This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 285: Flashing Metagros VS Three Dragons (Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket)

The current Absolu is extremely easy to hit the vital point, but few people know the vital point of Boscodora.

So Jiang Jing was a little curious about how Absolu was going to find the key point of Boscodola.

"There are many~"

A wave of steel-type energy quickly emerged around Boss Kedora's body, as if wearing a thin layer of armor on his body.

Then its eyes burst into brown light again.

The next moment, ten sharp stone cones were born out of thin air, separated and fired towards Absol's clone.

The speed is extremely fast, like a sharp arrow fired through the air.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Absol's avatars couldn't dodge in time, and were blasted by the stone cones one after another.

But it never hit the real body, and it had already charged towards Boscodora head-on.

Its gaze has locked on Boshi Keduo's lower neck area.

Its intuition tells it to attack that area.

Jiang Jing's eyes froze, as if he had discovered it.

Then Absol rushed over nimbly.

Like a ghost, he pounced on Jiangjing Boss Kedora's body.

The horned bow on its head was wrapped in dark brown evil energy.

His head slammed into Boscodora's body.


In the next second, he hit Boshi Keduo and pulled the opponent's neck.

"Boss Cordora, use metal claws!"

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora showed a vicious smile, and his claws were wrapped in energy like metal substance.

Even after being hit in the neck, it felt severe pain, but it endured the pain, waved its claws and hit Absolu's body hard.

Metal claws!

Metal claws cut through the air, leaving white marks.

The metal claws hit Absolu's waist severely.


With a loud noise, Absol's waist was deeply dented.

The body was also directly sent flying, and was slammed inside.

After tumbling several times, I was covered in dust.

Absolu also let out a scream, its waist was too painful, and the blow from Boscodora was too painful.

And just now when it hit Boshi Kedora's neck, it felt that the horn bow was hindered, and there was still a shock force after the attack was successful.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora also touched his neck.

Absolu did hit a vital point. Although he was protected by an iron wall, the damage he caused was not small.

"Boss Kedora, use the cannon!"

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora did not stop for a moment, and continued to attack.

The majestic steel-type energy erupted from its body.

A large number of light spots gathered on its body, turned into a spiral beam of light and shot it out.

Cannon Cannon!

"Absolu, get up!" Yu Dongqi shouted.

Absolu on the opposite side also sensed the danger and quickly got up.

"Absolu, use the shadow clone to continue attacking Boss Kedora's neck!" Yu Dongqi said confidently.

"I don't believe you can still stand up after two consecutive hits!"

"Dear audience friends, player Yu Dongqi seems to have found the weakness of Boscodora, and will attack with all his strength."

"I don't know how player Jiang Jing will deal with it." Nan Xi explained quickly.

"It's a good idea, Boss Kedora attacked the first Absolu on the left." Jiang Jing said disdainfully.


"Absolu ran to the left!" Yu Dongqi shouted.

"There are many~"

Boss Kedora resolutely decided to change the direction of attack, and shot at the first Absolu on the left.

The dazzling beam of light pierced through the air, and the opponent wanted to run away, but the speed at which it could be seen with the naked eye slowed down, and he did not escape at all.

This made Boss Kedora a little astonished, this guy's speed slowed down a lot.

The cannon light bombarded it directly.

Absolu himself did not give up.

When it knew it couldn't escape, it launched a counterattack.

Deep black energy bloomed in the eyes again.

A terrifying aura full of malice erupted from its body.

Waves of Evil!

The terrifying aura collided with the beam of light in an instant.

The violent collision between the two sides lasted less than a second, and the huge beam of light blasted the terrifying aura directly, and the spiral beam of light hit Absol's body firmly.



Absol felt a huge pain attacking its body, which was many times stronger than the previous pain.

Its body was also thrown out uncontrollably, and slammed into the wall fiercely.

The wall has been restored to its original state after previous repairs, and such an attack directly caused cracks to appear on the wall again, and Absolu was directly embedded in it.

When the beam of light dissipated, Absolu's white body embedded in it was covered with scars, and he passed out in a miserable coma with his eyes closed.

"There are many~"

Boscodora, who had released another big move, finally couldn't hold on anymore, and stayed where he was panting, especially the constant pain in his neck.

Boss Kedora has released too many big moves, and his energy is almost exhausted.

The superb cannon light cannon is indeed too energy-consuming.

"Absolu has lost his ability to fight, so Boscodora won the victory." The referee announced.


Absolu's profile picture on the large LED screen instantly dimmed.

"How is it possible? My Absolu level is obviously higher than your Boscodora, and I have used three sets of enhancers. How can I lose so easily."

Seeing this scene, Yu Dongqi's face changed drastically. He couldn't accept that his Absolu lost his fighting ability so quickly.

Jiang Jing finally understood, no wonder Absolu was stronger than Tong Lijun at the same level of 50.

Feelings use three sets of enhancers.

You must know that enhancers are extremely rare things.

Even the rich second generation of Lin Shaocong's level only used two sets of enhancers for his six elves.

This guy is directly three sets of enhancers.

Coupled with the fact that this guy has quasi-god as his trump card, no wonder he can become the captain.

The enhancer can strengthen in all directions, which is much stronger than a single increase of one level.

And Yu Dongqi's elf also saw something.

Lin Shaocong said that Dongqi has a particularly strong fighting intuition, and can rely on intuition to predict the opponent's attack direction.

It can even detect the vital points of the opponent.

This is scary.

He was also the one who discovered the reason why Absolu was able to hit Boscodora just now.

At the same time, if Absolu didn't slow down the cannon light cannon behind Boss Kedora, if he continued to run fast to the left, he might really be able to escape the attack.

It's a pity that Absolu's ability to resist blows is really poor. After being hit by Boss Kedora, his speed dropped extremely severely.

Jiang Jing looked at Yu Dongqi and taunted, "Why didn't you lose?"

"How strong do you think Absolu is? Is it at this level?"

"The ability to resist blows is too poor. After being hit by Boss Kedora, the strength has been reduced so much."

"Did you not train well at all?"

The last blow obviously hit Yu Dongqi's sore spot.

Because Jiang Jing was right, Yu Dongqi's usual training was indeed not hard enough.

He roared a little angrily: "You know what a fart, you started to teach me before you won."

"Look how I beat you!"

After speaking, he took out the second poke ball and threw it out.

"Go, Mimi Q!"

Another specially made black elf ball was thrown into the air.

A petite body appeared on the ground.

Looking at Zou Baba's Pikachu coat, it is Mimi Q.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned the past in an instant.

[Elf]: Mimi Q (Cursed Talisman)

【Attribute】: ghost, goblin

[Talent]: ★★★★

[Level]: LV50

【Characteristics】: Painted skin

[Skills]: teleportation (skilled), sharing pain (skilled), jumping (skilled), grabbing (skilled), frightening (skilled), imitation (skilled), shadow clone (skilled), garden pupil (skilled) ), Shadow Sneak Attack (Specialization), Imitation (Proficiency), Surprise Strike (Specialization), Coquettish (Proficiency), Split (Specialization), Shadow Claw (Grasp), Claw Grinding (Proficiency), Playfulness (Specialization) ), mallet (proficient), shadow ball (specialization), ghost fire (specialization)


Seeing Mimi Q's level of mastery of skills can be regarded as validating his idea.

Jiang Jing did not replace Boss Kedora either.

It needs a good test of MimiQ.


On the large LED screen, Mimi Q's profile photo also lit up.

"The battle begins!"

Most of the talents of Mimi Q, an elf, fall on speed and special defense.

But the special attack is ridiculously low, and the physical attack is also good.

The best way to defeat Boss Kedora is to attack in close quarters.

It's a pity that Boss Kedora's strongest is physical defense, and I don't know if Mimi Q can move.

"Mimi Q, use shadow clone, shadow ball!"

I saw Mimi Q's petite body rushing toward Boscodora like a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, more than a dozen clones split out in an instant, releasing the shadow ball together.

The purple ghost energy quickly surged out of their bodies.

The ghost energy was condensed and compressed in front of them into three layers of colored energy balls, which were released in one go.

"The shadow clone is no longer useful to Boss Kedora."

"Boss Cordora, use the Cannon Light Cannon on the first Mimi Q on the right!"

"Mimi Q, run fast!"

Yu Dongqi didn't know how Jiang Jing cracked the shadow clone skill. It just wants to quickly defeat Boscodora.

The shadow balls were launched towards Boss Kedora's neck.

"There are many~"

And Boss Kedora also released the cannon light cannon again.

The dazzling beam of light blasted towards Mimi Q.

It ran fast, and the clone that was strafed instantly turned into energy fragments and dissipated in the air.

Mimi Q was able to quickly approach Boscodora while being chased by the cannon.

Just when it was about to approach Boscodora.

Boss Kedora showed a ferocious smile.

I saw that the straight cannon light it released actually started to branch.

The beam of light split into five parts and scattered around.

Mimi Q was blocked from all attacking space this time.

The beam of light directly bombarded its body.


"Can the cannon light cannon be separated?" Yu Dongqi was shocked instantly.

Even though the power has been reduced due to the fact that it is divided into five parts, it still caused huge damage to Mimi Q.

After all, the steel type is twice as strong against it.

Still with all kinds of boosts, even if its special defense has reached its peak, as long as it is hit, it is enough to kill half of its life.

Mimi Q's body was directly sent flying under the attack.

It fell hard to the ground, and Pikachu's doll costume was also splashed with dust, mud and grass clippings.

The ability of the cannon light cannon to disperse and launch is naturally a new use of skills that Boss Kedora has realized.

It's just that I just figured it out, and I'm not very proficient in using it.

Jiang Jing was a little surprised by this, and Boss Kedora actually brought him a pleasant surprise.

However, Boss Kedora, who has performed this blow, is about to reach his limit. The biggest weakness of Boss Kedora is that he is too big, slow, and has little physical strength.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing also felt that it was almost done.

So he took out the poke ball from his pocket and took Boscodora back into the ball.

"Come back, Boscodora, and rest well."

"Let's leave it to the golden monster in the end!"

"Dear audience friends, we can see that player Yu Dongqi's mysterious Q roar was repelled with one blow, and player Jiang Jing did not choose to pursue the victory."

"Instead, Boss Kedora was taken back into the poke ball. It seems that it has exhausted its strength."

"Next, there will be only the last elf left for Jiang Jing, and it is also the elf that has never had any problems appearing on the competition stage. Let us wait and see." Nan Xi said with some expectation.

The curiosity of the audience was also raised.

Jiang Jing took out the last elf ball from his belt and threw it out.

"Megro, it's your turn to play."

The poke ball opened under the eyes of everyone, and a huge body appeared in the air.

"Come on~"

Accompanied by the rich voice of the golden monster, it appeared on the arena, which also represented the first time that the golden monster appeared on the big stage.

Xiao Zhihang above the auditorium said expectantly: "It's finally on the stage, let me see how strong this strange-colored giant metal monster is."

"Yeah, it's time to show up after hiding for so long." Xiao Zhimo sighed.

"Damn it, I almost won, but I took it back." Yu Dongqi cursed.

"Hmph, even if it's a golden monster, I can still defeat you."

"Mimi Q, use the shadow ball!"

At this time, Mimi Q also got up from the ground, once again mobilized the energy of the ghost system to condense into a shadow ball and launched it towards the giant golden monster in the sky.

"Megan monster, use your mind power!"

"Come on!"

A yellow light burst out from the eyes of the giant metal monster.

A majestic thought force like the ocean erupted from his body.

Wrapped on top of the shadow ball.

With a slight deflection, the shadow ball brushed against the Metagro's body and exploded, without affecting it at all.


Yu Dongqi looked in disbelief, Mimi Q's shadow ball was dodged so easily.

It's just unimaginable.

Jiang Jing said, "Yu Dongqi, take a good look at how my giant golden monster defeated your Mimi Q."

"Megro, use slam!"

The golden monster has learned to see through it now, and its characteristic painted skin has been used before, so it can't catch this blow.

"Come on~"

The metal body of the giant metal quickly folded together in the air, turned into a steel spaceship and rushed out.

Everyone in the auditorium saw nothing but an afterimage appeared in front of them.

Only by slowing down the playback on the large LED screen can we see that the giant golden monster has already rushed out.

"Mimi Q, use the mallet!"

Mimi Q finally launched its ultimate move, and green energy surged out of its body.

In the grassland environment, the energy of the grass system gradually boiled up.

Looking at the giant golden monster in the sky, it was like a steel spaceship hitting down, the air oscillated, bringing gusty winds, one could tell it was not weak at first glance.

"Both elves have launched their ultimate moves this time. I don't know who will win this collision."

Mimi Q was wrapped in green energy.

The green energy forms a cylindrical mallet on the surface of its body.

Jumping up, he couldn't hit the hammer and collided with the giant golden monster in the air.


Slam VS Gavel!

But at the moment of the collision, MimiQ's body deformed directly.

It feels like a praying mantis blocking a car, overwhelmed.

The Metagross is like a mountain of steel, it is purely hard, and it has a powerful force to hit it.

The grass-type energy around its body was instantly dissipated.

The body was knocked out like a rag, and hit the ground fiercely, forming a small pit.

There was a puff of smoke.

"Come on~"

The Metagross floated up, and calmly glanced at Mimi Q.

If this has not defeated Mimi Q, it is not a quasi-god.

"Mysterious Q!"

When the smoke dissipated, the miserable Mystery Q was revealed, and it had fallen to the ground and passed out.

Counting dozens of times in silence, there was still no response.

The referee immediately announced: "Mysterious Q loses the ability to fight, and the golden monster wins."


On the large LED screen, Mimi Q's profile picture also instantly dimmed.

Yu Dongqi now has only one elf left.

The two sides returned to the same starting line.

A large number of people began to pour into the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, it's gotten to this point."

"Yu Dongqi's strength is not very good, I thought he was very powerful before."

"Now facing Jiang Jing, it will be revealed."

"The last one of Yu Dongqi and Jiang Jing is full of blood now, but I don't know who is more powerful."

"I bet it must be Jiang Jing. Where can I see such a strong giant gold monster?"

"If you think too much, the gap between quasi-god and quasi-god will only get bigger."

"The giant gold monster is really not necessarily the opponent of Yu Dongqi's trump card."



Yu Dongqi looked at Mimi Q who had lost the ability to fight, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Another elf lost the ability to fight.

He is now the last elf left.

Once its last elf loses them, the Moda loses.

Of course, he didn't think of this now, what he was thinking about now was to defeat Jiang Jing.

This Jiang Jing actually dared to laugh at him, he wanted to make him understand what is truly powerful.

"Hmph, it's time for my trump card to play, and I will let you know my true strength."

"The gap between the quasi-god elves is also very large."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Really, then let me learn more."

After speaking, Yu Dongqi took out the elf ball



The body of the three dragons is mainly blue, covered with black fur, three pairs of wings on the back, and two rows of purple patterns on the stomach.

It has three heads, of which only the middle head is the real head, and the heads on the arms have no brains. It has only a tail and no feet.

The overall look is full of vicious temperament.

[Spirit]: Three evil dragons (Dragon's Tooth)

[attribute]: evil, dragon

[Talent]: ★★★★★

[Level]: LV50

[Characteristics]: Float

[Skills]: Power of the Earth (specialization), malicious pursuit (specialization), evil wave (specialization), energy gathering (skilled), bite (specialization), head hammer (specialization), dragon breath ( Specialization), roaring (specialization), crushing (specialization), smashing (specialization), dragon wave (specialization), self-motivation (specialization), triple attack (specialization), dragon's wrath (specialization) , Loud Sound (Specialization), Reverse Scale (Proficiency), Dragon's Dive (Specialization), Mount Tarzan (Specialization), Ghost Face (Proficiency)


The three-headed dragon is a very ferocious horror elf, only the head on the body has a brain.

Although very intelligent, her mind is full of destruction.

It flaps its six wings and keeps flying in the air. It regards everything that moves as an enemy and launches an attack. It eats and destroys everything with its three heads.

Never stop attacking until the opponent is down.

However, if in the dark, the three evil dragons will also be afraid of Sonic Dragon, and will avoid fighting until the sky darkens.

It is said that the three dragons were previously regarded as the incarnation of evil, and were constantly disgusted and attacked by people, so their temperament became violent.

There are many legends that mention the story of its destruction of the village.


When Jiang Jing saw his talent, he frowned.

With a five-star talent and a quasi-god, this opponent is definitely more masculine than Lin Shaocong's Nimeilulong.

With the quasi-god three-headed dragon with five-star talent, it is impossible for Tong Lijun's Pokkisi to be his opponent.

He had already guessed that Yu Dongqi's trump card was a quasi-god with five-star talent, and now it has been confirmed.

The talent points of the quasi-god's three evil dragons are very average, and there are almost no shortcomings, the most prominent of which is special attack.

Almost all quasi-gods have no major shortcomings.


After the three evil dragons came out, the three heads roared out at the same time, the roar filled the entire arena, and the dragon's might erupted from its body.

"Come on~"

The giant metal monster also roared loudly, and its huge momentum suppressed the three evil dragons.

It is a flash quasi-god with six-star talent, which is a level higher than your three evil dragons.

"Come out, player Yu Dongqi finally released its trump card—three evil dragons."

Looking at the three evil dragons, Yu Dongqi showed a smug smile.

"With three evil dragons, your golden monster will definitely not be my opponent."

In the rest area, Su Wei said with serious eyes: "The three dragons of Yu Dongqi are so powerful."

"Don't worry, it's definitely not Brother Jing's opponent. You have also seen the strength of Brother Jing's golden monster."

"That's right, Brother Jing will win."

Tong Lijun, who was on the opposite side, looked at Yu Dongqi's complacent look, and she couldn't help being angry. You could still laugh when you were about to lose.

Do you know how important the next battle is, and you can't calm down and think about countermeasures.

As for the coach of their Magic University, he has hardly spoken since the start of the game, because he knows that the main players of the school team will not listen to him.

So winning or losing has nothing to do with him, he just came here for a formality.

Above the auditorium, Xiao Zhihang looked at the three evil dragons and shook his head: "It's very imposing, but I don't know how much it has improved compared to last year."

Xiao Zhimo smiled disdainfully and said, "It is estimated that there is not much progress."

"Compared to the three evil dragons, I think Jiangjing's giant golden monster is more powerful."


It was another battle of quasi-gods, which instantly made the audience's expectations explode, and they were engrossed in watching the battle on the arena.

"The battle begins!" the referee announced.

"Three evil dragons, use triple attack!"

The golden monster is strong, but who would have thought that the three evil dragons could be almost immune to super power skills.

Facing quasi-gods of almost the same level, it's hard to know how many layers of Metagro's skills will be cut off.

So this battle is indeed a bit difficult for the giant golden monster.

"Mega monster, use iron wall, light wall!"

"Come on!"

The golden monster's eyes glowed with silver and yellow light.

It used two skills at the same time.

Silver-white steel energy appeared on the surface of its body.

At the same time, a yellow energy barrier was formed around its body.


The three evil dragons on the opposite side also started to attack.

I saw that it can release skills with different attributes by opening its mouth at the same time.

Fire, water flow, lightning, three skills with different attributes quickly condensed and blasted at the giant metal monster.

Triple attack!

Release the energy column from three directions.

But a wall of light was erected in front of the giant metal monster, and the skill bombardment was blocked by the wall of light in front of it.


A short second later, three energy pillars passed through the energy and blasted at the body of the giant metal monster.

I don't know how the skill power has been weakened at this time.

So it was easily hardened by the giant golden monster.

"Megro, use slam!"

Yu Dongqi frowned when he saw that the skills of the three evil dragons had no effect.

"Three evil dragons, use the wave of evil!"

The evil-type skills can double the restraint against the golden monster, but it is a pity that the three evil dragons are not equipped with evil-type props.


The three heads of the three evil dragons roared at the same time, and at the same time they began to condense energy. Black-brown energy condensed in their eyes, and the ripple-like energy was quickly released from its mouth.

Three corrugated energy shapes are released at the same time.

This is not dividing one move into three parts, but it is equivalent to using the wave of evil three times at the same time.

Although this consumes a lot of energy, it consumes less physical strength.

Only by releasing energy can you fight melee.

This is the horror of a quasi-god.

The giant metal monster didn't hesitate at all when it saw this, its bodies folded together and turned into a steel spaceship, bursting into the sky with aura.

Then it suddenly struck out, causing the air to vibrate.

The fluctuations of the three evils simultaneously changed the direction of the giant gold monster.


Rampage VS Wave of Evil!

The two sides collided fiercely in the air.

The three energy bombardments on the giant metal monster were all blocked by the light wall.

And this didn't delay the giant golden monster's attack.

The skill damage of the three wave of evil has been weakened, but the remaining power is also extremely fierce.

The impact on it is also extremely painful.

But they were all suppressed, and soon rushed to the front of the three dragons, and hit it fiercely.


With a loud noise, the three dragons were directly knocked into the air.

But he quickly stabilized his figure in the air, and it didn't seem to cause too much damage.

Jiang Jing frowned. This fight was indeed difficult, and the power was even smaller than imagined.

Moreover, the wall of light around the golden monster's body also turned into energy fragments and dissipated in the air.

The power of the three-headed dragon's move is too strong, and the light wall can't stand it anymore.

Yu Dongqi smiled disdainfully and said, "You only have such a little power."

"It seems that I think highly of you."

Jiang Jing was not angry at all and said, "This is just the beginning."

"Megro, use the arm hammer!"

"Three evil dragons, use the dragon's dive!"

The two launched a second round of attacks again.

"Come on~"

Red energy burst out from the eyes of the giant metal monster.

And the three evil dragons on the opposite side began to rush towards the sky, and it quickly vibrated the black wings behind it at an extremely fast speed.

The air oscillated, forming gusts of strong wind.

After hitting the highest point, the three heads roared, and blue-red dragon energy burst out from its body.

Its body was wrapped in a layer of dragon energy, and a violent breath erupted from it.

Then it aimed downward at the position of the giant golden monster and swooped down.

Dragon's Dive!

Now even the people above the auditorium can feel the powerful aura!

And the giant metal monster also charged towards the opponent, but it also started to spin itself.

Just like a spinning top.

Use the arm hammer on the principle of the gyro ball!

The two sides collided fiercely in the air.


A loud noise filled the entire arena.

The three dragon-shaped evil dragons carrying huge energy collided with the giant golden monster covered in red energy.

The quasi-god and the quasi-god collided violently again.


During the continuous rotation of the metal monster, the steel-like limbs accumulated a lot of strength, which was released at the moment of collision.

The moment the three evil dragons collided, the faces of the three heads changed.

This time, I felt that the body of the golden monster was really hard.

I feel that their mortal bodies should not collide with others.

Its body ached from the huge impact, and it couldn't help but roar out in pain.

Of course, the giant gold monster himself is not feeling well, the energy of the dragon element itself has a violent impact.

At the same time, the physical fitness of the three evil dragons is also extremely strong, and the physical fitness of the five-star talent will definitely not be weak.

After the two sides collided, they were knocked out in a loud noise.

"Come on~"

The giant metal monster stabilized its figure, and it also suffered a lot of damage.

Su Wei in the rest area exclaimed, "It's so fierce."

"If my Explosive Tortoise is on it, it probably won't be able to withstand even one move."

"It's really too strong."

"They really use the big move as a flat A."

"This is the strength of the top talent in the country."

Su Jincheng picked up his phone and started taking pictures.

The battle is still going on, and it is getting more and more intense.

At the level of the quasi-god, small tricks are useless. If you want to come, you have to use big ones, otherwise it will have no effect.

It's just head-to-head, it depends on who is stronger.

This is the contest between steel and dragon 2.0, and both sides have risen to quasi-god.

"Giant metal monster, use Sacrificial Charge!"

"Three evil dragons, use the reverse scale!"

The two sides released their big moves again.


Blue-red energy burst out from their bodies.

Energy erupted from the body, like a flame blazing with flames.

The three heads of the three dragons raised their heads to the sky and roared, showing ferocious eyes.

The body that wrapped them charged towards the giant golden monster again.

Reverse Scale!

"Come on~"

The giant metal monster also started to use its big move, and the silver-white light in its eyes burst out.

Its body was folded together again, and its entire body turned into a steel spaceship, which was wrapped up and charged towards the three evil dragons.

Its body was wrapped in burning steel energy.

The energy in its body is also running crazily.

It runs to every corner of the body, causing the body structure to become harder again.

Sacrifice and dash!

This time the two sides collided fiercely in the air.

Another violent collision.

The air also arouses a large amount of energy splashing in the collision between the two sides.

"Everyone in the audience, we can see that both sides are using powerful skills again this time."

"The skill of Reversing Scale and the skill of sacrificing the collision collided. I don't know who can gain the upper hand." Nanxi explained passionately.

This is the most exciting match, too exciting.


The two sides collided fiercely again.

Both sides have felt the power of each other's skills, and this time they are trying their best to overthrow the opponent.

With a loud bang, the impact of the strength and energy of both sides formed a huge explosion.

In the range of the explosion, the two were also rushed out under the impact of energy.

"Come on~"

The golden monster was floating in the air, and there were many scars on its body, all of which were left by the skills of the three evil dragons.

It began to pant heavily, it had already begun to feel tired, and the successive collisions with its opponents also accelerated the exhaustion of its physical strength.

What's more, the three evil dragons are not weak.

The level is a full six levels higher than it, and the energy in the body does not know how much higher.

And the three dragons on the opposite side who almost hit the ground didn't feel well either. There were many wounds on their body, and it also felt a burst of pain and fatigue.

These injuries stimulated their nerves, causing them to rush into their hearts with anger, wishing to tear the giant golden monster into pieces.

"Damn! Why is this guy so tenacious!" Yu Dongqi was a little anxious.

The delay in defeating the golden monster made him a little anxious and annoyed.

"It doesn't matter, the last blow will definitely defeat it." Yu Dongqi widened his eyes and regained his confidence.

"Jiang Jing, you are lucky, let me show you the ultimate move of my three evil dragons!"

"Three evil dragons, use Dragon's Fury, Dragon's Wave, and Dragon's Breath at the same time!"

I saw him pointing at the giant golden monster and said loudly.

He uttered three dragon-type skills in one breath, in order to let the three evil dragons release three dragon-type skills in one breath.

This requires a huge amount of energy, and it can be said to be the ultimate move of the three evil dragons.

After using this trick, it can be said that the energy of the three evil dragons will be drained.


The three evil dragons let out their own roars, and the dragon energy in their bodies gushed out frantically.

At the same time, the dragon's tooth in its body was also activated, and the dragon's energy seemed to be blessed by mysterious power and began to boil crazily.

The three heads each condensed their own skills.

Dragon skills of different colors condensed in their mouths.

First of all, the dragon's breath is a green flame, the dragon's wave is a blue-red flame, and the dragon's wrath is a crimson violent flame.

The entire arena is filled with powerful Longwei, and its skills have been condensed.

Then release them at the same time.

Dragon's Breath!

Dragon Wave!

Dragon's Fury!

Three energy pillars of different shapes and colors were launched.

Even when it activated its skills, the giant golden monster was not idle.

"Mega monster, use Comet Punch!"

"Come on~"

The Metagross roared and started to launch its ultimate move. In such a tense atmosphere, when it used Comet Fist, it suddenly came up with a lot of ideas.

The way of performing Comet Fist has begun to change in its mind.

Its body quickly came together.

It turned into a columnar body, and at the same time a stream of steel energy began to surround the body covering the surface of the body as if it were a whole.

Its body seemed to undergo a strange change and began to heat up.

Then it began to spin crazily, faster and faster.

It seems that some kind of energy is being accumulated in the body, and the breath is getting more and more terrifying.

Once installed, it will explode with incredible power.

Get ready to yell and it'll hit, down like a dazzling comet.

Comet Punch!

"This is... Comet Fist?!"

"Could it be..."

Jiang Jing was surprised to see the already completely different Comet Fist.

"The most exciting thing has come. The three evil dragons and the giant golden monster have already unleashed their strongest moves."

"Who will win the final victory between the three skills of Dragon's Fury and the Huixing Fist of the giant metal monster?"

"Everyone in the audience, don't blink your eyes, because you may miss such a wonderful game." Nanxi has already explained quickly with her loudest voice.

The outcome will be decided, and the result will be after this blow.

Under the eyes of everyone, the two elves collided with each other with their ultimate moves.

The superb Comet Fist VS Dragon's Fury + Dragon's Wave + Dragon's Breath!

Three evil dragons: dragon type + props dragon's tooth!

Metagross: Steel type + metal film for props!

This is the strongest blow of the two elves.

Both Yu Dongqi and Jiang Jing stared at the two sides colliding in the arena.


With a loud noise, the two sides collided fiercely.


"Come on!"

The three evil dragons and the giant golden monster all felt the huge impact and slammed on the body here.

The dragon skills of the same origin but different shapes make it painful.

And the three evil dragons also felt the super heavy blow of the giant metal monster, and their bodies were almost unable to withstand the energy impact under this impact in an instant.

I saw that the body of the giant metal monster quickly broke through the three energy pillars and hit the three dragons hard.

It was like a comet hitting him hard.


There was another loud noise, and a huge explosion was formed in everyone's sight.

The two elves suffered the most.

In the energy shock wave, a huge smoke enveloped the entire arena.

All the audience could not see clearly what was going on inside.

After the explosion, the entire arena was silent, without a sound.

I don't know how many seconds passed in this way, and the smoke slowly dispersed under the majestic blowing.

The first thing that catches the eye is the entire grass arena, which is now a mess.

Several giant trees were crushed.

And the three evil dragons and the giant golden monster hit the ground heavily, forming shallow pits embedded in it.

The two elves were covered in scars, gravel and dust.


The giant golden monster opened its eyes and felt the severe pain on its body. After a while, it mobilized its mental power and floated its body from the ground.

Looking at the three evil dragons on the opposite side, their eyes were closed at this time, and they didn't respond at all.

Yu Dongqi felt a little anxious seeing this scene.

"Three evil dragons, get up!"

But no matter how much he yelled, there was no movement.

The hearts of the audience were beating thumpingly.

Because the winner is about to be announced!

Unknowingly, ten seconds passed, and the three evil dragons still didn't wake up.

"The three dragons lose their ability to fight, and the golden monster wins."

"Because Yu Dongqi's three spirits have lost their ability to fight, so the winner is Jiang Jing!"


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