don't know what the cause of the fire is, and there is no result yet."

Everyone was discussing, obviously very curious about the cause of the fire.


But a piece of news in the evening instantly averted his gaze.

"Shocked, a dreamy shadow appeared in the Kunlun Mountains, and the reason turned out to be..."

I have to say that this news is compiled really well, after the trainer saw it, he had a desire to click on it to find out.

Jiang Jing found it on Douyin, because the source of this news was a video on Douyin.

Jiang Jing also watched it, and came across this video when he was relaxing in the dormitory after dinner.

In the video, the background is in a deep mountain and old forest, and the voice of the elves can be heard in the distance.

Green towering trees, green leaves, various fruits and flowers.

The video shakes a little, and at the same time, the owner whispers me, it can be heard that the person who took the video was very nervous.

"I'll go, what figure just now, it feels like a dream!"


"I'm Zhuo, don't lie to me."

There are two people inside, and they should venture into the Kunlun Mountains together.

Looking at the elves around them, it can be seen that their strength is not weak. There are three elves, Bi Diao, Chuanshanwang, and Sanjishu.

At the same time, they kept moving forward. When the video progressed to 16 seconds, a pink figure flew past them at a very fast speed.

The speed is too fast, most people probably can't see clearly.

Jiang Jing has good eyesight, so he can see it as soon as he comes out.

It's a pity that the video is too shaken, and it's still a little blurry, only the pink appearance can be seen, and there is a little outline at the same time.

The silhouette is petite and slender, and it does look a bit dreamy.

After reading it, I habitually click on the comment area, wanting to see what the old buddies in the comment area will say.

"Okay, what did I see?"


"Is it really a dream?"

All are discussing this matter, some say it is true, some say it is false, it is p.

Anyway, it was very lively, with more than one million likes, 200,000 comments, 100,000 favorites, and 600,000 retweets.

Looking at the posture, it should be on fire, and it's not just an ordinary fire, it's an explosive fire.

"I'm Zhuo!" Liu Bin yelled directly.

Then he suddenly raised his head and asked, "Have you watched that dreamy video?"

Sun Le raised his head and said, "I just saw it too."

Jiang Jingdao: "I just saw it too, it really looks like a dream!"

Liu Bin said excitedly: "My Zhuo, Mengmeng, since the arrival of the elves, the number of times Mengmeng has appeared in front of people is very limited."

"The last time there was news was ten years ago."

The reason why Liu Bin is so excited is because he is particularly fond of divine beasts, and he especially likes to pay attention to the traces and news of some divine beasts.

This is somewhat similar to Jiang Jing.

Liu Bin said: "Does the dream appearing in front of us this time indicate something?"

When Jiang Jing thought about it, Meng Meng looked like a pink kitten, with a tail about twice as long as his height, and the tip of the tail was olive-shaped.

The big blue eyes are triangular in shape.

The legendary elves.

That's what they call a beast.

Dream is an extinct elf living in the Kunlun Mountains of China and the small island of the alliance headquarters. It has a very high IQ and can remember everything.

Though considered extinct, they are still called phantom spirits until now.

Because it can be invisible at will, even if it gets close to humans, it will not be noticed at all.

Rumors of sightings of this phantom Pokémon continued, but there were not many people who had seen it even in the whole country.

It seems that only with a pure heart and a strong desire to meet it can the dream come out.

Mengmeng has high intelligence, its genes contain all the information of elves, and it can use all moves, so many scholars believe that it is the ancestor of elves.

With a microscope, you can see the extremely short, fine and dense body hair on its body.

Chaomeng is an elf created by recombining the dream's genetic genes.

This is a brief information about Dream on the Internet, and the information about Mewtwo is from the previous game.

There are also Chaomeng in reality, but no one knows the relationship between Chaomeng and Fantasia.

They are all guessing whether Chaomeng is an evolution of Fantasia.

Due to its cute appearance and playful personality, Fantasia has a lot of fans around the world.

Especially because of the mystery of its doppelgänger, it attracts people flocking to it even more.

Now that it has been revealed that I saw Mengmeng in the Kunlun Mountains, it can be expected that in the next few days, countless trainers will go to the Kunlun Mountains to find the traces of Mengmeng.

However, the Kunlun Mountains are very dangerous, and the elves inside are more terrifying than each other.

He checked the account of the video creator, En, who only dared to go to the Kunlun Mountains only when he was a silver-level trainer.

Other black iron, bronze used to make fun is courting death.

However, just after the fire broke out yesterday, the trace of the dream appeared today. Is there any connection between them?

This idea suddenly popped up in Jiang Jing's mind.

At the same time, I also feel that this idea is indeed a bit unconstrained, and the two things are completely irrelevant.

Next, prepare for the final exam.


Fantasia's influence is still impressive, directly dominating the hot searches for three days.

Countless trainers rushed to the Kunlun Mountains the next day.

Because too many trainers went there, a fierce conflict broke out with the elves in the Kunlun Mountains.

No one knows how many battles broke out. Some trainers were seriously injured and protruded out of the Kunlun Mountains, while others stayed inside forever.

Various short videos of entering the Kunlun Mountains to find dreams also frequently appear in Douyin.

Everyone's attention was on this matter, and not many people paid attention to the fire incident in Licheng shopping mall.

In the teacher's office, Lin Kai sat in his seat and kept scrolling through short videos.

Without exception, these short videos are all about the fire in Licheng.

"Old Lin, why have you been reading about the fire in Licheng?" A voice came from the side.

Lao Lin turned his head and saw that it was Mr. He, the Chinese teacher.

Teacher He continued: "Everyone's attention is now on the dreamy trail of the Kunlun Mountains."

Lao Lin smiled and said, "It's nothing but curiosity, so I want to see more."

Teacher He had no doubts, and after a casual reply, he went to do his own thing.

Teacher Lin Kai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, put down his phone and started preparing lessons.


Licheng, Yulin Police Station.

In the meeting room at this time, a group of policemen in police uniforms were having a meeting.

A group of people are sitting upright, mineral water and notebooks are placed on the reddish-brown oval table.

Among them, the middle-aged male policeman sitting in the first position on the left asked: "Xiao Li, please report the specific situation of the five people involved in the fire."

Xiao Li is a beautiful policewoman sitting next to him.

He picked up the tablet and stood up and said in a clear and fluent spoken language: "According to the autopsy report."

"The five who were burned to death died before being burned."

"And there are traces of fighting in front of him."

"That is to say, they were killed by humans or elves before they were alive, so they didn't escape from the mall."

"At the same time, the six elves also had battle scars on their bodies, and they also died before being burned."

"According to our speculation, this is a case of man-made arson, probably for the purpose of destroying corpses."

"But it underestimated our firefighting capabilities and failed to achieve the ultimate goal."

As soon as she finished speaking, a middle-aged woman sitting opposite said, "Why do you or they do this?"

"Or they are not ordinary people."

Upon hearing this, the pretty female police officer was startled and asked, "You mean, this was done by an evil organization?"

The middle-aged woman said: "It is very possible, and it is very similar to their way of doing things."

"Hmph, those guys are like the stinky rats in the sewer, they will never see the light, but they are inexhaustible."

"This matter is probably not that simple, we need to report to the higher authorities."


Pang Zhitao was sitting in an office and drinking tea leisurely.

Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man in a white Tang suit. This person was the owner of Rongcheng Steel Gym - Chen Feng.

Chen Feng asked, "Old Pang, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"You, the principal of No. 8 Middle School, are so busy, why do you have time to drink tea with me?"

Principal Pang smiled and said, "Why don't you welcome me?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Welcome, of course you are welcome, I can't wait to ask for it."

"Let's talk about the business first, and talk about the old days later."

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Principal Pang stretched out his thumb and said: "I like you like this, and I don't like to go around the bush, so let's get straight to the point."

"There is a newcomer with more potential in my school, and in order to keep him in our school."

"We signed a contract and promised to help him find a three-star talented steel-type elf egg."

After hearing this, Chen Feng sighed and said, "You guys really paid for it. The market price of steel-type elf eggs with three-star talent is around 390,000."

"That's not cheap. I have to say, Pang, you are really courageous!"

"But the potential student you mentioned should be the student named Jiang Jing."

Principal Pang asked in surprise: "Huh? Even you know?"

Chen Feng took it easy and said, "It's not surprising, Chen Han is my daughter, okay? I also heard her talk about the match that day, and I even found him on Douyin."

Principal Pang said with a smile: "It seems that you are very destined."

"Now you should understand what I mean."

Chen Feng asked back: "What do you mean, I didn't hear it."

Principal Pang smiled and said, "You're pretending to be stupid."

"Look, don't you just happen to be the owner of the Rongcheng Road Gym, and there are not a lot of steel elves in your nurturing garden."

Chen Feng said: "So you were waiting for me here, you have taken a fancy to the steel elves in my cultivation garden."

"Steel elves with three-star talent are very rare, and every one I see is my treasure."

"You know how much it costs others to get the chance to enter my breeding garden to tame an elf."

Principal Pang said: "Of course I know, 500,000 yuan is enough for your favor."

"Are you sure you want to exchange my favor for a three-star talented steel elf?" Chen Feng asked back.

Principal Pang said: "Change it, why don't you care about it, don't you keep this favor for use."

Chen Feng replied: "No problem."

"Since you want to change, there is no problem."

Chen Feng took a sip of tea and said, "Every time in my nurturing garden, everyone chooses a time to enter together to subdue elves and select elves."

"But unfortunately the time just passed last week, so you'll have to wait four months."

"At that time, a new batch of elf eggs will almost be born, and you can come in too."

Principal Pang nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll wait for four months."

At this time, Chen Feng said again: "By the way, Lao Pang, I told you in advance that you may not be able to gain something if you enter my cultivation garden."

"It's even possible to return empty-handed, and even when you came, the three-star talented steel elves had already hatched."

"When the time comes, you'll have to look at that classmate Jiang Jing's skills."

Principal Pang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I believe Jiang Jing, he is the one who took in Bogaman in our school's cultivation garden."

Chen Feng said in surprise: "Luck is so good, it seems that there is really no need to worry too much about this."

Chen Feng continued: "How about this, I will open a small back door for him."

"Under normal circumstances, some of my best elves are almost never brought out. They are all prepared for some friends or leaders."

"In order to show the value of my favor, I will reluctantly open a back door for you."

"At that time, you can give Jiang Jing some advice and let him go to the real breeding garden to pick elves."

Principal Pang laughed and said, "Old Chen, you can do it. It's quite bold. I like it."

Chen Feng also laughed and said in his heart: If I hadn't been optimistic about the river view, I wouldn't have opened the back garden. Ordinary people can't go to the back garden.

The elf inside is my real treasure, and he feels a little distressed when he thinks about it.


Wei Zijie was walking in the forest panting. He was wearing sportswear and a hat. He was tall and handsome.

But it was a bit embarrassing, the whole forest was too big.

After walking for a while, suddenly a black shadow pounced on the tree in front of him.

But at the same time, a figure was faster and rushed out from Wei Zijie's side. It was a black Lujia, and it rushed out and collided with the black shadow.


The black shadow flew out and drew a distance on the ground.

Wei Zijie took a closer look and saw that it was a fur ball, which quickly got up from the ground and then quickly moved away.

Hei Lujia bared his teeth and wanted to chase after him, but the voice behind him stopped him and turned back.

"Hei Lujia, don't chase after him."

Hei Lujia returned to Wei Zijie's side, touched Hei Lujia's head with his big hand and said, "Thanks for having you!"

Hei Lujia made a pleasant sound like a puppy, enjoying Wei Zijie's stroking very much.

Wei Zijie said to it, "Let's take a break."

Then he found a rock and sat on it, took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and drank half of it, and poured the rest into Heluga's mouth.

Then he took out another box of energy cubes and fed two to Helujia.

"Eat, take a break, and move on later."

After eating the energy cubes, Hei Lujia became vigilant beside Wei Zijie.

Wei Zijie took out a compressed biscuit and ate it.

He, Wei Zijie, is now in the Kunlun Mountains, and he had ventured in the Kunlun Mountains before.

But in the camp, I also heard that someone saw a dream trail in the Kunlun Mountains.

As an elf fanatic, he rushed over frantically after hearing the news.

But the Kunlun Mountains are so huge that it is almost boundless, and human beings are really too small in it.

Although it is said that it is located in the Kunlun Mountains, there are a lot of mountains in it.

Their camp is hundreds of kilometers away from where the video was shot.

It took him three days to get here in a hurry.

And I have to say that this piece has already begun to penetrate deep into the front veins, and the elves inside are becoming more and more terrifying.

Take the fur ball just now, he doubted that it was above level 20.

He has experienced more than 20 sudden attacks like this in the past three days.

Fortunately, he is a silver-level trainer, and his strength is barely enough, so he can get here smoothly.

His goal this time is Dream, and if he doesn't come to look for it in his heart, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

After resting like this for a while, he continued on his way.

After walking for a short time, I pulled away the grass in front of me and placed it on the lawn.

Suddenly the scene ahead caught his attention.

So he took Hei Lujia and hurried forward to check.

Hei Lujia listened to the six directions, watched all directions, and was always on guard for fear of a surprise attack by elves.

When Wei Zijie arrived at the destination, he found that the area was in a mess, several trees had been broken in the middle, and the ground was covered with traces of skill explosions.

At the same time, Wei Zijie's heart skipped a beat, because he saw the bright red blood on the ground.

The broken trees, the destroyed grass, the claw marks on the trees, and the bright red blood stains all proved that a fierce battle took place here.

Wei Zijie checked the battle scene carefully, but he couldn't tell who won in the end.

It may be that the person encountered a strong enemy and finally repelled it reluctantly, or he was not strong enough but came here with the same heart as Wei Zijie, and finally encountered an accident.

There are a lot of people like this, black iron level and bronze level trainers come in every day in the camp.

Some come to make money, some come to beg for a living, they will not enter the forest.

But there will be a group of people who are not strong enough but have to come to the Kunlun Mountains to die.

After watching it for a while, I stopped paying attention and moved on.

Just as he continued to move forward for a while, suddenly Hei Lujia's face changed instantly.

He began to grin his teeth, as if there was something dangerous ahead.

Seeing this, Wei Zijie quickly took the black thing that looked like a telescope on his head.

At the same time, he pressed a button on his black belt, which was his constant temperature suit, which could cover his body temperature.

Then he crawled directly into the grass and crawled forward, while Helujia was also behind.

In his black glasses, there are only two colors, black and red which represent body temperature.

And in his line of sight, in the forest hundreds of thousands of meters ahead, a group of people were also advancing.

There were a lot of people in this group, and it was roughly estimated that there were nearly thirty people.

Wei Zijie was startled, this is a big deal, usually only some large companies or official organizations would let dozens of people enter the forest together to complete a certain task.

Then he pressed the button next to the black glasses, and his eyes began to change instantly, becoming clearer.

A group of people in the same uniform appeared in his line of sight.

They were all wearing heavy equipment, with a group of ferocious elves beside them, protecting a group of people in the middle.

With a vigilant and solemn expression, he doesn't look like a good person.

Most companies don't wear it like this, because they don't have identification marks on them.

Generally, a certain company, a certain organization, etc. are written on the clothes.

They have nothing on them, all of them are in black and red uniforms.

Wei Zijie looked familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

His curiosity was also aroused, and he began to hesitate, seeing that their posture might be looking for Dream.

Do you want to follow up?

Thinking of this, he felt that he had to follow up.

So he took Heluga back into the ball, and then took out another elf ball to release a elf.

"Change the hidden dragon, I will rely on you later."

What Wei Zijie released was of course the Hidden Dragon.

A chameleon is like a chameleon, it is green all over, has red markings on its belly, and has a curly tail.

Chameleon is an elf with the ability to change the color of its body to match the surrounding scenery.

It can freely change the color of its body, blend into the scenery, and approach its prey without anyone noticing, but the patterns on its abdomen will not disappear.

It can stretch out its tongue long enough to catch prey quickly. It returns to its original color as soon as it starts dancing.

When not invisible, the color of the body will also change according to the mood and state, and the thicker the color, the more energetic it is.

If you ignore it for a long time, you will be awkward and not show up.

Changing Hidden Dragon nodded seriously, saying leave it to me.


Jiang Jing didn't expect that the final exam was coming soon, and someone would place an order for herself. Doesn't she need the final exam?

Look at the order again, let me go, this is an order specially placed for myself, and this order will cost 12,000 yuan.

Make money, don't shudder, this time, you can get almost 6,000 yuan an hour, why don't you pick it up.

So Jiang Jing took the order decisively, and went back to the dormitory to change clothes after the evening self-study, and then went to the Sparks Arena.

Speaking of this, Liu Bin told himself that he was going to level 20 a few days ago, but there is no news yet.

If there is no accident, it should not reach level 20.

It seems that he has to wait until the last semester to reach level 20.

When he came to the arena, he found out that the person who placed the order was Wei Anqi, and this little girl was his first customer.

Let him have a deeper memory.

Today's Wei Anqi is also very beautiful in Chuan En. She is not wearing a school uniform, but she is wearing a pink down jacket. She is standing there pretty, like a heroine in a TV drama.

It is now January and the weather has turned cooler. Although there is still sunshine during the day, it is colder at night.

Wei Anqi's eyes lit up when she saw Jiang Jing, and she said excitedly, "You're finally here. Last time you suggested me to fight more."

"I have fought with several other battle divisions, but they are all mediocre."

"I think it's better for me to come to you all the time."

When Wei Anqi said this, her beautiful eyes were always on Jiang Jing.

After hearing this, Jiang Jing replied, "Also, it's up to you to choose."

"Then let's get started."

After hearing this, Wei Anqi jumped up to the player's seat, and said happily, "Let me tell you, I've been serious recently, and my strength has improved rapidly. If you don't pay attention, you will lose in my hands."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry, just come."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Anqi took out another high-grade ball and threw it out.

"Go, jackrabbit!"

White light flickered, and an elf figure appeared on the ground, which was Wei Anqi's second elf.

Jackrabbits are shaped like a rabbit and are brown all over, with cream-colored feet and tufts. It has pink eyes and a small pink nose.

Its ears are folded.

The Super Jackrabbit's ears have changed, and the skin on its legs has turned black.

Its ear hair has become much less.

【Elf】: Long-eared Rabbit

[attribute]: general

[Talent]: ★★★

[Level]: LV21

[Characteristics]: Charming body

[Skills]: False crying (skilled), Gratitude (skilled), Healing wish (skilled), Bounce (skilled), Cultivation (skilled), Mirror reflection (skilled), Magic reflection (skilled), Rounding (skilled) , jump up (skilled), slap (specialization), hold on (skilled), round pupils (skilled), flash of lightning (specialization)


Jiang Jing used the data eye scan to discover that the jackrabbit has quite a few skills!

Jackrabbits are spirits with strong vigilance, and they will bounce and run lightly.

Once it senses danger, it will wrap its body with the fluffy and soft fur on the tip of its ears, then jump up and run away.

It doesn't like to fight, but when it is in danger, it will unleash a powerful kick. It can deliver powerful kicks with its supple feet, making it easy to repel incoming opponents with kicks like a karate master.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing also threw his elf ball.

"Go, Prince Bo, this battle is up to you."


The figure of Prince Bo appeared on the ground.

Thank you for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Hades. Thanks for the 100 book coins rewarded by book friend Shangshan Ruoshui.

1.2 million words completed, good night everyone.

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