This trainer is 100 million points stronger

Chapter 292 Entering the Dragon Nest (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

Jiang Jing looked at Gu Nanchi, who hadn't seen him for a year, and felt that the other party hadn't changed at all, and his aura was still strong.

Gu Nanchi: "Come in!"

After the two came in, they found a seat and sat down.

Green tea was already steaming in the teacup on the table.

"Try it!"

Taking a sip of Jiangjing tea, it feels no different from other teas.

"Good tea!"

Gu Nanchi smiled and did not expose Jiang Jing, but said: "Time is tight, Dragon Valley will open tomorrow."

"You can also enter the Dragon Valley."

"Let me tell you some points that need attention, these are not available on the Internet."

"Dragon Nest is the largest secret place in our country."

"The size is about the size of Taiwan Island, and all the people living in it are dragons or elves with dragon blood."

"Don't look at the extremely rare dragon elves outside, but in the Dragon Valley, there are a lot of them."

"According to incomplete statistics, there are close to tens of thousands of dragon elves inside."

"Of course, these are just rough statistics.

No one knows exactly how many people there are. "

"Although we have connections with Dragon Nest, we cannot enter it for a long time."

"As for a very small number of people, they will be allowed to live in it for a long time."

"And we also made an agreement with them that every year there will be a certain number of places to enter to subdue elves."

"Whether it's fighting or verbally subduing is allowed, as long as you don't use low-level methods."

"It takes three days to enter it. If you don't receive the elf within three days, it will be considered a failure."

"Of course, it's best not to attack the elves inside at will."

"Of course it's best if you have dragon-type elf food."

Jiang Jing nodded and wrote down everything Gu Nanchi said.

Then he said a lot of precautions.

"In the end, there are fourteen people who went in with you. They may challenge you. You should decide whether to accept the challenge or not."

"Of course the most important thing is to subdue the dragon elves inside. Everything else is trivial."

Jiang Jing nodded and said, "Understood, I have written it all down."

Gu Nanchi: "Xiao Lie, take Jiang Jing to rest."

Shen Lie nodded and said, "Okay, Master!"

After the two of them left the room, Shen Lie said next to him: "Actually, just listen to these. It's not a problem to subdue a dragon elf with your strength."

"By the way, let's have another battle tonight. I want to see how strong your golden monster is."

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Of course I have no problem, I'm just afraid that you will lose too quickly."

"Just kidding, my psychological quality is not comparable to others."

Shen Lie patted his chest and said.

Jiang Jing just smiled and didn't speak.

after an hour

Tianlong Dojo inner arena

"Aluminum Steel Dragon, use the Cannon Light Cannon!"

The aluminum-steel dragon's mouth opened, and a large amount of steel energy from its body poured into its mouth in an instant, turning into a huge beam of light and shooting it out.

Cannon Cannon!

"Giant metal monster, use Sacrificial Charge!"

"Come on~"

The giant golden monster showed a rushing momentum all over its body, and the energy around it frantically condensed, as if a flame was burning.

The bodies folded together and turned into a steel spaceship, which was launched.

Sacrifice and dash!

The entire arena is a blast of energized energy.


The skills of the two sides collided in the arena.

Sacrificial collision VS cannon light cannon!

A huge explosion formed in the arena, and the light illuminated the entire arena.

In the black smoke of the explosion, the giant golden monster continued to attack.

The body was like steel and slammed into the aluminum steel dragon's body.

The sound of huge steel collisions resounded throughout the arena.

A large piece of sparks formed in an instant, and then its body could be seen flying out.


Aluminum Steel Dragon felt a huge force hitting his body.

The body lost control in an instant, until it hit the ground and it felt severe pain.

The body also seemed to be smashed into pieces, lying in the deep pit and unable to move.

After the smoke dissipated, only the aluminum steel dragon had fallen on the ground and lost its fighting ability.

"Aluminum Steel Dragon!"

Shen Lie shouted, but he didn't respond at all.

Jiang Jing's eyes looked at the aluminum steel dragon, and its data naturally appeared in his eyes.

【Elf】: Aluminum Steel Dragon (Metal Film)

【Attribute】: Dragon, Steel

[Talent]: ★★★★

[Level]: LV44

[Characteristic]: Perseverance



"Shen Lie, sorry, I won."

To be honest, Shen Lie's improvement speed was already very fast, and it took a year for Aluminum Steel Dragon to rise from level 38 to level 44, but Jiang Jing started to hang up.

Now the giant gold monster can basically kill elves with a level higher than itself in one move.

"Fuck, this is too strong, I was killed in seconds?"

Shen Lie couldn't accept such a result, and his expression was unbelievable.

Is the gap between them already that big? It's only been a year!

He suddenly felt hopeless.

"What's the matter, I've said it all, I'm afraid you will be hit."

Shen Lie said helplessly: "It's not like I haven't seen a genius before, but there's no one like you."

"Forget it, I'm fine, let's go first." After finishing speaking, he left.

Jiang Jing knew that Shen Lie was definitely not feeling well right now.

He also returned to his room in his heart, this time it was not the guest house he stayed in, but a more luxurious room.

Dragon patterns can be seen everywhere in the room. Sitting at the table, he began to recall what Master Gu Nanchi said today.

Dragon Nest is full of dragon elves, and quasi-gods are naturally not missing.

According to the principle that dragon elves have a long lifespan, the stronger their strength, the longer they will live.

It is said that many of them are quasi-god elves who have been pure since the elves came. It is hard to imagine how strong they will be.

Of course, since there is a secret realm, there will naturally be a leader.

It is said that Dragon Nest learned the human system and formed its own organization.

It is a presbytery composed of the strongest of various elf groups.

In the Presbyterian Church there is one leader, and the others are elders.

The leader will be replaced every fifty years, and the competition for the leader needs to rely on strength to compete.

This year is Lie Bite Lu Shark as the leader.

Of course, the leader has always been the quasi-god. It is too difficult for other dragon elves to take the role. They are not the opponents of the quasi-god at all.

The entire Dragon Valley is divided into several territories, one for each dragon quasi-god.

As for what kind of dragon elves are in its territory.

There are currently seven kinds of dragon quasi-gods, so they are divided into seven territories.

If you want to subdue the quasi-god, you can only go to the corresponding site.

He hasn't decided what elf he wants to subdue yet, but he is unwilling to subdue the quasi-god.

One quasi-god is hard enough to cultivate, and another one that not many families can survive.

Even the Yulong family like Jiang Hao and the others are like this.

Mainly not worth it.

First of all, ordinary people will pour a lot of resources into the quasi-god after they lock in the quasi-god as their trump card.

And because its level promotion is too slow, if you want to speed up, you can only continue to add resources.

Breeding two quasi-gods looks quite majestic, but it is a very stupid behavior.

In this case, it is difficult to determine who is the main trump card, and at the same time, more resources need to be spent on the two elves.

If the trump card is determined, if the other one is raised as an ordinary elf, the progress may not be able to keep up. It is better to raise an ordinary elf.

Of course, it may also lead to conflicts in the team. No one is willing to be the opponent's younger brother if they are all quasi-gods.

So for trainers, a quasi-god is the optimal structure.

The same is true for Jiang Jing, if he trains another quasi-god, he will not be able to enter the main lineup, which is a bit of a waste.

So it's better to subdue another dragon elf.

At that time, he will not be weaker than the quasi-god.

Thinking of this, he began to think about what kind of dragon elves he should subdue.

He took out his phone and listed all non-dragon elves, and elves with dragon blood but not dragons were no longer in his consideration.

Then there are fewer sprites to choose from.

After thinking for a long time, there was no result, so he stopped entangled. He took a step and looked at it, and he would naturally subdue it when he saw a fate.

Thinking of this, he no longer struggled.


Shen Lie on the other side was sitting on a balcony at this time, from his position he could have a panoramic view of the entire Tianlong Dojo.

He is a little melancholy now, today's battle has completely hit him.

"I knew you'd be here, what happened?"

A gentle male voice came from beside him.

Shen Lie turned his head to look, and there was an extremely strong figure standing next to him, with large muscles, a broad chest, regular features, and a Chinese character face.

"Second Senior Brother, it's you!"

Then he told about the loss to Jiang Jing today.

"So it's this matter, I thought it was a big deal?" The second senior brother relaxed and sat down beside him.

"It's not that bad. Jiang Jing is no ordinary person."

"Master said that it is rare to see someone like Jiang Jing in a hundred years."

"There is no shame in losing to him, just sit here with us and train hard."

Shen Lie smiled wryly: "It's not that I don't know, but I still feel a little uncomfortable when it really happened."

The second senior brother continued: "Just take your time."

"Every city has its own way, and we just need to walk our own way."

"If you lose, train hard and try to beat your opponent next time."

"Isn't this the true words of the elder brother?"


The location of Dragon Valley is opposite to the valley behind Tianlong Dojo.

There is a barrier there, and only special means can open the barrier and enter the Dragon Nest.

In the morning, after Jiang Jing got up and had breakfast, he was dragged into a small courtyard.

Apart from Shen Lie and Gu Nanchi, there were four other people inside.

It should be the one who wants to go with him.

They were also a little surprised when they saw Jiang Jing, and they all recognized him.

"Fuck, Jiang Jing, he's going to Dragon Valley too."

"It's actually Jiang Jing."

Jiang Jing gave them a friendly smile, mainly because they didn't look very old, about 17 or 8 years old.

I saw a boy who looked a little handsome and came up directly.

"You're Jingshen, right? I'm a little excited to be able to meet you here without finding it."

"You want to go to Dragon Valley with us too?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said, "Of course, since I'm here, I'm going to Dragon Nest together."

The boy smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Lynch, and this time I'm going to the Dragon Valley, I want to tame a round land shark!"

Jiang Jing complimented, "Then you can definitely do it."

Another chubby boy said: "What's so good about the round land shark, the baby dragon is the strongest."

A kawaii-looking girl next to her said, "What a wonderful miniature dragon, and the final evolution is also very cute."

Jiang Jing listened silently by the side, and everyone was awesome, and he was quasi-godly when he spoke.

I don't know if it's true or not.

He is not very old, but his tone is quite big.

He suddenly thought, what if they didn't subdue the elves after going in? Isn't the quota this time wasted?

Is it possible to find a way to get another one from other places?

It seems that this is really possible.

No matter how you say it is someone who can get a quota, it is no problem to get another dragon elf.

After all, the number of places and quasi-gods, it is better to get a number of places.

Seeing that everyone was here, Gu Nanchi said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

So the people set off.

They came to the outside of Tianlong Dojo, and there were already several cars waiting here.

All are black off-road vehicles, and two people sit in one.

Jiang Jing and the man named Lynch were sitting in one.

As soon as he got into the car, Lynch asked curiously, "Jingshen, I'm your fan."

"How does summer league feel? Are you nervous on stage in the Finals?"

Jiang Jing replied lightly: "It's okay, I'm a little nervous, worried that I'll lose the game."

"It was an extraordinary feeling to play in front of so many spectators."

Lynch continued to ask: "Then how do you train your elves? How do you usually train them?"

When Jiang Jing heard this question, he answered him casually.

The two chatted halfway like this, and Lynch stopped asking him, but talked about other topics.

Lynch himself said: "My dad told me that as long as I enter the Dragon Nest this time, as long as I have special elf food, it can enhance the dragon elves' affection for me."

"Especially some elves that haven't yet evolved, and their vigilance is not high. They also want to go out to see the gorgeous world outside, and the success rate is still very high."

Good guy, Jiang Jing has to sigh that these guys are really prepared.

Know that elves that have evolved are not good at tricking tools towards those that haven't.

But starting with food is indeed a good choice.

The elf food outside itself is a rare delicacy for dragon elves.

What's more, it is specially made, which will definitely make countless dragon elves drool.

Then Lynch took out an ordinary gray packaging bag from his backpack and handed it over:

"Jingshen, I'll send you a bag, you're welcome."

"Give me a bag, won't you be short?"

Lynch smiled and said, "I still have several bags."

Jiang Jing also took it without politeness: "Then I will not be polite."

"That's right, you're welcome, Jingshen remember to sign for me."

"This is no problem."

In the process of chatting, they also reached their destination unconsciously.

The SUV stopped.

Jiang Jing could see through the car window that many people had already arrived in this area, and there were even several buildings.

There are also a lot of various machinery and equipment, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

There is a mechanical gate standing alone on the top. The mechanical gate is four meters long and wide, which can be said to be very large.

After Jiang Jing came down, someone had already greeted him.

Jiang Jing's attention suddenly fell on an elf with a body like a human old man not far away.

This is a dragon elf—Old Man Dragon.

Old Man Dragon is a turquoise dragon with light green parts on its body.

It has white hair on the top of its head, chin, belly and tail, making it look like an old man.

It has yellow eyebrows and pink eyes.

【Spirit】: Old Man Dragon

【Attribute】: Dragon, General

[Talent]: ★★★★

【Grade】: LV65

[Characteristics]: Raging to the sky



Laowenlong lives in a non-group way on mountains with an altitude of more than 3000m.

Since it cannot obtain its food tree fruit on the mountain, it will descend to the foot of the mountain at dawn to eat.

Although he is usually a very kind elf, when a friendly child encounters misfortune, the old man dragon will become extremely angry. At that time, the "dragon's breath" can even reach the power to blow away buildings!

Old Man Long likes to communicate with people and elves the most.

She is especially gentle with children, and often haunts parks and schools where children gather.


Good guy, I saw such a high-level dragon elf as soon as I came here.

If you enter the Dragon Valley, you can see higher-level dragon elves?

After everyone came down, they came directly to the gate of the machine. Shen Lie introduced to the five people:

"This gate is the entrance to the secret realm of Dragon Valley, and you will need to enter the gate to enter later."

After Jiang Jing heard this, he looked around for a week and saw many people gathered at the door, many of them were young boys and girls.

And he also saw acquaintances.


I saw a person walking towards him, the person who came was handsome, it was Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, you also want to enter the Dragon Valley. You already have a lot of dragon elves on your body, and you still want to go in to subdue the elves?"

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "Dragon Valley is already managed by my family, so I can enter if I want to."

"And I don't have as many dragons as you might imagine."

There is indeed nothing wrong with what Jiang Hao said.

The Jiang family is a Yulong family, and the whole family can be said to be dragon trainers.

They were the first to discover the existence of the Dragon Valley secret realm, and at the same time established contact with the dragon elves inside.

In the end, we cooperated with the country to get the quota for the Dragon Valley.

It can be said that the Jiang family is currently the strongest family in Huaguo.

Hua Guo's current Dragon King is the Jiang family, and he is also related to Jiang Hao by blood.

These are all seen on the Internet, after the identification of Su Wei and Su Jincheng, Ding Zhen took a look.

While they were chatting, more and more people gathered here.

On the other side, Gu Nanchi was chatting with someone.

The other party was a big man in his forties, with muscles all over his body, wearing a blue waistcoat.

"Master Gu, long time no see. I didn't expect you to bring someone here again this year."

Master Gu laughed and said, "It's been a long time. I can lead the team to ensure safety. After all, we brought them here from the Tianlong Dojo. No matter how you say it, we have to prove their safety."

The man in the vest said, "I never thought Jiang Jing would come here."

"He is very famous now, and many people around me know him."

"I don't know how many dragon elves have lost to him. I guess someone will definitely challenge him by then."

Gu Nanchi said with a smile: "Since you want to challenge him, you must be prepared to lose."

"I guess Jiang Jing thinks so too."

The big man from the Ma family smiled and said, "That's interesting, I'll stay here and watch the show."

Jiang Hao returned to his team, and there were several people around him.

"Jiang Hao, it seems that you have a good relationship with Jiang Jing."

Suddenly, a handsome-looking man wearing black characters and horseshoe boots asked curiously.

But the tone was somewhat arrogant and condescending.

In fact, several of them have such temperament.

Even Jiang Hao himself is the same.

As the strongest family in Huaguo, they have such a temperament, and they really don't think highly of others.

"Yes, Brother Haitang, the relationship is average, it's just a battle." Jiang Hao replied.

The person who spoke just now was one of his cousins, Jiang Hai, the son of his second uncle.

He is three years older than him and has graduated for a year.

Jiang Hai smiled disdainfully and said, "Jiang Hao, you still don't work hard enough, you will lose to him."

"Our Jiang family is the strongest existence among our peers."

Jiang Hao: "Jiang Jing is different, he has already defeated Xiao Zhihang, who was two years senior."

Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment and thought for a while before he came back to his senses and said, "It seems so."

"I thought he was a senior too."

Jiang Hao was a little speechless, this cousin really has this bad habit, he just loves to play too much, and staying up late is also a common thing, so sometimes his brain becomes not so good.

Jiang Hai smiled and said, "I'll go and play with Jiang Jing after I come out, and I want to see the strength of this champion."

Jiang Jing naturally didn't know what everyone thought.

He is observing the mechanical gate now, and at the same time, he began to recall the map of Dragon Valley in his mind.

Time passed slowly, and the staff was almost there.

Lin Qi whispered next to Jiang Jing: "Jing Shen, there are probably more than 20 people who entered Dragon Nest this time."

Jiang Jing nodded his head to express his understanding, and then saw a big man in blue horse clothes come out and said, "Everyone, be quiet, let me say a few words."

As soon as he wrote and spoke, everyone fell silent.

The man in the vest continued: "I know that the purpose of everyone entering Dragon Nest is to subdue the elves you like."

"I must have told you some of the rules and precautions of Dragon Nest."

"You must abide by the rules. If something happens because you violate the rules, you will bear the consequences."

"Okay, then just wait quietly."

The time slowly came to 9:30, I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly the door of the machine started to operate.

There was a "buzzing" sound, and the lights above also lit up.

Everyone guessed that the door was about to open.

I saw that the air in the gate suddenly twisted, as if the invisible stability kept twisting.

Jiang Jing felt that all kinds of energy particles around him boiled instantly.

In the next second, a head emerged from the air.

Yellow head, round eyes, eyes full of clarity and stupidity.

This frightened a large group of people, and a head appeared out of nowhere.

And this head is the head of Kuailong, that is, hypertrophy.

It is the only one that does not match the temperament of the dragon at all.

I saw the body of the fast dragon quickly came out of the gate, with a white satchel on its waist.

Looks like a schoolboy.

Jiang Jing's data eye scanned the past in an instant.

[Spirit]: Fast Dragon

【Attribute】: Dragon, Flying

[Talent]: ★★★★★

[Level]: LV70

[Characteristics]: Mental Power



Jiang Jing gasped. This fast dragon looks cute on the surface, but its level is as high as 70, and it is still a five-star talent.

He can be said to be the most talented and the highest level besides Lin Tianyi.

Kuailong looked at the group of people around curiously, it has been staying in the Dragon Valley all the time.

It only comes out about twice a year.

The man in the vest said: "Let me introduce to you, this is the envoy of Dragon Nest. Generally, we rely on him to communicate with Dragon Nest."

Now the door is open and everyone goes in.

Give us your credentials to check, and you can go in if there is no problem.

Everyone took out their vouchers one after another, and saw a staff member holding a cuboid-shaped instrument.

The credential needs to be tested, and if it is true, the light on it will turn green.

As everyone qualified, they all couldn't wait to enter the Dragon Nest.


After Jiang Jing passed the test, he also embarked on the journey to the Dragon Valley to subdue the elves.

Soon he appeared in front of the gate, and stretched out his hand through the gate. In his sight, the palm of his hand that passed the gate seemed to be cut flat by a knife, and the entire palm disappeared.

But he could still clearly feel his palm.

So he continued to walk forward, his whole body completely passed through the gate, and his body disappeared from everyone's sight.

After seeing it, Gu Nanchi said to himself, "See you in three days."

The river scene on the other side felt like he had entered the water.

When I opened my eyes again, the scene in front of me completely changed.

They are in a forest right now.

Surrounded by green trees and bushes.

And here also has a mechanical gate.

The others in front moved forward, and he followed suit.

When he came to a side slope and looked down, his eyes widened as if he saw something extraordinary.

From its position, it can be judged that they are on a high mountain, and from this position, a huge volcano not far away can be seen.

Surrounding the volcano is a dense forest.

From time to time, the roar of elves came.

A figure appeared in its sight, it was a fire-breathing dragon.

It flapped its wings and flew in the forest, followed by several fire-breathing dragons.

Not just fire-breathing dragons, but also fossilized pterosaurs, Tanabata blue birds, tropical dragons, sonic dragons...

An elf that is not a dragon is an elf with a dragon in its name.

The rare dragon elves can be seen everywhere here.

In its notification, the energy of the dragon element inside is extremely strong, and the boiling is simply outrageous.

As long as the dragon-type elves can burst out stronger than usual in it.

"Haha, this is Dragon Nest, it's really a paradise for dragon elves."

"I must subdue a miniature dragon, here I come."

A boy yelled and threw a poke ball.

A Bi Diao was released.

Jiang Jing's data eyes scanned the past in an instant.

【Spirit】: Bi Diao

[attribute]: flight, general

[Talent]: ★★★

【Level】: LV56

[Characteristics]: sharp eyes



Just looking at the level, you can tell that this bidiao is not his elf, it should be lent to it by his family.

The boy jumped on Bi Diao's back, and flew away under Bi Diao's lead.

"I want to tame the Yuanlu shark!" Another boy flew away in a crow.

"I want to subdue the baby dragon!"

"I want to subdue the single-headed dragon!"


Several teenagers and girls finished talking like this, and their goals were either to fly away, or to leave in the elf.

"Jiang Jing, I'm leaving first."

I saw Jiang Hao flying up into the sky in his Tanabata blue bird and disappearing from sight.

"Jingshen, I'm leaving first, see you in three days." Lynch who was behind had already left on a flaming horse.

【Elf】: Flame Horse

[attribute]: fire

[Talent]: ★★★

【Grade】: LV52

【Characteristics】: Ignition



After a while, everyone left, especially those from the Jiang family who basically flew away on dragon-type elves.

Jiang Jing was the only one left in place.

He has not yet determined the goal of subduing, so he can only take one step at a time.

Of course, it doesn't have to worry, because according to the rules, if the elves in Dragon Nest see people coming in, as long as they don't attack the elves.

They also cannot attack.

If the elf inside attacks itself, it can also counterattack.

"Everyone come out!"

Jiang Jing released all the elves, and came to the Dragon Valley so rarely that the golden monsters could breathe fresh air.

"Come on~"

"There are many~"



The giant metal monsters, Boss Cordora, they showed their figures in a burst of light.

As soon as Boshi Kedora came out, he felt the primitive atmosphere in the Dragon Valley, which was too pure.

But the dragon energy in the air is stronger than any other attribute.

"Come on~"

The giant golden monster also felt that something was wrong. If Lie Bite Lu Shark fought against it in the Dragon Valley, he might not be able to win.


The steel armored crow spread its wings and flew into the air.

It can feel that there are too many powerful opponents in Dragon Nest.

But it also makes it excited, and it will definitely not lack opponents here.



Lucario and Wind Speed ​​Dog are also very curious about it.

"Let's go, let's take a stroll. We have three days, and we are not in a hurry."

So Jiang Jing took the elves for a stroll.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Jing was leisurely in the forest again.

Although Dragon Valley is much safer than the wild, it is also much more empty.

The main reason is that there are too few elves.

He walked for a long time and didn't see a single elf, can you believe it?

The whole Dragon Nest seems to be too big.

Otherwise the density would not be so high.

After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped, his ears moved, and he heard movement not far ahead.

He suddenly quickened his pace and walked over.

Pushing aside the leaves blocking the front, I saw two elves chatting on a big tree not far away.

It turned out to be eating fruit worms and Feng Milong.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he opened the Data Eye and scanned the past.

The gnawing fruit worm looks like an apple, except that the eyes and tail of the caterpillar hiding in it are exposed on the apple.

However, the apples on the gnawing fruit worms look different from ordinary apples.

The stalks of an ordinary apple become the eyes of the apple bug.

The pattern on the lower part of the apple on the gnawing fruit insect looks like the mouth of the apple insect, with two small fang-like patterns.

[Spirit]: Eating fruit worms

【Attribute】: Grass, Dragon


【Level】: LV12

[Characteristics]: Gluttony



The fruit gnawing insect hides in the apple as soon as it is born, and spends its whole life in the apple, growing while eating the pulp.

It uses bodily fluids to increase the strength of the apple's skin while keeping the apple from rotting.

If you lose the apple, your body will lose water and gradually become weaker.

If it falls from a height, it is possible to jump out of the apple.

When encountering the natural enemy bird elf, it will pretend to be an apple to protect itself, and humming bats sometimes mistake it for food. The direction of its evolution depends on the taste of apples.


Fengmilong evolved from fruit gnawing insects eating sweet apples.

Its body structure is similar to that of a turtle. Its high raised back is covered with woven fruit pie lace, and the top of the back still retains the eyelids from the period when it gnawed on fruit insects. Eye.

【Spirit】: Fengmilong

【Attribute】: Grass, Dragon

[Talent]: ★★★

【Grade】: LV41

[Characteristics]: Mature



Fengmilong's body is covered with sweet honey juice, and it will emit a sweet fragrance from its body to lure insect elves to take the bait.

Its staple food is sweet apples, and sometimes it also eats small bug spirits attracted by its sweet honeydew.

The skin on its back is especially sweet and used to be a snack for children.

When a dolphin comes to lick the sweetness on its back, it will spit out sticky honey juice to repel it.


It turned out to be these two elves, they don't look like dragon elves, they just look like grass elves.

There is no ferocious and violent temperament that belongs to the dragon elves.

Feng Milong also found Jiang Jing and the others hiding in the grass.

The main reason is that there is no way to hide at all. Boss Kedora and Big Rock Snake are too big.

Looking at the appearance of the Boscodora giant golden monster, it didn't feel scared, but made a friendly voice.

However, compared to Fengmilong, the fruit gnawing insect is a little scared, hiding behind it and not daring to come out.

Fengmilong put out several apples for them to eat.

Jiang Jing didn't refuse either, and chose one of them.


After taking a big bite, the juice poured into the taste buds.

"It's so sweet!"

Jiang Jing admired.

"Try it, everyone, it's very good."

Seeing this, Lucario and the others also began to taste it.

Their eyes lit up after taking a bite. It was the first time they had eaten such a sweet apple.

Seeing that everyone is satisfied, Feng Milong also showed a happy smile.


Jiang Hao lay on the back of Qixi Blue Bird, took out the tablet and opened it, and there was a map on it.

He looked around from time to time and checked the map.

"That's right, it should be there."

"The blue bird of breath flew to the right, this time our target is the desert dragonfly."


The Tanabata blue bird vibrates its wings and starts to speed up.

The strong wind around him didn't feel pain on his face.

He already has five dragon-type spirits on him, and there are only six left before the last one.

The last dragon elf chose the desert dragonfly.

As a dragon trainer, how could he not have six dragon elves.

But when it came to this, he thought of Jiang Jing, and he was a little curious, which dragon elf Jiang Jing would subdue.

Aluminum steel dragon?

This is really possible, Steel Dragon just fits his identity as a steel-type outfitter.


Not only Jiang Hao, but others have also started their own journey of subjugation.

They all have a clear goal, and they are all here for one.

Unlike Jiang Jing, he hasn't decided which dragon elf he wants yet.


In a forest in the Dragon Valley, a group of tall and mighty elves are drinking and playing around the river.

There are many dragon spirits that are rarely seen in normal times: Strange Crocodile, Baby Tyrannosaurus, Red-faced Dragon, Gills Dragon, Giant Crocodile Ant, Ultrasonic Larva, Desert Dragonfly, Green Mianniao, Tanabata Blue Bird and Double Axe Dragon ...

There are too many dragon elves, there are seventy or eighty at random.

Different dragon elves stay together very harmoniously.

We can also play together.


One Fang walked out of the forest with small steps.

It was a little thirsty, so it ran directly to a group of teeth and sent them to drink water together.

Compared with other Fangya, its body is smaller and its color is also different.

When the other Fangya saw it, they directly hit it with their heads.


Ya Ya was hit by his butt and sat on the ground.

The other Fangya shouted after seeing it for a while, and then dispersed one after another.

It looked at other Yaya with a little envy and aggrieved eyes.

Tooth: (ó﹏ò)

It also wants to play with everyone, why do you hate yourself so much?

Thinking of this, a sense of grievance gushed out uncontrollably in his heart.

The eye sockets were sour, and finally there was no way to come to the other side to drink water.

But it saw the baby Tyrannosaurus drinking water next to it, so it leaned over.

The baby Tyrannosaurus saw Yaya and didn't drive it away.

Seeing that it didn't catch up with him, Yaya immediately became happy.


Yaya said can we play together?

The baby Tyrannosaurus did not refuse either, so they played together after drinking the water.

Chasing and playing, Yaya runs in front, and Baby Tyrannosaurus chases behind.

Teeth: ()

It felt very happy, but soon it was caught up, and the baby Tyrannosaurus accidentally hit it directly.



Ya Ya fell to the ground, feeling like his body was about to fall apart.

He climbed up holding his painful buttocks.

The baby tyrannosaurus stood next to it and laughed at why it was so weak and too slow.

Yaya felt a little wronged, and he didn't know why he was born smaller than other Yayas, and his speed and strength were not as good as them.

Even the color of the body is different.

As a result, the Double Ax War Dragon in the group didn't like it.

Baby Tyrannosaurus comforted him beside him.

After the game, the two sides will leave.

The baby Tyrannosaurus came back to the crocodile and bid farewell to Yaya.

Yaya waved his little short hand reluctantly to bid farewell to him.

Thanks to the book friend book friend 20210920095225630 for the reward of 500 starting coins

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