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A New Year's letter to book friends

There is an event at the starting point, so I will take part in it.

By the way, let's make a simple summary.

2022 is really a fantastic year. When this book was released, there were only more than 300 first orders, and more than 200 regular orders.

At that time, I thought about ordering 500 yuan for the first time, but it turned out that it was less than I thought, but I didn't give up. I thought about it for three months to see if I could order full attendance at 500 yuan.

Then I started to write stuffedly. In the middle, I really thank the book friends in the group for their encouragement and rewards, as well as the help of the operation officer for me to persevere.

I have been insisting on the daily schedule for two months, and I have found a lot of masters of elf literature to ask for chapters and pushes, and finally reached 500 average subscriptions, and I dare to ask the editor for recommendations.

In the next two months, the average subscription will be increased from 500 to the current 1,000 average subscription. It is really inseparable from the support of all book friends, and I am really grateful.

It has been more than four months since Riwan took a day off, which is quite a proud achievement.

In the next year, I will continue to work hard on coding, and Riwan will definitely persevere.

Try to improve yourself, my goal for this book is to write 4 million words, and I will do what I say.

At the same time, I also wish all book lovers a joyous Year of the Rabbit, a year of good wishes, a year of harmony and family happiness, a year of good fortune, a year of bright future, and a year of prosperity and prosperity.

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