This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 262 There Is No Fairy Fragrance in Love (Please Subscription, Monthly Pass)

But it was still easily defeated by the Steel Armored Crow.

The Steel Armored Crow, who has been promoted two levels in a row, has risen to another level in strength.

Although there is still a little distance from the first echelon, there is still no problem in beating elves of the same level.

The gym owner opposite is a sister in a blue one-piece swimsuit.

Looking at his age, he is also in his early thirties, and his figure is very tall and perfect due to years of exercise.

With a hot figure, he can attract the attention of many people.

This gymnasium is the Yuhai gymnasium in Pu City, specializing in water-type elves.

Her name is Tao Yu, and as the master of the gymnasium, she is naturally not weak.

The rules of Yuhai Gymnasium are also very simple, that is, a three-on-three match with the Gym Master in the pool arena.

You can get a badge if you win, but sometimes if you are lucky, if you challenge the opponent not the gym master but the apprentice, then the probability of winning will be higher.

This is also the second Gym challenged by Jiang Jing. There are more people like Yuhai Gym.

Jiang Jing still waited for three days before it was his turn, and Yuhai Gymnasium only accepts eight challengers every day.

They only work five days a week, and they have two days off on weekends.

This job treatment is simply not too comfortable.

At this moment, Tao Yu retracted the white sea lion and came over with a smile, "Congratulations, Jiang Jing, you have won."

"This is the badge of our Jade Sea gymnasium—the Jade Sea badge."

I saw Tao Yu stretched out his palm and opened it, and a badge that looked like a blue water drop was shining.

Jiang Jing took the Yuhai badge, took out the badge box from his backpack, and inlaid it behind the green insect badge.

In this way, he has two badges, one step closer to eight badges.

"Master Tao, thank you so much." Jiang Jing thanked.

Tao Yu rested her chin on her right arm and pursed her lips with a smile, "This is what you deserve."

"By the way, Jiang Jingyou probably hasn't fallen in love yet."

"What do you think of my apprentice Tong Ying?" "She is beautiful and has a good figure. She will graduate from high school next year." Tao Yu said suddenly with bright eyes.

"The talent is not bad, and he is now the captain of the No. 1 Middle School team."

A beautiful girl next to her blushed when she heard this.

But when he bowed his head shyly, he secretly glanced at Jiang Jing's reaction.

ah this...

Jiang Jing also had a shocked expression on his face, he was directly frightened by Tao Yu's words.

I just challenged a gym, why did I introduce my girlfriend.

However, she glanced at Tong Ying next to her, who was wearing a pink one-piece swimsuit.

The face is delicate, with the cute ball head tied, like a newborn flower bud, full of youthful breath.

Beautiful is really beautiful, and it can be ranked among the top ten beauties Jiang Jing has ever seen.

It's a pity that the current Jiang Jing has no idea of ​​falling in love at all.

There is no elf scent in love, how comfortable it is to play with elves every day, why fall in love.

So he made an excuse and said, "The owner of the pottery shop, I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After speaking, he slipped away without waiting for the other party to speak.

It disappeared in front of the two of them within two breaths.

"Hey, why are you running so fast?"

"Are you so unattractive, Xiaoying?"

Tong Ying next to her looked at Jiang Jing who had disappeared and sighed faintly, she was a little disappointed and said, "Master, why did you say that just now?"

"You can see that everyone was scared away."

Tao Yu didn't care and said, "Girl, you have the nerve to say, I think the two of you are a good match, so I just wanted to make a match."

"Who knew that Jiang Jing was so timid, I was scared away just by saying a word."

"Forget it, it feels like the two of you have no fate."


Jiang Jing quickly left the Yuhai Gymnasium and left with a Didi.

Sitting on the private car, he looked at the badge box in his hand.

The Jade Sea badge embedded inside is still shining with blue brilliance.

This was already the second badge, and he estimated that less than two months would be enough to collect all eight badges.


After challenging the Gym, Jiang Jing stayed in Pu City for another day, playing all the more famous attractions before starting training.

Pucheng Love Crazy Elf Training Hall.

This can be said to be one of the best training halls in Pucheng, and it is the closest to the hotel in Jiangjing, so he came here.

From the outside, the Ai Mad Elf Training Center is a cool black building.

Various neon lights are hung on it, and various posters are pasted on the walls.

He looked at the posters of gold-level trainers, and they all trained in this training hall.

There are also several diamond-level posters.

Jiang Jing walked to the front desk and said to the young lady, "Give me a better training room."

As he spoke, he handed over his ID card.

The lady at the front desk looked at Jiang Jing wearing a mask and felt nothing. Many famous trainers would choose to wear masks outside.

When he saw Jiang Jing's ID card, his expression changed slightly, he took another look, and then returned to calm.

She has seen many awesome people. Although Jiang Jing is famous now, he is still a trainer who is less than silver.

So she was very calm, so she said: "We have several training rooms here, you can take a look."

Three minutes later, after Jiang Jing left with the room card, she immediately turned on the bluetooth phone.

"Hey, Supervisor, Jiang Jing came to our training hall just now."

"That Jiang Jing? It's the national champion Jiang Jing."

"Ah? You don't know the supervisor?"

"He is no ordinary trainer."

"All right."

She hung up the phone speechlessly, what the hell is the supervisor, he doesn't even know Jiang Jing.

Although Jiang Jing is not yet a silver trainer, it is said that he will at least be a diamond trainer in the future.

What an idiot, no wonder he came in through the back door.

If things go on like this, the training hall will close down sooner or later.

I feel like there is no future here, should I switch jobs to another training hall? I heard the working atmosphere there is pretty good.

Jiang Jing on the other side also came to the training room reserved here.

He was a little disappointed after looking around, although there were quite a lot of training equipment in the room.

But it doesn't look like it was cleaned cleanly, and there is still a lot of dust left on it.

But it's a small problem, and it's acceptable.

He released Boss Cordora, Emperor Nabo, and they were released.

"Everyone has rested for several days, and it's time to start training."

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora has already started to move its body, and it will start to rust if it does not train its body.

Looking at the cube column in front of him, this thing looks silver on the surface and seems to be very hard.

But it is made of a special material, somewhat similar to rubber.

It is more useful than ordinary sandbags, and can absorb the skills and strength of hitting well.

This is easier to use than sandbags, but it is also more expensive.

One can cost 100,000 yuan, and only the top trainers or training halls can buy it.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora hit the cubic column with one blow.


The cube makes a muffled sound, and there is no anti-shock, so it is very comfortable to play.


Emperor Nabo also quickly spread his wings and struck the cube.

This feels really cool, you can attack unscrupulously.

Jiang Jing looked at it and thought that this thing is really good, he can also use it, and change the sandbags in his small villa.

He looked at Boscodora who was hitting the cube quickly, and now Boscodora felt as if he would soon have another superb skill.

This is what Boss Kedora told him.

And the skill that is about to break through is not the attack skills such as cannon light cannon and head hammer, but the skill of iron wall.

Iron Wall is a defensive skill, which can improve physical defense ability after use.

Slightly improves special defense, but it is said that the development direction of this skill is to form a double effect to directly improve physical defense and special defense.

It can even have the effect of anti-armor, but very few elves can practice this auxiliary skill to perfection, and there are even few specialized ones, let alone perfection.

Everyone feels that it is better to practice attack skills to improve their offensive ability when they have this time.

Especially those powerful moves are their favorite.

But Boscodora is different. It has learned the skill of Iron Wall for a long time, and even if it has been upgraded to specialization, it still has training from time to time.

It has been several years in a blink of an eye, and the skill of Iron Wall has recently felt a little bit of an idea when Boscodora was training.

Unknowingly, I have a little more insight in my mind, and I have a new idea about the use of the Iron Wall skill.

It doesn't take long for this skill to change.

I saw a layer of silver-white steel energy quickly covering its body like a stream of water.

It's almost done between breaths.

And this time when it was used, the steel-type energy seemed to be glowing, and the halo covering the body was a bit different from before.

Is this starting to change?

Jiang Jing has already begun to look forward to what will happen after the skill of Iron Wall is improved to perfection.


Geng Gui hovered in the sky, and with his hands together, ten clusters of purple-red flames condensed in a circle around its body.

The air instantly became hot, and ten clusters of will-o'-the-wisps floated in the air.

After finding the target to attack, they rushed out quickly, and ten groups of will-o'-the-wisps bombarded the cube in unison.

"Bang bang!!"

Then they exploded one after another, and a huge pothole appeared on the cube.

Not only that, but there was still a flame burning on it, and the cube quickly recovered, but the flame was still burning.


Geng Gui looked at this scene with some complacency.

Naturally, Jiang Jing also saw that Boss Kedora and Emperor Nabo already had superb skills.

But it doesn't have Geng Gui yet, which makes it a little stressed.

And the best skill it has so far is the ghost fire, and it is just about to upgrade this skill to perfection.

As mentioned in the training manual, there are two main training directions for the skill of ghost fire.

One is to completely turn it into an attack skill, integrate the energy of ghost and fire into a huge flame group and release it.

The pursuit has exploded with great power in a very short time.

The other direction is to strengthen the additional damage.

The effect of the ghost fire skill itself is to burn the opponent while attacking the opponent.

At the same time, it caused the opponent to fall into great pain, which could not be extinguished like a maggot attached to the bone.

And the effect of strengthening is to strengthen the effect of burning.

Not only can it burn the body, but it can also burn the energy in the elf's body.

As long as you activate the skill, it will release the burning interrupt skill, and at the same time strengthen the burning effect.

It can be said to be extremely disgusting, and there are not many trainers who do not hate a move.

Generally speaking, as long as you learn one of the changes, you will be promoted to perfection. If you can learn both changes, it will be terrifying.

However, it is extremely difficult, and there are not many elves who can do it now.

But Jiang Jing believed that Geng Gui could definitely do it.

Of course, there are other directions that are not recorded in the training manual.

Now it's almost time to reach perfection, and Geng Gui has also been using tranquility potion recently.

This thing is really easy to use, every time after using it, the elves can improve their ability to use skills.

"Come on~"

The Metagross also began to train, and it turned into a flying saucer and rushed out, hitting the cube in an instant.


With a muffled sound, the entire body of the golden monster was embedded in the cube, and it retreated and hit it again in less than a second.

The cubes haven't reacted yet. He was hit hard again.

There is no need to worry about the progress of the giant gold monster.

He can see progress every day, and he has already seen the transformation of several skills in the golden monster.

It is estimated that it will not be long before it can be upgraded to the level of perfection.

At that time, the power of one move will only be more terrifying.

In addition, it can take rosary beads, and its level is also improving rapidly.

Of course, such rapid progress is not without cost. The appetite of the giant golden monster has now surpassed that of Boscodora.

Every meal has to eat a lot of top-level elf food and ore.

For example, ordinary ore is not good enough to eat, and it must be of extremely high quality.

It even ate two pieces of alloy steel.

During this period of time, Jiang Jing had a deep understanding of the six-star talent.

Too strong, this is an all-around strong.

Whether it's savvy, level-up speed, physical fitness, etc., they completely surpass ordinary elves.

It seems that another species has formed.

There is such a big gap compared with Boss Kedora and Emperor Nabo, the group of five-star talents, let alone other elves.

The two-hour training was over soon.

No, it should be said that there are still fifteen minutes and two hours left.

But there was already a knock on the door.

Jiang Jing had already packed his things, and when he opened the door, he saw a male staff member standing at the door.

I saw him say: "Hello, sir, the training room has already been used."

Jiang Jing frowned, if he remembered correctly, there were still fifteen minutes.

When he opened the door, he also saw the time at the door. Although he was about to leave, he felt an inexplicable feeling of discomfort in his heart.

But he didn't say anything: "Okay, I'm leaving too."

Then the staff turned around and left without saying anything.

Jiang Jing shook his head, his senses had declined a lot, and he had made up his mind never to come again.


As soon as Jiang Jing walked into the hall, he heard someone calling him. He turned around and saw a fat man in his thirties who looked like he was in his thirties.

He came over and said with a smile, "Jingshen, I'm your fan."

Jiang Jing stretched out his hand and shook hands with him, saying, "Hello, hello."

"Jingshen sees that you have just finished training, how do you feel?" the fat man asked with a smile.

The exam is over, and I am too tired after a day of exams. I will resume the 4D update tomorrow.

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